Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 59: Contest!


Tie Butian's glance looked ordinary, but it was the combination of Emperor's Divine Art and Bing Xinche Yugu Divine Art. He wants to give the other party a feeling that he is invincible within the first impression, and give the other party a feeling of 'this person is a born king'.

As long as the seeds of this feeling are planted, it will be a great help for Tie Butian to recruit this person in the future, and the cooperation or recruitment between the two in the future will be a matter of course!

At this time, Tie Butian naturally thought that the other party was just passing by now, and he was looking at him. Absolutely no defense. In fact, whether it's a battle or a conversation, most people will pay attention to each other's eyes, but who would have imagined that the eyes can have such an effect

And Chu Yang's glance was, of course, more deliberate!

For this one glance, he even drew out all the cold air from the place where the seven Yins gathered from the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword, and used it as his own power to create an aura that was frozen thousands of miles away. , and then gathered the boundless arrogance in his heart, and saw this!

Just this one glance is bound to leave an indelible impression on Tie Butian!

Chu Yang's gaze was calm, sharp, proud and wild, just like the wolf king of the extreme northern grassland, sharp as a sword, and ruthless as ice. In these eyes, full of ruthlessness!

In this kind of vision, all living beings in the world are ants and can be slaughtered; the nine heavens are like grass, and they can be trampled on!

But Tie Butian's gaze is gentle and calm, like the sea is tolerant of all rivers, and the sky is high; but it is like looking down on the common people from the sky, an aura of a king high above, spreading with the wind!

I am here, King's Landing!

In the whole world, is it the land of the king; on the shore of the land, is it the king's subject!

One is intentional and the other is unintentional, but they all go all out by coincidence!

This is a contest!

But there was no winner in this contest. If Chu Yang's eyes were the waves, Tie Butian's eyes were the rocks. The waves are churning, rolling up thousands of piles of snow. The reef stands tall and remains motionless.

Is it the reef that breaks the waves? Or did the waves overwhelm the reef? Who can say who wins and who loses

But after just this glance, Chu Yang was like a gust of wind, which stopped four or five feet away from Tie Butian's horse and horse, and blew past like a whirlwind, turning into a phantom with a whooping sound, and disappeared in the direction of the city gate. From the beginning to the end, the eyes did not change.

Tie Butian's gaze also calmly retracted, thoughtful.

It seems that this time, it was just a coincidence. A very short meeting.

Even Tie Butian and the others took this meeting as a coincidence!

"What a scary person." Behind Tie Butian, dozens of masters whose Tiju skills were already full breathed a sigh of relief, their faces heavy. Some people even had cold sweat dripping from the tip of their noses. There was a slap under his feet, but the power he raised suddenly dissipated, and the ground under his feet was actually cracked!

At that moment just now, the feeling of cold air hitting the face and freezing thousands of miles away made everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Although the opponent didn't make any moves, just flitting, but at the same time, everyone felt a terrifying feeling of a sharp sword flying through the air, as if it was about to kill and slash the general, and then flew away through the air. Its momentum was unstoppable!

"A scary person? How scary?" Tie Butian asked slowly, looking at the direction Chu Yang was going away thoughtfully.

"This man, look at his eyes and look at his aura, I'm afraid he is a top executioner in the world!" Beside Tie Butian, a man in Tsing Yi took a breath and said in a strongly guarded tone: "However, this man's The purpose is obviously not the prince. Because when he looked at you, the prince, he didn't have the slightest murderous intent. There was only one kind... indifference."

Speaking of this, dozens of people around were suddenly thoughtful: Facing the prince of a country, such a grand ceremonial guard, but so indifferently dismissive... Then this person's nerve tenacity and high concentration can be seen Average.

However, after searching every corner of my mind, I can't think of anyone in the Jianghu who looks like this. This person is obviously very young, no more than seventeen or eighteen years old at most, but after thinking about all the young talents, he found that none of them met the conditions disclosed by this person. Who is this man

"Oh?" A faint smile appeared on Tie Butian's face as white as jade, and he said softly: "A scary person, isn't he an interesting person? If he doesn't target me, then there is a great possibility They are not enemies. Since they are not enemies, will they become friends?"

Turning his head and looking at Du Shiqing's car, Tie Butian pondered: "That person just now seemed to be flying from the direction of Miracle Doctor Du? Before that, there was no such aura, right? So, his original position, Should it be in Du Shiqing's team?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded involuntarily.

This is very obvious.

"Since such a master exists in Du Shiqing's team, then Du Shiqing must know this person." Tie Butian said reassuringly: "And the direction this person is going is in Tieyun City..."

His eyes flickered, and he sighed and said, "How can such a talent be let go? Send two people to see if they can keep up. However, no matter what, don't offend the conflict."

The two people behind him nodded, stepped back from the queue, got on their horses, swung the whip, and disappeared in the direction of the city gate in an instant with the sound of hooves.

Tie Butian didn't look back, he flicked his sleeves and said, "Everyone follow me to welcome Miracle Doctor Du."

Chu Yang passed Tie Butian like a whirlwind, and he left in an instant, but until he entered the city gate, the shock in his heart still hadn't calmed down.

"How could this be?" Chu Yang was full of doubts. "How could it be Bing Xin's Jade Bone Divine Art? Why is it Bing Xin's Jade Bone Divine Art? I am not surprised that he can perform the Emperor's Divine Art. This is the royal martial arts passed down from generation to generation in Tie Yun Kingdom; but he... clearly used this A kind of magical art that penetrates the heart of the ice and penetrates the bones of the jade! Why?"

Bing Xin's Jade Bone Divine Art is a secret art of the holy clan, and the requirements for cultivation are very special. Either, it is the more perverted and feminine kind of man who cultivates, or simply cultivates in the body of a woman to achieve the greatest effect.

That kind of man who is full of masculinity may not be able to practice this kind of ice-hearted man in a lifetime. Chu Yang wondered, with Prince Butian's powerful position, what kind of exercises could he not get? Why do you have to practice this icy heart piercing magic skill

But no matter what, this Prince Butian of Iron Cloud Kingdom left a deep impression on Chu Yang. Especially those eyes, clear as water, cold as ice, yet gentle and calm, tolerant of the world, profound and unfathomable.

But Chu Yang's deepest impression is: these eyes are so beautiful that they hardly belong to the world! …

Thinking of the end, Chu Yang couldn't help laughing: Looking at the prince's face, although he is heroic, he is too handsome, so why isn't he a bit sissy? A typical boy with a handsome face, it seems that it is not surprising to practice this magical skill...

Du Shiqing's chariot and horse finally appeared in front of everyone. Old man Gao raised the curtain of the car, and Du Shiqing stepped out.

Tie Butian took a step forward, bowed deeply, and said: "Mr. Du has traveled a long way, and he has worked so hard from afar. He is leaving Tie Butian, and came here specially to meet Mr. Du."

His voice is clear and calm. And in front of Du Shiqing, he actually claimed to be subordinate, and didn't call himself 'Ben Gong' or 'Gu' or anything like that. It gave Du Shiqing enough face. From this we can see how much this prince Tieyun attaches great importance to his father's condition.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is so polite. How can this old man dare to bother His Highness the Crown Prince's body of gold and jade to pick him up in person. I am so terrified." Du Shiqing hurriedly saluted, with a little excitement on his face.

"Sir, there is no need to be polite. As long as you cure your father's illness, you will be the benefactor of my entire Tieyun Kingdom! No matter what kind of courtesy you receive, it is a matter of course." Tie Butian smiled, and stretched out his hand in a gentle manner: "Mr. Du, please!"

Du Shiqing said: "Please, Your Highness."

Only then did he get back in the carriage, and walked all the way to the city gate under the cheers and embraces of the crowd.

"Mr. Du, I want to ask Mr. Du about something." Tie Butian smiled and said, "Just now I saw a person flying out of Mr. Du's queue, and the speed was very fast. Could it be that the person is not Are you with Mr. Du?"