Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 61: Jiangyang Thief Horse Tuozi?


Tie Butian sighed again, and said softly, "Lan Xiang, rub both temples for me." It seemed that she already knew she was coming. But Lan Xiang knew that he was in a trance just now and didn't notice himself at all.

Because Tie Butian would never show his weakness in front of anyone!

Tie Butian raised his eyes to look at Lan Xiang, his eyes were clear again; he didn't even need time to change, he had already recovered the demeanor of the Prince Butian who ruled the world!

Lan Xiang agreed and walked over gently.

The prince is very tired, too tired! All I have to do is try my best to make him relax for a while...

But just after pressing it for a while, Tie Butian suddenly remembered something and sat up. He frowned, pondered for a while, and said, "Send someone to see if Baokuanglei and Miss Wu Qianqian from Tianwailou have slept. If not, please come to my place." Because he suddenly thought Wake up, when Du Shiqing introduced Chu Yang during the day, he seemed to have said once: Abandoned from Tianwailou!

The word "abandoned apprentice" made Tie Butian puzzled. Such a person, no matter which sect he is placed in, is probably a top figure. He is protected like a treasure, and it is too late to train him. How could he be expelled from the sect

Wu Yunliang, the suzerain of Tianwailou, has been in contact with him several times before, so he doesn't seem to be such a confused person. Is there any hidden secret in this? Or is there any plot? Or is there something else... something else

Lan Xiang was taken aback, and replied obediently: "Yes."

Tie Butian then lay down again. Even when he was lying down, the snow-white cloak on his body was still tightly covering him, not revealing the slightest figure.

After a while, Baokuanglei and Wu Qianqian arrived.

After a while, looking at the backs of Bao Kuang Lei and Wu Qianqian walking out, Tie Butian lay down thoughtfully.

The Chu Yang mentioned by Bao Kuanglei and Wu Qianqian and the Chu Yang mentioned by Du Shiqing are simply not the same person! As for the matter of abandoning disciples, the two of them didn't know the inside story. They only learned from the school bulletin that Chu Yang killed his elder brother and seriously violated the rules of the Tianwai Building. He was extremely tolerant if he didn't execute him on the spot. show.

Tie Butian frowned slightly, and after a long time, he said indistinctly: "This Chu Yang is really interesting." His voice was so low that no one could hear it except himself.

As soon as Chu Yang entered the city gate, he wiped his face and changed his appearance. He walked along the road for a while, turned into an alley, and then turned two corners. When he came out again, he had changed into another same look. In his thirties, he has a fleshy face and a slightly hunched back.

Walking out step by step, lifelike, just like a hunchback.

It's not that he doesn't want Tie Butian to find him, but he wants to find him after accumulating the most capital for himself. After all, it is impossible to have a certain status without strength and capital!

So now Chu Yang is not doing anything, and in broad daylight, he has started his method of accumulating capital! But his "means" are somewhat "unscrupulous"...

The reason why Tie Yun Country is so coveted by Fifth Qingrou is because there are countless mines in Tie Yun Country! Moreover, most of them are fine iron ore!

That's why Tieyun Kingdom is so extravagant, even the feather arrows of ordinary soldiers are made of half fine steel.

You know, even if it is as rich as Da Zhao, only the arrows of the soldiers' feather arrows are pure iron. The other parts are all bamboo and wood.

Furthermore, Tieyun Kingdom is close to the grasslands, located in the north, and its people are tough and powerful; if Tieyun Kingdom is not removed first, no matter which direction the Great Zhao Empire sends troops, there will be a feeling of thorns behind it.

Chu Yang went out of the alley, and a fat man came in front of him.

With a fat face and big ears, his eyes are somewhat lecherous, and he patrols around. The clothes she was wearing were not too fancy, and she was a little hunched when she walked, well, it didn't look like she was a powerful person. And besides looking at the big girl and the young daughter-in-law, everyone else is a little dodgy. He seems to be a timid person...

Chu Yang stepped forward, looking fierce, and grabbed his lapel with his hands. The next moment, he had already returned to the alley, and dragged the fat man in like a dead pig.

Chu Yang moved quickly. There was only a flash of a figure outside, and the fat man who was hated by everyone in the street disappeared...

The fat man was caught off guard, so frightened that his whole body was trembling with fat, he begged for mercy without daring to speak out loudly: "Old... uncle, there are old and young, this, this..."

"What this and that!" Chu Yang stared fiercely: "I tell you, I am a horse hunchback from Wuhua Mountain outside the city! I will go to the city today and do some business. If you like it, I will show you a way to get rich!"

" hunchback?" The fat man tremblingly looked at Chu Yang's disguised hunchback, and was so frightened that he almost lost his breath. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a sentence popped up: "Grand... lord, lord, there is no Wuhua Mountain outside the city..."

"Grass!" Chu Yang shook his face with a slap, "You don't care if there is Wuhua Mountain or not, I only ask you, do you want to die or live?"

"I want to live, I want to live; Your Majesty, spare your life." The fat man replied with incomparable sharpness.

"Tell me about the situation in Tieyun City." Chu Yang said ferociously: "Be more detailed. If there is a little bit of detail, I will take out your fat and fat and light the sky lantern!" There was a cracking sound of joints. Coupled with the ferocious gaze, it is almost frightening.

The situation in Iron Cloud City naturally needs to be found out.

The fat man's body went limp, and he collapsed on the ground like mud, with snot and tears crisscrossing his face. The crotch was dripping, and the front and back erupted at the same time, and a bad smell came out...

Half an hour later, Chu Yang walked out of the alley quickly, clutching his nose. After walking a long way, he finally took a long, hard breath of air.

My mother, almost suffocated me. It really stinks.

In the end, the fat man didn't know whether he was too frightened to cause stomach discomfort or what, so he just kept farting loudly while introducing him tremblingly.

It made Chu Yang extremely depressed!

However, I have to say that although this fat man is not very educated, he is quite familiar with this Iron Cloud City.

From south to north, from east to west, I gave Chu Yang a very detailed introduction, even in which street or alley, so-and-so's girl is particularly juicy, so-and-so's young lady is particularly beautiful, and so-and-so's girl is extremely coquettish... I said it in detail.

A certain girl has fair skin, a certain girl has a protruding figure, and a certain girl is better at seducing a pair of peach blossom eyes...

Who has more money, who has more power... This city is divided into black and white, their respective business contents, and the distribution of mines outside the city...

Who can't be messed with, who should avoid...

And so on and so on, and so on. Hearing this made Chu Yang dizzy; in the end, following the fat man's advice, he went out a long way and bought a map.

Only after he walked a long way, the fat man walked out with his fat legs trembling, leaning on the wall as weakly as willows blown by the wind. Then, with dripping crotch full of crotch, he walked away in a daze, and smelt a smell like a public toilet along the way, attracting passers-by on the road to hold their noses and look around in surprise...