Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 74: The true meaning of the word Heavenly Soldiers!


Hearing this, the men in black at the door turned their heads and looked at him. Chu Yang felt a cold murderous aura lock on him.

Iron Dragon City's words were like a breakthrough, breaking through the barrage of murderous intent!

Beside Chu Yang, another murderous mountain torrent erupted, sweeping and spreading. This murderous aura is more pure and sharp! With one against four, they did not lose the wind!

It was Gu Duxing who was standing quietly beside Chu Yang!

Gu Duxing's hand was already on the hilt of the sword! His eyes have revealed the dazzling light that can only be released by gathering all the strength of the whole body! Intimidating, yet calming!

Gu Duxing's murderous intent and those four people's murderous intent stirred together, and suddenly the whole store fell into an ice cave. The cold atmosphere filled half of the street.

In Gu Duxing's eyes, no matter what the people in front of him are, no matter what power, status and achievements they have, the next three days will be the next three days! The next three days can never be compared with the middle three days!

Not to mention a general, even an emperor... so what

Chu Yang is now his biggest reliance and only hope to rescue Miss Xiao Miao! If these people wanted to deal with Chu Yang, they had to step over their own corpses!

No matter what, as long as you dare to do it, I will kill you!

Tielongcheng looked at Gu Duxing in surprise, waved his hand back, and all four murderous auras disappeared without a trace. Gu Duxing snorted, took his own breath away, and returned to that cold zombie face. Standing behind Chu Yang, he remained motionless.

The four people on the opposite side also restrained their murderous aura one after another, and looked at Gu Duxing with cautious eyes. Such a murderous look, and such a young man, had a huge impact on the four of them!

"Not bad." Tielongcheng praised, not sure whether it was Gu Duxing or Baojian who praised him. He looked at Chu Yang, and said slowly: "You have opened for three days, and your store has already faced the crisis of closing dozens of times! Do you know that if it wasn't for my order, your store, even you, It has already turned into fly ash!"

"Why?" Chu Yang gritted his teeth in his heart, thinking, I said, why didn't I come to make trouble, so it was you, an old fellow, who was secretly making trouble. Old thing, you ruined the young master's plan, and you still want to pay the credit

"For the word 'Heavenly Soldiers'!" Tielongcheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Yang: "You can choose such a name and put up such a signboard on the first street of Tieyun Kingdom in a grand manner, which shows that you have deep scheming, and you can see it It is far and deep! You have grasped Tie Yun's real flaw! The old man always wants to see what your intentions are! Otherwise, even if a small store like yours is full of magical weapons , is not worthy of the old man's condescension!"

"What intentions?" Hearing these words, the girl next to her couldn't help but raised her head and looked at Chu Yang.

"That's right, this person has ulterior motives! However, if it's just ulterior motives, it's not worth my coming." Tielongcheng put his hands behind his back: "There is a reason why I came here in person today. Moreover, before that, We must stop all those who are interested in Tianbing Pavilion! No matter who they are, as long as there are people coming, the shop owner can successfully rely on these people to realize his plan! Although the old man does not know what plan he has, he directly blocks it , can indeed make any plot have no time and space to exert its power!"

"The essence of this shop is not to sell weapons; it's to find trouble!" Iron Dragon City said coldly. Chu Yang's true intentions were almost revealed.

"Just block it directly. This is the simplest method and the most effective method. If I change the time, I will let him go for a while. But Fifth Qingrou has already started to deploy in the southwest, and at this moment, I can't let him go for a moment!"

Chu Yang's heart trembled, and a cold sweat dripped down his vest.

Who said that everyone in the world is a fool? This Iron Dragon City is simply terrifying!

He didn't know his plan, but just a simple blockade made his plan go bankrupt! There is no follow-up power anymore.

"Fifth Qingrou's plan against Tieyun Kingdom started ten years ago. Ten years ago, a large number of killers sneaked into Tieyun. All the well-known blacksmiths in Yunguo were killed one by one! It caused the bloodbath ten years ago."

The eyes of Iron Dragon City became as sharp as a needle point: "Until now, in the records of the government, there are still mysteries. Those craftsmen with super high forging skills who can produce high-quality weapons are dead and clean. .Then, the blacksmiths in the army also died suddenly one by one! There are more than 30,000 blacksmiths who died in the whole country! Especially those master-level craftsmen, none of them were spared!"

"The entire Iron Cloud Country, which has the most powerful and rich mines in the entire continent, has become a desert for blacksmiths! Such a ridiculous thing just happened!"

Tielongcheng snorted, and said: "I hate those bastards in the Criminal Department who just treat this matter as a normal case. Let's deal with it hastily!"

"It wasn't until the end that the forging bases directly under the three largest military camps in Dazhao and 17 domestic and foreign arms suppliers were uprooted, and they realized that this incident had really shaken the country. But at that time, everything had changed. It's too late to regret!"

"The worst thing is that those blacksmith masters were killed, and even the place where they lived was burned to a piece of white ground! All the hard work of their lives was destroyed, and those precious experiences can be handed down, and there are only a handful of them! "

Chu Yang's heart was shaken.

It turns out that Iron Cloud Country became a forging desert because of this incident!

Wu Wuqingrou's move is really vicious! Moreover, those who died were only some blacksmiths, which did not arouse the vigilance of Tie Yun's senior management at all at first. But, by the time they realized it, the massacre had already come to an end.

Tens of thousands of lives were destroyed for the sake of Fifth Qingrou's ambition! But there is no evidence. This kind of heroic method is really shocking.

Moreover, after this massacre, even if Da Zhao unifies Tie Yun, there is no need to worry about any rebellion in Tie Yun's territory! How many blacksmiths can a country have? Because Tieyun is a gathering place of mines, there are tens of thousands of skilled blacksmiths; but, after this killing, how many can be left

Even young and middle-aged people who originally had such a mind to choose a career will retreat after such a massacre.

The key to raising troops is the word "raise soldiers"; the word "soldiers" not only refers to soldiers, but also refers to weapons! Without weapons, what rebellion do you use? with two hands? Isn't this a joke

This kind of thing made Chu Yang feel horrified when he thought about it. It was tens of thousands of lives, not tens of thousands of logs. And it's a commoner blacksmith. This is purely brutal massacre!

How cruel, unscrupulous, and insane is the person who can issue this order? !

And not long after that incident, under the leadership of Wu Qingrou, Great Zhao started to fight year after year. There were frequent wars between the two countries of Great Zhao and Tieyun, and the supply of soldiers' weapons was naturally in short supply. But at this time, Tie Yun did not have the kind of blacksmith who could forge elite soldiers and sharp weapons!

This incident seems to be nothing more than a brutal and inhuman killing that harmed the innocent, but who would have thought that it would be related to the victory or defeat between the two great powers

"War together, fight frequently; Tieyun Guokong guards the world's richest mine, with inexhaustible iron ore and fine iron, but it can't make super-class weapons! If the weapons of the general commanding the army are broken I can’t find any suitable weapons anymore, I can only use the swords of ordinary soldiers!”

"Ordinary soldiers are not in any danger, because they use ordinary swords. But, who would have thought that the other party's behavior, massacring the lowest blacksmith, was actually to deal with my leader, Tie Yun?"

Tielongcheng let out a low growl, and shouted: "For a person who can transport eighty catties of weapons, let him use seven or eight catties of knives, and the enemy's weapons will shatter and break when they touch the enemy. The combat power will not only drop a level. That's all? Why Tie Yun can only protect himself all the year round, but can't eradicate the troubles, let alone attack, this is one of the major reasons!"

"On the battlefield, the soldiers held inferior swords and galloped their horses to fight the enemy. After a collision, their own swords and guns were shattered! How ridiculous this is! How many heroes and men died so tragically against opponents who were not as good as themselves hands!"

"As a result, the entire Tieyun country retreated steadily! The soldiers wanted to kill the enemy, but they were powerless! Seeing the surrounding seven prefectures and forty-eight counties fall into the territory of Da Zhao, they also achieved the world-famous reputation of the fifth Qingrou!"

"In the past eight years, Tie Yun Country has relaxed all requirements for blacksmiths, but it still cannot make up for the losses of these eight years. Moreover, those brothers who have died in battle will never come back! The quality of weapons is that of Tie Yun Country. The biggest pain! Now, you actually opened the Tianbing Pavilion in the busiest street in Iron Cloud City?!"

Tielongcheng looked at Chu Yang coldly: "Just the word Tianbing has already touched one of Tie Yun's most sensitive nerves! What are your intentions?"