Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 79: The scars must be uncovered!


"Now you have found me, but you are worried that my cooperation with you will arouse the suspicion of Prince Butian, and you want to stay out of it? But you say I shouldn't find you?" Chu Yang sighed: "You are also quite old. Why are you talking upside down?"

"Hahahaha..." Hearing Chu Yang's words, the guards of Tielongcheng all glared; but Tielongcheng himself laughed heartily and strode out.

When he walked to the door, he turned his head and looked at Chu Yang: "I like your swords very much; but one hundred thousand taels of gold is too expensive; I have a lot of geniuses and treasures. But I still have to keep those old men I can't change it for saving the lives of the soldiers. But I like your sword very much, what should I do?... "

Chu Yang became angry because of this, he had never seen such a thick-skinned person. That being said, it is clear that he wants to give him a handle.

He said angrily: "But I am also reluctant to part with these swords. Naturally, I can't give them to anyone, and the one I can't give them the most is you!"

"Hahahaha..." Iron Dragon City laughed extremely happily, wiping the tears from his laughter and said: "Boy, you will give it to me; I promise! At that time, I will pretend not to, and I have to let you give it to me several times I reluctantly accept it; you wait."

After finishing speaking, he broke out into a burst of hearty laughter again, left behind such a thoughtless remark, turned around and went out, and left just like that.

"You want me to beg you? Then just wait!" Chu Yang snorted, "It's not dark yet, but you've had sweet dreams quite early!"

There was a sound of brushing outside the door, neat and orderly; but within a few breaths, the soldiers on the whole street were completely evacuated, and during this period, there was no sound at all.

In the distance, there was a faint sound of hustle and bustle. The streets began to recover.

Chu Yang turned his head and was about to say something when his mouth suddenly grew wider.

Only Gu Duxing was left in front of him, that strange girl who disappeared without knowing when. When she came here, she seemed to ask about the price and did nothing else. Just disappeared...

"How did you leave?" Chu Yang scratched his head.

"Whether she leaves or not. I just want to ask you..." Gu Duxing looked at him deeply: "Are you planning to intervene in the battle between Tieyun Kingdom and the Great Zhao Empire?"

Chu Yang nodded slightly and said, "Not bad."

"This is a very unwise decision! You and I are just warriors. You don't know what warriors mean. Warriors, you are not ignorant of the status of warriors in the next three days, and the attitudes of various courts towards warriors. What's more , Whether it's the court or the battlefield, they are much more dangerous than the rivers and lakes, I don't think this is a good decision for you."

"I know that this is not the way of a warrior, and I also know the dangers involved; I also know that as long as I plunge into it, I will die anytime and anywhere. But I have a reason to intervene." Chu Yang looked at Gu Duxing, He said deeply: "Just as you would rather die 10,000 times than not save Gu Miaoling, I also have the same reasons as you."

Gu Duxing looked into Chu Yang's eyes, and what he saw was, in Chu Yang's eyes, a hidden deep pain and expectation. That kind of deep emotion, even, is much deeper than my own emotion for Gu Miaoling!

Gu Duxing nodded slowly. At this moment, he suddenly understood why Chu Yang wanted to help him rescue Gu Miaoling. Although Chu Yang didn't say it clearly, Gu Duxing already knew his intentions.

Because, Chu Yang also has such a beauty! Therefore, he did not allow such a beautiful woman to disappear, nor did he allow such a sincere and beautiful emotion to be annihilated in the wind.

At this moment, Gu Duxing felt moved.

"If you think it's dangerous, it's still too late to quit now." Chu Yang said lightly, "I will still do what I promised you."

"I also want to retire...but I also know that the fastest place to improve my cultivation is the battlefield." Gu Duxing suddenly laughed, and his smile was so sunny: "And, I have promised you , sell me these ten years to you. Although I want to retire, I value my promise more."

He blinked and said, "You only know that you keep your promise, but you don't want me to be a villain who breaks promises, do you?"

Chu Yang stared at him for a while, and finally smiled and said: "Yes, I thought you would break your promise and gain weight, but I really didn't expect you to be."

Gu Duxing laughed and punched him hard on the shoulder. The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed. At this moment, a kind of brotherhood of living together and dying together to face the wind and rain, just quietly grows from each other's hearts.

If you can work hard for my affairs, I can work hard for you. It's that simple!

The two teenagers really recognized each other at this moment, but neither of them said it out. Instead, they used reasons like promises to cover up their sincerity.

But each other knows that each other knows what they know.

The smile at this moment is very warm.

Surrounded by the distant army, Iron Dragon City and the girl were talking in a low voice.

Iron Dragon City: "This person is available. Great use."

Girl: "Oh? Really?"

"Don't come with me in such a weird way, what are you doing here? And you come here alone?"


"This person is going to deal with Fifth Qingrou. Although the old man doesn't know the reason, I know his intentions from the opening of the Tianbing Pavilion, the word Tianbing." Tielongcheng smiled: "It is unnecessary No doubt, no one would be stupid enough to open Tianbing Pavilion in Tie Yun. Because these two words are a taboo for Tie Yun. But he opened it, so I think, this person may not know what happened before."

The girl hummed, then turned her head suddenly: "Is it because of this second uncle? That's why..."

"Yes, because of this, I came here. Because he met you at the city gate, and your interest in him showed a little bit more. It is a good thing to be thirsty for talents, but you are young after all. .Although the second uncle is old, he can still help you see people first." Tie Longcheng smiled: "It's just that I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"Then everything Second Uncle said to him must have something to say," the girl smiled thoughtfully, "every sentence is a hint? Second Uncle is worthy of his cleverness."

"Ha, he wants to deal with Wu Wuqingrou, and you appear here again, so of course I have to let him know how much we have paid to deal with Wu Wuqingrou. This is a prerequisite, but the secrets he said, I do have some things I don't know."

"But this has uncovered the scar in Second Uncle's heart..." The girl took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "I know that in the entire Tieyun Kingdom, the person who least wants to bring up the past is you Second Uncle; but today you , but took the initiative to mention it. The second uncle did it all for me. "

"It's also because of Tie Yun." Iron Dragon City walked silently, with a hard expression on his face: "I don't want to mention it, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Since you plan to use this person, the more he knows, the better." One day, when the second uncle can no longer go to the battlefield, I don't want you to make wrong judgments because the old history conceals the truth."

"So it must be said! The scar must also be uncovered!"