Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 80: What is brother?


"However, although this person is useful and can cooperate, he also needs to be on the defensive. There is no doubt that he wants to deal with Fifth Qingrou, but he has never said the reason. What is especially strange is that in his eyes, there is no Power **. This is what is amazing." Iron Dragon City pondered.

"Could it be that day above...?"

"You mean... trials? Well, it's also possible. But in that case, your identity will not be revealed."

"But... there hasn't been such a legend for a long time."

"Hurry up and let the intelligence personnel from all over the place search to see if any strange but powerful young people have appeared." Iron Dragon City said indifferently: "If there are, and there are more than one; then, you can be sure."

"Well, but those people should keep their distance."

"That's nature; available, but not controlled!"

"This Chu Yang is an abandoned disciple from the Heavenly Outer Building." The girl said slowly as she pondered, her voice was as slow as it was about to break.

"Abandoned from Tianwailou? No way? Wu Yunliang is willing to abandon such a talent?"

"I also find it strange." The girl said: "Also, I think that the person next to him is from that place."

"That person next to him?"

"The young man next to him is also terrifying. Moreover, his origin seems to be more mysterious than Chu Yang's, and he just appeared out of thin air."

"But no matter what, he listened to Chu Yang; so, just watch what Chu Yang does. Well, in addition, find a way to contact Wu Yunliang from Tianwailou. I want to ask him."

"it is good."

"Tell the criminal department that there is no need to investigate the case of Tongtian Thief." Iron Dragon City chuckled: "Investigate and investigate. If we really find out, you and I will have to wipe his ass."

"So the second uncle thought about it too." The girl's face flushed; she was obviously a little tender to this vulgar expression of "wiping her ass".

"Everyone wants to wipe their ass!" Tielongcheng laughed loudly. But after saying this sentence, the girl pondered for a moment, her eyes lit up. Although this sentence is vulgar, what kind of profound meaning does it seem to contain

At a fork in the road, the girl parted ways with Iron Dragon City, waved her hand, and walked out lightly, turned a corner, and disappeared.

Tielongcheng had been watching the girl disappear before he heaved a sigh of relief; looking at the girl's back, his eyes were full of pity, he sighed heavily, and murmured: "This iron cloud's burden is hard to bear. Very."

"No matter how difficult it is, as long as you are there, Marshal, Tie Yun will always exist!" The deputy general beside him said full of respect. It seems that they have unparalleled confidence in Iron Dragon City.

"I'm just a marshal, but I'm not..." Tie Yuncheng shook his head, before finishing his sentence, he shouted: "Go back." Go ahead. Not far ahead is Tianwei Mansion. Tianwei Mansion is the residence of Iron Dragon City.

The title of Iron Dragon City in Iron Cloud Kingdom is: Prince Tianwei!

"I'm old, it's time to make way for the young people." Tielongcheng thought silently, and ordered: "From now on, military affairs, no matter how big or small, should be reported to His Royal Highness while reporting to me! As long as you can't afford a full-scale decisive battle, don't expect me to make any more decisions. The old man... I have to rest for a few years."

"This..." All the people who heard it next to me were shocked.

"Prince, he can support it." Tie Longcheng said indifferently: "If he can't support it, then there is no need for this country to exist." This sentence, he said, has a deep meaning.

Iron Dragon City is gone, but his ban has not been cancelled. At Chu Yang's place, there were still a large crowd of people watching, but no one dared to come in to see.

But the two people in the store were not in a hurry, it was approaching noon; Gu Duxing went out with a lot of money, made a lot of purchases, the table was filled with wine and vegetables, and the two ate and drank.

When the wine had just been filled, Gu Duxing raised the wine bowl first: "Chu Yang, I present you a bowl!"

"it is good!"

"Hey, I really don't want to drink this bowl of wine."

"Oh? Why?"

"After drinking this bowl of wine, I, Gu Duxing, am no longer alone; it doesn't match my name too much."

"Then you can change your name to 'Gu Shuangfei'?"

"That's fine, but... will you fly with me, or will I fly with you?"

"Go away, uncle! You two pigs fly together!"

"Hahaha… "

After drinking for three rounds, two empty wine jars had been thrown on the ground, and the other two wine jars on the table were already half empty. This is a five-jin wine jar; first-class spirits.

Gu Duxing's tongue was already getting a little big: "Chu Yang, I can see that you are very good, but I really don't understand which family you are from? It doesn't make sense. There are still young people in this world. Someone I can admire Gu Duxing? This is really inappropriate... "

"I don't have a family." Chu Yang was silent for a while. Pick up the wine bowl and drink it down.

"No family?"

"I'm an orphan. Strictly speaking, I'm an outcast." Chu Yang chuckled and burst into tears, "I don't even know my last name. This name was chosen by my master."

There was a silence.

"Alright, at least you still have hope; I don't know where in the world you still have parents." Gu Duxing sighed, "I have parents, and I know my last name, but my parents were killed. .never see them again..."

"Dry! Drink and drink."

"Yes, drink, don't talk about this."

"Chu Yang, before I met you, I didn't have any brothers, hehe, now I do."

"Yes? Where? Why didn't I see it?"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't seen it. It's fine if I see it, hahaha..."

"Brother... What is a brother?"

"Brother, haha, a brother is a brother, nothing!" Gu Duxing laughed loudly: "If there is a mountain of swords in front of my brother, then I am willing to step on my brother to cross the mountain of swords! This is a brother! I am a brother, but as long as I treat him as a brother, then he is my brother!"

Gu Duxing was finally drunk, he stood up staggeringly, suddenly punched himself on the chest, and shouted to the sky: "It's been more than ten years, I've never been so happy! Hahaha... happy!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly threw his head on the table and fell asleep.

Chu Yang's eyes were a little hazy, but he still poured the wine bowl into his mouth. After drinking the bowl, he stopped for a moment and repeated, "If there is a mountain of knives in front of you, brother, step on me and pass by!" Daoshan, I am willing! This is a brother! Even if my brother does not regard me as a brother, but as long as I treat him as a brother, then he is my brother!"

He nodded suddenly, shook his head again, smiled, and muttered to himself: "If you can treat your brother like this, then your brother will naturally treat you like this. Brothers are each other, there are brothers first, and then there are brothers. Two people, not one, are singing a one-man show."

His eyes looked into the void, and he said in a low voice: "My brother can't even sing a one-man show!"

Although the voice of this sentence is very low, it is resounding. A trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes; at this moment, he thought of Tan Tan; he thought of the brother who only got one treasure in his life before but wanted to give it to him!

Also brothers!

Then he directly lifted the wine jar and poured it into his own mouth.

Drinks are splashed!

The consequence of this drink was that Tianbing Pavilion was closed immediately. The two of them fell asleep in the hall, people were coming and going outside the door, but inside the door was snoring, and the aroma of wine and meat was lingering...

The two of them indulged themselves once in a while. Both of them knew that from now on, such a relaxing moment like today would probably never come back.

It wasn't until the afternoon that the two of them woke up, but each of them was already dripping. The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed in unison.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door: "Excuse me, is Chu Yang here?" It was the voice of a girl.

Chu Yang was startled, the voice was very familiar, it turned out to be Wu Qianqian's voice!