Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 81: Prince please


When the door was opened, Wu Qianqian, who was dressed in a blue and brocade robe, was standing outside the door so prettyly.

"Chu Yang, it really is you." Wu Qianqian looked at Chu Yang with complicated eyes. She never dreamed that Chu Yang would suddenly arrive in Tieyun City. Moreover, Prince Butian attached great importance to it as soon as he arrived.

When Tie Butian asked her, Wu Qianqian couldn't believe that the Chu Yang the prince was talking about was the one she had seen in Zizhu Garden. Wu Qianqian just thought it was the same name, just a coincidence.

There must be a young hero named Chu Yang.

Although Chu Yang from Zizhuyuan was scheming, his cultivation level was too low to be worthy of the evaluation of His Highness the Crown Prince.

But now, when this familiar face appeared in front of her, there was no doubt.

"Senior Sister Wu, why are you here?" Chu Yang asked in surprise.

"Why, can't I come?" When Wu Qianqian spoke, her face turned red. She remembered what Du Shiqing said to the prince: This young man's background is really pitiful. He fell in love with his senior sister, but his senior brother wanted to win her love with a knife, and on impulse, beat his senior brother to death... Sigh, what a pity for this talent.

Well, his senior sister seems to be the daughter of the head of Tianwailou...

When Wu Qianqian thought of this, her face immediately became hot. The daughter of the head of Tianwailou? The father can be an only daughter by himself. Does Chu Yang like him

But... this matter is so sudden...

"Uh, if you can come, you can come, you can come too much." Chu Yang scratched his head and took a step back: "Senior sister, please come in."

"You are no longer my disciple of Tianwailou. My father has issued an order to expel you from the gate wall. The title of Senior Sister is unbearable." Wu Qianqian felt a little pity. Chu Yang was expelled from the gate wall like this

In addition, Wu Qianqian also wanted to use this sentence to widen the distance between the two of them. In case this guy hits a snake with a stick and just entangles himself like this; this is Iron Cloud City. Once something happened, Chu Yang didn't care, but what he hurt was Tianwailou's face.

"Uh, then I'll call you sister." Chu Yang patted his head and said, "It looks like you're older than me, so I'll call you Qianqian...sister?"

Wu Qianqian's delicate face turned red, and said angrily, "What are you doing so slickly! Come with me."

"Come with you?"

"The crown prince sent me to invite you. I really don't see anything good about you. The crown prince actually asked to see you by name." Wu Qianqian gave him a white look.

"If he asks to see me by name, then I won't go!" Chu Yang said with a smile, "If I ask you to invite me, then I will go."

"See" and "please" are two different things, related to Tie Butian's attitude. Chu Yang has built up momentum. He has surrounded Tie Butian with several pieces of news about him. His sharp glance and quick movement shocked him; Plus a recommendation from Iron Dragon City.

When Tielongcheng saw him, he would definitely explain it to Tie Butian. Chu Yang was sure of this. And the description of Iron Dragon City will confirm another thing: his insightful speculation, unparalleled wisdom! Accurate judgment on the overall situation of the world, and a deep and thorough understanding of Fifth Qingrou!

All of these are related to the survival of the entire Tieyun Kingdom, and the outcome of Tie Butian's match against Fifth Qingrou! It would be the biggest surprise if Tie Butian didn't see him.

Ever since Chu Yang left Tianwailou and joined Du Shiqing's team, he started to make arrangements layer by layer. All the bureaus were for today!

And today is finally here!

At such a juncture, Chu Yang naturally would not give up this opportunity to improve his status.

"The prince sent me to invite you, is that okay?" Wu Qianqian said angrily: "The prince knows that I know you, so he specially sent me here, and there are ninety-nine honor guards from the prince's mansion outside the door." Escorted by personal soldiers, the carriage that came was the crown prince’s car; sixteen BMWs surrounded him, this is a gift for a state guest! In the entire Iron Cloud Kingdom, no one has been able to enjoy this kind of treatment over the years!”

"Oh?" Chu Yang couldn't help being surprised. He also thought that Tie Butian would send someone to invite him, but he really didn't expect such a grand invitation!

Boss Chu was sitting unsteadily in the extremely gorgeous carriage. In front of him were eight majestic golden armored knights. Four of them were opening the way. They sat on a white horse. The whole body was snow-white without a single hair.

In the middle of the team, there are two golden armored knights guarding the carriage on one side, and four golden armored knights behind the team. In addition, there are ninety-nine soldiers in silver armor and silver armor. generally. Walking, swinging arms and raising feet at the same time, no matter which direction you look at, it is a straight line, neat to the extreme!

The sound of orderly footsteps, the sculptural faces of the soldiers, the resolute eyes, and the majestic queue formed a unique landscape.

Chu Yang squinted his eyes, tried his best to put on a calm face, and sat upright solemnly. But I was thinking in my heart: Grandma, you are so mighty, when the world is peaceful, I will also build such a team, no matter where I go, I will take it with me. Dora wind...

However, even though it felt very cool, Chu Yang still pulled the car curtain tightly. If she showed her face, Wu Wuqingrou would know tomorrow that Tie Butian invited her... That would not be a good thing!

Safety first.

"Mr. Chu is here, and Butian is very grateful. Please sit down." Tie Butian is gentle and elegant, wearing a white cloak that is spotless, like a jade tree facing the wind, with a friendly smile.

Unexpectedly, the place where Tie Butian received Chu Yang turned out to be Butian Pavilion. Moreover, along the way, no one was seen. It seems that the meeting between the two is regarded as an extreme secret.

The place where we met was a small lake behind Butian Pavilion. There is an island in the center of the lake and a pavilion on the island.

The guards sent Chu Yang to the island and left.

Chu Yang looked at Tie Butian, his eyes were calm and unwavering, not surprised by favor or humiliation.

It has to be said that Tie Butian's courteous treatment made him feel warm for a moment. But now, that feeling is gone.

If it were any boy of the same age, he might be in tears with gratitude, and maybe he would die loyally from now on. But Chu Yang is a monster who has gone through two lifetimes, and it would be nice to have a little fluctuation in his heart.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know how to summon the grassroots, what are your orders?" Chu Yang took it easy.

"Don't dare to talk about orders; Mr. Chu is a great talent, you should know why I met you today." Tie Butian smiled softly.

"The grassroots are ignorant and don't understand the meaning of the prince."

Tie Butian sighed softly, stood with his hands behind his back, turned around and looked at the calm lake surface, and said lightly: "Mr. Chu comes from a sect in Jianghu; you should know the structure of the world. Although there are clear distinctions between Chaotang Jianghu and Jianghu, fundamentally In terms of perspective, they have the same root and origin, and there is no distinction between them.”

"If the imperial court is the circle of influence that dominates everything; then Jianghu is a circle of sub-power!" Tie Butian said quietly: "The reason why we say it is a sub-power is to say that it is a substitute. When the group's corruption reaches a certain level, and the common people have no means of living, there will be heroes who rise up and raise their arms to replace them."

"And the emerging court forces must originate from the rivers and lakes! Or rely on some forces from the original courts, but it is the people from the rivers and lakes that dominate the power! After some changes, this group will form its own power, its own Circle, own rules of conduct, the winner in the end will become the lord of the court!"

Chu Yang pondered deeply, finally nodded slowly, and said: "The prince's words are indeed true." He remembered that the world has changed and the situation has changed in the past thousands of years; countless countries have perished and countless countries have risen, and they have indeed followed this principle. road.

Emerging regimes indeed arose from the rivers and lakes. Although most of them were destroyed, there were also many successes.

If it is said that the court is a way of the evolution and progress of the rivers and lakes, this kind of statement... is not unreasonable.