Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 83: If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside


"Gu doesn't want to follow the path planned by others, but he has to act according to Mr. Chu's arrangement. Although he is aggrieved, he can still enjoy it. Mr. Chu is the first to win, but he has not shown himself. He is a commoner, but he relies on himself He created a high-ranking identity for himself, and even used all kinds of schemes to fully demonstrate Mr. Chu's ambition to be inferior to others, so that Gu can't force him to be with you! Instead, he can only talk about military and national affairs as a partner. !"

Tie Butian smiled helplessly, and shook his head gently: "Mr. Chu was alone, but he was able to create such a situation, with ingenious intentions, precise calculations, and sophistication, which made Gu Zhen admire him! Words, Mr. Chu deserves it."

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "As for such compliments, I have always been open to all comers, the more the better."

Now that the negotiation time has passed, Tie Butian has already given in, so Chu Yang naturally wants to relax a bit to ease the atmosphere.

Tie Butian was startled, then he couldn't help but chuckle, woke up hastily, covered his mouth with his hand, then wiped the corner of his mouth with his hand, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chu is really funny."

At this moment, Chu Yang was terrified and almost ran away!

Prince! What is a prince? Can a woman be a prince? That's the princess, okay

But Tie Butian is obviously a man, but at this moment he showed a full girlish attitude! Then he covered his mouth and smiled, his eyes rolled... Chu Yang's eyes straightened, and the corners of his mouth twitched.


You asked me to reverse fate and history, but you want me to cooperate with a ladyboy

Chu Yang could only feel his heart twitching, and he finally understood: No wonder this girl practiced the Bing Xin Piercing Jade Bone Magic Art. If she didn't practice that kind of would be a pity...

When Tie Butian wiped his mouth as a cover-up, and then acted in such a state of swallowing the world, Chu Yang felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end, and his world spun in an instant.

"Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu?" Tie Butian asked when he saw that he was out of mind.

"Uh...uh..." Chu Yang intuitively felt cold sweat dripping from his forehead; thinking that he would have to cooperate with such a transvestite for at least two years, Chu Yang suddenly felt that the future was dark and his life was full of tragedies...

"Mr. Chu, the current situation of Tie Yun, if Mr. Chu is in charge, where should we start?" Tie Butian smiled, seemingly unaware of Chu Yang's emotional changes, and asked more and more reservedly.

"Well, this, this... I need to think about it first." Chu Yang rested his forehead with one hand, pretending to be thinking. Where did he need to think about it, the scene just now was really shocking.

"If you want to get rid of the outside world, you must first settle down inside." Chu Yang forcibly used the Nine Tribulations and Nine Heavens Divine Art to suppress his churning thoughts.

If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside... Tie Butian couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. How familiar is this sentence? The first time I heard this sentence, the court of Tieyun Kingdom changed drastically; the second time I heard this sentence, three million soldiers turned into dry bones on the battlefield; Iron Dragon City raised the butcher's knife, and sifted through the civil and military forces of the Manchu dynasty under the butcher's knife, and the blood flowed like a river!

Now, when Chu Yang came here, his first claim was still this sentence.

Could it be another bloodbath

"That's a good statement." Tie Butian smiled, "But the problem is... the enemy outside is in the light, but the enemy inside is in the dark."

"It's just screening." Chu Yang smiled confidently.

"If so, how about entrusting this matter to Mr. Chu?" Tie Butian smiled and formally made a request for cooperation.

"Not enough!" Chu Yang shook his head.

"not enough?"

"I heard that His Royal Highness established a Butian Pavilion?" Chu Yang asked politely, then rolled his eyes, and said lightly: "Since we want to cooperate, we should trust each other. I want the Butian Pavilion!"

Tie Butian looked at him coldly, his gaze was gloomy for a while, and he remained motionless.

After a long time, Tie Butian stood up, with his hands behind his back, and walked slowly to the railing of the pavilion, looking at the lake and water, he remained silent for a long time. The breeze came slowly, blowing his white cloak fluttering.

"Before I was eleven years old, I was just a child; my father was loving, and my mother was tender; there were six older sisters, everyone treated me like a jewel; I was carefree, and I only knew what was going on between the world and the earth." Beautiful." Tie Butian's eyes were a little hazy with his back turned to Chu Yang, but his voice was still calm.

"Ever since I was born, my father has been depressed and blocked my news. At that time, I don't know why."

"In that year, the royal father had a golden armor and a golden helmet, and the emperor personally marched! In my eyes, the royal father is like the god of war in the sky. He will be invincible and invincible! But, within half a year, the sky suddenly collapsed! Father came back, but he was carried back, dying."

"The mother stepped forward to serve, but the father suddenly went mad and stabbed him to death with a sword! He killed his favorite wife!" Two drops of tears flowed down Tie Butian's cheeks slowly.

Chu Yang's body shook and he couldn't help raising his head. He was surprised to hear this. Why did this King Tieyun kill his wife

"Afterwards, the father suddenly changed into a different person, and repeatedly issued orders to behead the entire family of the six sisters and six brother-in-laws! He also ordered the second uncle to lead an army of hundreds of battles to attack the palace and kill everyone in the palace. Clean and tidy! For a moment, rivers of blood flowed inside and outside the imperial city, and everyone knew that the second uncle was going to rebel, but later they knew it was not."

"Then Father took my hand, said a word to me, and fell into a coma." Tie Butian straightened his body, and said in a deep but trembling voice, resolutely but heartbroken: "From now on , your name is Tie Butian! The sky of Tieyun Kingdom has collapsed, I hope you can make it up. Always remember, to be a monarch, you must be ruthless! If you want to be ruthless enough to kill the enemy, you must be ruthless. Make up your mind to kill yourself!"

"After finishing speaking, the father grabbed the second uncle's hand and said: Here it is for you. Then the father fell into a coma..."

Chu Yang frowned and remained silent, but he was thinking in his heart; Tie Butian's words were unclear, but one thing is certain: that King Tie Yun was completely sane when he killed his wife and daughter. Sober! Tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring yet, why would he do this

Chu Yang faintly felt that there seemed to be a huge secret in it!

Tie Butian took a deep breath: "I hate my father, I hate him, and killed all my relatives! But the second uncle is very strict with me, he announced to the public, from now on I will be Prince Tie Yun, grow up , is Lord Tieyun. Since then, my second uncle has invited countless teachers to teach me. Every day, there are at least ten teachers waiting for me. Every day, I only sleep for an hour and a half. Even while I was eating and drinking, someone was talking in front of me. I can’t remember, the second uncle just beat me hard. At that time, there were 365 days in a year, and I had at least 300 days. Bruised. My second uncle is stricter than any strict teacher in the world!"

Tie Butian said softly: "I often go to see my father, my father is sometimes sober, but when he is sober, he will commit suicide, and after being stopped, he will cry silently; The spirit positions of the sisters burst into tears, and they often fainted from crying, and their health is getting worse and worse... "