Transcending the Nine Heavens

Chapter 96: Breakthrough! Breakthrough…


Speaking of before, Gu Duxing had only two concerns in his heart: foster father and sister Xiao Miao. But now, there is another one: Chu Yang. Although Chu Yang seems to act maturely and steadily, Gu Duxing knows that this maturity and stability can only be tempered after going through too many things and suffering too much!

Every time he thought of this, Gu Duxing felt a distressed feeling in his heart. Compared with Chu Yang, Gu Duxing felt that he was much luckier. When I was young, at least I experienced the doting and meticulous care of my parents; after the family tragedy, my adoptive father also took good care of me, so it can be said that I didn't suffer much.

But Chu Yang

Gu Duxing felt that Chu Yang was like a matured little brother who needed to be taken care of by himself. There is no reason, this feeling just arises so naturally.

He always thought that Chu Yang's cultivation was higher than his own, but he never expected that Chu Yang's cultivation was only the fourth rank of warrior! So, seeing Chu Yang practicing kung fu tonight, he was taken aback.

Then I thought in my heart: Nonsense, what happened to the fourth grade? With me here, who can do anything to him? Even if I don't have any cultivation, could it be that I, Gu Duxing, will betray my brother

Thinking of this, I immediately felt relieved. But when he raised the sword just now, he was surprised again! I couldn't help but turn back again, this time I used so much force that I almost twisted my neck.

Chu Yang over there, why... how did he fall into samadhi? Gu Duxing just felt that he couldn't understand it: a mere fourth-rank warrior, who just sat down and fell into samadhi? This, this is simply a monster! Even Wu Zong is not so fast, is he

Gu Duxing's eyes widened.

The construction site that is still under construction on the shore seems to have gone away suddenly, out of this world. The breeze came slowly, and the lake water was slightly turbulent, slapping the shore slowly, wave after wave, endlessly.

Chu Yang seemed to have heard the sound of the lake water in the dark, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, the magic power was still running, but he had a trace of divine thought, paying attention to the soft sound of the waves crashing on the shore, and slowly, in his consciousness , there seems to be a quiet small lake, the lake is long and boundless.

At this moment, Chu Yang's spirit fell into a deeper level of calm. The whole person seems to be suddenly separated from the world, immersed in the small lake of consciousness...

Gu Duxing on the other side was sighing, this Chu Yang is really a pervert, with such aptitude, why can't he catch up with him in a short time? Sitting down and falling into samadhi, it is really convincing...

But when he was thinking this way just now, he suddenly felt that Chu Yang's aura over there became ethereal. Couldn't help but turned his head violently again, rubbing his eyes with his left hand in disbelief: This guy, he fell into samadhi after sitting down, and after a few breaths of samadhi, he actually immediately entered the realm of forgetting both things and me!

Gu Duxing almost exclaimed.

It should be noted that this state of forgetting about things and me is a state that can only be barely entered after at least an hour of meditation every time! This is the advanced level of practice. Only at this level can the heart and mind be in harmony, and the mind and spirit can be in harmony. This kind of state is more than twice as fast as practicing in the state of meditation!

Did Chu Yang enter so easily


A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Gu Duxing's mouth. Originally, I thought that my aptitude was a rare genius in middle school, but I didn't know that this guy who was younger than me mercilessly hit my greatest self-confidence!

In consciousness, Chu Yang slowly opened his eyes, looking at the endless waves without fatigue, as if realizing something. This wave doesn't have much power, but it keeps rushing up, retreating, rushing up again, retreating again...

Not at all bored.

Chu Yang couldn't help but think: If a person's practice is like this wave, he will not be happy with things, not sad with himself, neither anxious nor impatient, just go round and round... I don't know how fast it will improve...

He just stared at it like this, and slowly felt that the vitality in his body seemed to become endless waves, circulating along the meridians, circles and circles, running peacefully but smoothly...

At this moment, Chu Yang's spiritual realm suddenly entered a high level again. I feel that in the whole world, there is suddenly no one without me, nothing and no desires, nothing exists anymore. My body seems to have become this soft lake, rushing up gently, and then retreating gently. go back…

In the process of this time and time again, enjoying oneself, being sweet and peaceful, it seems that it will last forever, and I will never lose my patience...

In the distance, Gu Duxing stared at this side dumbfounded, his mouth opened like a hippopotamus, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground without a sound...

Gu Duxing collapsed!

God, help me, tell me it's not true!

how can that be? ! Gu Duxing tugged at his hair until he felt severe pain, and then he came to his senses in a daze: Oh my God, the legendary unity of heaven and man, deeply comprehended; it just appeared in front of him.

Just now he found something abnormal, so he didn't look back. He even prayed silently in his heart to let Chu Yang stay in that state of forgetting things and me for a while, and it was best to continue like this. This is very good for practicing.

But I didn't expect something even weirder to happen next. His own eyes clearly saw Chu Yang sitting there, but Chu Yang was no longer present in his perception!

There is only one possibility to explain this situation: the unity of man and nature, deep understanding! This has transcended the level of "practice" and is completely in the realm of legends! This kind of realm is usually only possible to appear in the realm of King Wu!

And it doesn't happen often, but it's a state that can only be entered occasionally during deep comprehension! According to the legend, every time you enter this realm, you will get something!

But how rare is this situation? It must be kept absolutely quiet and must not be disturbed absolutely; after several hours of meditation and brewing, in the midst of forgetting things and me, I am struggling to find them. Don't be impatient yet, once you are impatient, you still won't be able to get in! Everything has to go with the flow! Once disturbed, all previous efforts will be for naught, and will slip into the realm!

But Chu Yang, he... He was surrounded by such a noisy construction site, and beside the rushing lake, just entered the deep understanding of the unity of man and nature? This... Is there any reason for this

Gu Duxing sat down on the ground! The buttocks sat on a sharp stone, and they didn't realize it.

In Chu Yang's deep understanding, he was enjoying it to his heart's content. At this moment, the space at the tip of the Nine Tribulations Sword opened silently, as if swallowing something. In the lake water, a dense mist that cannot be seen by the naked eye slowly condenses, rising up, circling and dancing in the air, as if being pulled by some invisible thing, slowly approaching around Chu Yang's body, and then It penetrates quickly and disappears...

Slowly, the surface of the lake was covered with another layer of mist...

another layer...

I don't know how long it took, an hour, two hours...

Gu Duxing, who had been sitting in a daze, was already covered with dew, and even his temples were covered with frost marks, but he still didn't realize it. Because he was watching the turbulence of Qi around Chu Yang's body.

Chu Yang's realm was improving little by little... and only during the short period of time when he was rising, could Gu Duxing feel that Chu Yang still existed...

The fourth rank of the warrior, the middle rank of the fourth rank of the warrior, the upper rank of the fourth rank of the warrior... the peak... breakthrough!

The fifth rank of the samurai!

Gu Duxing only felt his jaw drop to the ground! Damn, I've seen geniuses, but I've never seen such... such... such... freaks!