Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 102: The Power of Creation (Part 1)


"Hello fellow viewers of the live broadcast room."

Glancing at the number of people displayed on the watch screen, Chen Yu faced the camera and said loudly: "This is the official live broadcast of the third phase of the Overtime Review. Thank you all for your continued support. There are some special products to be reviewed today. , unable to proceed with the unpacking process."

"Because it's too big."

"How big is it?"

Chen Yu raised his wrist and controlled the camera to slowly zoom out.

Ten meters.

Thirty meters.

Fifty meters.

One hundred meters!

As the suspended camera flew higher and higher, the entire ship was introduced to the eyes of more than 200,000 viewers...

The originally crowded barrage suddenly became sparse.

Everyone was shocked by this picture...

It wasn't until five seconds later that the raging barrage intensified!

[I! day! Ni! Ma!]

[What the hell? !]

[aircraft carrier? !]

[Holy shit...]




[This shit is different for me, because I smashed the screen.]

[I chopped off my hand in excitement.]

[You are all hot chicks. When I got excited just now, I just pulled your a** off.]

[? ? ?]

[Don’t tell me, UP master, you want to review an aircraft carrier...]

[Is that cannon barrel used to launch Big Ivan?]

[So crazy!]

[Is this no longer burning funds?]

[True military spending is burning...]

[This is getting more and more exaggerated. Will the next issue review flying saucers?]

[Even to death I don’t believe this is true!]

[I was brought here by a student. As a teacher, I just want to say, is the world of young people so exciting?]

[I now seriously suspect that the anchor is an alien.]

[What a domineering mothership...]

same time.

There was silence in the meeting room of the special group in Beijing.

Even the sound of technicians typing on their keyboards stopped.

Everyone stared blankly at the huge mothership on the screen, their brains in a state of confusion.


After a long time, the middle-aged team leader was the first to come to his senses. He trembled with his right hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve. Then he picked up the phone on the table and handed it to Xiao Li. He said in a hoarse voice: "Quick...quick...quickly go and inform." Superior."

"Ah? Ah! Okay!"

Xiao Li took the phone in a daze and was at a loss for at least two seconds before suddenly realizing something. He hugged the phone tightly and ran out of the conference room.

"impossible… "

"This is impossible..."

The face of an old expert on the left gradually turned red, and his lips turned purple. He covered his chest and gasped: "'s impossible..."

"Lao Cheng? What's wrong with you?"

"Where are the doctors...where are the medical staff? Old Cheng has a heart attack!"

"Someone come quickly!"

The conference room instantly became chaotic.

Those who gave first aid, those who held hands, those who calculated data, those who discussed each other, those who stood up and walked around in circles, and even many people unconsciously uttered various emotional words, which made the middle-aged team leader have a splitting headache.

"Be quiet."

"Everyone, please be quiet!"


The middle-aged team leader slammed the table: "Quiet!"

The loud noise stopped abruptly.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The middle-aged team leader took a deep breath, took out the medicine box from his arms, took out three beta-blocking drugs, put them in his mouth, swallowed them, and said, "I don't want to Time is wasted on maintaining order, well, don’t do useless things, record what should be recorded, analyze what should be analyzed, and stay focused.”

After saying that, he turned his attention to the wall screen.

In the picture, the camera is zooming in...

Controlling the floating camera to fly back, Chen Yu said: "I gave you a one-minute panoramic view, are you satisfied? This is the product to be evaluated today, a ship."

"A huge, real ship."

Squatting down, Chen Yu took out a small metal hammer from his arms and knocked on the deck.


"It's pure metal, but I don't know what kind of metal it is. It's very hard, has no echo, and is solid."

Then, he walked to the left side of the deck and raised the hammer to hit the huge hanging arm.

"when… "

"Metal too."

Chen Yu spread his hands: "From the long shot to the close shot, the metal deck, metal tools, and metal hull are all fake from the inside out. I don't need to explain whether it's special effects or a trick. This is a ship. Today's review The protagonist."

"In fact, before nine o'clock, I didn't know that the product under review was an aircraft carrier. When it landed on the sea, I was immersed in it and was far more surprised than you."

Following the camera, Chen Yu walked to the table in the middle of the deck, stroked the oval crystal ball, and continued: "Since I just got this ship, I was only bound to the captain's identity before the live broadcast, so I don't know much about it. So. Let the artificial intelligence of this ship give us a detailed introduction and explanation."

After finishing speaking, he turned to face the crystal ball: "Secretary, let's start the introduction."

"Yes, Captain."

Clear electronic synthesized sounds came from inside the crystal ball and spread to the ears of more than 300,000 viewers through the radio equipment of the suspended camera.

[AI? The one in the movie?]

[Obviously it’s classmate Xiao Ai.]

[Look down on me, Seirui?]

[I just want to know where this aircraft carrier came from.]

[I have a feeling the anchor is going to be cool.]

[By the way, you don’t pay attention to the name Erhuo?]

[Anchor, stop showing off, I’m going to kneel down. Isn’t it okay for me to kneel down and watch?]

"We are entering the orientation introduction phase."

The blurry figure in the crystal ball changed into a triangle shape, and a mechanical synthesized sound sounded from within.

"Welcome to use the products of Dayang Shipping Co., Ltd. This ship model is IAI03 (islands and islets) island construction engineering ship, which was shipped from the factory in 2176. It is a flagship man-made ship that integrates high-efficiency cofferdams, island filling, foundation treatment, and shore protection construction. Island engineering ship. It can quickly create islands in marine environments with a depth of up to 500 meters."

"Island construction ship?"

Hearing this, Chen Yu was stunned: "Isn't it an aircraft carrier?"

"This ship is an IAI03 island-building engineering ship." Erhuo Machinery repeated.

"Then...what is that barrel for?"

"It is a giant sandblasting port, used for sand filling on the island."

"...So you are just an island builder?"

"This ship is an IAI03 island-building engineering ship." The second-hand man seemed to be mentally retarded with broken thinking and logic, unable to have more in-depth communication.

Chen Yu turned his head and looked at Xiao Taohong: "It turns out to be an industrial ship."

"That's right. As I said before, this kind of artificial intelligence is generally the processing center of large machinery, mainly for civilian and industrial purposes. Military units rarely use this kind of fully authorized artificial intelligence, and most of them maintain multi-level personal Operation mode. Because once it is attacked electronically, a fully authorized artificial intelligence will easily lose its ability to fight back and move."

"Well, who made it so big and with a cannon barrel connected me with the aircraft carrier." Chen Yu awkwardly put his hand into the mask and scratched his eyebrows.

[are you kidding me? Such a big island-building ship?]

[Maybe it was the one who created the continent... ]

[Just say it! How could the UP owner get an aircraft carrier?]

[A ship that can independently build islands is more powerful than an aircraft carrier, right?]

[One is a weapon and the other is a tool. Which one is awesome?]

[Tools can also be turned into weapons.]

[To be honest, such a large sandblasting port is simply an artifact to be buried alive!]

[Yes! Shoot towards the port city! Non-contaminating nuclear weapons.]

[If you can build it, you can dismantle it. It is reasonable for such a big ship to be dismantled on an island.]

[Human beings are so terrible! An island-building ship can also be used as a world-destroying weapon by you.]

[Looking at the female assistant the whole time, I don’t know what you are talking about.]

(Three lines: Let me talk about some things. Since I often update three times after going to the sixth channel, the number of words is too much, so I have to go back to two updates. Because there is still a strong recommendation that has not been eaten and cannot be put on the shelves, so I will temporarily return to two updates a day. I am really sorry. I will try my best to update it after it is released.

Then I would like to thank my two friends "Lonely Patient 371" and "Are you trying to be a hooligan" for their 10,000 yuan reward each yesterday? I owe two more chapters.

Thanks to "Fantasy World Beast", "Holy Light Apocalypse", "Wolf Picture", "Tea Ye Dan", "Qinglian Pope", "I Moran i", "It's hard to get famous", "Tail number 45242" 500 reward from the brotherhood of "Friends" and "Book Friends with tail number 31348".

Thanks to the friends of "Rain is Beating Me", "Kidney Deficiency Sword", "I seem to be sleeping", "Xiaochaodada", "Lonely Xiaoyue" and "Seven Shame" for their 1000 rewards.

Thanks to "Hello_Thank you" for the 2000 tip.

Thanks to "Your Uncle Ma" for the 4000 reward.

Finally, thank you to all the friends who gave small rewards and voted for recommendations. grateful! )

(End of chapter)