Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 106: The insignificance of greatness


[cruiser! That's a cruiser!]

[The last issue, cherish it.]


[This is our warship, look at the flag.]

[Why is there a sudden surge of gloating in my heart?]

[Coming, coming, they are coming.]

[Coming towards the UP master. (funny)]

[Is it me, the city manager? Illegal construction must be demolished.]

[What about field control? Is there no field control in the live broadcast room? Play a cool song.]

[Why don’t you celebrate your first meeting with a firecracker?]

[Fight! Fight!]

[Reported. If you are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, you are either stupid or bad.]

[Can you find out the shadow area in the host’s heart at this time?]

[The anchor has no room in his heart and even wants to laugh.]

Standing on the violently shaking deck, Chen Yu held on to the guardrail and silently looked at the approaching cruiser in the distance, his mind spinning rapidly.

After a while, he raised the crystal ball and said to the blurry figure inside: "Construction is suspended."

"Yes, the main ship."

The electronic synthesized sound fell, and the island-building engineering ship immediately stopped all work and stood quietly among the rough waves.

"As you can see, there are some special circumstances now, and the construction of the island has been temporarily stopped." Chen Yu turned the camera, focused on the three warships in the distance, and said: "Wait until I am sure that the visitors will not interfere with my island construction." Intervene and I’ll continue building.”

Naturally, this sentence was not addressed to the nearly 500,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

One minute.

three minutes.

five minutes…

Just when Chen Yu was about to order the artificial intelligence to activate the tension navigation mode to evacuate, three ships in the distance turned their bows, lined up in a straight line, and stopped moving.

Then, the three big flags slowly rose, fluttering in the wind, reflecting the fiery light under the hot midday sun.


Seeing this, Chen Yu raised his face with a knowing smile under his mask and waved his hand: "Second, continue building."

"Yes, the main ship."

"Boom boom..."

The hull vibrated again, and thousands of tons of gravel were ejected from the barrel and pressed against the outside of the weir.

Chen Yu glanced at the warship, controlled the camera to change the angle, and pointed it at himself: "There are many small stages in building a revetment, and the gravel reinforcement being carried out now is only the first stage. Next, more small gravel will be filled in. The rocks are piled into a slope, and two pieces of stone are pushed on top of the gravel slope, and the outside of the two pieces of stone is filled with large rocks weighing 10-100kg."

"After several small stages are completed, 300-500KG boulders will be placed on top to form a bank protection to prevent waves from eroding the island."

"This is the entire process of the artificial island. Every step is complex and rigorous. If it weren't for this engineering ship from a hundred years in the future, it would be unimaginable how much manpower, material resources and time it would take to build an artificial island with today's technology. "

"Thanks to technology, humans have once again defeated nature."

[Tell me not to take it with you. It’s civilized for you and me.]

[Does anyone know how long it takes to build an island normally?]

[The construction of a small artificial island takes at least six or seven months. If it is a foreign country, haha.]

[I heard that Vietnam used excavators to build an island, but it was washed away by the sea before the construction was completed. I laughed to death!]

[It’s too slow, you have to take advantage of the waves and not pay attention.]

[I'm going to build an island after dark.]

[Eye: I can do it! Hand: I can build an island! Brain: Silly.]

[Isn’t a bucket of magma and a bucket of water enough to build an island?]

[Anchor, you are going to get rich. With this boat, you can become the richest man.]

[Start with a ship, and all the money depends on digging.]

[How much does such an island cost? Is it comparable to the housing prices in Beijing?]

[I want this island. Please give me a price, Master UP.]

[Did you see the three warships next to you?]

Time passed quickly amidst the violent roar of the island-building ship.

Layer after layer of sand and gravel are accumulated, making the island's shore protection more complete.

The three ships in the distance were still parked on the sea, motionless.

Whether it's Chen Yu or the official. Both believe that this is the first "frontal" contact between the two sides, and they are cautious and sensitive to each other.


With a loud noise, the crane lowered the last rectangular stone, and the ship's hull finally stopped shaking.

"The main ship, the island has been built. It took four hours and twenty-two minutes." The artificial intelligence report came from the crystal ball.


Chen Yu turned around and handed the crystal ball to Xiao Taohong, and then controlled the suspended camera to fly high into the sky to get a bird's eye view of the entire sea area.

When the complete shape of the island was recorded by the camera and transferred to the three live broadcast rooms, the originally sparse barrage surged again!

[This shape...]

[It’s so unique.]

[Who can compete with me?]

[show! So beautiful! Spiral show! Tihua Show!]


[Is this finished? Isn’t the decoration responsible?]

[How about we just build you a basketball court?]

[The miraculous craftsmanship of nature...]

[Soul of the Earth.]


Swiping the watch screen and controlling the camera to return to mid-air, Chen Yu pointed directly at the island and spoke in a slightly high-pitched voice: "As the first large-scale artificial island in human history, it not only has a majestic shape, but also has a powerful name, so I racked my brains to come up with a name for it. name."

"It's called...the Invincible Island that the sword points at!"

"666, if you think this name is good, you will deduct 1, and if you think it is not good, you will deduct 2."



[twenty two…]



[This name...]

[What a talent.]



[Unable to complain.]

[official:? ? ?]

Looking at the enthusiastic feedback from the live broadcast room, Chen Yu nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that everyone likes this name. Then it is decided that from now on, this island will be called the 'Pointed by the Sword, Invincible' Island" ! Referred to as Sword Island! It represents our spiritual will to bravely explore and show our swords! Well... the shape of the entire island does look like a sword! Perfect."

"Then the product review session is over. Today's live broadcast will also come to an end."

Facing the camera, Chen Yu crossed his fingers with his iconic fingers and began to summarize: "Billions of years ago, the ancestors of mankind came to the land from the ocean. Not for exploration, but for survival."

"After hundreds of millions of years, we are pushing back into the ocean! Not to survive, but to explore."

"For the earth and the vast universe, life is small and creatures are small, but humans are the only ones who are not small! The spirit of pioneering and pursuit engraved in the genes of our race supports us step by step forward. Ancient times There was the Silk Road and great geographical discoveries, and now there are manned spaceflight and extraterrestrial space stations. Our steps are immature, but we will not stop."

"Even though we have many mistakes, many problems, many contradictions, many conflicts, and many malicious intentions... all shortcomings are so insignificant in the face of enterprising spirit."

"Human beings are far greater than their insignificance. A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

"Civilization will never die."

After saying that, Chen Yu disembarked along the steps of the ship's hull, stepped on the solid island ground, then took out a small red flag from the royal robe, and stuck it hard into the soil.

“That’s the end of this review!”

"Let's see you next month."

(End of chapter)