Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 110: I'm really too stable


[Overtime Promotion: "Mr. Chen, congratulations, after the company's evaluation, your authority level has been upgraded from D- to D!"]

Seeing this message from the Super Dimension salesperson, Chen Yu became more energetic and immediately typed a reply.

[Chen Yu: "It's so fast, I thought the results would be notified next month."]

[Overtime Promotion: "After you upgrade to D permission, the products presented in each issue will have more technological content. And the number of platforms you can live broadcast on at the same time will increase from three to five. You can add it yourself on your personal terminal, or you can let me Do it for you.”]

[Chen Yu: "I'll choose it myself, I won't bother you anymore. If you have time, help me apply for more awesome products."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "This is for sure, don't worry, Mr. Chen."]

[Chen Yu: "I believe you."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "(Smile)"]

After exiting WeChat, Chen Yi glanced at his invisible watch, hesitated for a moment, gave up on the idea of adding a new platform now, and instead opened his mobile browser to enter major news portals and scarf information, looking for news about his live broadcast yesterday.

He is still more concerned about the situation of "the sword's edge points to the invincible island".

But after searching, I found nothing.

Even if you use special software to browse the Internet, it is difficult to find news about "Overtime Review".

Only some obscure information was found in the comments of a few netizens, and it was quickly deleted manually.

But obviously, as his popularity grows, it becomes more and more difficult for governments in various countries to passively block him. Presumably it won't be long before the whole thing collapses, causing a global sensation.

"Before the number of fans increases, try to upgrade as many levels as possible..."

After thinking about this, he exited the browser, swiped his phone and clicked into station B.

Here, the discussion is much "richer".

Except for Chen Yu and Super Time Promotion Company, no one can delete any comments and comments in his videos. Millions of fans were active in the comment area, erecting tall buildings one after another.

I don’t know how many of these fans will be invited to tea...

Most of the topics discussed were researching whether the UP owner was an alien and the details of yesterday's "Sword Island". All kinds of wild conjectures and rumors are endless.

Moreover, from Chen Yu's "God's perspective", many comments have strong connotations of trolls.

There are many "fans" who posted photos and satellite images of "Stone Hammer" in the comment area, proving that there is no artificial island at all.

There are those who object, there are those who agree, there are those who fish in the water, there are those who set the pace, and there are even more people who enjoy the melon and watch the excitement.

All video comment areas under the name of "Super Dimension Review" have been reduced to "battlefields" with mixed information, false and true, making many netizens who lack independent thinking trapped in it and unable to distinguish between true and false.

In this regard, Chen Yu had no intention of intervening.

Turning off his phone, he pulled away from his thoughts and began to think about another problem.

Why didn't Principal Pang and Niu Lanshan urge him to learn physical education

This is obviously not normal!

So, after class, he went straight upstairs to the principal's office door, only to find that the door was locked.

After some inquiring, I learned that the principal was on a business trip and took Niu Lanshan with him.

"So that's it. You can't take care of me because you're on a business trip. You're so lucky, you don't have to waste my time."

Chen Yu went downstairs and walked back to the classroom, raising the corners of his mouth as he walked.

He felt too stable.

He will not let go of any clues, and he will compete with countless expert agents without falling behind.

Really awesome.

At the same time, in the old town of Jinzhou City, underground.

The black man wiped the sweat from his face, held a pickaxe, looked at the white team leader who was digging hard in front of him, and gasped: "Team leader, are we miners or agents? How long will we dig until?"

"Don't complain." The white team leader spit out a mouthful of phlegm mixed with soil and said: "Dig another ten meters and you can reach the warehouse. According to the analysis of the existing data of the technical department, that warehouse is most likely to be a hyperspace The location where UP mainly shoots the 404 heat gun. We have to hurry up."

"If we find the owner of this warehouse, can't we find the owner of UP? What are we digging here?" The black man frowned.

"The owner of the warehouse is hidden, so it is difficult to collect information. There are hidden sentries outside the warehouse, so we can only dig into the warehouse secretly to look for clues."

"Is there a Chinese ambush in the warehouse?"

"No." The white man shook his head: "All kinds of thermal, electromagnetic, and scanning equipment have been checked. There is no one in the warehouse. The Chinese official seems to have a sensitive relationship with the mysterious UP owner and is very cautious. He must have never gone in. Just give me If you miss our chance, dig in quickly! Stop talking nonsense."

"OK." The black man took a deep breath, picked up the pickaxe and started digging hard.

On the ground invisible to the two of them, an "ordinary person" walked up from time to time and dropped a shock sensor to detect the progress of the other party's excavation...

Late, seven o'clock.

When Chen Yu returned home from school, before he could say hello to his mother who was cooking in the kitchen, his three sisters pounced on him like wolves and tigers and dragged him into the bathroom...

"Brother! It's too late to go home! The dog is going to starve to death!" Chen Yike lowered his voice anxiously: "Hurry up and open the door!"

"It's okay, I'll leave something for it to eat. It won't die."

Chen Yu waved his hand and led his three sisters out of the bathroom. He stood in front of his bedroom door and coughed lightly: "I'm going in!"

After dawdling for ten seconds, he took out the key, opened the lock, and pushed the door open.

There is no dog in the bedroom...


Chen Yu was confused and walked into the room and looked around.

Xiao Taohong is invisible, so it’s understandable that she can’t be seen. Did the husky also become invisible

"Where's the dog?" Chen Sanke scratched his head and looked at Chen Yu: "Pikachu is gone."

"Brother! You won't throw him away, will you?!" Chen Yike covered his mouth.

"Fart! Am I so worthless?"

"Where did the dog go?"

"I saw it!" Chen Erke suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the bottom of the bed: "I saw its tail."

Hearing this, Chen Yu looked in the direction of Chen Erke's finger and saw the tip of a tail sticking out from the bottom of the bed, sweeping around.

"What are you doing under my bed?"

Chen Yu stepped forward, grabbed the tail and pulled the husky out. By the way, I pulled out the red cheongsam from the husky dog’s mouth…

Chen Yu: "..."

Chen Yike: "..."

Chen Erke: "Pikachu! I miss you so much!"

Chen Sanke: "Hahaha."

Silently stuffing the cheongsam back under the bed, Chen Yu walked around the two sisters who were playing with dogs, walked up to Chen Yike, and said with a calm expression: "Test you, do you know Thor, the God of Thunder in Nordic mythology?"

"have no idea."

"Thor, the god of thunder, once wore a wedding dress and pretended to be a bride, assassinated Slium who stole Thor's hammer, and took back the artifact."

"Then what?"

"I'll test you again. Do you know the Japanese warriors Dai and Xiaowu?"

"have no idea."

"He once disguised himself as a woman and assassinated the leader of the Xiong Xi clan in Kyushu."

"so what?"

"So I have been practicing assassination." Chen Yu explained.

Chen Yike: "..."

"If you don't believe it, I'm going to tell mom to get rid of this dead dog."

"Trust, trust, trust."

"I feel like you're fooling me."

"No, I believe it, I really believe it..."

(End of chapter)