Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 121: cause, or effect


"Mr. Lei."

In the police command car, the middle-aged team leader sat opposite Rebus, opened the document faxed from the patent department, was silent for a moment, and said: "In 2018, you registered the relevant patent for this mobile phone, right?"


Rebus came back to his senses and said seriously: "Actually, the relevant patents were registered as early as 2017, and MIX Alpha uses part of this batch of patents. The mobile phone reviewed by the master of Super Dimension UP seems to use more surround screen technology. , this patent was registered last year.”

"Does your company have plans to manufacture this soft-screen foldable phone?"

"Yes. I discussed it with several technicians from the technical department. We also had a meeting in the first half of this year. I also asked the secretary to bring the minutes of the meeting."

"Is it convenient for me to take a look?" Although the question came out of his mouth, the middle-aged team leader had already extended his hand.

"No problem at all."

Rebus stepped out of the command car, took a portfolio from the male secretary outside the car, and handed it to the middle-aged team leader.


Opening the bag, he took out the documents inside and read through them carefully.

Rebus turned to look at Chen Yu's comments on the screen, but didn't read them at all. His mind was already overloaded.

About ten minutes later, the middle-aged team leader put the documents back into the portfolio and asked, "Do you still have a copy of this record?"


"Then I'll take this."

"no problem."

"Hmm..." The middle-aged team leader hesitated for a moment: "Looking at the content of your meeting, the shape of this phone seems to be different from the phone in the Super Dimension review."

"That's right." Rebus nodded: "For flagship or concept products like this, we have to go through very complex discussions, experiments, and engineering machines before we can determine the final version. Originally, in our plan, this phone was It won't be manufactured until five years later. There's a lot of testing involved."

"What now?" The middle-aged team leader's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"..." Rebus was silent for a long time, then stretched out three fingers: "Three years."

"Exactly the same?"

"It can only be the same. If it changes, the time will be extended."

"That is to say..."

Rebus nodded: "That is to say, without the Time and Space review, this phone may not appear for a long time, or even the project may be aborted due to budget and difficulties. But after reading the review, according to the design of the phone in the live broadcast, within three years We can make it exactly the same. Other major mobile phone manufacturers will also have this level."

Hearing this, the middle-aged team leader tightened his portfolio.

In the end, it was the review of this phone that led Xiaomi to build a phone in the future.

Or will Xiaomi make mobile phones in the future, which leads to the review of this phone...

Cause or effect, which comes first? Which one comes after

Or maybe cause and effect are cause and effect...

In his brain, the same thought storm that Rebus had before started.

for a long time.

Rebus asked tentatively: "Should this project be cancelled?"

"If it is cancelled, will the cycle of time be broken?" asked the middle-aged team leader.

"Maybe it can't be broken." Rebus lowered his head: "In three years, this flexible screen mobile phone will definitely appear. You must know the grandmother's paradox."

"... This issue is no longer something we can discuss, and what we say doesn't count. Let's leave it to the higher-ups to have a headache. But I feel that the higher-ups will definitely ask you to produce it. It is impossible for your company to cancel the project." Team leader Nian rubbed his swollen temples, stood up, and stretched out his hands: "Thank you very much, Mr. Lei, for your cooperation. I will trouble you again in the future."

Rebus stood up knowingly and held the calloused hand of the other party: "This is what I should do. If there is nothing else for the time being, I have to deal with the company's problems."

"Go ahead and watch your employees and don't cause chaos."


Watching Rebus walk away, the middle-aged team leader looked down at the portfolio in his hand, and then focused his eyes on the screen.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and said, "Pay attention to your concealment and start taking exploratory actions."

"The performance test has been completed, and the screen resolution is really high. And I found a particularly interesting BUG. When playing the game Honor of Kings, enter it in mobile mode, and then unfold the screen to become a tablet while the game is in progress. The field of view has doubled! Half of the battlefield can be seen, and there is almost no need for a mini map."

"I think this BUG can be used for three years. After three years when the phone leaves the factory, Honor of Kings will officially fix it."


Closing the screen, Chen Yu slid the phone in front of the camera and continued to introduce: "To be honest, among the many products reviewed, this phone makes me feel the most real. Because it is only three years away from us and the time is closer. , which is not much different from our cognitive level.”

"But even so, it is unexpected enough. It makes us feel the rapid changes of technology. Looking back seven or eight years ago, video calls were still 3G street advertisements. Now, they have become accustomed to it. What is even more unimaginable is that technology The pace of progress will be faster and faster.”

Turning off the screen of his mobile phone, Chen Yu crossed his fingers to make a final summary.

"We are happy in modern times. But compared to the future, we are very sad. Even sadder than when we look at people in ancient times."

"And this is the charm of technology that makes all human beings succeed."

"Okay, so this extra live broadcast is coming to an end. It's short, yes, but very fulfilling."

[Not so fast, okay? At least give us a flight!]

[Will there be a live broadcast tomorrow?]

[No more, please cancel it.]

[The review of the mobile phone has not been completed yet! Are you anxious to go back to playing female assistant? ! Take photos!]

[right! Take photos and let us experience the pixels of mobile phones in three years.]

[Just pat the female assistant and pat her legs.]

[Take off all your clothes for the photo. After all, wearing clothes is a sentiment, taking them off is art.]

[We like art.]

[Don’t close it! I drove over here!]

[fart! I was at the scene, and everything around me was cordoned off.]

[The owner of UP may be a rabbit.]

[CNM, goodbye.]

Raising his wrist and glancing at the barrage on his watch, Chen Yu helplessly spread his hands: "It's going to end when it's time to end. It's just a mobile phone. There's not much worth commenting on. If you really want to see it, I'm looking forward to three The official live broadcast will be in the next week.”

"The authority has been upgraded, so the products officially broadcast in the fourth phase are definitely a big treasure. I hope everyone can enjoy it offline."

"Finally, since everyone wants to see the pixels of this phone, as a conscientious UP owner, I naturally have to be satisfied."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu picked up his phone and clicked on the camera function.

The bustling night scene of the capital city suddenly appeared on the screen.

Since there are front and rear screens, the audience can also see the scenery captured by the camera through the rear screen.

"Huh? That's interesting."

Chen Yu turned over the phone: "I discovered another small function of this phone. When taking photos of others, others can also see whether the photos look good."

"Let's see if we can take pictures of the moon. This is a technology developed by a certain company many years ago..."

As he spoke, Chen Yu moved his phone up and pointed it at the moon hanging in the sky.


"What the hell? Paratrooper?!"

(Note: Thanks to "Reader 1196660149018222592 Book Friends" for the 20,000 reward, I owe two more updates.)

(Note: Thanks to "Laughing Simple" Dog Management for the 10,000 reward. Two updates are owed. A total of 18 updates are owed...)

(Note: Thanks to my friend "You are not artificial leather" for the 10,000 reward, thank you. I owe you the 19th update...)

(Note: Thanks to the friends of "Earn a Hundred Million First" for the 1,000 reward.)

(Note: Thanks to the four book friends "Never forget to eat and sleep", "Dou Jiuri", "Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Zi Yuan", and "Tail number 22592 book friend" for their 500 reward.)

(Note: There are still many friends who have given rewards. Because the Qidian background crashed and the list cannot be displayed, I cannot thank them one by one. I am very sorry.)

(“Plop!” Please vote for recommendation)

(End of chapter)