Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 24: Hahahahaha


After Niu Lanshan left and there was a brief silence on the dining table, Principal Pang continued: "You two don't know anything. Even if Chen Yu was not... um... before he was chased, the speed we saw on the surveillance camera was the same. Quick. He's really athletic."

"Then why, Principal Pang, you came to us..." Father Chen hesitated.

"I want to discuss with you two about Chen Yu joining the school team." Principal Pang said seriously: "Chen Yu's sports talent is really very high. After professional training, he can directly participate in various competitions and even win national awards. Championship. We believe that this is a very beneficial thing for Chen Yu's future development and can determine his life."

Father Chen and Mother Chen looked at each other in astonishment, both in disbelief.

"Pang...Principal Pang...have you made a mistake? My Chen Yu has never been very fond of sports."

"Of course there is no mistake." Principal Pang shook his head: "If Chen Yu was just a child with average talent, to be honest, as a principal, I wouldn't go to all the trouble to come to you. We also tested it later and found that he is a naturally gifted child. You can’t go wrong with this as a track and field athlete. Once Chen Yu chooses to engage in sports, he will probably become a national or even Asian champion. I personally think this is the best choice for Chen Yu. What do you two think?"

"We..." When Father Chen saw what the other party said so solemnly, he immediately believed it. Excitement and joy gradually surged in his heart: "We will not object. As long as the child likes it, we will agree."

"Yes." Mother Chen also came to her senses and nodded repeatedly: "As long as the child wants to take this path and likes it, we as parents will absolutely support it."

In her mind, Chen Yu is already a "half-wasted" child anyway. Wouldn't it be a surprise if he could succeed in sports...

"But the problem now..." Principal Pang's fat face sank and he sighed: "Your children don't like it."

Father Chen: "Huh?"

Mother Chen: "Huh?"

Seeing his parents looking at him, Chen Yu unscrewed the cap of the Kaiwei drink, filled his own cup, and nodded: "Yes, I don't like sports."

His attitude was already firm.

You can eat food, drink drinks, listen to praises, and accept them all if they are beneficial. Only sports can’t do it!

No matter sprinting, long-distance running, hurdle running, basketball, football, badminton... it won't work!

He, Chen Yu, has never had anything to do with sports in his life. On the real court, without micro-kinetic basketball shoes, he will be beaten. Even get into trouble.

As a human being, it is important to have self-awareness...

"That's it." Principal Pang shrugged helplessly: "This matter is a very good opportunity for Chen Yu, but I and some teachers in the school tried to persuade him, but Chen Yu still refused. I think this is because the child is young, I am not clear about my future goals, and I am not aware of the cruelty and pressure of society outside the school, so I thought I would discuss it with you two and let you give Chen Yu some advice."

Under Principal Pang's detailed explanation, Chen's father and Chen's mother finally understood the cause of the matter. They looked at each other and within three seconds, after consciously completing the communication and united front, they both faced Chen Yu and prepared their words.


The first person to speak was Mother Chen. She gently pulled back her hair, straightened her back, and said seriously: "It stands to reason that you are an adult. As for your future plans, I, as a mother, should not interfere with you..."

Just when he said this, Chen Yu quickly interrupted: "Then don't interfere, I really don't like physical contact..."


Mother Chen slammed the table, knocking back Chen Yu's last words, and also startled Principal Pang and the head teacher.

"Uh, I'm sorry, principal." Mother Chen smiled and nodded at Principal Pang and the head teacher awkwardly but politely. Then she looked at Chen Yu and said seriously: "Yes, I shouldn't disturb you. But you are still a A child’s character cannot be disturbed without interfering with it. How can you refuse such a good opportunity? The school is willing to train you for your own good. If you learn a skill and enter the society, you will not be afraid of having no food to eat. So, mom will help you decide on this matter. Now, let’s go learn physical education!”

"Your mother is right." Father Chen nodded: "I also agree that you should study physical education."

"Didn't you say you supported my decision just now? Did you change your mind so quickly?"

Chen’s mother: “I said I support your decision to learn physical education. I didn’t say you wouldn’t learn physical education. We also support it.”

Father Chen: "Your mother is right."

Chen Yu: "..."

Mother Chen: "Look at your expression? Can we still harm you? Isn't this all for your own good? Why don't you let your parents worry so much?"

Father Chen: "Your mother is right."

Mother Chen: "You said that if you do everything safely, can we still interfere with you? Do you think we are willing to worry? Isn't it because you are ignorant?!"

Father Chen: "Your mother is right."

Chen’s mother: “If you practice sports well, if you don’t say anything else, you will at least be healthy. Look at you now. When you get home, you just lie down and can’t get out of the house! Will your body be destroyed gradually?”

Father Chen: "Yes."

Chen’s mother: “Anyway, I’ve made the final decision. You go and learn physical education.”

After saying that, Mother Chen picked up the water cup and took a sip of hot water to moisten her throat, and repeated forcefully: "Listen to your principal and learn physical education!"

Father Chen also picked up the water glass and took a sip, nodding: "Your mother is right."

"Oh." Chen Yu sighed, also picked up the water glass, took a big sip of the drink, and asked, "Mom, what did you just say?"


After a brief silence at the dinner table, Chen's mother suddenly stood up, raised her hand and was about to slap Chen Yu on the head, but Chen Yu nimbly dodged it.

"Mom!" Chen Yu spread his hands: "I'm really not suitable for studying physical education. How can you bear to let your son run around every day? If he gets injured or falls, won't you regret it?"

"You run so well, why do you have to fall?" Mother Chen pinched her waist with her left hand and waved her right hand: "Then Liu Xiang has been running for so many years without falling! You can fall?"

"Well..." Father Chen on the side poked Mother Chen and whispered: "Liu Xiang fell."

"Oh, when did you fall?"

"It's been over eight hundred years."

"Well... there are so many runners, isn't it Liu Xiang who fell?"

"My biological mother." Chen Yu was about to cry: "I am really not suitable for learning physical education! You are harming me."

Isn't there something wrong with him, a video host who will lead global technology in the future, to run track and field...

"Then tell me, what is suitable for you to study? You can't just do nothing, right?"

"I..." Hearing this, Chen Yu straightened his collar and said seriously: "I am suitable for studying."


After the words fell, there was a brief silence on the dining table again...

Mother Chen: "Hahahaha..."

Father Chen: "Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Chen Yike: "Pfft hahaha!"

Chen Erke: "Hahahahaha..."

Chen Sanke: "Ha."

(End of chapter)