Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 5: Sign the contract (Part 2)


[Chen Yu: "Just hide your identity! Not even a hair can be exposed."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "...Okay, our company respects the choice of every partner. But Mr. Chen, please take another look at Article 7 on page 9 of the contract."]

Holding the phone in his right hand, Chen Yu quickly flipped through the two pages of the contract with his left hand and looked at Article 7.

[Chen Yu: "I can't sell the product under review?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Yes. Any products our company gives you are limited to evaluation, promotion and personal use, and no income can be obtained through any transaction methods such as sales, auctions, exchanges, etc. However, income obtained during self-use is allowed. ”]

Chen Yu immediately frowned.

[Chen Yu: "Isn't it okay to give it to friends and family?"]

[Overtime Promotion: "Simple gifts are allowed. But once this kind of gift generates benefits in terms of money, status, and reputation for you, it will be upgraded to a benefit transaction. At worst, the contract will be invalidated and blacklisted by our company; In serious cases, it violates the criminal law.”]

[Chen Yu: "..."]

[Overtime Promotion: "Mr. Chen, do you still want to hide your identity?"]

[Chen Yu: "Very cruel."]

[Overtime Promotion: "Mr. Chen, if you change your mind and disclose your identity, I have prepared a new contract for you in advance. Please consider it seriously."]

[Chen Yu: "No! I'll just hide it."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Okay. (^_^)"]

He slapped his phone on the desk with a "pop" sound. Chen Yu sat at the desk and continued to read the contract.

After he browsed through all the items and determined that there was nothing he needed to ask about, he picked up a black gel pen in the pen holder and signed his name on the second page of the contract.

[Chen Yu: "The signing has been completed, what should I do next?"]

[Overtime promotion: "Please put the contract into the file bag and send it into the space wormhole."]


As soon as this message flashed across the phone screen, a twisted and rotating white vortex instantly appeared in the air in Chen Yu's bedroom.

[Chen Yu: "Is there no danger?"]

[Super Time and Space Promotion: "No. Low-level space-time wormholes cannot carry living creatures, you are safe."]

After seeing the other party's explanation, Chen Yu put the contract into the file bag, stood half a meter away from the wormhole, and threw it in tentatively!


The file bag fell accurately into the whirlpool and disappeared.

Subsequently, the wormhole quickly shrank and space returned to its original state.

Chen Yu quickly picked up the phone, his thumbs flying.

[Chen Yu: "Have you received the contract?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Received, no problem. Welcome, Mr. Chen Yu, to become a partner of our Super Dimension Promotion Company."]

[Chen Yu: "What's the first thing I need to review? Are they the ones in the catalog?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "The products in the catalog are all epoch-making technological products. It's too early for you. You can only start with the lowest technological products. If the promotion efficiency reaches the standard, our authority will increase." , and can also apply for better products for you.”]

[Chen Yu: "I understand."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Although my authority is not high now, in order to give you a good start, I will work hard to get a high-end technology product for you."]

[Chen Yu: "Is it also delivered through the space wormhole? When will it come?"]

[Overtime promotion: "I will deliver the product at 9 a.m. every Sunday. You have one day to make the video. Then upload the video before 9 a.m. on Monday until Friday to calculate the promotion effect."]

[Chen Yu: "What should I do if the promotion effect is not up to standard?"]

[Overtime Promotion: "You are now in the internship period. There are a total of one month and four opportunities. You will evaluate a very ordinary low-level product every week. If the promotion fails more than two times, the cooperation will be terminated."]

[Chen Yu: "What about after the internship period?"]

[Overtime Promotion: "After the internship period, your authority level will be officially upgraded, and the main form of promotion will be changed from video to global webcast. You will be able to apply for real technological products! Such as invisibility cloaks, small nuclear bombs, and weather control Instruments, precious metal synthesizers, floating cities, etc. If you can reach level A, you can even apply for cutting-edge technological products such as Dyson spheres, space cruisers, and infinite splinter robot armies."]

Seeing these "horrible" technological products, Chen Yu's face twitched unconsciously.

Compared to a Dyson ball, even a flying car can scare the world...

[Chen Yu: "Then I understand. Today is Saturday, so tomorrow? I'll prepare."]

[Super Time Promotion: "Okay. I will send you the software now. You can use this software to make videos and upload videos, and your IP and video encoding will be completely hidden."]

Then, the other party sent an application called "Super Dimension Promotion Terminal Hidden Version".

Action efficiency is off the charts.

Chen Yu quickly transferred the software to his newly purchased laptop and installed it.

Yes, he doesn’t sell any cameras or notebooks. Just keep it for yourself.

Half a minute later, the software was installed, the notebook screen lit up, and a full-screen gray interface appeared instantly.

There are three major sections from top to bottom, namely Chen Yu's basic information, video production toolbar, and major video website account backends.

There are many small icons on both sides of the interface, each with different functions. He noticed that there was a special gray icon in the upper left corner with the words Global Live Broadcast written on it. It is obviously the main mode for future promotion and can only be used after the trial period.

Control the mouse and click to enter the [Basic Information] section. As soon as the screen turns, Chen Yu's detailed information immediately appears.

[Promotion partner: Chen Yu]

[Current permission level: E (live broadcast permission prohibited)]

[Current fans: 0]

[Main mission: In four promotions, the benefits have been qualified for more than two times.]

[Current task 1: First evaluation and promotion, 500 people watched, 50 people became fans.]


Chen Yu touched his chin thoughtfully: "It seems that the difficulty of the task lies in this fan. It should be very simple for 500 people to watch."

Exiting [Basic Information], Chen Yu skipped [Video Production], clicked directly into the [Website Backend] section, and saw the text description at the top of the screen at a glance.

[Please select the video website platform you want to register. In order to better analyze your promotion potential, only one can be selected during the trial period.]

"Can you only choose one?"

Frowning, Chen Yu controlled the mouse and clicked on Station B among the densely packed video website icons.

[Do you want to register a Bilibili video platform account? (This operation cannot be undone)]

[Already registered, please enter your media name]

[Default is "Overtime Evaluation"]



[Registration completed]

After registering a new account on the Bilibili platform, Chen Yu closed his laptop, lay down on the bed, picked up his phone and opened the Bilibili video, and began to learn the evaluation methods of other evaluation UP owners.

As a newcomer to the industry, Chen Yu knew that with his professional skills and explanation ability, he was far from being able to compete with those famous UP owners.

His advantage lies in his ability to come up with all kinds of surreal technological products!

Therefore, there is no need for excellent eloquence, beautiful copywriting, or professional editing. As long as the uniqueness of the product is highlighted, it is victory!

None of the self-review media around the world has the "capital" he has today.

One after another, super-tech products from the future are enough to bombard the eyeballs of all humans!

If he can fail here, then he is really a loser. The only difficulty is the live evaluation after the trial period, which will test his eloquence and adaptability.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock..."

After watching a review video, Chen Yu's thoughts were a little confused.

At this time, his mood was excited, nervous, and apprehensive, and the contradiction was extremely high.

Because starting from tomorrow. His life will completely change...

(Note: It will be updated steadily every day at 12 noon. New book recommendations will be updated twice. If there are many votes, there will be additional updates at 12 p.m.)

(Note: The plot will not unfold until after the trial period of this book. The daily plot in the early stage was coded by myself on the keyboard. I can’t persuade it. If you don’t like it, just hit me with a ticket. Hmm.)

(End of chapter)