Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 51: 1+1=?


The next day, Wednesday, in the classroom of Class 2, Grade 2, No. 6 Middle School.

Chen Yu leaned on his seat and stared at the class teacher who was giving the lecture, writing and drawing in his notes from time to time.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

Suddenly, the mobile phone in my pocket vibrated. I took it out and saw that it was a text message from the "Super Dimension Salesman".

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Mr. Chen, congratulations! Your real fans have exceeded 30,000."]

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, then typed quickly in excitement.

[Chen Yu: "Did you just break through? Thirty thousand?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Yes, congratulations."]

[Chen Yu: "Today is only Wednesday, can it exceed 40,000 by next Monday?"]

[Overtime Promotion: "The possibility is still very high. The recommendation effect of the homepage of the Bilibili platform is great. It's a pity that all the news, reprints, and discussions about you on the Internet have been removed from the shelves, otherwise the number of fans will be even higher."]

[Chen Yu: "Am I blocked by the entire network?"]

[Overtime Promotion: "Absolutely. Since reprints, news, posts and discussions from other platforms or media are not part of our company's legitimate income, we cannot block them. But it doesn't matter. After the trial period is over, your live broadcast will be the same as Videos can be released on multiple platforms, and any external force’s ban on you will only become weaker and weaker.”]

[Chen Yu: "That's all thanks to you."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: “It’s not hard work, our interests are the same, these are what I should do.”]

[Chen Yu: "I am really impressed by the dedicated employees of Galaxy. Have you applied for the fourth phase of products?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "The process has already begun. This is a very interesting product. You will definitely like it."]

[Chen Yu: "As long as I can get over 50,000 fans, I can bring that girlfriend back. (Withdrawn)"]

[Chen Yu: "As long as it can break through 50,000 followers, I like it."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "(Smile)"]

After logging out of WeChat and taking back his phone, Chen Yu sighed with satisfaction and confusion, picked up his notes, and continued to listen to the teacher's lecture.

Now, all the knowledge points he missed have been made up, and there will be no feeling that he does not understand. And I vaguely noticed that the teaching level of the head teacher seemed to be very low...

"Ring ring ring..."

More than twenty minutes later, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The head teacher put away his lesson preparation notebook, supported his hands on the podium, scanned the audience, and said, "Students, before get out of class is over, I want to announce something."


Several male classmates who were about to get up and rush out sat back down.

"Next Saturday, our Sixth Middle School will hold the Autumn Sports Meet. Regardless of whether they are athletes or not, every student must come to fight for the honor of the class and the school! Cheers! Many leaders from the education department and even the capital are coming to this sports meet. Everyone, everyone must maintain good discipline and show off the talents of our Sixth Middle School students!"

After the words fell, the head teacher was silent for a moment: "Why are you standing there stunned? Applause!"

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

"Very well, get out of class is over!"

The head teacher waved his hand and the students ran out of the classroom one after another.

"Chen Yu, don't leave, come here."

When Chen Yu was about to walk out of the classroom to get some air, the head teacher hooked his finger at him.

"What's the matter, teacher?"

"It's like this. Considering your results in this monthly exam, Principal Pang is willing to admit defeat. At the same time, he has decided that if you can get first place in the school in the next monthly exam, he will never force you to learn physical education again."

"Number one in the school?" Chen Yu was stunned: "Isn't this a big gap?"

"Anyway, this is the situation, this is the thing. If you have any questions, just talk to Principal Pang."

After saying that, the class teacher picked up the textbook and turned to leave.

"I must say it! Isn't it nonsense to be number one in the school?" Chen Yu followed the class teacher and walked out of the classroom angrily, ready to debate with Principal Pang.

"Don't look for it now. The principal went to have dinner with the leader, and went with the dean of students." The head teacher turned to glance at Chen Yu and said.


"Why are you lying to me? You can go there in the afternoon."

At this moment, the teacher of Class 2's next math class came over and greeted Chen Yu and the class teacher: "Good morning."

Seeing the mathematics teacher, Chen Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward: "Teacher, are you not busy now? I still don't understand the final question of the last monthly exam. Can you explain it to me?"

Hearing this, the math teacher narrowed his eyes slightly.

The head teacher beside him also narrowed his eyes.

The two looked at each other, nodded to each other in a subtle way, and completed a "spy-level" information exchange...

"Okay, no problem. If you don't know any question, the teacher will give it to you right now." The math teacher patted his chest grandly.

"The final question! I just don't understand the logic."

Chen Yu dragged the math teacher to the podium, then ran to his seat to find the math test paper, then hurried back, placed the test paper in front of the teacher, pointed to the last math question: "That's it, I don't understand."

"Oh." The math teacher frowned and nodded: "This is a question."

"Yes. How should we explain it? What is the idea?"

"This question..." The math teacher carefully reviewed the question and spread his hands: "I can't do it either."


"It's too difficult. None of the teachers in the school know how to do it."

"Why would you come out if you don't even know how to do it?!" Chen Yu roared.

"We came out because we didn't know how to do it." The math teacher scratched his head: "I wanted to see if other students knew how to do it, and then I found that they didn't know how to do it either."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Classmate Chen Yu, don't look at me like that. No one is perfect, and there are questions that Einstein couldn't solve, right? You can't force someone to lock up a man."

"You think you're quite reasonable?"

"I just don't know how to do it anyway." The mathematics teacher put his hands on his hips: "Why can I solve the problem just by asking it? Aren't the three major conjectures in mathematics also unsolvable?"

Chen Yu: "..."


"... Okay. Okay, okay." Chen Yu took a deep breath, nodded, and pointed to the penultimate question: "What about this question? This question is also difficult. I can't grasp the idea."

"This is a question." The math teacher watched it carefully for a while and said, "No."

"What the hell..."

"It's too difficult. It seems that the top student in our No. 6 Middle School got the answer right."

"The students can answer the questions correctly, but you can't?"

"Then some students can also dance in the Pure Land, why can't you?"

"How the hell can this be the same thing?!"

"I don't know how to do that question anyway."

"Okay, okay, awesome." Chen Yu turned over a page of the paper and pointed to a fill-in-the-blank question: "What about this?"




"this… "

"Oh my God, I can't do that."

"..." Chen Yu was silent, and after a while he asked, "What is 1+1 equal to?"

The math teacher's eyes lit up, he reached out and pulled out a piece of chalk, and wrote formulas crazily on the blackboard!

[1. 0 is a natural number; 2. Every definite natural number a has a definite successor number x', and x' is also a natural number; 3. If b and c are both successor numbers of the natural number a, then b = c; 4. 0 is not the successor of any natural number; 5. Suppose S is a subset of the natural number set, and (1) 0 belongs to S; (2) If n belongs to S, then n' also belongs to S.]


[...N (set of natural numbers) is not an empty set; there is a one-to-one mapping of a→a' from N to N... ]

[... If a subset P of N contains both elements that are not successor elements and successor elements that contain every element in the subset, then this subset is equal to N... ]

[Proof of 1+1:

∵The successor number of 1+1 is the successor number of the successor number of 1, which is 3,

The successor of ∴2 is 3.

According to Peano’s axiom ③, we can get: 1+1=…]

Under Chen Yu's shocked eyes, the math teacher spent five minutes writing a blackboard formula, then held his shoulders and meditated again for a minute, and wrote the number after =.

[Available: 1+1=... one thousand three thousand six hundred and twenty-seven.]

Chen Yu was stunned.

(End of chapter)