Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 52: Open the door! Send express!


Putting down the chalk, the math teacher looked at the formulas on the blackboard and frowned: "Although something feels wrong, it should be the correct answer."

"That's right!" Chen Yu yelled: "If you don't want to teach me, just say so!"

"The level is limited, it's a pity."


Resisting the urge to throw the paper on the other person's face, Chen Yu turned around and left.

He wants to go home.

He never wanted to see any teachers from No. 6 Middle School again.

They are all a group of gatekeepers...

Picking up his schoolbag, Chen Yu left from the back door of the classroom. As soon as he walked out of the teaching building, he found a sun in front of him.

That's Baldy Li's bald head.

"Brother Chen, why are you going?" Li Liang walked up to Chen Yu with spicy sticks in his left hand and coke in his right.

Chen Yu stretched out his hand to cover Li Liang's bald head, blocking the reflection of the sun: "Don't shake me."

"Do you want to eat spicy strips?"

"Eat." Chen Yu took out a spicy stick and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed it and said, "I'm going home first. You eat slowly."

"Playing truant? Aren't you afraid that the head teacher will cause trouble for you?"

"I still want to cause trouble for him."

"Okay, you're awesome. If you just skip school like this, I might be visiting your home next time."

After that, Li Liang walked towards the teaching building.


Chen Yu suddenly stretched out a hand and pinched Li Liang's bald head: "Don't leave yet."


Retracting his hand and looking at the oil stains on his palms, Chen Yu frowned: "Does a bald head also produce oil?"

"Isn't it nice to just have a bald head?"

"Okay, let's ignore this for now. What happened to the home visit you just mentioned?"

"They are some leaders of the education department, right? They should be from the education department. They came to my house to understand the situation and ask some questions." Li Liang took a bite of the spicy strips and said with swollen lips: "They will definitely not just visit my family. There should be others. Other classmates.”

Hearing this, Chen Yu looked stern and immediately became nervous: "How many people are there in total? What questions did they ask?"

"Not counting the dean, there are four people in total, three men and one woman. We asked some questions about family conditions, academic performance, whether there are make-up classes, and whether there is a lot of pressure." Li Liang said proudly: "Before they left, You also told me not to tell other students, so can I not tell it? Now half of the whole school knows."

Chen Yu: "..."

"But they didn't seem to care. The dean of students came to me just now and asked me if I had told the truth. He didn't make me stand or anything."

"Besides asking you those questions, what other strange behaviors did they do?"

"Strange behavior..." Li Liang sucked his fingers stained with spicy oil and recalled: "The only strange thing is that his eyes are not very honest."

"Aren't your eyes honest?" Chen Yu's eyes flashed.

"Yes. They looked through several rooms in my house, including the bathroom."

"Are those four people..." After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yu described the appearance of the five people he met in the principal's office yesterday.

"Yes! Except for the middle-aged old man you mentioned, everyone else is here."

"...I know. I'm just curious. You should go back to class. The bell is ringing."

"OK OK."

Li Liang shook his bald head and disappeared into the lobby of the teaching building.

Chen Yu stood there with a gloomy expression on his face for a long time before heading to the woods, climbing over the fence, and walking towards his home.

As he walked, he took out his mobile phone and typed quickly.

[Chen Yu: "Here?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Not here."]

[Chen Yu: "I seem to be in trouble."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "What's the trouble? Do you need my help?"]

[Chen Yu: "Need! The state sent people to Jinzhou to arrest me! How did they determine my location? I obviously didn't reveal anything?!"]

[Super Time Promotion: "For a powerful national organization, there are so many professionals who can analyze a lot of results even with a small amount of information. It is normal for them to find your location."]

[Chen Yu: "Help me drive them away!"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Sorry Mr. Chen, we can't do this."]

[Chen Yu: "You have to help me hide my identity!"]

[Overtime Promotion: "We have done everything agreed in the contract. If your identity is still revealed, it will be your own mistake during the filming process. And we have no right or ability to stop the actions of people in outer space." If it is in the field of network virtuality, maybe I can personally help a little bit."]

[Chen Yu: "..."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "I wish you good luck, dear."]

[Chen Yu: "..."]

Taking back his cell phone, Chen Yu hurried on silently.

More than ten minutes later, when I returned home, there was no one in the house.

Chen's father goes to work and Chen's mother works part-time.

The three younger sisters are also in school.


After closing the security door, Chen Yu walked to the living room, sat down on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated.

It was obvious that trouble was coming...

Once those people find his home, they will definitely find clues in his bedroom.

What would happen if the country discovered it

First, it is impossible to die.

An autopsy will never happen, only a blood test will be done.

After all, he is also a native of the same country, and no one from the same country would think of harming him.

But being interrogated and detained is absolutely inevitable.

This is also an important reason why he did not choose to disclose his identity in the first place.

Although there seems to be a lot of benefits in disclosing one's identity, even the social status will become different. But freedom is definitely no longer available. Even his family's movements will be protected and restricted.

At least that's how it is in many movies...

Important people have no freedom or privacy.

"No... I must not let them find me..."

Opening his eyes, Chen Yu rubbed his cheek, took out his phone again, and started communicating with the salesman.

[Chen Yu: "Have you applied for the fourth phase of product? You said before that you have gone through the process?"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "Yes. Any questions?"]

[Chen Yu: "You also know my current situation. I want you to reapply for a product and apply for something I can use! It's best to use high technology that can hide my identity!"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "It is very troublesome to temporarily change the evaluation product."]

[Chen Yu: "Am I in bigger trouble?! Help me change it! Otherwise we will break up."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "???"]

[Chen Yu: "Just tell me if you can help."]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "You can temporarily change the evaluation product, but you also know that I don't know what product the superior department will send me. It may not accurately meet your requirements."]

[Chen Yu: "I know, you can't sit still and wait for death, right? Just help me apply. If I can get through this difficulty, we will be brothers from now on!"]

[Super Dimension Promotion: "...Okay Mr. Chen. Our team will start submitting the application report now."]

[Chen Yu: "Thank you."]

Putting down his phone, Chen Yu sighed tiredly and found a painting on the coffee table. He subconsciously picked it up and looked at it.

This is a crayon painting drawn by Chen Erke.

There are five people in total.

On the left is Father Chen, on the right is Mother Chen, in the middle are the eldest, second and third child. Harmonious and happy, the deep sense of happiness seems to overflow the page.

These are his family.

Their lives must not be disturbed...

With this thought, Chen Yu's expression gradually returned to calm.

"The painting is quite good, but something seems to be missing..."

"Buzz! Buzz!"

At this time, the phone suddenly vibrated. He picked up the phone and looked at it, and found that it was an unfamiliar number. He was shocked.

"Buzz! Buzz..."

The phone is still vibrating.

Chen Yu held the phone in his hands, remained silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, connected it, and put it to his ear.

"Hello? Who are you looking for?"

"Open the door and deliver the express."

(Note: Thanks to five friends: "Tail Number 1009", "SSR, Beiluo", "This book is so well written", "Why are we so close to each other", and "An old driver who can't drive" for their 500 tips .)

(Note: Thanks to my friend "Su Ranyou" for the 2100 reward.)

(Note: Thanks to brother "Ming Zixie" for the 3000 reward.)

(Note: Finally, I would also like to thank myself for rewarding my own leader. (Dog Head))

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(End of chapter)