Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 72: Shocked everyone! The first live broadcast! (superior)


"Then now, let the live broadcast begin."

Lifting his wrist and canceling the optical invisibility of his watch, Chen Yu stood in front of the steel arch, quietly waiting for nine o'clock to arrive.

"It's eight fifty-nine." Chen Yu put down his watch, put on his Peking Opera mask, and turned to look at Xiao Taohong: "Can you stand back? Give me the C seat?"

"oh oh."

Xiao Taohong hurriedly hid behind Chen Yu.

"When the live broadcast starts, you should not take the initiative to speak except for me to interact with you."


"Look for an opportunity to make a slip of the tongue and tell Wang Chun."


"Then do you understand what your most important task is?"

"Start a wonderful love with you." Xiao Taohong jumped.

"Fart! The most important task is to protect me!"


"It's nine o'clock. The live broadcast starts. Stop talking."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Yu controlled the camera to face him, slid his watch to first change his voice, and then opened the live broadcast room.

[The promotion live broadcast room is opening... ]

[Site B has been opened.]

[The opening of Funny Fish is completed.]

[The game promotion has been opened.]

[Total number of people in the live broadcast room: 0 people]

Five lines of text flashed across the screen, and the numbers representing the number of people on the watch screen skyrocketed.

143 people.

896 people.

2770 people.

8265 people…

In just over half a minute, the total number of people in the three live broadcast rooms reached five figures, and the first point was obtained.

Of course, most of the viewers here are from station B, which is the foundation accumulated by Chen Yu in his novice period.

[grandfather! The UP master you follow has been updated! Ah, no, it’s a live broadcast!]

[Is it finally live broadcast?]

[Support support support!]

[How handsome am I in the world?]



[Fuck! Who is that beauty in cheongsam behind? The figure is too scary...]

[Master UP, are you crazy? You actually have a female assistant?]

[Just show your face after it’s live!]

[I hate the kind of people who find female secretaries when they are somewhat famous. It’s funny.]

[This figure... tsk tsk, I'm done.]

[The picture is so high-definition!]

[Is that arch at the back a prop? Awesome!]

[Really, funds are burning!]

[Can the UP pig get out of the way? It's blocking my view of beautiful women.]

[With such a great figure, he must be a boy... ]

Glancing at the barrage on his watch, Chen Yu pushed up his mask and said, "Hello friends in the live broadcast room, this is the first live broadcast of the Super Dimension Review. Thank you everyone for your continued support. No more nonsense. Say, start the review directly!”

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu turned slightly, pointed to the steel arch behind him, and introduced: "You should clearly see the giant metal door behind me. It is the high-tech product being evaluated today - the portal within the star system!"


[Spread flowers! Colonizing the galaxy is just around the corner!]

[The things being reviewed are getting more and more exaggerated. Will you be reviewing spaceships next?]

[We can’t use special effects in live broadcasts. UP Master, your review would be unreal without special effects.]

[Chengguan: Who the hell put a gate here? !]

In the crowded barrage, Chen Yu's introduction continued: "The portal in the star system was developed by the Beyonder Group in 3766 and mass-produced in 3800 as a high-tech transportation product. It has a built-in space bending generator and time drop. The dimensional stabilizer can connect the space in a zigzag manner within the gravitational range of the solar system. Whether it is the Kuiper belt or the core of the sun, as long as it is within the solar system, it can reach it in one second!"

After saying that, Chen Yu, being tracked by the invisible camera, walked to the portal, stretched out his left hand with black gloves, and touched the giant door: "Its appearance has changed the entire human war, life, travel, scientific research, and culture. And so on in all aspects. From now on, in the solar system, the cost of transportation is no longer a cost, and transportation time no longer takes time. It is truly an epoch-making technology!"

[Then house prices collapsed.]

[So this thing must be destroyed!]

[If the portal is opened to the bottom of the deep sea, will a dog with a tied arm be able to destroy humans?]

[Can you shut up? I'm here to see beautiful women, not to listen to your chatter.]

Seeing the feedback barrage from the audience on his watch, Chen Yu shook his head: "Space is very complicated, not as simple as you think. Let alone opening the portal to the bottom of the sea, it doesn't matter even if it goes to outer space. Follow the instruction manual To put it simply, when two disconnected spaces are twisted, a Dalmer (D·V) hedging effect will be formed, and a thin film will be formed at the docking point of the two spaces to prevent the flow of matter beyond the limit."

"To put it simply, people can pass through, cars can pass through, and goods can also pass through. But when the portal opens into the interior of the sun, due to the great difference between the two spaces, matter is blocked by the 'film' and cannot circulate. The sun The temperature and pressure inside will not be transmitted to the earth. The same is true for the high-pressure water in the deep sea."

[I don’t know how serious it is...]

[Can't understand.]

[Serious nonsense?]

[Are there professionals in the live broadcast room? Slap the swollen owner’s dog face.]

[Just here, who is the anchor?]

[Tip: Liu was so busy that he sent a plane out wildly.]

Seeing the reward prompt on his watch, Chen Yu spread his hands and said, "Thank you brother for the reward, but I want to emphasize here that in my live broadcast room, I do not recommend anyone to reward me. Keep the money to improve yourself." And I will donate all the proceeds. Okay, enough nonsense, the product introduction is finished, the next step is to start the real evaluation of the product.”

As he spoke, Chen Yu waved, and Xiao Taohong immediately stepped forward and called up the virtual earth on the metal arch: "Wang, where are you going?"

“First stop, the Sahara Desert!”


Xiao Taohong nodded heavily and started operating the virtual earth.

[What the hell? ! Is this an AR projection?]

[Real-time special effects?]

[I seem to have discovered something amazing...]

[Big production!]

[So the host of UP is called Wang? Angry.]

[Bright! The arch is lit?]

[A desert appears behind the door? ? !]



[Holy shit, shit? !]

[What the hell is this? !]

[? ? ?]

[? ? ? ? ?]

[? ? ?]

[This real-time special effect is awesome!]


The raging barrage suddenly became sparse after the portal was activated. Apparently most of the audience was so shocked that they forgot to type.

The few dozen remaining barrages were all composed of [f*ck] and [? ? ?]composition.

What kind of picture is this

A huge metal arch stands on the beach where the waves are lapping! And inside the arch, it turned out to be an endless desert in the dark night...

This distortion and confusion of time, space, and environment shocked every audience in the live broadcast room.

"As we all know, the earth is round, so there is such a thing as jet lag. I am now in China at nine o'clock in the morning, so the Sahara Desert is now the dark night in the early morning."


Chen Yu clapped his hands, and exciting background music immediately sounded in the live broadcast room.

He turned around and walked to the middle of the arch: "I know that there are still many people who think this is just a special effect, or that this portal is just a big screen. I have always believed that facts speak louder than words. Open your eyes and continue. Come down, it’s time to witness the miracle!”

Having said that, along with the rhythm of the music, Chen Yu stepped out and stepped into the door!

(End of chapter)