Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 85: Wrong props, right weapons! (middle)


When the power button is pressed, the groove of the cloud weather control console suddenly lights up with a white light!

Three seconds later, the white light faded away, leaving only a light blue virtual projection.

Chen Yu touched it, and the projection felt cold to the touch, as if it were real.

"Hey? Interesting."

He touched the projection a few times, picked up a small stone from the ground, and tentatively placed it on top of the projection, and it actually stood!

"Nice! This virtual projection is real? What's the principle?"

[Light is a kind of electromagnetic wave, and electromagnetic wave is a kind of gravitational wave. Gravity will attract matter to gather, so... No, I can't make it up anymore.]

[It’s all done if you’re awesome!]

[With such special effects capabilities, wouldn’t it be nice to make a movie? Wouldn’t it be nice to save domestic products?]

[I seriously suspect that the live broadcast is fake!]

[No need for ink marks, I just want to see meteorites landing on the land of strong country and freedom.]

[Weatherman warning!]

While the barrage was flying, Chen Yu threw away the stone and ignored the scientific principle that he could not understand at the moment. He directly followed the operation instructions in the manual and clicked on the general weather menu.

"This high-tech product is too professional. I will not touch the parameter adjustment mode because it is too dangerous. Who knows what kind of chain reaction will be caused by lowering the temperature by one degree and increasing the humidity. So, we only use Comes with its own fool mode.”

As he spoke, Chen Yu looked up at the clear sky and continued: "I am somewhere in Thailand, near Mangu. I don't know the specific name. You can see that the sky is very clear. Now, I leave the choice to you. It’s up to you to decide what kind of atmosphere you want to bring here, and the minority must obey the majority.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly skyrocketed!

And the opinions are surprisingly unified.

[Comet impact.]

[Comet impact.]

[Comet impact.]

[Comet impact.]

[Comet impact.]

Chen Yu: "..."

[Master UP, although I am in Mangu, please choose Comet Impact.]

[Comet impact.]

[Comet impact.]

[Comets are considered meteorological phenomena, so nuclear bombs should also be included.]

[Are you looking down on my hydrogen bomb?]

[Big Ivan: I’ll just take a look and won’t say anything.]

[Comet impact...]

Putting down his watch, Chen Yu spread his hands: "If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, then I will do it myself."

After finding a comfortable sitting position, he took a deep breath and pressed the first button in the virtual projection - Sunny.


The moment the button popped up, the antenna object in the middle of the weather control console suddenly glowed!






Chen Yu clapped his hands suddenly and pointed to the sky: "Awesome! It's sunny!"


[Awesome! (Fifty cents per dollar, delete in parentheses)]

[amazing! (Fifty cents per dollar, delete in parentheses)]

[It’s not going to be dark, it’s indeed sunny.]

[support! mighty! There is hope!]

[Let’s let Xiao Jingteng come on... ]

[Please understand that funds are scarce.]

[What a shame!]

[This live broadcast ends here, we will see you next time.]

Looking at the crowded barrage on the watch screen, Chen Yu pushed up his mask and chuckled: "I was just joking just now, adjusting the rhythm. Next, it is the moment to witness the miracle!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yu's index finger, which was originally pointing to the sky, turned downwards and pressed the "Xiao Xue" button on the virtual projection with a "pop" sound.


The next moment, the antenna glowed red, and white clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, superimposing, getting closer, and crowding at a terrifying speed...

The sky became dark very quickly.

The sudden cold temperatures caused the bats to flee.

In just ten seconds, such a shocking change was like the end of the world in a movie.

[? ? ?]

[? ? ? ?]


[Who can give an explanation?]

[I am still the uneducated person, here I am again. Damn it!]


[Fuck +1]

[Again, this is definitely not a special effect! No other company has this level of real-time special effects!]

[I was at the Sriracha Tomb near Mangu, and it suddenly became cloudy... ]

[Scared me.]

[Barrage actors, please step aside. The national mountaineering team has already exposed the UP leader in the last live broadcast.]

[Whoever is the actor will die for the whole family!]

[You are all my family!]

[I just came here, am I going to start scolding you right away?]

[I am born with talents that will be useful, and my soldier’s length is still 1.6 meters.]

[My son can’t write yet.]

[Can you stop posting barrages? I can’t see the picture clearly, Sbis!]

[It actually snows in Mangu...]

In the chaotic barrage dispute, the first snowflake fell on Chen Yu's mask.

Then came the second piece, the third piece, the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth pieces... Under the "scorch" of his body temperature, they turned into a pool of flowing water.

Feeling the coolness from top to bottom, at this moment, Chen Yu suddenly had some understanding.

Understanding the nature of science.

But this understanding is too profound and complicated to describe with his literary talent.

So, it can only be reduced to two words - awesome.

"That's awesome."

Chen Yu shook his head and sighed, stretched out his index finger and pressed "Zhongxue..." next to "Xiaoxue".

"…" (Thai: Impossible.)

Zongravimon was sitting in the passenger seat of the military jeep. He stretched out his right hand amid the bumps and touched the falling snowflakes in the air, lost in thought.

Taiguo Mangu is located in Nanhejiaozhou, with a thoroughly tropical monsoon climate. It is hot all year round, with an average temperature of more than 27 degrees throughout the year.

But in such a place, it actually snowed...

Retracting his arm, Colonel Zonglavimon looked gloomy, turned to the driver and asked: "?" (How far is it from the destination?)

The driver held up the military cap on his head: "8." (8 kilometers.)

Hearing this, Zonglavimon subconsciously clenched the gun at his waist.

Eight kilometers away, according to the speed of their mobile unit, it would only take five minutes at most before they would run into the mysterious man.

The importance of this operation is extremely high, and even the big BOSS of the military department is paying close attention in real time.

If his troops hadn't happened to be in a very close position, he wouldn't have been responsible at all.


Taking a deep breath of cold air, the low temperature outside the car made him unable to feel the slightest chill. Sweat flowed drop by drop, soaking his military shirt.

"The instructions above are to use a gentle attitude to retain the other party. If the other party does not agree, appropriate coercive measures can be taken... "

"Enforcement? Are you crazy?"

After accepting the mission to go to Sriracha's tomb, he immediately watched all the videos of "Overtime Review" on Youtui, feeling that the scythe of death was already on his neck.

Take coercive measures against such a mysterious person who doesn't know the details and how many terrible technological weapons he has

Is it to let the other party kill him happily and then die of guilt

Or maybe their army has become a guinea pig under the control of all countries...

Holding the gun tighter, Zonglavimon took out his personal mobile phone, sent a farewell message to his wife far away, and then turned off the phone.

He is a small person and does not understand the manipulations at the top or even in the world, but he is extremely clear about the horror of the "whirlpool".

He had no power to resist.

I just hope that the mysterious person can cooperate...


Three minutes later, the driver suddenly pointed his finger to the side and shouted in Thai: "I saw it!"

Zonglavimon was startled and immediately turned his head.

Sure enough, I saw a huge metal arch standing among the mountains and forests...

(Note: Thanks to "Beauty Daifen", "Ghost Raising Tycoon" and "54th" for their 1,000 reward.)

(End of chapter)