Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 89: How did you fly up there?


The monthly exams for the sixth grade are finally over.

Xiao Taohong picked up her schoolbag and walked out of the school with stiff but powerful steps.

Keep your eyes straight along the way, give way to pedestrians, stop when the light is red and go when the light is green. Even the distance between the legs seems to have been measured, even half a centimeter.

Fifteen minutes later, she walked to Lanhe Community and entered the elevator.

"Wait... wait a minute! Wait for me!"

At this time, a young man hurried over carrying a large bag of milk tea and snacks, stretching out a leg to block the elevator door that was about to close.

"Ah, is it Xiao Chen? Isn't today Sunday? Are you going to school too?"

"Ang." Xiao Taohong nodded, reached out and pressed the 19th floor button.

"Press it for me. It's not convenient for me to carry things. I queued for half an hour to buy this food. I woke up in the morning and didn't even have time to go to the toilet. I can't hold it in anymore."

Hearing this, Xiao Taohong was stunned and looked at the young man in confusion.

She didn't know this young man, nor did she know how many floors he lived on. But judging by the tone of her voice, it seemed that this young man had a very familiar relationship with her master.

Therefore, in order to avoid revealing her secret and hurting the feelings between her neighbors, she felt that she could not ask them which floor they lived on.

So, after thinking for a while, her clever little mind came up with a foolproof strategy, which was to press all the buttons from the 2nd floor to the 22nd floor, even the alarm button...

The neighbor held his crotch between his legs and looked at Xiao Taohong in disbelief: "???"

Xiao Taohong nodded and smiled politely.

There must be a floor to his house, right? !

So she thought...


A few minutes later, she reached the 19th floor. When she walked out of the elevator, she looked back at the water stains in the corner: "Human beings are so troublesome."

She took out the key and opened the security door. As soon as she entered the living room, Chen Erke and Chen Sanke ran towards her.

"The Grasshopper is back!"

Chen Erke was so fast that he hugged Xiao Taohong's left leg first and rubbed it with his head.

"The Grasshopper is back... ah."

Chen Sanke was not only slow, but also mixed his left foot with his right foot and fell halfway.

"Well, I'm back."

Xiao Taohong didn't dare to say too many words, she just nodded, dealt with her master's two sisters, and then took out the second key to unlock the bedroom door and walked in.

"Eh? Where is Mr. Chen?"

"...I'm on top of you."

Xiao Taohong looked up in shock and found that Chen Yu was stuck on the ceiling, spinning around driven by the bearing...


Quickly closing the door, Xiao Taohong was at a loss: " did you fly up?"

"The design of this piece of crap is so anti-human. The propellers are not spinning anymore, why am I still spinning?" Chen Yu pointed at the propeller stuck in the ceiling while spinning clockwise, and said: "Quickly Please help me read the instructions, how to make it stop, I can't hold on anymore."

"oh oh!"

Xiao Taohong nodded repeatedly, picked up the instruction manual on the ground and quickly read it: "Well... if you want to increase the speed, just put the word 'speed increase' in your mind, and the speed will increase."

"Buzz buzz!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yu spun faster, as if he had turned into a top...

"...Dashabi! Stop it! I'm going to show you how to stop it! Don't say anything else... ugh! Other things ***!"

"Oh oh oh! I want to... want to stop the operation of the aircraft, and the words 'takeoff immediately prohibited' appear in my mind, and the machine will stop starting."

"Take off...take off is prohibited immediately!" Chen Yu was afraid that his brain would lose control at the critical moment, so he even shouted out loud.

Then, the rotation stopped.


The three retaining clips also closed the safety, and Chen Yu immediately broke free and fell to the floor.

"Chen...Mr. Chen, are you okay?" Xiao Taohong ran over to help her, with a worried look on her face: "Your face is so red."

"You'll be red even if you turn around! Bring me the trash can quickly. Vomit... vomit vomit... cough cough cough... "

After vomiting for a few minutes, Chen Yu wiped his mouth and lay on the bed panting, feeling that the world was turning upside down.

"Why... why do you need two words to start and six words to stop?! No one can guess it without reading the manual, right Mr. Zha?!"

"You should read the instructions first before operating."

"Stop talking about this, I want to... find a way to help me get the propeller off. I'll lie down for a while. I can't do it anymore. I'm going to die..."


Xiao Taohong took the seat in front of the desk and placed it under the spiral ascension aircraft. She jumped on the stool, grabbed the fixed frame with both hands, and pulled hard!


The propeller fell with a sound.

Also falling were ceiling tiles and pieces of concrete.

Chen Yu: "..."

"Mr. Chen, I pulled it down." Xiao Taohong said happily, holding the propeller in her hand.


As soon as he finished speaking, a large piece of concrete fell down and hit Xiao Taohong hard on the forehead. But she still had a smile on her face and no reaction at all.

"Oh, my God..."

Chen Yu covered his face and lay on the bed not wanting to open his eyes again.

Jumping off the chair, Xiao Taohong carefully inspected the spiral ascension aircraft several times and said, "Mr. Chen, there is no damage. This propeller is very strong."

"Yes. But the building is not strong."

"It doesn't matter, only part of the surface has fallen off."

"All right."

After patting his forehead and feeling a little more comfortable, Chen Yu sat up and looked up at the ceiling: "You won't drop any more rocks, right? If you hit your head, you'll get hurt."

"No, everything that should be dropped has been dropped."


Then, a piece of concrete fell and hit Xiao Taohong on the head.

"What did you say?"

"I said everything that should be dropped was dropped."


Another piece of concrete falls...

Chen Yu held his forehead: "I know you are not afraid of pain, but it looks uncomfortable to me. Can you stop standing under that hole?"

"Okay." Xiao Taohong took a few steps back: "Mr. Chen, do you need me to repair it? Just give me the raw materials."

"No need, there are hundreds of lives in one building."

After getting out of bed, Chen Yu walked around the damaged area on the ceiling, walked to Xiao Taohong, took the spiral ascension aircraft and looked at it, and found that there was no damage. At most, there are some scratches on the top of three propeller blades.

"As expected of the material of the future, it's really strong."

Putting the aircraft in the corner, Chen Yu put his hands on his hips and looked at the ceiling, feeling a headache.

This kind of problem can only be solved by professional decorators, who will also replace the floor.

Taking out his mobile phone and making an appointment with the decoration master on the 85 platform, Chen Yu then turned his attention to Xiao Taohong: "Did the exam go well today?"

"Success!" Xiao Taohong nodded.

"Do you know those exam questions?"

"Some will and some won't. And the logic of many questions is inherently wrong."

"You don't need to worry about that." Chen Yu waved his hand: "You were normal along the way, right?"

"It's very normal." Xiao Taohong nodded heavily: "In the elevator, I even established a relationship with your neighbor."

"As long as it's normal. I'm mainly afraid that you will reveal your identity." Chen Yu said seriously: "Under my impeccable concealment, you are the only loophole."

"Don't worry, under your careful guidance, Xiao Taohong has become thicker and thinner, and she will never let you down."

"There is fineness in the roughness!"

"Yes, there's roughness and fineness."

"Stop saying that word, use caution instead."

"Be cautious."

"...Why do you feel something is wrong as soon as you read it..."

(End of chapter)