Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 90: A new storm has emerged


Taking out a broom and shovel, Chen Yu cleaned up the ceiling and gravel. He looked at Xiao Taohong and asked, "Can you remain invisible all the time?"

"There is a time limit. What's wrong, Mr. Chen?"

"Then just change your face back, I'll be scared to see it."

"Okay!" Xiao Taohong's eyes lit up and she immediately ran to the portal to connect in space.

"You seem happy?"

"Yes! Robots also have a love for beauty."


Hearing this, Chen Yu nodded expressionlessly, waited for Xiao Taohong to run into the warehouse, then slammed the door shut and disconnected the space.

"If you have a cross on your horse, let yourself be beautiful."

Then, he walked to the mirror, looked at his face in the mirror, and murmured to himself: "The aesthetics of the future world are really terrible."

"Dong dong dong!"

At this time, the bedroom door was suddenly knocked.

Chen Erke's voice came from outside the door: "Brother, your express delivery is here."

"Leave it at the door."

After shouting, Chen Yu took one last look in the mirror, then walked to the door and listened carefully. When he heard Chen Erke's footsteps walking away, he opened the door with confidence and got out.

He couldn't let his family know he had "teared down" the house until the bedrooms were decorated.

Walking to the foyer, Chen Yu opened the express delivery and asked, "Second brother, where is your sister?"

"After picking me up, my sister and my mother went shopping for new clothes."

"New clothes? What new clothes?"

"New clothes for the New Year."

"It's still early for the Chinese New Year, right?!"

"Mom said clothes are cheap during this period, but they are expensive during the New Year."

"… Fine."

Chen Yu took out the three hard drives from the express box, returned to the bedroom, and fell into deep thought.

Editing is indeed very profitable, but now with Xiao Taohong's income, the money seems insignificant.

After all, the family has already passed through the most difficult period, and there is no need to do hard work.

Thinking of this, he played with the hard drive for a while, then picked up his mobile phone and contacted Bai Yunduoduo.

[Chen Yu: "Here?"]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "I'm here. Have you received the hard drive?"]

[Chen Yu: "I got it."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "There is a lot of material this time, so I sent you three hard drives. How long will it take to complete the editing?"]

[Chen Yu: "Let's break up."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "???"]

[Chen Yu: "I won't cut it anymore. Let's terminate the cooperation."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "...Brother, please stop joking?"]

[Chen Yu: "I'm not kidding, I don't make much money, so I don't want to play anymore. That's it."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "Routine! I knew you had a trick here! Okay, the price can go up, everyone understands it, everyone understands it."]

[Chen Yu: "I won't cut it no matter how much it goes up. The studio is obsolete. Goodbye."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "Brother! Brother! Stop making trouble!"]

[Chen Yu: "I already have enough sisters."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "Dad!"]

[Chen Yu: "..."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "Dad, can we stop making trouble? The price is negotiable. I have already received so many. If you don't do it, I will lose money."]

[Chen Yu: "I won't do it anymore, I'm tired."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "No! I won't do it if I say no?! Do you still have the spirit of contract?!"]

[Chen Yu: "Why don't I have the spirit to abandon the promise? Is it very straightforward for me not to give up? Just give up."]

[Baiyun Duoduo: "..."]

[Chen Yu: "Oh, you are such a pitiful little girl. Let me give you a haircut for the last time. Give me the money first."]

[Baiyun Duoduo transferred 30,000 yuan.]

[Chen Yu: "OK, just wait."]

After closing the Kuakou software and looking at the extra 30,000 yuan in his account, Chen Yu suddenly thought of Xiao Taohong.

"It's a bit too cruel to lock her alone in a warehouse. After all, she's just a young robot. She speaks like a child, so there's no need for ordinary knowledge... "

Sighing, Chen Yu relented and walked to the portal that connected the warehouse in the suburbs. When he pushed it open, he saw Xiao Taohong, who had returned to her original appearance, squatting in the corner and drawing circles on the ground with her fingers.

"Mr. Chen!"

The light shining from the portal was like the warmth of heaven, melting Xiao Taohong's cold thoughts. She stood up slowly against the corner, her eyes red: "I...I knew, Mr. Chen, you wouldn't..."



Before he finished speaking, Chen Yu threw in a laptop and three hard drives: "Use the Hypertime Terminal software to edit the videos here, and then write the code."

Xiao Taohong: " won't let me go..."


After closing the portal tightly, the guilt in Chen Yu's heart immediately dissipated.

"It wouldn't be cruel to give her a computer to play with."

At the same time, a Wuling Hongguang slowly stopped on a road on the outskirts of Jinzhou City.


The car door opened and fourteen people stepped out of the car.

Among these fourteen people, one is white, one is black, and the rest are yellow. There are men and women, ranging in age from 17 to 40 years old.

"After hiding for half a month, I finally took action."

A white man who was obviously the leader looked around, straightened his wrinkled coat, and said in unskilled Chinese: "The environment is not bad, there are many places to hide."

"Does each of our teams have support?" the yellow woman next to her asked.

"Yes, but it's not easy to contact." The white man said in a low voice: "There are many open and hidden sentries inside and outside the city. It seems calm, but almost every resident is under surveillance. Jinzhou is now a city under martial law."

"It will be difficult for us to operate."

"But it was because of this that the superiors judged that the 'Super Time UP Master' was in this city."

"Could it be a smoke bomb?"

"It's possible. But there's nothing we can do." The white man spread his hands: "When the anchor threw a few boxes to the officials of various countries this morning, the situation has changed. The cabinet has issued a fatal order, one level at a time, any level. Don’t miss any opportunity.”

"That is to say..." The black man behind the crowd narrowed his eyes: "Is the box material really from the future?"

"That's right. At least it's not something that current technology can create."

With the white man's definite reply, the scene fell into silence.

Everyone's expressions were very complicated, and their outlook on life was almost collapsed.

"And there was a letter in every box, and nerves around the world were on edge."

"What did you write?"

"I don't know." The white man took out the peaked cap from the lining and put it on his head: "Perform your respective tasks well and disperse your actions. And deal with the driver."


Everyone agreed, and every two people formed a small team and dispersed.

The white team leader’s teammate is the black man.

Two people, one white and one black, hid in the fields under the road and headed towards the hiding place.

"Team leader, our apparent mission is just to wait for information and then snipe the target. What are the missions of the other six teams?"

"I don't know." The white man shook his head: "Each team has different tasks, and there is more than one task. They even conflict with each other. I can't guess."

"Is this so..."

"That's right." The white man showed a mysterious smile and turned to stare at the black man: "And I'm not sure, everyone's mission is different. Right? My partner?"

"...Maybe you are right. But there is only one question." As he said, the black man looked down at his skin color: "Is our real mission to be prisoners?"


(End of chapter)