Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 96: Instant kill


After opening the portal and returning home, Chen Yu lay straight on the bed without taking off his clothes.

"Dad is so exhausted..."

Xiao Taohong walked in holding the box with the propeller, closed the door, disconnected the space, and asked: "Mr. Chen, do you need Xiao Taohong to massage you?"

"No. Don't bother the emergency doctor in the middle of the night."

After lying down for a while, Chen Yu sat up and rubbed his neck: "My neck feels a little sore."

"Maybe you made too many turns." Xiao Taohong blinked.


With a casual remark, Chen Yu raised his wrist and clicked on the watch screen to check the income of this live broadcast.

Only get 5 points. Add the remaining 1 point for a total of 6 points.

The total number of viewers on the three platforms is 150,000, which is not too small, but not too many. A large portion of fans are unaware, which affects revenue.

"Only six o'clock." Chen Yu couldn't help but frown: "It's a loss-making business."

He spent more than twenty points on purchasing this spiral ascension aircraft, and only gained five points by conducting additional reviews.

If you put aside the personal use factor and think purely from a business perspective, he will lose money.

If you want not to lose money, either increase your popularity or buy cheap product reviews.

The former needs to be done step by step and not in a hurry. Although the latter can earn points, they won’t earn too much. Moreover, frequent reviews of small technology products will undoubtedly cause aesthetic fatigue, lower one’s worth and sense of mystery, and even affect the popularity and revenue of official live broadcasts.

"Mr. Chen, how many points do you get?"

"Five o'clock, plus the previous one, a total of six o'clock."

"There are so few." Xiao Taohong pinched the buttons of her cheongsam: "How about you judge me?"

Chen Yu: "???"

"Evaluate my performance." Xiao Taohong akimbo: "I am also a technology product."

"... It's illegal to review dolls. You should go back to writing code."

"All right."

Xiao Taohong sat down at the desk regretfully, her hands flying.


Lying back on the bed, Chen Yu continued to slide his watch and clicked on the [Super Dimension Store] page.

Sure enough, as soon as the points were earned, the store shelves were immediately refreshed.

[Recommended products of Super Dimension Store]

[1.The emperor's new hair paste. Produced by Bawang Daily Products Company in 2093. 1 liter package. The product is applied to the hair strands so that no one but the user can see the user's hair. Priced at 1 point.]

[2.Yawn dentures. Produced by Little Sleep Company in 2100. The dentures are equipped with a micro-brain pulse diffuser, which can stimulate the cerebral cortex of surrounding creatures to heat up, stimulate nerve reflexes, and cause symptoms such as drowsiness, fatigue, and slow thinking in surrounding creatures. It can cause creatures in a closed environment to fall asleep at the same time in a short period of time. (It can only be activated when the user is sleepy) The price is 4 points.]

[3. Mild soap. Produced by Comfort Home Products Company in 2024. For men, the main material is endorphin, which is blended with many biochemical synthetic hormones. After being dissolved in water, the released gas can be quickly absorbed by the human body, giving it a pleasant feeling of wisdom and philosophy, calming the mind, and stimulating Muscle contraction. Priced at 1 point.]

[4. Calcium pain-enhancing tablets. Produced by Moscow State University in 2082. After taking it, under the continuous action of specific calcium ions, the pain of the user's injury will be enhanced, and the cerebral cortex will be stimulated to prevent the body's protective shock, keeping the user in pain. Priced at 2 points.]

[5. The second generation temperature sensing grenade. Produced by LEGO Toy Company 2179. The main toy of the "thunder game" for teenagers in the new era has a highly sensitive temperature-sensitive chip on its surface. As the hand passes it, if a player is too nervous and the temperature of his palm rises, the grenade will be detonated immediately and the loser will be eliminated. Compared with the first generation, the second generation temperature-sensing grenade has 22 more compressed steel balls in the inner layer, which greatly enhances the fun of the game. Priced at 5 points.]

[The above products can be refreshed by spending 10 points. Within every 24 hours, the cost of multiple refreshes increases tenfold.]


"What? What? What?"

"What the hell is this?!"

After reading the five refreshed "high-tech" products one by one, Chen Yu's mentality collapsed.

Putting aside the four models 1, 2, 3, and 4 for now, let’s talk about the fifth temperature-sensing grenade. You actually call it a toy? !

And he noticed that this grenade was produced in the same time period as the Uranium-235 Atomic Energy Laboratory...

What have the children in the 22nd world experienced? !

Is there really a population explosion

After a long time, his mood gradually calmed down. Chen Yu sat up, looked at the five products on the watch screen, and became entangled.

Should we continue to wait for the refresh at 12 o'clock in the morning, or choose a product

If he had to choose just one, Chen Yu felt that the second yawning denture was somewhat useful.

If we wait for the refresh, what if it is not as good as this batch by then

He only has 6 points in total. No matter how much he refreshes, the product value will definitely be below 6 points.

And he believes that this "group sleep" tool should be of great use.

"Well...just choose this one."

Thinking of this, Chen Yu no longer hesitated and decisively clicked on the screen to buy yawning dentures.

[Consumption of 5 points (product + tax), leaving 1 point.]

As the words appeared on the watch, a small wormhole immediately twisted into the air in the bedroom, and a white express box fell down.

"So small."

Waiting for the wormhole to disappear, Chen Yu stepped forward, picked up the smallest express box in history, put it to his ear and shook it vigorously.

There is no sound.


Tear off the seal, open the lid, and find a ball of foam inside.

Take out the foam and find three things sandwiched between it.

A volume of instructions.

A small tooth.

A small hammer.

Chen Yu first opened the manual, read it in detail, and frowned.

"You actually have to knock out one of your teeth so that it can be installed?"

Putting down the instruction manual, Chen Yu picked up the small hammer, walked to the mirror, hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth, bared his teeth, and knocked out the upper left tiger tooth.


After being struck, the tiger tooth shook violently and fell off the gums, causing blood to flow rapidly.

"What the hell?"

Chen Yu quickly picked up his yawning dentures and pushed them against the gap.

The blood stopped instantly.

The ends of the new teeth seemed to have some kind of liquid overflowing, and they were firmly stuck to the gums. No matter how hard Chen Yu tried to move them, they would not shake.


After carefully checking his teeth and looking at the small hammer in his hand, Chen Yu thought for a long time, walked out of the bedroom and washed up, then stood in front of the portal and started to connect the space.

"Mr. Chen, where are you going?"

"I want to test the function of the new product. By the way, hold on to this little hammer. This is definitely a weapon!"

"Okay! Do you need Xiao Taohong to accompany you?"

"Need not."

After saying that, Chen Yu put on his mask.

Half a minute later, he appeared in a nightclub in Shanghai.

Through the glass of the VIP box, you can see countless men and women swaying on the dance floor, madly venting youth, desire and money in the passionate and rhythmic melody.

"Let you dance..."

After walking out of the VIP box on the second floor, Chen Yu ran all the way to the middle of the dance floor with flashing lights. He couldn't wait to open his mouth and yawned...

"ah… "

(End of chapter)