Transmigrated As a Villain, I Rely on Sand Sculpture to Survive

Chapter 66: pretentious


The lips parted as soon as they were touched, leaving only a soft and warm touch.

The long gown fell down from behind, Su Chi straightened up, and closed the lapel as if nothing had happened.

Su Jianchen at the other end just turned around, "Brother, are you all right?"

Su Yao regained his senses, and hurriedly lowered his head and pulled up his clothes, revealing two red ear tips between his black hair. Su Chi caught a glimpse, the corner of his mouth curled up, and the next second he pressed it back and turned his head to look at Su Jianchen.

His skirt was still open, "What do you think?"

Su Jianchen, "Oh..."

Su Teng looked over from his own angle, and could vaguely see the thin figure in front of Su Chi. The latter slipped a part of his skirt when he raised his hand. Su Chi turned around and raised one hand.

"Second brother." Su Ting called Su Jianchen, who was eager to see his prestige, "Can you help me see if I have taken care of my back?"

Su Jianchen withdrew his gaze, frowned and said, "Sir, why are you so particular?"

The two lowered their heads to straighten their clothes again. Su Yaoyi's skirt was pulled up by one hand. Su Zhi's slender fingers brushed the cloth between his neck and paused when he passed the red mole.

Su Yaoyi pulled the lace and urged in a low voice, "Brother, you should also pull up your clothes, or your abdominal muscles will catch cold."

Su Chi, "..."

Several people changed their clothes and put their belongings into the storage cabinet. Su Yaoyi walked behind Su Chi to the exit of the dressing room, Su Teng and Su Jianchen walked over together, "Let's go out."

Open the door and go out to the waiting room, where Liu Qinling is already waiting. When she saw the four people walking out, she was amazed for a moment.

The dragon has nine sons, each of which is different. The four brothers of the Su family also have different styles - Su Teng's big red dress is flamboyant, like a flamboyant prince; behind him is Su Jianchen's dark blue gown, which is steady and majestic, with stiff lines and looks like a general.

"Wow you guys..." She blurted out her surprise when she saw the last two people.

Su Chi was dressed in an expensive black gown rolled in gold, and when he raised his eyes, he looked fierce, stern and ascetic. When he turned his head slightly to look at the people beside him, his whole body lost his momentum, "Walk well, don't kick the hem of your clothes."

Su Yaoyi was wearing a white gown with a light robe gathered outside, and followed behind flutteringly, revealing the waistline outlined by the girdle underneath, "I didn't kick on purpose, I just walked with the wind."

"You thought you were a vacuum cleaner?"


Liu Qinling's words of exclamation got stuck in her throat, and she glanced over the two people who were gradually walking in. Apart from seductive eyes, she always felt that there was another sense of sight in it.

"Wow, Sister Ling is such a beauty~" Su Ting swayed to her in a few steps, the bright red color was quite eye-catching.

The sense of sight in Liu Qinling's heart was completely shaken away, she crossed her hips and raised her chin, "That's not it!"

The staff got up and handed out the booklets in their hands to several people, "This is the instruction for props, which will help you to crack the secret room later. We don't have any role-playing in this script, just work together until the end." .”

Holding the booklet in his hand, Su Yaoyi opened it and read it word by word and sentence by sentence. He read half of it, and Su Chi closed the booklet out of the corner of his eye. Su Yaoyi raised his head and accused, "Brother, you don't take it seriously."

Su Chi, "I've written it down."

Su Yao didn't believe it, "You just glanced at it, and didn't even point to it."

Su Chi looked at him pointedly, "The effect of finger reading is very good?"

"That must be..." As soon as the words started, Nie Chiji, the result of his latest finger-reading, suddenly popped into his mind.

Su Yaoyi's voice stopped abruptly, and he lowered his head knowingly that he was justified, and stopped arguing with Su Chi.

The goldfish's head was rubbed pitifully.

After reading the instruction manual, the group of staff led the staff through the dimly lit corridor to a door with a red-lacquered copper ring.

It takes two hours to clear the customs, and the walkie-talkie in your hand can be used once for help. Su Yaoyi hugged the walkie-talkie, as if holding the hope of the whole village, "Remember to come to me if you don't know."

Liu Qinling was rational, "I think I should go to Brother Su first."

Su Yaoyi came to his senses, "Oh, that's right, the elder brother is the pendant!"

His pronunciation was smooth and coherent, with ups and downs, and Liu Qinling was at a loss for a moment, "What... what... der??"

Su Chi directly raised his hand and pushed open the painted red door, the heavy sound of opening the door interrupted the confrontation between the two.

The light inside the door is dim, and the environment is simple, and it can be vaguely seen that it is the back kitchen of an ancient mansion.

In a space of more than 20 square meters, there is a door facing the wall, three large dustpans are hung on the left, and heavenly stems are carved on the right. Some firewood and various sundries were piled on the ground.

After the five people walked in, the door slammed shut behind them, and then the lock slammed from the outside.

As soon as Su Yaoyi was locked, his heart became tense, and he quickly got close to his elder brother. Su Chi is still calm in the unfamiliar environment, "We first collect clues, and then gather together to correspond one by one. The first level is generally not difficult, and we can get out soon."

Su Yaoyi looked sideways alertly, "Don't set up such a flag!"

Su Chi, "..."

Liu Qinling waved her hand, "Oh, I believe Brother Su." After she finished speaking, she turned around to look for clues, and Su Ting also swayed to study the heavenly stems carved on the wall.

Seeing this, Su Jianchen immediately joined in, "I'll go and have a look at the stove over there. There should be a disc on it that should be the key clue."

The rest of the people scattered in all directions. Su Yaoyi caught a glimpse of another corner where no one was going, and was about to move when his arm was pulled.

As soon as he withdrew his strength, he turned back to Su Chi's side again, the hem of his clothes twirled on the soles of his feet, and Su Yaoyi felt like a dream waltz dancer.

After he stood still, he stabilized his figure, "Brother?"

The light in the room was very dim, even if the two were very close at this time, they couldn't see each other's expression clearly. Su Chi's voice was mixed in the darkness, low and vague, "Why are you running? Follow me."

Su Yaoyi glanced sideways at the other three people. Everyone was looking for details in the room, but they didn't notice them.

He boldly grabbed Su Chi's palm through the cover of his sleeve, and poked lightly on the latter's palm.

Didi check-in!

The breathing in front of him suddenly became heavy, and Su Yaoyi was caught off guard and pulled closer. Su Chi held his hand backwards, and rubbed his rough fingertips against his wrist, "Is it fun?"

The numbness brushed past with a tingle, and Su Yaoyi felt his fine hair stand on end!

At this moment, the voices of the second and third child were speaking from behind, as if they were about to turn around to them.

Su Yaoyi hurriedly withdrew her hand, "Look for clues, look for clues..."

Su Chi's eyes fixed on his face for a few seconds, then moved away, letting him go for now, "Come here, take a look here."

There is a wooden cabinet against the wall on one side of the back kitchen. Porcelain bowls and vases are placed on each shelf, and there are gaps in between. The back of the cupboard was against the wall, and Su Yaoyi took a look. There was a half-finger-wide gap, which seemed to be movable.

He tried to push it, but the cabinet didn't budge.

Su Chi took him aside, raised his hand and opened the bottom of the bowl to check one by one: the bottom of the bowl was painted with numbers with eye-catching paint, and no pattern could be seen for the time being.

Su Yaoyi put his head together and said, "Brother, what is this for?"

The porcelain bowl was put back in place, "You think I'm an artificial intelligence, and you can know the answer by voice input?"

Su Yaoyi shyly pressed his face towards him, "You are falling..." The hand under the hem of the clothes was grasped.

The warm fingertips squeezed his palm, "Don't provoke me outside."

Su Yaoyi moved her lips skillfully behind her teeth, and closed the microphone obediently.

After ten minutes or so, several people in the secret room gathered in the middle to exchange the information they got.

Su Teng said, "Heavenly stems and corresponding numbers are engraved on the right wall, and three round dustpans are placed on the left wall, and there are marks on the back after opening."

Su Jianchen regained his energy all of a sudden: He knows this question!

He said, "On the stove is a big disc with three layers inside and outside, all engraved with heavenly stems, which should be related to the clues you found."

When Su Yaoyi heard that there was a key clue, he immediately turned around and ran to the stove to look. Su Chi paused, turned on his toes and followed behind him.

When I got closer, there was indeed a large disc on the stove, with a pointer in the center pointing upwards, and the three-tiered disc could be rotated. Su Yaoyi stretched out his hand and tried to turn the disc, the sleeve fell on the disc and swept it back and forth, and was caught by Su Zhi in his hand.

He looked sideways, and Su Chi was also looking at him.

Su Yaoyi suddenly giggled softly, "Brother, do you think we look like—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Su Jianchen suddenly appeared behind him, "Oh, I forgot to mention it! The light here is not good, and some words are engraved on the disk so I can't read clearly."

Two people, "..."

The atmosphere was tense for a moment, Su Jianchen sensed something was wrong, "What's wrong?"

Su Chi said lightly, "It's nothing, you can see clearly if you get closer to the second child."

With a 200-watt light bulb, the lighting effect must be very good.

Su Jianchen was determined, "No big brother, I got very close just now!"

Su Ting lazily followed behind and leaned to the side, he had already given up trying to change his second brother's simple and honest personality.

Liu Qinling clapped his hands violently when he heard the words, "I seemed to see a candle lamp just now, but I threw it aside because there was no clue!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and went to search.

The candle lamps were soon discovered, because they were simulating ancient scenes, and the props were only made into the shape of candle lamps, which were actually electronic lighting equipment. After a few people messed around, the dark room finally saw light again!

Liu Qinling held the candle high, wearing a long gown, the light reflected on her bright face, "Brothers, look at me..."

Su Yaoyi praised at the right time, "Like the Statue of Liberty."

Liu Qinling, "..."

She put down the candle and sighed slightly: If I am wrong, please let the law punish me instead of sending Su Yaoyi to suppress me.

It is rare for Su Teng to comfort others with kindness, "At least she is a goddess."

Su Jianchen missed the point, but he was not far behind, "It's still very free!"

Liu Qinling, "Thank you so much."

With the illumination of the candle, the small characters on the disc can be seen quickly. It is a circle of numbers arranged on the inside of the disc. Su Chi rested his slender fingers on the edge of the stage, and thoughtfully tapped twice.

After a few seconds, he suddenly turned around and strode towards the left wall, and took down the three dustpans hanging on it.

A few people gathered around, "What did you think of?"

The dustpan was turned over, and with the light, they could see clearly that the writing on the back was faded Tiangan, and there was a red line on each edge of the dustpan.

Su Chi stacked the three dustpans according to their size, and after the red lines lined up in a straight line, the corresponding heavenly stems lined up.

Liu Qinling suddenly exclaimed, "Ah, so it is used in such a combination!"

Su Chi calmly passed it to Su Jianchen, "Second brother, go and arrange it."

"Oh, good!"

Su Teng and Liu Qinling went to decipher together, leaving only Su Chi and Su Yaoyi by the wall.

Su Yaoyi was a little excited. Although he didn't solve the answer himself, but Su Chi solved it, and he got a little reflection—after all, he was his boyfriend! cluck cluck...

"Brother, you are like a big boss. You solved the mystery but didn't do it yourself. You stood behind and let others do it. You hid yourself in a small dark corner."

Su Yao whimpered, "It's so compelling!"

"..." Su Chi looked up at the three people with their backs to them, stretched out his hand to pinch Su Yaoyi's stupid hair, "Do you think I'm just trying to pretend?"

"Then why did you let the second brother go?"

"Don't dismiss them, and leave them here to light up?" Su Chi snorted softly, "Move your head."

"Oh." Su Yaoyi shook his head obediently.

In a trance, if there is the sound of water.

Su Chi couldn't help admiring his superficial brains.

The rest of the people were not there, and the interrupted topic resumed. Su Chi lowered his head and asked him in a low voice, "What did you want to say just now?"

Su Yaoyi glanced at the other end, confirmed that no one was paying attention to their side, and said in a low voice, "I want to say, we are like the kind of talented scholars and beautiful ladies in ancient times. I study poetry and books hard, and you hold up your sleeves and study ink for me..."

Su Chi raised his eyebrows, "Are you a genius, my beauty?"

Su Yaoyi didn't dare to challenge his elder brother's authority, "No, no, my point is that we are in love with each other and agree with each other."

I don't know which word was poked at the point, Su Chi's fingertips trembled, and his breathing sank. He raised his hand and was about to catch the person who teased him casually, Su Yaoyi noticed it and dodged aside, his wide sleeves brushed past the former's fingertips.

Su Zhi suppressed his voice, "Su Yaoyi!"

Relying on the fact that there was someone not far away, Su Yaoyi ran away with his sleeves in his arms.

Woohoo, I didn't expect that one day, he would be able to walk his elder brother! Great!

The figure ran away gradually, ostentatiously. Su Chi leaned against the wall and took two deep breaths to calm down the emotion that had been provoked.

After a while, he stepped up and walked towards the few people gathered in front of him.

Lawless, favored and arrogant, do you really think that his patience has no bottom line

The author has something to say: Su Yaoyi: Wuhu ~ a big crowd, a secret love affair, what else can you do with me? Contrived.jpg

Su Chi: Hehe.