Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 18: The second fog


When the thick fog completely covered the outside world, the three people in the car couldn't hold back and slowly fell asleep, as if some special substance made their bodies fall into hibernation collectively.

Yin Yiliu looked at Jin Yang, who was slowly closing his eyes, and felt a little anxious. The monstrous white mist rolled out of the car window, as if it was drilled from the ground, and drilled into the car along the small gap in the window.

After the first foggy day, Yin Yiliu vaguely understood that the fog didn't harm people's bodies, but only urged animals and plants to mutate more rapidly.

She could feel that the bones and flesh in her body began to mutate again like itching, but this time the feeling was different from the last time, as if there were insects and ants digging in the crevices of her bones.

She endured the panic in her heart, and touched Jin Yang's forehead with a paw pad like the first time. There was no fever, and the expression on her face was not very painful, as if she was completely asleep.

She jumped to the side of the Zhao siblings in the back seat again, touched their skin, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I don't know if it was because of Zhao Qiyang and the lizard alien species. When the white smoke touched his exposed skin, a green crust slowly appeared on his face and the back of his hands, which looked very scary. .

Yin Yiliu only glanced at it and jumped back to the seat in front of her body tremblingly.

She took out half a bottle of water from her bag, and awkwardly opened the bottle cap with her hands, moistening Jin Yang's lips a little bit like before, and a small puddle of water was spilled on the passenger seat.

Seeing the man's light-colored lips become full of water, she felt a strange satisfaction in her heart. After putting away the water bottle, she jumped up to the front window again, unable to resist the sleepiness and slowly fell asleep.

Yin Yiliu slept very lightly because she was thinking about Jin Yang. When the second half of the night was almost over, she heard a lot of noises from outside the car. She opened her dazed eyes alertly, and leaned against the window to watch the whole rabbit. outside scene.

Now the outside is completely surrounded by thick fog, which is thicker than the first time, and the bright sky seems to have a layer of dark green on the fog.

Her long ears were trembling. Although she couldn't hear clearly through the window, she could hear the roars of wild beasts, one after another, from far and near, mixed with other sounds, which looked messy.

At this moment, she heard a gunshot from a distance, followed by an even louder roar, so loud that Yin Yiliu's heart trembled.

There are people outside, and there are beasts, not far from their cars, it is not safe here.

Just when she was hesitating, the left side of the car was hit hard by something unknown. The creature was so powerful that it almost bumped the car body. Jin Yang's head leaning on the back of the seat slid down a bit.

Yin Yiliu's eyes were gradually adjusting to the thicker fog, and she could clearly see a very large animal walking slowly past their car, as if not interested in them.

Is the animal's mouth and head a little blunt? It looks very simple and honest, and its skin is dark gray with a thin layer of hair. It seems to be hit by itself. I didn't expect this big guy to block the road and quickly walk away. .

Yin Yiliu watched it go farther and farther, and her heart slowly loosened.

According to her impressions at the zoo in her previous life, this guy should be a capybara, which is huge and looks like a car after mutating.

Fortunately, capybaras are herbivores with a natural temperament, and their hunting heart and curiosity are not so strong.

The sound outside the window still did not stop, and occasionally a frightened mutant animal hiding in the shade of the tree ran out, not small.

Yin Yiliu weighed it again and again and decided to get out of the car by herself.

The people in the car entered the second mutation. She didn't know when they would wake up. If the fog dissipated during the day, it would definitely attract awake people and mutant beasts, and the situation would be dangerous by then.

As the only awake rabbit in the whole car, she decided to get out of the car to detect the surrounding situation. Once someone or a mutant creature wanted to get close, she pretended to be a strange creature in the mist and used extreme speed to scare them away.

She grabbed the door handle with her front paws, and the door opened at once, and the thick, moist, white mist from the outside rushed toward her, scrambling to get into the car.

After she jumped to the ground, she glanced at the three who were still in a drowsiness, took a deep breath and jumped up to lift the car door.

The off-road vehicle has been modified so that it can only be opened from the inside without unlocking the door. People outside can't get in. She doesn't worry about anything else, but is afraid that some beast will knock over the car directly.

As soon as she got out of the car, the milky-white gas around her enveloped her. The fog this time was strange. If she didn't pay attention and observe carefully, she couldn't see the place five meters away.

After Yin Yiliu got used to the surrounding environment, she was taken aback by the situation in front of her.

M City, which was originally extremely lush with vegetation, is now like a large jungle. The trees are taller, and the thick leaf canopy completely covers the sky. From her perspective, she can only see endless vegetation. Probably the building was also entangled deeper by branches and leaves at this time.

Overnight, the plants grew like crazy.

Yin Yiliu kicked her hind legs hard, and her body jumped very high easily. She could feel that her jumping ability was more evolved than before.

She jumped to the roof of the off-road vehicle, and her vision was slightly wider. She didn't know what other places looked like, but M City was completely occupied by green plants.

Just as she was trying to inspect the surrounding situation, a roar cut through the sky again. This time, there was no obstruction from the doors and windows. She could clearly feel the frightening sound waves, which were very close to them.

Yin Yiliu suddenly jumped off the roof of the car, and his whole body fell into the tall grass.

The grass on the ground has grown from the original to the human calf, and has grown to around the knee of an adult. After Yin Yiliu jumped in, her body was completely hidden. She was too small.

The little rabbit crawled forward in the grass, and the sharp jagged edges of the surrounding leaves brushed against its thick and thick fur, which did not cause it any actual damage, just like it was tickling.

The further forward, the louder the beast's roar, Yin Yiliu stuck to the ground, as if she could feel the ground trembling when the beast ran.

When the roar mixed with the panicked voice of humans was almost at hand, she stuck her head out of the grass and saw the scene outside.

I saw three huge jackals surrounded the group. They should be the original survivors of M City, and there were a lot of them.

It is only a few tens of meters away from the place where the off-road vehicle was parked. If this group of people escaped in the direction of the car, it would inevitably be affected.

The leading group had guns in their hands, and as long as the jackals rushed forward, they would shoot in awe.

It's a pity that although the bullet can break open the skin of these jackals and make them hurt and hurt, it can't touch the ground, it just makes these mutant dogs even more angry.

The rest held machetes, clubs and other weapons in their hands, and were guarded by the innermost person carrying a fainted man on his back.

Yin Yiliu knew that the comatose man should be in the second evolution like Jin Yang and the others.

I'm just afraid that this group of people is more fortunate and less fortunate.