Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 20: Rabbit-eared cubs appearing out of thin air


At this time, Yin Yiliu hid behind a huge banyan tree. She was the good rabbit who did good deeds without leaving her name, and rescued the man and woman from the mouth of the mutant jackal.

She didn't send kindness at will. Originally, there was only one mutated jackal left. She couldn't let her indifferently watch two living lives being torn apart under her own eyes.

So with enough confidence, she chose to help.

Watching these people flee in the opposite direction to the off-road vehicle, she breathed a sigh of relief and the crisis was over.

But it didn't take long for Yin Yiliu to feel the peculiar itch in her bones getting worse, as if something was tearing at the bones in her body.

At first, this strange feeling was bearable, but when her whole body began to tear like pain, she had to pay attention to it, endured the pain and ran behind a huge banyan tree, and soon even the ability to move was lost. there is none left.

She hid in the tall haystacks, leaning against the rough tree trunk, the strength in her body repeatedly tore every inch of her muscle and skin, and the vision in front of her gradually blurred into a large sea of fog...

After an unknown time, Yin Yiliu was awakened by footsteps and voices.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and before she could tell who was coming, she saw a thick green shade, and the branches of some unknown plant hanging down above her head, when she sat up suddenly, the tip of her nose almost touched the tip of the branches.

Although she hadn't really touched it, she still inhaled a lot of pollen from the pom-pom-shaped flowers above, and there was a sudden tingling and unbearable itching in her nasal cavity.

The sound of sneezing immediately aroused the people who were approaching her. Her ears were sharp and she could hear a clear snort, followed by a low man's voice softly: "Wait, it sounds a little bit. Not right."

Not like an animal voice, but like a human voice.

Yin Yiliu's eyes could hardly be opened. She knew that the pollen on this branch must be poisonous. After mutation, it will stimulate people's nerves. As long as it touches the fragile eyes and nasal mucosa, it will be like a smell.

Just like her now, her eyes were almost unable to open after being recruited, and she kept holding physiological tears.

Several people approached cautiously with their guns raised, thinking they would encounter some terrifying mutant creatures, but they did not expect to see a child under a sturdy banyan tree in front of them.

a little girl.

The girl was sitting in the grass, the tips of the grass blades on the ground almost covered her little pink face, she looked like a human cub, she sneezed softly, and her tears were lovable.

She was wearing a pure white dress, with a pair of lotus-like delicate and tender arms exposed, and her small hands rubbed her red eyes. The people watching were very nervous, for fear that some poisonous insects and mosquitoes would bite her.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, especially a young woman in the team. The moment they saw the little girl, it was almost as if they immediately stepped forward and carried her over.

"God...she's so small!"

Just when the woman wanted to go forward, she was suddenly blocked by an arm in front of her. She looked sideways, and the captain frowned slightly and said, "It's weird, look at her carefully."

Everyone heard the words and looked at them carefully, only to find that the little girl's head was blocked by a few hanging branches, so when they first glanced, they didn't realize that she even had a pair of pure white on her little head...

long ears

Long ears like a rabbit.

The woman was startled at once, and the steps she wanted to step forward suddenly stopped, a little hesitant.

The scene in front of her was really weird. A little girl who was about four or five years old was sitting under a huge banyan tree, with a pair of fluffy white rabbit ears on top of her head.

They could see that the ears were shaking slightly as the little girl sneezed, and the tips of the ears were still trembling. Obviously, it could not be a plush accessory, but the ears that really grew on her body.

Yin Yiliu gradually suppressed the discomfort in her nasal cavity. She felt a tickling in her throat. Looking at the group of people with guns in their hands who clearly hadn't let down their guard, she sighed in her heart that this was fate.

The young man headed by this group of people is the comatose man she rescued last before losing consciousness, and the woman carrying him is also standing beside him.

Their original team of more than a dozen people was attacked by the jackal, and suddenly there were only seven or eight remaining. Judging from the body and physique, the force value was not bad.

At that time, two teammates got separated in the thick fog. After the captain woke up, everyone decided to come back and look for it along the way.

Unexpectedly, the missing teammate was not found, but a milk doll was found instead.

Yin Yiliu remembered that one of them had a man with half of his face torn apart. When he ran away, he was helping his friend to bandage his wound with gauze in his bag. I don't know why he is no longer in the group now. .

What she didn't know was that the coming of the second fog not only caused all plants to evolve and mutate, but even those microorganisms and bacteria began to mutate wildly.

The man with half of his face torn apart said that his face was so numb and itchy that he was almost unconscious.

After the pair next to him removed the gauze, he was almost scared to death by the disgusting and terrifying picture.

I saw that half of the man's bloody face turned purple as if poisoned, the entire eyeball was necrotic, and the pus and blood-stained gauze smelled extremely bad.

The most frightening thing is that I don't know when, there are insects attached to his wounds, and now they have got into his flesh and blood, and when they get close, they can see insects as thick as a flesh-red cotton swab under the flesh of his wounds. Wriggling, suddenly made the teammates next to him retched, and hurriedly threw away the gauze in his hand.

The injured person didn't feel the slightest bit. He didn't know what terrible appearance his face had become, but under the terrified eyes of everyone, he panicked.

After another hour or so, he disappeared without a sound.

In addition, the other two teammates who were bitten by the mutant jackal also died of festering wounds, fever, and epilepsy. They didn't even know the reason, was it the bugs in the air? Or what kind of microorganisms, bacteria.

When they acted again, everyone used gauze to wrap the exposed ankles layer by layer, for fear that they would be scratched by sharp leaves, and they would end up in that horrible and inexplicable way of death.

The raw dog meat they first cut has also gradually deteriorated. The purple and stinky flesh has attracted a lot of mosquitoes the size of fingers, which have long been thrown on the road.

Now the whole city is surrounded by trees, and they don't know where to go. After the captain finally woke up, they followed him in this open-air "jungle".

Whoever thought, found a strange little girl with bunny ears.

At this moment, the woman suddenly remembered something, and pulled the sleeve of the man beside her and said, "Brother Chu, do you remember the group of people who robbed us of supplies before? Isn't there a man among them who can turn into a frog, and his saliva is poisonous? What! Could this little girl be too?"

The man called Brother Chu also remembered the scene of that day. The man really turned into a huge turquoise toad under everyone's eyelids. It is said that he had been completely bitten by the toad. This is what happened.

Is this little girl too

Judging from her appearance, she should be a rabbit "before she dies", but who's baby girl would be thrown in this uninhabited and dangerous jungle