Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 62: A crisis in the bushes (one more)


Everyone's forward steps stopped suddenly, and Jin Yang calmly hugged the short girl behind him, "What's going on?"

Surrounded by towering plants and giant trees, they seemed to have suddenly broken into the kingdom of giants, and when they held their breaths for silence, there was only the rustling of the wind.

Jin Yang's voice was very cold, not nervous at all, and instantly eased the nervousness in everyone's heart.

Lin Jia swallowed and said softly, "There is something behind the bushes twenty meters in front of me. My eyes were eaten, and I couldn't see what it was."

Her bugs are hidden in the dense weeds, and it stands to reason that they will not be discovered by mutant animals, but just now, before she could see the road ahead, she was suddenly pierced by something.

The momentary darkness made her subconsciously stop, and everyone looked at the huge bushes ahead.

There is a piece of shrub vegetation, growing wantonly and vigorously, almost as tall as an adult, growing in large areas in this jungle, blocking the road ahead.

"What should we do now?" Zhao Qiyang asked.

"Don't scatter, be careful around."

As Jin Yang said this, he turned to look at the little girl behind him, Yin Yiliu immediately understood and silently followed behind him.

Several people pushed forward very slowly, hardly making a sound.

The roads in this city were originally made of concrete. After being punctured by mud and plants, they rolled deeper and deeper with the grass and mud. Now they are firmly stuck in the ground under their feet. Walk.

Jin Yang and Zhao Qiyang stabilized. Lin Jia was a worm, and the lower limbs hidden in the weeds had completely turned into worms, so he walked forward slowly. As for Heilang and Yin Yiliu, one is a real grassland killer, and the other is an animal, more stable than humans.

Among the group, only Zhao Sihui needed to pay extra attention to her feet. There were many grasses and trees, and she couldn't see anything.

She stepped on a slippery stone covered with moss, and her face changed as soon as her ankle swollen. Although she quickly stabilized her body and made no sound of pain, there was still a slight movement.

Her face was pale and her heartbeat was fast, for fear that she would bring trouble to the team.

Jin Yang shook his head gently, signaling her not to be nervous.

They are in the light, and these superb hunters are in the dark. Even if Zhao Sihui doesn't make a move, their whereabouts are exposed under the eyes of these creatures.

Yin Yiliu, who was behind him, was attentive at this time.

The image in the middle resembles a radiant crimson glass, and unconsciously begins to use the ability to look at the surrounding world.

After all, her body is a rabbit, and her instinct as a beast has not been annihilated. She soon found a clue in a thick bush, where there was a trace of life.

The little girl calmly stretched out her small paws and pulled the collar of the man in front of her. Seeing him turn back slightly, she lowered her voice and said, "Front left."

Jin Yang heard the words and looked, the golden lines in his eyes kept flowing, and finally found a clue.

Most of these bushes are dark green and gray, and in front of them very close to the left, there is a small patch that is not so rich in color, like a light-colored water stain mixed with a little emerald, and it is impossible to see it unless you look carefully.

Jin Yang had a judgment in his heart, this creature should have strong camouflage ability, deceive the creatures in the path and then hunt, as long as you step into this bush, you will be preyed by the mutant creatures hidden inside.

His sturdy arms aimed the modified gun on his body at the bushes, pulled the trigger, and a bullet the size of a duck egg was fired from the modified copper pipe.

The muzzle has been noise-reduced, even if it is such a big guy, it only makes a dull sound.

The highly lethal modified bullet smashed the flesh and blood of the creatures in the bush, and the turquoise juice splashed everywhere, dyeing the surrounding bushes with a stench.

The mutant creature in the bush was hit straight, and immediately twisted in pain, making a rustling sound in the bush.

Then, the creature finally showed its head.

Zhao Sihui shuddered when she saw the creature, and almost took a sip of sour water to her stomach. Zhao Qiyang behind her couldn't help but take a step back.

"What the hell is this?!"

I saw a giant mutant insect wriggling and crawling out in front of them. Its insect face was like a lump of soft aerated dough, and its compound eyes were squeezed softly on its face, which was very disgusting. I don't know if it was a mutation or it was originally like this. It was covered with dense green thorns on its back, which perfectly integrated with the surrounding bushes.

If it wasn't for Lin Jia's "eyes" in the team, it just happened to be eaten by it, they would have walked into this bush just like that if they really thought about it.

As long as you think about it, everyone is afraid for a while.

"It should be some kind of bug, but this, it's fucking too big!" Zhao Sihui couldn't help but swear in disgust.

The worm in front of him is about the thickness of a bucket, with a fat body, and the green barbs on his back are full of green barbs when he squirms forward.

Scroll together.

Half of its body was smashed and smashed by Jin Yang's bullets. It was so painful that it wanted to climb in the direction of Jin Yang and others. Seeing that it was cumbersome but not slow at all, everyone hurriedly flashed to both sides.

Getting closer to see the honor of this big guy is even more disgusting and terrifying, it makes the scalp numb.

"How about it, are we besieging or running?" Zhao Qiyang asked the surrounding teammates loudly as he scattered into the woods on both sides.

"Be careful not to get stuck with its body fluids. It's hard to say whether this thing is poisonous or not!"

The black wolf let out a soft whistle in response. What it is good at is not dealing with such ugly things with burrs all over its body. If it is a ferocious mutant beast, it can pounce on it and bite it.

But for this kind of bug, which is covered with thorns, soft and smelly, it can only run as far as possible.

When Jin Yang was about to raise his hand again and give the mutant insect's flesh face a critical blow, a shadow suddenly fell from the shade of the tree above his head.

With quick eyes and quick hands, he turned around suddenly and held Yin Yiliu behind him in his arms, facing the crisis-filled outside with his back.

Before Yin Yiliu could figure out the situation, she wrapped a broad chest in front of her. From the man's shoulder, she saw the big guy flying out of the tree canopy. It was a mutant bird.

When it fully opened its wings, this mutant bird was as long as half a human. The feathers around its body were dark brown wreath stripes, and it whirled and swirled down, causing everyone's complexion to change slightly.

Unexpectedly, the shadow that passed by quickly was not aimed at them, but with a thunderous momentum, after raising a burst of dust, it took away the mutant bugs that were wriggling in the bushes.

As soon as everyone looked up, they could see a patch of colorful wings waving and re-flying into the surrounding trees.

This is a mutant bird that preys on prey. It is huge and strong. Fortunately, it is not interested in humans. After taking away the mutant insects with mutilated bodies on the ground, it instantly flew into the surrounding tree canopy.

Jin Yang frowned and let go of the little girl in his arms, his face was unprecedentedly solemn, and he took a deep breath.

He thought he had understood the difficulty and danger of this mission, but the current situation was obvious. He underestimated the evolution of M City. If it was just an experience before, this time it was upgraded to a top-level escape game.

"It's terrifying, why the bugs and mutant creatures here have evolved so much, this is unscientific!" Zhao Qiyang was a little collapsed, scratching his head.

Yin Yiliu frowned and poured cold water in a milky voice, "Where is there still science, human evolution and heterogeneity

species is the most unscientific. "

What she's saying is that there is no science in this crazy world, everything is changing rapidly, and that's why they need to be more careful.

"You said, those people have been living in this jungle for so long, and they have all lost contact..."

As Zhao Sihui was talking, she suddenly thought that there was Lin Jia beside her, her husband was still in the evolutionary team here, and she immediately stopped talking.

But everyone understood what she meant, and she felt that those teams were probably wiped out and buried in this jungle.

Lin Jia's already pale face turned even paler when she thought of this situation.

Jin Yang didn't say a word, but Yin Yiliu comforted the two uneasy women softly like a little adult.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine, and they'll be fine too."

She has a small chest in a camouflage uniform, and she has a calm and calm demeanor with ravines in her chest, which is really a bit bold.

Because she knew that as long as she followed the Changhong Squad honestly, the hero and heroine who possessed the aura of the protagonist would not die, and the relatives and friends of the protagonist would definitely survive more easily than ordinary people.

"Okay, cheer up and continue." Jin Yang said solemnly. "Remember, you must not be separated. No one can save you if you are separated here."

When they moved forward, everyone exerted their energy and carefully observed the surrounding environment, for fear of encountering another mutant creature whose skin color was easy to deceive.

They groped forward cautiously, and the deeper they went, the more suffocating the surroundings became.

In addition to the thick canopy above the head, all kinds of parasites and rattan weave a dense net on the top, blocking the sun to death, the forest is dark and humid, very depressing.

They could see the red, fist-sized fruits standing on the branches in the wild grass around them. They looked very appetizing, but no one dared to touch them, and they all walked around these strange mutant plants.

No one knew what was harmless and what was fangs in this dangerous jungle.

They firmly remembered what Fu Wenxing told them before entering the jungle, be careful of these mutant plants, some mutant plants may be more dangerous than those mutant animals with infinite power.

In order to invigorate the heavy atmosphere in the team, Zhao Qiyang racked his brains to say something to make everyone feel more relaxed, but before he opened his mouth, he suddenly felt a tingling and numb itching sensation in the back of his back.

"Hey..." He couldn't help taking a deep breath, reaching out and scratching his back.

It's weird, why is it itching all of a sudden.

"What's the matter?" Jin Yang heard the big boy gasping for a while, and looked back at him sharply.

Zhao Qiyang scratched his head. The itchiness just now was only for a moment, but it disappeared soon. He smiled naively and said, "It's nothing, it was a little itchy on my back just now, maybe it's an illusion."

He didn't want to delay the team's itinerary, and signaled that he was fine and could move on.