Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 7: Make a route


Among the three people who broke into Jin's house, Ma Feizhang died, Ma Feiteng was seriously injured and forced to turn into a prototype, leaving Xiao Xue, an ordinary person who was trembling and crying non-stop.

She looked at Jin Yang, who was pointing at her with an expressionless face, her calf kept shivering, and her tears kept flowing. Unfortunately, Jin Yang was not a person who sympathized with Xiangxiang and Xiyu.

"Drag him out and reappear in front of my eyes, it's not so easy to leave."

Jin Yang's cold voice made Xiaoxue's body tremble. She looked at Ma Feiteng, who was in a coma after losing blood on the ground in embarrassment. His chest was scratched with three claw marks, and the wound on his arm was almost to the bone. Such a seriously injured big man lived outside.

She wanted to impress the handsome man in front of her with her tears and wanted to stay by his side, but the gun pointed at her dark hole made her have no courage to speak. She could only grit her teeth and dragged Ma Feiteng's collar outside. .

Before she left, Xiaoxue was threatened by Jin Yang about the current situation outside. She did not dare to annoy the man with the gun, so she could only rack her brains to recall as much detail as possible. Through her words, Jin Yang and Yin Yiliu gradually reconciled. The outside world is connected.

According to what she said, there is chaos outside now, and a ferocious mutant creature may suddenly appear everywhere. Most humans have no mutation and can only hide in the east.

The two brothers Ma Feizhang and Ma Feiteng originally used their mutation ability to loot the shopping malls and supermarkets in the city. As a result, they encountered the regular army on the fourth day of the apocalypse. They are the eighth special warfare unit of the military region and have Q pieces of ammunition. , and there are many capable people. The two brothers couldn't resist and ran to the suburbs, but they ended up in Jin's house and died.

Regarding this accident, the military region's explanation is that species has mutated, and there will be no more. I don't know if they really don't know or can't tell ordinary people.

Yin Yiliu guessed the latter.

After all, in the face of extreme natural disasters, 80% of the people will fall into extreme panic.

If she hadn't known that this was an apocalyptic novel with a special setting, she would never have imagined the real situation.

But what is certain is that the mutation has continued, and all kinds of strange creatures and unpredictable disasters will surely follow in the future.

This city does not have a perfect shelter. The military district gave three choices to those who survived in the city and who have not yet fled, and distributed the printed survival manual to the survivors present. Jin Yang's hand.

What is written in the book are some survival essentials and action plans, as well as the size, strength and distribution of each survivor base. The first page writes three action plans.

The first type: Accompanying the large army to the north, migrating all the way to Beijing, to the center of the country to ensure absolute security. After all, there is a concentration of the top strength teams in China, and there will be strong players arriving in Beijing one after another.

It's just that the journey is long and spans several provincial capitals. They will try their best to ensure the safety along the way, but you need to find food yourself. Whether you can get to Beijing depends on everyone's luck.

The second: stay here and build a shelter. Some people will stay in the city here, and if there are people who are unwilling to leave, they can naturally stay in the shelter.

The third is to act alone.

Neither follow the north, nor do they want to stay here.

For such people, the military region has left the locations of several major shelters established in various provinces of the country, and then decided to follow the people heading north and leave tomorrow at noon.

Hearing this, Jin Yang fell into thought.

For now, going north to Beijing is undoubtedly the best choice, because the capital is where the country's military and political leaders are located, and the safety factor is the highest in the country.

However, he has been in the business world for so many years, and he knows the cruelty of social struggles, especially in the case of such a complete imbalance of laws. Can't have a good time.

Not to mention whether there will be any unpredictable things along the way, even with so many people in the military region, the conflict will gradually intensify.

And he himself...

Jin Yang glanced at his sore legs and chuckled, it was impossible for him to go with the army in this situation.

The journey to the north is long and there are many variables. The army is still taking so many people along the way. I don’t know where it can go in the year of the monkey. .

He glanced at the little rabbit whose ears were dangling, and pinched its fleshy cheeks.

What's more, space is their biggest reliance now, and they can't be discovered, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

According to the information in the brochure, Jin Yang quickly circled a place on the map.

The Z city base is the central base of H province, and is currently one of the largest large bases in the country.

According to the above, in the early days of the apocalypse, there was the foresight of the person in power behind it, and the prototype of the shelter was established, and now a very complete set of operating methods has been formed.

The base of Z city is about 700 kilometers away from the current city, which is only half of Beijing.

After determining the specific goal, Jin Yang took out the compass from the travel bag, made a route, and wrote and drew on the map. On the way, try to walk to the edge of the city, and search for supplies by the way. The edge is empty and there are few people, and there will not be too many conflicts.

Yin Yiliu jumped onto the table and stayed by his hand silently, watching him draw dotted and solid lines on the map, knowing in his heart that this was deciding where they would go in the future, and it was rare that there was no trouble.

She didn't know what decision Jin Yang made, but she knew that they would never follow the army northward, because in the original text of the novel, it was the hero and heroine of the original book who followed the Eighth Army northward.

The relationship between the male and female protagonists warmed up during the layers of tests and training. Under the prophecy of the female protagonist, the male protagonist escaped with his brothers, and the emotional rift between the male protagonist and his fiancee's female supporting role was getting bigger and bigger. Finally realized that the person he loves is the heroine, and the family of the vicious female partner who prevented them from falling in love died tragically on the road.

Without the obstacle of the fiancée, the male and female protagonists broke through the last layer happily, and their team shined brightly in Beijing.

The villain, Jin Yang, met them after the hero and heroine entered Beijing, so it was impossible for Jin Yang to accompany the army, and he was most likely acting alone.

When Jin Yang was making the route, he saw the little rabbit staring at him with red rabbit eyes. He wrapped the pen around the little rabbit's pink ears and watched it touch his own with short hands because of itching. Ears and face, a chuckle.

In fact, he really wanted to know what the rabbit was thinking, why should he take care of him and follow him, is it because he was his master

The author has something to say: Yin Yiliu: You think too much, simply because the task is to follow you...