Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 90: The inner courtyard is secret (one more)


In the evening, the sky darkened at the base of City B, a single apartment was juxtaposed with several rows of buildings, and a few black beetles emerged from the sewer entrance in front of the street, walking along the road.

There was a man who only earned three points after working all day, dragging his tired body to the place where he lived, and was startled by the insects suddenly rushing past his feet. He raised his foot and stomped the worm so hard that a green sap smeared his foot.

The man just wanted to vent his grievances, but he didn't want to be covered in stench, so he scolded and walked away from this place with a stench all over his body.

In a courtyard a few kilometers away, a woman sat at the door of the courtyard. She closed her eyes, but she could see the eyeballs under her eyelids moving slowly.

Seemingly aware of the restlessness in her body, she stretched out her hand and touched her abdomen soothingly, and the slightly bulging sharp abdomen returned to calm.

Suddenly, she seemed to have noticed something, opened her eyes, picked up the communicator placed beside, and dialed the phone. "Brother Jin, the people in the room should be coming out soon."

As she was speaking, several bugs at the sewer mouth raised their tentacles one after another, shaking slightly towards the door, and within a moment, the door opened, and a middle-aged man in a silver-white coat came out of the room, holding his hand. There was also a box in it.

The person on the other end of the phone answered and hung up.

The middle-aged man in the silver-white coat said a few words to the hostess in the room, then turned around and walked towards the research institute.

A few seconds later, a man in a black trench coat walked towards the man from the other side with his hands in his pockets.

Lin Jia hung up the phone and placed her palm lightly on her belly. She could feel that the little guy inside was very grumpy now.

Perhaps it was because the king worm in his belly had a different species with his child before his life was formed. Lin Jianen felt that this little guy still retained many of the habits and temperaments of beasts.

He likes to eat raw meat and likes to catch and bite prey. In the base where Lei Ruduo stayed before, the massacre in the greenhouse was caused by the king bug in his belly.

Zhao Qiyang stepped on the worm to death, but the shoes stained with worm blood were picked up by an ordinary person in the greenhouse, which caused the tragedy by accident.

She couldn't accept this child at that time, she was very resistant to bugs, and she didn't find the difference between this king bug, and she regretted it afterwards.

Since then, Lin Jia has paid extra attention, as long as she finds it

If there is bloodthirsty and irritable emotions, he will try to appease him.

Her eyes fell on the silver-white glowing spire in the distance, and she continued to close her eyes.

In the scientific research institute, most of the staff had already left work, and the aisles seemed empty. A man with a slightly hunchback figure, a windbreaker, and disheveled hair with a cigarette in his mouth groped his pocket and took out a crumpled paper. Temporary pass, swiped on the door and walked in.

An oncoming researcher frowned and looked at the sloppy man walking in. He stepped forward and scolded: "Uncle, smoking is prohibited here, where are you from?"

Since the outer courtyard of the scientific research institute has been transformed into a temporary dormitory, evolutionary people come and go every day, and there are all kinds of people. Many local researchers despise these evolutionary people who come to seek survival.

The middle-aged man flinched and said in a low voice, "I'm a member of Lin Feng's team, I have a temporary pass, look."

As he spoke, he stretched out his dirty fingernails and handed the wrinkled and disfigured card in his hand to the young man in front of him, making a gesture to show it to him.

A trace of contempt flashed in the eyes of the young researcher, and he waved his hand impatiently: "Who cares, you can't come in without a pass, okay, okay, we don't allow smoking here, don't pollute the environment in the courtyard!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly nodded his head, snuffed out the inferior cigarette in his hand, and burned his fingers with sparks. He shook his hand and put the remaining dirty cigarette butts into his windbreaker.

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention in the future, I'm Wang Cheng from Lin Feng's team, I didn't know you..." Most of his face was covered by his long greasy hair, and there was a dark red scar on the small half of his face. Those injured by mutant animals are still scalded. At this time, he smiled slightly, trying to get close to the person in front of him.

"It's alright, I'm too lazy to care about you." The young researcher muttered, and moved away in disgust. Suddenly, he saw the middle-aged man walking in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Yo, Vice President Cheng, why are you here so late?"

Cheng Zhouping greeted the person in front of him with a smile, "I forgot some materials in the laboratory, I'll go back and get them." He said, looking at the man with a hunched back next to him, and continuing to walk in.

Looking at the box in Cheng Zhouping's hand, the Youth Research Institute vaguely guessed what the vice president, who hardly came to the hospital, was here, and he felt a little envious. There are countless ways for these powerful bigwigs to earn points, and it was a good day to live.

When he turned around, he found that the sloppy man who had just flinched and wanted to get close to him had disappeared, and the surroundings were empty.

At this time, Zhou Ping carried the box and walked in the corridor of the scientific research institute to the inner courtyard.

He is in a good mood. Now the evolutionary people outside are more and more demanding, and the special medicines developed by the scientific research institute can no longer meet their needs.

At this time, someone who has taken advantage of him came to his door to give him points, how could one not be happy.

As he was walking, he suddenly felt hairy behind him, as if someone on his back was staring at him, and looked back suddenly.

The long corridor with dark sky can see the opposite side at a glance. There is no one person in this corridor. The afterglow of the sky outside the corridor allows Cheng Zhouping to see clearly behind him.

He felt relieved, and felt that he was a turtle, and turned his head back and continued to walk forward.

After a few seconds, a black-and-yellow hand was placed on the wall of the corridor, and a figure walked in lightly. Keep a distance from the figure not far away.

When Cheng Zhouping walked to the door of the inner courtyard, he happened to meet a colleague who was about to come out. The two were very skilled and stopped to say a few words.

Cheng Zhouping: "Why did Lao Li leave so late today? It's not like your style."

"Don't be poor with me. I'm not the dean. I want to do a comprehensive examination on No. 3 and No. 6. I heard that I will operate on them in person tomorrow." Then he asked, "Old Cheng, you and I have a thorough understanding. What's going on? The dean has been crazy about what to inject in the past two days?"

Cheng Zhouping waved his hand with a haha, "I really can't tell you this, you'll know if the experiment is successful."

He picked up the small silver box in his hand and tapped the box twice with his finger, "At that time, our courtyard will become a money-gathering cave again."

Cheng Zhouping said, and walked away from Lao Li to the inner courtyard. Lao Li looked at his back and muttered in a low voice, just as he was about to leave, suddenly a shadow crossed in front of him, followed by a sharp pain in the back of his neck, and he fell backwards.

A man in a black trench coat dragged Lao Li behind the trash can in the corner, took off his silver-white coat and put it on himself, and ripped off the work card hanging around his neck.

When he bent down, his back was slightly hunched, and the collar of the trench coat on his chest suddenly wriggled, as if some living thing was about to come out of his chest.

After a while, a mass of white fluffy hair overflowed from the collar of his windbreaker.

, only to shrink back for a moment.

The man in the white coat held Lao Li's work card in his hand, and shook it in front of the door of the inner courtyard. The detector at the door swiped the chip in the card and slowly opened it to let the man in.

He walked quickly and lightly, and caught up with Cheng Zhouping in three or two steps.

The inner courtyard is winding and winding, and there is a corner every few steps. This is because every room here exists, and the tightness and security are much stronger.

The man's ears are very smart, and when he passed the outermost room, he could hear a burst of noise inside, as if something was suppressing a whimper and hitting something inside.

Every time he walked a distance, there was infrared light on the only way. This should be the core place. Cheng Zhouping kept entering some passwords, and used his iris to release the infrared rays in each area.

Although there are only five second intervals, the infrared light will come back on again, but it is enough for people who are good enough.

Along the way, there are signs on the walls with patterns printed on them, from animals to insects at first, and then to plants and grass stems.

When I walked to an extremely empty area, the signs on the surrounding walls also changed, with a stick figure on it, and the word "human" in English - that is, human beings.

Unlike the previous places where the rooms are all lined up, it is a large area without any buildings in the center, just an open space. The houses on both sides are surrounded by a circle, and the outermost layer is a layer of glass.

When Cheng Zhouping walked in, the people in the glass room didn't move, except for a boy in a Lego pickup truck sitting on the bed in one of the rooms, who seemed to have a feeling, and glanced out of the glass, the rest of the people didn't move.

These glasses seem to be a special material, which can be seen from the outside to the inside, and it is clear as if there is no barrier, but the people inside cannot see the outside.

The man who had been following him didn't rashly follow. He took out a black beetle that was kicking randomly from his dirty pocket, and hid in the corner and put it down.

The worm twitched its tentacles slightly, walked a distance against the ground, and then slowly crawled into the corner, turning twice on the ground in front of the man's eyes.

The man knew that there were two cameras inside, which should be set against each other, just enough to cover the entire area.

He didn't act rashly, quietly listened to the movement inside, and looked around at the same time.

Within the area, Cheng Zhouping walked to a room

In front of the huge glass house, looking in from the outside of the glass.

The inside is very empty, only the central area has a platform like a hospital bed, on which lies a woman who cannot see her face and is very thin. All kinds of instruments were placed around her, with tubes inserted in her face and connected to the huge instruments around her.

The screen of the instrument floated gently, seemingly recording the heart rate of the woman on the table.

Cheng Zhouping pressed the switch on the edge of the glass room, the cover outside the door slowly opened, the woman lying on the table inside seemed to be aware of the movement outside, the originally smooth lines on the screen of the huge machine suddenly began to pulsate frantically, and she closed it tightly. His eyes began to vibrate slightly.

Cheng Zhouping walked into the extremely empty room, put the small silver box in his hand on the ground, and glanced at the woman lying on the table.

"Why are you still excited? What are you afraid of? As usual, it will be fine soon." Cheng Zhouping's voice was very gentle, and he even sat on the edge of the table and trimmed the hair in front of the woman's cheeks. .

The woman was wearing a silver-white jumpsuit with "No. 2" printed in black ink on her chest, which was her number in this base.

She is very thin and skinny, with two thin tubes stuck in her nose, and something like a brace in her mouth to prevent her from biting her tongue and committing suicide, and the food is fed into her stomach through a special tube.

Her hands were tied to both sides of the table by thin special silver chains, and there were many bruise marks on her arms and neck, which looked like pinholes. trace.

In this way, she has no human rights at all, like a puppet imprisoned in this room.

Can't move, can't eat, can't shout.

But she had a clear consciousness, fell into a coma and woke up, forever immersed in endless panic and pain.