Transmigrated as the Domesticated Rabbit of the Sick and Frail Villain in the Apocalypse

Chapter 98: Winter (one more)


With the arrival of winter, the earth ushered in a huge snowstorm that affected the whole world, and the temperature dropped to the lowest level in a century.

This snow came silently at night. Although the people at the base also found that the weather was gradually getting colder and colder, there was an abnormal trend, but none of them had the ability to predict natural disasters.

When he woke up in the morning, the surroundings were silent, Yin Yiliu rubbed her eyes and looked out the window, her eyes widened immediately.

The window was completely covered by a thick layer of white frost, and she couldn't see the outside scene. She breathed a few hot breaths on the window, and wiped it with her warm palm, finally warming up a small spot on the window. .

Through this small "hole", she saw the heavy snow outside, and one or two people were walking on the base in the snow. The snow had submerged the knees of those people, and just as she took out her steps, snow covered the footsteps behind her. .

Overnight, the whole world changed.

There was cold air seeping in along the doors and windows, and when she walked out of the bedroom, she found that the gaps in the room were blocked by Zhao Sihui with cloth, which prevented the heating in the room from being blown out.

After she finished washing, she asked dumbly, "What's going on?"

"Who knows, suddenly there was such a heavy snowfall. Brother Jin woke up before dawn this morning, saying that there was a task above, let us stay and wait for you to wake up and finish your meal before going over." Zhao Qiming said so talking.

Because of the heavy snow, the black wolf also entered the living room from the big nest outside, lying on the ground lazily shaking its tail.

Hearing what Zhao Qiming said, Yin Yiliu realized that there was indeed no trace of Jin Yang in the house.

After they hurriedly finished their meal, the group packed up and headed to the special forces camp.

As soon as the door was opened, a huge snowstorm rolled up the white frost that filled the sky and poured into the collars of the people. Several people suddenly gasped for air, and the warmth on their bodies quickly passed away.

Due to the heavy wind and snow, Yin Yiliu could barely see the road ahead, and her eyes were blown open by the wind and snow. When she got to the front of the camp, she saw Jin Yang, who was bent over, and was removing snow with a group of men.

The man was covered with a layer of snow, which fell as soon as he moved. I don't know how long he stayed outside.

The base in City B has a snow-melting agent developed by a scientific research institute. The temperature during the day can be controlled at minus ten degrees. When the morning frost is heaviest at 2 or 3 o'clock at night, it can reach nearly minus 30 degrees and continue to decrease.

The wind and snow are like lumps of fluff condensed together, falling down in large groups, and the snow that began to fall last night was straight.

It didn't stop until today. After the snow got lighter in the afternoon, the members of the Xuyang team took over the task of removing the snow with deicing agents and engineers.

The physical ability of evolved people has evolved to be much stronger, and they can withstand even in the ice and snow, but ordinary people are different. This extremely cold temperature makes their hands and faces sore, and they are dry and painful when they are blown by the cold wind.

On the day that Jin Rumeng left, Tian Tian also disappeared. He left a crooked drawing with charcoal on the table, which showed a child and a humanoid station whose upper body was a human being and its lower body was a ball of thread. Together, let's run away together.

They inquired vaguely for two days, and Tian Tian seemed to disappear out of thin air, but the paintings he left behind made everyone have more doubts.

In the snow, Yin Yiliu was wrapped in a thick down jacket, and on her feet was a pair of snow boots with two red balls falling, and the little round one was very cute. She was wrapped around her neck, and most of the rabbit ears on her head were covered, with only the tips protruding from the top.

Two snowflakes floated on the tip of her nose, and the tip of her nose was slightly reddish by the coldness. She couldn't help but touched her nose with her gloved claws, and then started shoveling snow with great effort.

The snow at the gate of their courtyard has been pushed into the open space behind, and the piles are as deep as Yin Yiliu's waist. They and the members of the special forces team took on the task, but they were surrounded by unfamiliar men.

The special team is a very magical team. There are many people and they are not a whole. They are composed of various evolutionary teams. This leads to different people every time Jin Yang and Yin Yiliu meet.

And the most amazing thing about them is that as long as they are members of the special forces team, they are very familiar with each other, and they start talking about the mountains when they get together, like friends who have known each other for a long time.

Zhao Qiyang's temperament is perfect for these men, but after a long time, they called each other brother and sister held each other's shoulders.

In addition to removing the snow, Jin Yang has been paying attention to Yin Yiliu, who is on the side. The little girl is holding a shovel in her hand and pushes the snow cubes to one side, with strength and speed that are not weaker than that of adult men.

Perhaps because the main body is a rabbit, even if it becomes a human, Yin Yiliu's perception of cold is much lower than that of ordinary evolved people, and even wearing a windproof clothes will not feel it.

Although the scientific research institute has something to hate, it has to be said that it has also developed a lot of things that are beneficial to the base. For example, this new type of snow melting agent can quickly accelerate the melting of snow, but a lot of cold air is generated when it melts. let the surrounding

The temperature dropped again and again.

Shuo Xue kept falling, and the entire base was covered by white snow. There were hardly any pedestrians on the road. In this bad weather, Yin Yiliu glanced in the direction of the "Kowloon Grotto".

Don't look at the domineering name, it's actually the refugee camps and slums in the B city base, where the darkness and difficulty are no worse than those outside the chaotic bases.

The "Kowloon Grotto" covers a large area, dividing a quarter of the site of the base of City B, and the core area is an extremely rare illegal place.

Most of the people here are foreigners who do not have the formal identity of City B. There are a large number of ordinary people and some powerful evolutionary groups. The nature is more like a mercenary group under the management of the government.

They do not have the subsidy of the base, and it is more difficult than the ordinary evolutionary team, licking blood on the tip of the knife.

After leveling the area that he had divided, Yin Yiliu ran up to Jin Yang and asked him for credit, just as a middle-aged man who was sweating pushed Jin Yang's shoulder and handed the pot in his hand. It was given to Jin Yang.

"Brothers coming for two?"

Jin Yang didn't speak, but as soon as he stretched out his hand to take the jug over, he didn't turn his head to his mouth to smother the shochu, and suddenly there was a burning sensation from his throat to his chest and abdomen, as if it was about to burn, and his vest began to sweat.

His expression remained the same, the man beside him laughed twice, and he began to pour "gudugudu" himself. The sweat on his forehead made people think it was still summer.

After drinking the wine, the man's dark face was smudged red, he looked at the direction of the Nine Dragons Cave and sighed: "I don't know when this snow will pass, and if it goes down, there will be a problem in our base. already."

Yin Yiliu's eyes were sharp, and when she saw the little red behind Jin Yang's ears, she was curious about how strong the wine was. She built two snowmen on the ground next to her, one big and one small could not see the facial features, while listening to the special battle The men in the army began to sigh.

The end of the world came last winter, and no one expected that the first winter after the end of the world would be so bad.

"You know, more than 20 people died from freezing in the Nine Dragons Cave last night, and there were a few in other places. Today, I dug up a few corpses from the inside, and they were all frozen into ice lumps."

After drinking a sip of wine, the man said again: "This is still a good base for our construction. After listening to the news sent by the brothers who were out on a mission overnight, the situation outside has collapsed."

The power of the snow disaster is no less than the rampant mutant beasts. With the advent of winter, more and more mutant beasts and mutant plants have fallen into winter weariness. Most of them hide in the jungle and deep mountains, and the pressure on each base suddenly decreases.


Just when they rejoiced, a heavy snowfall made them discover that the winter was not a gift from nature, but a brand new disaster.

Silently, the heavy snow buried the whole world. Before many people could even react, they fell into a deep sleep in the extreme cold with cold hands and feet, and were covered by the heavy snow and could never wake up again.

Shuoxue is not like a mutant creature, it can be smashed with weapons and can escape to a safe place. It covers the whole world and has nowhere to escape.

In the construction of an ordinary base without water and electricity, the function of the house is to cover the wind and snow, but it cannot withstand the terrifying low temperature. Even some evolutionary people with weak ability cannot bear it, not to mention those who have endured hunger for a year. ordinary people.

"You know, we're pretty good here, the temperature in the northern places has reached minus fifty degrees, and a lot of people have died..."

The man said, he couldn't help shaking his head, I don't know if he was pity for those humans who died in the winter, or worried about their future.

The cities in the northern polar regions have been completely occupied by wind and snow, and become a deserted Iceland, while the people in the inland base are still struggling to survive.

After snow removal, in the evening, the upper floor of the base transferred a large amount of materials from the warehouse, mainly some cold-proof cotton-padded clothes, ready to be sent to the Nine Dragons Cave.

The snow fell even harder at night, almost connecting the whole city into a snow world. Yin Yiliu's body was covered with a thick layer of snow, and a small string of frost formed on her eyelashes, and she blinked. Then he fell down.

The parcels all over the ground were packed one by one and transported to the truck. Just when everyone was busy, a group of soldiers in military coats came over. I didn't know what to say to Shen Zhihu, and the chaos suddenly started again.

In this blizzard and chaos, Yin Yiliu heard someone say that something happened to the scientific research institute again, and it seemed that it was looted again. In addition to being shocked, she couldn't help thinking of the sudden disappearance of the Siheyuan the day before yesterday. day by day.

He drew two little people on the table, one should be himself, and the other Yin Yiliu guessed that it was the No. 6 experiment, and the events tonight seemed to be validating her guess.

Tian Tian is going with No. 6.

Yin Yiliu didn't understand why, in her eyes, No. 6 was already an extremely dangerous organism. It was clothed in human skin, but because it was tortured by human beings, it hated human beings deeply. rest assured.

Looking at the chaotic crowd in the snow, she thought for a while. Taking advantage of the deep frost and snow, she took out a large amount of cotton clothes stored in the space, mixed them with the clothes that were about to be packed on the ground, and threw them into the truck together. superior.

She had scavenged a batch of supplies from several large supermarkets on the way home. In addition to eating the most, she also packed a lot of clothes.

She and the people in the team may not wear these clothes for a few lifetimes, so they simply took them out to the ordinary people in the Nine Dragon Caves to keep out the cold.

Although she can't prevent natural and man-made disasters from happening, she can do something for those who are suffering in the last days to the best of her ability.

Jin Yang saw Tutu's actions in his eyes, he didn't say anything, and buried his head in carrying the supplies to the truck.