Transmigrated as the Mother of the Abused Male Lead in a Tragic Novel

Chapter 40: Spicy cabbage soup


“My family has only one son. My grandfather wanted to teach my dad, and my dad wanted to learn, but he didn’t have the talent,” Wang Wenhao shrugged.

"Later, my grandfather wanted to teach me, but I didn't want to learn. I grew up in the kitchen. My classmates said I smelled like cooking fumes and didn't want to play with me. They said working in the kitchen was something only little girls did."

"Although I know what they said is wrong, I can't continue to learn cooking. I always feel uncomfortable in my heart."

"Grandpa was very disappointed, but he was still looking forward to my return to study," Wang Wenhao said with a complicated expression, "but I really didn't want to study. Now I think about it, this was just a joke between children."

"But in my heart, I always subconsciously avoid this question."

"Then why are you here again?" Xiao Jun asked after listening to him.

"Maybe I don't want to regret it."

"I will graduate tomorrow, but when I think about what job I will do in the future, my first reaction is always what my grandfather said: to inherit the Wang family cuisine and carry it forward."

"It's a pity that it's a little too late and I couldn't let Grandpa know."

"We apprentices don't get much salary every month, and it's very tiring," Xiao Jun suddenly stood up, "Are you sure you want to stay?"

"I'm sure!" Wang Wenhao said in surprise.

"Okay, come and help us with the move in a few days. You can live in the store or outside. There are many rooms in the new house, so there is room for you." Xiao Jun looked at his arrogant hair again.

"Remember to dye your hair back."

"Ah?" Wang Wenhao touched his head with some regret, "Do we also restrict hair color and hairstyle? I thought there was no restriction."

"There is no restriction," Xiao Jun walked back, "but it hurts my eyes to see it."

Wang Wenhao was stunned for a moment.

"You go home. The store will not be open recently. I will tell you in advance when it opens." Xiao Jun said again.

"Okay!" Wang Wenhao smiled foolishly, not angry at all, "I'm just going to go get my hair done."

Xiao Jun waved his hand and said nothing.

"What's wrong?" Ding Sha asked when he saw him come back.

"Nothing much," Xiao Jun said simply, "I accepted a little apprentice."

Ding Sha sighed a few words and then stopped talking.

Because Xiao Ping'an was arching his body in bed, he actually turned over!

"Did you see that?!" Ding Sha's voice almost broke with excitement, "Ping An will turn things around!"

"I saw it!" Xiao Jun was also a little excited, and even regretted why he didn't use his mobile phone to record his son's first turn over.

Probably the only one who remained calm was Ping An. He looked at his father and mother, babbled without any expression in a language only he could understand, and turned the page again.

Ding Sha was so excited that he was speechless, and Xiao Jun took out his cell phone and started taking pictures of Xiao Ping An without blinking.

Ping An smacked his lips as if he was sleepy. After yawning, his eyes were half closed and half open. He was so cute.

"Okay, okay, let him sleep. It's time for him to sleep." Seeing this, Ding Sha covered Ping'an with a small quilt and pulled Xiao Jun out.

Xiao Jun was still a little reluctant, "I didn't even take a picture of it."

"We'll shoot next time," Ding Sha said, "Hurry up and get ready to move things over there bit by bit. There's too much to do now! It's not good to keep putting it off..."

"Okay." Xiao Jun put away his phone.

Ding Sha took out a piece of paper from his pocket and said, "I wrote down the order of moving things every day, so it will be easier to sort out when the time comes. The only thing missing is the furniture made by Uncle Wei."

"Take your time. There's no rush." Xiao Jun stood up and pushed the recliner out. "We'll load these large pieces of furniture with a truck when the time comes."

The next morning, Xiao Jun got up and started loading things into the car. Ding Sha had to stay at home to look after the children, so Xiao Jun thought about it and called Wang Wenhao to help.

"Master! Which one should I move?" Wang Wenhao was full of energy, with his hair shaved into a crew cut, looking like a spirited young man.

Xiao Jun pointed to the things he needed to move.

Wang Wenhao was surprised, "So many?"

"How else can we move?" Xiao Jun added.

The two people were moving things busily, and Ding Sha was helping to pass things on the side.

Xiao Ping'an was still asleep, so Ding Sha pushed out the crib and let him sleep in the lobby where he could see him.

A girl looked at it for a while and asked, "Madam, are you moving?"

"Yes, we are moving away," Ding Sha found her eyebrows and eyes exposed outside the mask familiar.

"Ah! Then I won't be able to eat it in the future?!" the girl shouted exaggeratedly.

Only then did Ding Sha remember who she was.

It’s Du Rourou.

Du Rourou was a little frustrated. "I thought I could come here every day to eat a lot after the epidemic... but you guys are moving away..."

Ding Sha comforted her, "We are not closing down. If things really don't work out, you can always order takeout in the future..."

"The food you order from takeout won't taste good!" Du Rourou had her own reasons.

She asked about the address of the new store, and when Ding Sha told her, he saw her eyes widen.

"Ah! My grandparents live nearby!" Du Rourou felt happy again, "I can go there every day!"

Ding Sha thought she was cute and couldn't help but smile.

After Du Rourou was excited, she asked nervously, "Boss, can I order food today?"

"What do you want to eat?" Ding Sha did not refuse her.

Du Rourou thought for a moment and said, "I haven't had a good appetite lately. I want to eat something sour and spicy..."

Ding Sha thought for a moment and said, "The spicy cabbage is pretty good these days. How about some spicy cabbage soup?"

"Okay, okay!" Du Rourou nodded happily.

Chop the bacon and pork belly into small pieces, and take out a piece of tofu and cut it into small cubes.

Prepare some side dishes, including scallions, onions, and garlic, cut them into slices and set aside.

Cut the sour spicy cabbage into small pieces.

Heat oil in a pan, stir-fry bacon and pork belly, add some minced ginger, cooking wine and chili powder, then add kimchi and stir-fry until fragrant.

Then add water and bring to a boil, then add onions, scallions and minced garlic. Bring to a boil again and then add tofu.

After slow cooking for a few minutes, when the tofu is slightly flavored, it can be served.

Du Rourou felt her appetite whetted when she smelled the scent. She took off her mask and looked at Ding Sha coming towards her, her eyes lighting up.

"I'll make an exception and let you eat here today, but from now on you'll have to take the food away." Ding Sha smiled and served her a bowl of rice.

Du Rourou said thank you and couldn't wait to pick up the spoon and take a sip of the soup.

It tastes smooth and refreshing, and is sour and spicy, which is appetizing.

Du Rourou felt that her stomach, which had been blocked for several days, suddenly opened up.

Ding Sha held the dazed Xiao Ping'an in his arms and sat aside, watching her eat and trying to tease her.

"The child is so good-looking..." Du Rourou said with envy and admiration.

Ding Sha smiled and said thank you.

Before Du Rourou finished eating, Mrs. Tong and Aunt Zhuang came in with large and small bags.

As soon as Aunt Zhuang came in, she threw away what she was holding and went straight to Xiao Ping'an.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Ping An? I miss you so much!"

Author's side note: I'm late today!!

(Almost done!! Wait for me!!!)