Transmigrated as the Movie Star’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 129


Huo Shen's praise made the fans scream again.

Don't live anymore, this night is really enough! !

Huo Shen didn't feel anything. After clicking likes, he looked towards the bathroom.

Li Yining had already gone to take a shower, he stretched out his hands to rub his temples, and felt a little tired.

After the two of them washed up, just as Li Yining was about to go to bed, the man in front of him lowered his head and kissed her.

From the moment I saw her wearing that dress, the impulse to think about it couldn't be extinguished at all, so I wanted to do something to her, wanted her.

Li Yining did not refuse, but instead responded to Huo Shen with great enjoyment.

Seriously... It's not just that Huo Shen has that kind of thought about her, she also has that kind of thought about Huo Shen.

By the time the two finished, it was already midnight.

Li Yining was full of tiredness, curled up in his arms.

"Still cold?"

Huo Shen's voice was a little hoarse, and it sounded particularly sexy.

Li Yining shook his head, "No."

"I just want to get closer to you," she said softly.

Huo Shen lowered his eyes and smiled, and bent his lips silently, "Go to sleep."

He kissed Li Yining's eyebrows and coaxed softly, "I'm here."


Li Yining fell asleep after a while, and Huo Shen hugged the person in his arms for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up the next day, it was morning again.

It was a little surprising that Huo Shen didn't go out.

When Li Yining saw the date reminder on his phone, Li Yining remembered it belatedly.

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and today is the last day of the year.

Neither of them are singers. Although they received invitations, they both declined. It was taken for granted that they were both very comfortable on this day.

Li Yining and Huo Shen went back to Li's house for dinner, and then they left.

As for the Huo family... Huo Shen said that there is no need to worry too much about their family after the Lunar New Year.

After Huo Shen said this, Li Yining was naturally not worried.

In the evening, she and Huo Shen wore the same style of down jacket and walked to the street. The two of them hid themselves in the crowd, not afraid of being seen at all.

Li Yining thought, if she could still recognize them after being wrapped like this, then she would really have to show her admiration for that person.

Huo Shen was free, and it didn't matter if he recognized it.

Li Yining put his hand into Huo Shen's pocket, which was very warm.

After the two left for a while, she poked Huo Shen on the shoulder, "Shall we go to the movies?"

Huo Shen raised his eyebrows, "Is there anything you want to see?"

Li Yining shook his head, "No, but it's a bit cold to walk outside, go to a warmer place."

Huo Shen lowered his eyes and smiled, and squeezed her hand, "Okay."

There are many people in the cinema, and it is the countdown to the new year.

The two chose a movie that still had a place, and went in after waiting for a while.

The movie is actually a bit boring, not the kind Li Yining likes, but she likes the people next to her, and she also enjoys watching it.

After watching the movie, it happened to be in time for the countdown to the new year.

Li Yining and Huo Shen stood at the entrance of the shopping mall, watching the fireworks blooming not far away, igniting the dark night sky.

Surrounded by the sounds of passers-by talking, exclaiming, and Happy New Year in various tones.

Li Yining blinked, then turned to look at the person next to him, "Husband."

She smiled and said, "Happy New Year."

so fast.

She has been here for half a year.

At first I thought I couldn't get used to it, but I didn't expect...she would live so well here.

Li Yining took his hand out of Huo Shen's pocket and made a wish.

I don't know where the original owner went. If she is still alive, I hope she can find her own happiness and live on.

Huo Shen stared at her, his Adam's apple rolled, and suddenly reached out to hug her, "Thank you."


Huo Shen kissed her eyes and whispered, "Happy New Year."

Thank you for coming to me.

The two looked at each other and smiled, only the other was in their eyes, and everyone around them seemed to have disappeared.

After wandering outside for a long time, Li Yining and Huo Shen returned home, and Uncle Xu prepared dumplings for them.

After eating supper, the two went back to the room to wash and sleep.

The new year has passed, and the atmosphere has gradually dissipated a lot.

Li Yining doesn't have much work, so he spends his days at home reading scripts, watching movies, studying, and adding a little more knowledge to himself.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to start recording the 72-hour live broadcast.

Li Yining prepared for a long time, and this variety show finally came.

The day before the recording, she discussed with Huo Shen, and she would record at home, and she didn't want to go to other unfamiliar houses.

As for the relationship between the two, if they happen to meet, then admit it.

But by coincidence, during the three days of recording, Huo Shen happened to be on a business trip, so... even if the two of them wanted to be exposed, they had no chance.

The day before, the staff of the program team came to install the camera according to the address given by Li Yining.

At the gate, the staff stopped and froze.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay and looked at the house as big as the manor in front of them, their eyes were full of shock.

"Is it... this address?"

"It seems to be here."

Someone stared at him with wide eyes, "Li Yining... This place is the same as a princess's, isn't it a bit similar to the manor style in England and France?"

The other person nodded and agreed, "Yeah, she...she is too rich."

"I don't know why, but I suddenly looked forward to our live broadcast."

"Me too."

"Why don't you call and ask if this is Teacher Li's house?"

"Let's fight, if you go wrong, it will be embarrassing."

Ten minutes after the fight, the big iron gate slowly opened, and a small convertible car appeared, the kind that can seat several people in a wild animal park.

Uncle Xu appeared in his car and looked at the men in front of him, "Hello, are you the staff of the 72-hour live broadcast?"

Everyone was dumbfounded and nodded, "Yes."

Uncle Xu smiled, "You can drive the car over here and stop, then bring your tools, and I'll drive you there."

Everyone "..."

Until standing in front of the room, everyone still suspected that they were dreaming.

Why did you come in such a... such a big place, this house is too big, it seems that several buildings are connected together.

Just as he was thinking, Li Yining came out from the inside, and looked at the staff with a slight smile, "Thank you, everyone."

"Is it the staff?" she asked.


One of the older ones responded, "Hello, Teacher Li."

Li Yining smiled faintly, "Hello, come in."

"Teacher Li, we..."

Li Yining glanced at it, smiled and said, "Here are shoes for you."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Li."

The staff didn't dare to look more, but they couldn't help but want to take a sneak peek.

To be honest, they have always come into contact with artists and stars, ranging from the first-tier to the 18th-tier and the 38th-tier.

But really... This is the first time I saw a house like Li Yining's.

Of course, there are many artists in other places. For example, foreign countries and other cities always have their own means to buy a house, and there are also various villas. It is normal to buy a house with tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

Artists are a notoriously profitable industry.

Those who make money are very profitable, and those who don't make money... There are also those who eat pickles.

But in terms of daily living, very few artists would live in this kind of place, it's really... the wife is too extravagant, the wife is too luxurious.

Luxurious beyond words.

The area is really too big, no wonder Li Yining first told the director that more cameras are needed, since her house is quite big.

The staff really wanted to complain—it’s really not that big, it’s really, really big! !

There should be more than a thousand square meters, just a little visual inspection.

Even with extra cameras, the house is still not full.

Li Yining smiled, but he didn't mind, and asked Uncle Xu to take the camera out from the other side.

After everything was installed, the staff was almost exhausted.

Even with the help of the housekeeper and others at home, he was still tired.

In order to thank everyone, Li Yining also specially asked the chef at home to make afternoon tea for everyone. After eating, everyone said on the way back that it was worth it.

It's worth being a little tired, this afternoon tea is really the best they have ever had! !

How could it not taste good? The water and many ingredients used by Li Yining and his family were all brought back by air, so they were extremely fresh.

The chefs are also specially hired senior dessert chefs. The pastry chefs have participated in many competitions before, and they are all on the list.

However, Li Yining doesn't care about these, and the staff will not publicize her. Of course, they will not publicize. When the live broadcast comes, everyone will know.

The day of the live broadcast came as promised.

The specified time for the live broadcast is from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, twelve hours a day.

The original setting was 24 hours a day, but it is unreasonable when you think about it. Whoever stays up at night to watch the live broadcast, even if the audience does not sleep, the guests have to rest.

So—this time, at the request of fans, I didn't follow the 72-hour live broadcast time limit last time. The last time it was really only three days, it was actually only 36 hours of live broadcast, and I slept the rest of the time.

This time, the director paid Li Yining and the others an extra fee, allowing them to broadcast live for seventy-two hours during the day, that is, six days.

Li Yining didn't have a job in the future, so he naturally agreed.

Besides, she also felt that three days was too short, as if there was nothing to broadcast live.

After confirming the time, Li Yining arranged a lot of content to start live recording.

Her small plans are well arranged, just wait for the time.

The fans are the same, eagerly looking forward to the live broadcast at 8 o'clock.

Although it started on a working day, many people have time and don’t need to go to work. The students are also going home for the holidays. The time period for the live broadcast is relatively good. It starts more than ten days before the Chinese New Year. Students have time to watch the live broadcast, and many workers have also gone home on vacation.

Of course, there are also employees who abide by the national holiday requirements - and still struggle to work on the front line.

At 8:10, Li Yining's live broadcast room opened.

All of a sudden, hundreds of thousands of fans poured in.

She froze for a moment, and that beautiful face appeared in the camera.

Ahhh I'm coming! ! ! Teacher Li, here I come.

Good morning, Mr. Li, Mr. Li, did you just wake up

Oh my god, what did I see? Is this Teacher Li's room? It's so big!

Ah ah ah ah ah, teacher Li hasn't washed yet

Li Yining smiled, brushed his hair and stood in front of the camera, "Good morning everyone."

She looked at the bullet screen and laughed, "It's so early in the morning, why are you so energetic."

She smiled with crooked lips, "It's true that I haven't washed yet, I just woke up."

She thought for a while, "Today I will start live broadcasting daily for 72 hours, but I am afraid of causing misunderstanding, so I have to say a few things first."

There is also a tablet on her side, and she can clearly see the fans' barrage.

This is also to prevent accidents.

Say it, Mr. Li, a fan!

Teacher Li, what do you want to say, just say it!

Teacher Li, come quickly.

Li Yining chuckled, and could feel everyone's enthusiasm and excitement through the screen.

She thought for a while and said, "How should I say this time, what I want to show you this time may really be my daily life, and it may be a little bit beyond everyone's imagination. I hope you don't think it is exaggerated. If you like it, just watch my live broadcast. If you don’t like it, we don’t force it.”

She said softly, "Everyone in my family knows that I still have a little money, so my daily life is rather boring. I usually go to shows, eat, make appointments with my little sisters, or go shopping and so on. "

She paused and looked at the camera, "Do you accept this kind of live broadcast?"

Without even thinking about it, the fans quickly expressed their inner thoughts.

accept! ! We love watching this! !