Transmigrated as the Movie Star’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 133


As soon as this remark came out, the fans became even more excited.

I want to see a private jet! !

Everyone has heard of it before, and of course some people have sat in it, but that is a small number.

Moreover, many people have only seen the outside when they have seen it, and have not really experienced it inside.

This time, although it was just watching from a distance, at least Li Yining will take pictures of the internal equipment, which makes people a little excited.

Since the last time he went abroad for filming and took a flight for more than ten hours, Li Yining never wanted to go on another plane.

too tired.

Although it is a first-class cabin, the seat is very spacious, but I always feel various discomforts.

So this time, she chose the private jet at home without hesitation.

After getting on the plane, Li Yining generously showed everyone what they wanted to see.

She said with a smile, "My own plane is just this good, no one will grab the bathroom with you, and it's... you can lie down."

She whispered, "I'm really tired after flying for a long time."

As he said that, Li Yining took a cosmetic bag, "Now I'm going to show everyone how to remove makeup. After removing makeup, today's live broadcast is over."

No no no.

Teacher Li, we still want to continue watching.

Wuwuwu Teacher Li Weibo is not here to draw a lottery.

Li Yining didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looked at the barrage and said, "Weibo is here to draw a lottery, but I haven't thought of what to give yet. I'll come back after I sleep tonight and think about it."

She smiled and said, "You guys have to sleep at night, be good, go to bed early, and you can see me again when you get up tomorrow."

After comforting the fans, Li Yining personally performed makeup removal for everyone.


After removing the makeup, her face was still clean and beautiful, her skin was fair and translucent, basically not much different from her after makeup.

Her skin condition is really good.

After turning off the live broadcast, Li Yining sighed.

"What I said today is really too much."

Jian Yuanyuan smiled, and half-lyed on a chair beside her to watch her, "Do you regret accepting this variety show?"

Li Yining thought for a while, then shook his head, "That's not true, it's actually quite interesting."

Jian Yuanyuan nodded, "That's fine, what do you do with so much trouble."

"you're right."

Li Yining looked up at the ceiling and said, "If you want to make money, you must work harder."

Jian Yuanyuan chuckled.

The two were chatting, and after a while, Huo Shen's video call came.

Jian Yuanyuan said very perceptively, "I'm going to the bathroom to remove my makeup, and I'll put on a mask by the way."

"… oh."

Li Yining smiled with crooked lips, looking at the man in the camera.

"On the plane?"

Li Yining nodded, "It hasn't taken off yet, it seems like it's still checking something."

Her eyes lit up, and she looked at Huo Shen, "How about you, are you done with your work?"

Huo Shen rubbed his eyebrows, and said softly, "Not yet, I guess you're about to board the plane, so I'll send you a message first."

Li Yining said "hmm" twice, and looked at him with burning eyes, "Are you tired?"

Huo Shen chuckled and stared at her for a few seconds, "I'm not tired."

Li Yining suddenly joked, "I'm tired of raising me."

Huo Shen continued to laugh, "It's my honor not to be tired."

He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

Li Yining laughed loudly, "Because I saw fans say that today."

During the live broadcast, she also checks Weibo.

Naturally, I also saw that she was sent to a hot topic. Many people expressed envy for her life, but there were also more realistic people who felt that she was too extravagant.

This life... ordinary people can't afford it.

Inexplicably, the trend of the topic suddenly changed.

From being very rich, Li Yining gradually became fond of Huo Shen.

Some true fans said that it should be difficult to support Li Yining for Mr. Huo's salary.

It will be very tiring.

Li Yining is too expensive, how can he afford it and so on.

Li Yining just thought it was funny, maybe they didn't know how good their favorite teacher Huo was.

Furthermore, even without Huo Shen, Li Yining would probably... probably be able to support herself.

Although, it's a bit of an advantage.

Thinking about it, she still has a little guilty conscience.

In fact, she took advantage of it, not really born with such a prominent family background.

However, Li Yining had planned to hide these for a long time.

I didn't tell Huo Shen before, let alone now.

She is Li Yining now, and she will be Li Yining in the future, there will be no change.

Huo Shen thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It's not hard."

He whispered, "You can spend as much as you want, and you won't go bankrupt."

Li Yining couldn't hold back his smile, and bent his lips, "Okay."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After a while, the plane was about to take off.

Li Yining said "ah", and said in a low voice, "It's about to take off."

Huo Shen understood, "That's it for now, send me a message when you arrive."


After hanging up the video, Li Yining hung around his phone for a while, and sent Father Li a message.

She didn't forget the plot of the original novel at all.

But Li Yining really couldn't remember why the original Li Yining family went bankrupt.

And still in such a short time.

So during this period of time, in order not to arouse the suspicion of his parents, Li Yining only occasionally inquired about the company and obtained some news from Li's father.

She found that...the Li's Group really has nothing at all, it's amazing.

There is absolutely no such thing as described in the novel, where the bankrupt situation happened within half a year.

She didn't know if it changed something because she wore it in, or for other reasons.

In short, no special people appeared in the family company, nor did they encounter special things.

Li's Group is also as good as ever, even getting better and better. Just a few days ago, Li Yining received a small gift from Li's father, which was a huge sum of money.

It is said that the company's recent performance is good, which is much higher than the previous quarter. Li's father is happy, and the money is used to buy bags for his wife and daughter.

Li Yining was worried that the good performance was too sudden, so he went to ask Huo Shen about the situation of her company.

Huo Shen wouldn't lie to her, it's normal to be honest.

Only then did Li Yining feel relieved.

Actually now... She really wasn't so worried about Li's Group.

But it is still necessary to pay attention.

Huo Shen wouldn't lie to her, and Li's father didn't look like such a brainless person.

So Li Yining doubted again... The reason why Li Yining did those stupid things before, and his family would go bankrupt, was completely illogical and just written by the author.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so angry at that time.

Typed a message of more than a thousand words to express protest against this persona.

Thinking about it, Li Yining touched his aching heart and closed his eyes.

Just as Jian Yuanyuan came out of the bathroom, what she saw was her slightly pale face.

She was a little surprised, "What's wrong with you? Did you quarrel with Huo Shen?"


Li Yining rubbed his head on the pillow, and said sullenly, "I just thought of something unhappy."

Hearing this, Jian Yuanyuan became curious.

"What else are you unhappy about now? Tell me about it?"

This is with a smile.

Li Yining choked.

She raised her head and gouged out her eyes, "Are you still a good friend?"

Jian Yuanyuan brushed her hair, "Yes."

She chuckled, "Isn't this just to give you some advice?"

Li Yining hummed twice, "I think you just want to see a joke."

Jian Yuanyuan shook her head, "Nonsense, I don't have it."

The two had a meeting and joked, and Jian Yuanyuan said seriously, "Tell me, what's the matter?"


Li Yining sighed with emotion, "I thought I was pretty stupid before."

As soon as this was mentioned, Jian Yuanyuan had something to say.

"You also know that you were stupid before."

She looked Li Yining up and down and said, "Do you know how stupid you were before? It's not appropriate to let the good Mrs. Huo go, chasing stars, but chasing the kind of male stars who only have faces... oh no, the faces can't compare to Huo Shen, If you have a bad temper, you don’t even have the strength.”

"Of course, there's nothing to complain about."

Jian Yuanyuan said angrily, "You still said you wanted to break up with me just because Xiang Li and Tong Ran didn't listen to my persuasion."

Li Yining "..."

Was she such an asshole before

She blinked, looked at Jian Yuanyuan who was talking, and after a few seconds of silence, Li Yining asked weakly, "So... you always remember, and you're going to scold me after I bring this up?"

Without even thinking about it, Jian Yuanyuan blurted out, "Yes."

Li Yining choked.

Jian Yuanyuan snorted, and looked at her arrogantly, "Apologize to me quickly."

Li Yining smiled, and said kindly, "I'm sorry Miss Yuanyuan, I was ignorant before, I hope your lord can forgive me."

Seeing her sincere appearance, Jian Yuanyuan smiled and said, "That's right, she's pretty good looking."

Li Yining was speechless, "I was sincerely apologizing, okay?"

this is true.

Jian Yuanyuan said "Oh", and said in a soft voice, "Okay, it's a good thing you've found your way back."

Speaking of this, Jian Yuanyuan couldn't help asking, "By the way, do you still have contact with those people before?"

"there is none left."

Jian Yuanyuan nodded, "Don't worry, none of them have good intentions."

She still has a good eye for seeing people.

Li Yining nodded, "I know."

Jian Yuanyuan suddenly said "Hey", "Speaking of this, I think of that person from before."

"Which one?"

"It's that double-faced Xiang Li, didn't I tell you last time, she's working in the film crew now."


Li Yining paused for two seconds, then asked softly, "And then?"

Jian Yuanyuan said, "Some time ago, I heard someone say that almost all of her current fans have run away, and she seems to be doing a group performance."

"... Is that an exaggeration?"

Jian Yuanyuan said "Yes", "But I don't know if it's true or not, I didn't see it, I just heard people say so."

The last time she went to an event, everyone knew that she and Li Yining were good sisters, maybe she was also a female artist that Li Yining and Xiang Lidu knew before, but she didn't know the 18th line.

At that time, she was sitting on one side to rest, and someone was chatting with another little sister next to her.

Jian Yuanyuan listened to it for a while and then forgot, and only now remembered.

I also realized later—that person might have said it to me on purpose, and wanted me to pass it on to Li Yining

As for what kind of thoughts she was hiding, Jian Yuanyuan didn't know, and she didn't want to think about it.

Li Yining nodded, and said softly, "Leave them alone."

As long as people don't come to provoke her, she shouldn't take the initiative to find fault.

They have already learned the lessons they should have.

Jian Yuanyuan nodded, "I thought so too."

Li Yining smiled, yawned and said, "Go to sleep, I'll be more energetic tomorrow, and I have to educate fans."


The two slept as soon as they said they would sleep, without ambiguity at all.

After arriving in Paris, it was actually very early.

Li Yining woke up sleepy, got off the plane with Jian Yuanyuan and changed trains, feeling sleepy all the way.

After entering the room where she stayed, without thinking about it, she rolled up the quilt and fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by the alarm clock.

Li Yining looked at the time, it was exactly eight o'clock.

She closed her eyes and there was a knock on the door.

It's the staff.

Li Yining got up to open the door, the audience who had been waiting early in the live broadcast room only saw a figure drifting by, with a particularly good figure.

Then... The person floated past the camera and got under the quilt again.

fan? ?

Teacher Li... Didn't wake up

Teacher Li is so real, hahahahaha.

Wuwuwuwu teacher Li is so beautiful when she sleeps.

Suddenly I felt that this was a real 72-hour live broadcast, it was just a daily routine, I didn’t want to get up in the morning.

The staff couldn't help but yelled "Teacher Li."

Li Yining responded, grabbed one side of the quilt and said, "Let me sleep for another ten minutes."

staff member"… "

The staff looked helpless at Li Yining who only had his hair outside.

She looked at the camera, coughed and said, "Today's Teacher Li... didn't get enough sleep."

Fans we understand we understand.

Ah, at this moment, I wish someone would kiss Teacher Li awake.

The sister in front, who is this person referring to

Teacher Huo!

Come out quickly, Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo is watching our barrage, help us wake up Mrs. Li! ! !

Huo Shen, right now, he's really watching the live broadcast.

He wanted to see how Li Yining was doing, so as soon as he arrived at the company, Lin Shunbin opened the live broadcast room.

Looking at the person curled up in the quilt, he smiled helplessly.

After thinking for a while, Huo Shen took the phone and called Li Yining.

The phone rang in his ears, and Li Yining struggled for a while before reaching out to answer it.


Huo Shen laughed, and asked in a low voice, "Still sleepy?"

Li Yining said in a daze, "Yes."

Huo Shen had no choice but to "get up first, the fans are waiting for you."

Hearing this, Li Yining also woke up a little bit. She rubbed the quilt and acted softly to Huo Shen, "Then coax me."