Transmigrated as the Movie Star’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 85


After the separation, the show continued.

Everyone searched for clues together, and Li Yining and Gu Yanze were together.

The two were arranged to investigate the identity of the dead girl, and according to the information around her, to find those people.

While walking, Gu Yanze suddenly looked down at Li Yining.

Li Yining "... Teacher Gu, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

Gu Yanze smiled brightly, "Look at what's special about you."

He didn't care at all that he was filming a show, chatting with Li Yining unscrupulously.

Li Yining was stunned by his straightforwardness.

But she is not someone who can escape, instead she bent her lips and smiled, and asked directly, "Did you find it?"

Gu Yanze raised his eyebrows.

"I'm not special."

Gu Yanze chuckled lightly, and said with a smile, "Nice personality."

Li Yining "... I thought Teacher Gu would praise me for being pretty."

Gu Yanze "... It's not like Huo Shen hasn't seen beautiful ones before."

He bluntly complained, "He is pretty enough by himself."

Li Yining was choked.

This was the first time that someone complained so bluntly about Huo Shen's beauty. Most people commented on Huo Shen's appearance, saying that he had exquisite features, deep contours, and good looks.

But—this kind of feminine beauty really caught people off guard, and I couldn't answer it.

She pursed her lips and retorted in a low voice, "Ms. Huo is not beautiful."

"What's that called?"

Li Yining thought for a while, "His facial features are exquisite."

Gu Yanze, "This is your impression of Huo Shen?"

Li Yining "No."

Hearing this, Gu Yanze became a little interested, "Then what do you think Mr. Huo attracts you more?"


Li Yining glanced at him quietly, and couldn't help but ask, "Are you here to find out information for Mr. Huo, or for fans who will watch the show?"

Listening, Gu Yanze suddenly smiled, "I've been discovered."

He said "tsk tsk" twice, "It's mainly because I saw Mr. Huo chasing someone for the first time, and I'm just curious."

He was thinking, and told Li Yining, "Don't agree to Mr. Huo too early, hang on to him for a little longer."

Li Yining "..."


She rubbed the center of her eyebrows, and couldn't help complaining, "Mr. Gu... are you sure you are friends with Mr. Huo?"

Gu Yanze "... yes, and no."

Li Yining was curious.

Gu Yanze chuckled, "We used to be rivals in love."



What the hell? !

What rival? ! !

Li Yining's small expression was shocked, his pupils widened, Gu Yanze was overjoyed to see it, and even everyone in the director's monitoring room was overjoyed.

"Li Yining's little expression is too cute."

"I always feel... Li Yining and Huo Shen don't seem to be pursuing and being pursued... Why do these two feel like an old married couple?"

"Hahaha, Li Yining must be jealous."

The chief director looked at it, and quickly said, "Remember to keep this shot, and add a post-production when the time comes."

Everyone nodded, "I know."

To do things, their program team is the best.

Li Yining didn't know that the director was already secretly poking around.

She and Gu Yanze were chatting while investigating, chatting and chatting, Li Yining finally discovered Gu Yanze's strengths, this person is actually quite easy to get along with, but he is not as attentive as other artists, he is a bit unscrupulous.

This kind of unscrupulousness was different from Huo Shen's.

Thinking, Li Yining looked away on tiptoe.

I don't know what Huo Shen is doing now.

Huo Shen and Zhuang Lan were in a group. The two went to investigate the scene and checked all the people who came in and out.

Occasionally, variety shows have bursts of thrills.

In short, the filming is both scary and exciting.

In the follow-up, when the truth was about to come out, they dug up even bigger news.

This time, the seven of them got together again.

"what's the situation?"

Yi Zimo said, "We found out that the environment where the dead girl lived is here."

Li Yining's eyelids twitched, looking at the dilapidated house in front of him.


"Yes, it is said that she has no relatives now. A grandmother also passed away before, and now she lives here alone."

Fang Wenlin frowned, looked around at the six people in front of him, "Go in and have a look."

A few people went in, and the room was dark and overcast, and a gust of wind blew by, making people feel scared involuntarily.

Li Yining didn't dare to move at all, just as she was about to retreat, a hand touched her shoulder.

Li Yining screamed instantly.


Zhuang Lan quickly said, "Teacher Li, it's me."

Li Yining suppressed his little heart that was about to pop out, his pupils were full of horror, and he looked at her in astonishment, "Why are you behind me?"

Zhuang Lan "I've always been behind you."


Li Yining thought for a while, then looked at her, "Weren't you in the front before?"

Zhuang Lan: "...I don't."

The conversation between the two caught the attention of others, and even Gu Yanze looked at Zhuang Lan in surprise, "Didn't you just walk in the front?"

Zhuang Lan: "I really haven't."

Gu Yanze frowned, "Then who did you see just now?"

Li Yining had a flash of inspiration, something flashed in front of his eyes, but it disappeared soon.

Among the six of them, one must belong to the murderer, but no one knows who the murderer is.

The purpose of the program is to let them vote among several people to choose who is the real murderer. The program team has no script and relies entirely on logical reasoning, as well as on-the-spot reactions and performances.

In the recording of the first phase, in fact, everyone is still not quite sure about the route. Looking at it now, it is a mess and cannot be brought together.

At this point, Li Yining was no longer afraid of the dark.

Fang Wenlin looked back at them who were talking, "Now, everyone, explain where you were and what you did before the incident happened."

Everyone "..."

This has a small script identity. When the identity was first given a brief description, the identity introduction, they can make it up based on this.

After listening to what everyone said, Fang Wenlin fell silent.

Just right next to the ear, a system voice will sound, "The third round of voting is now in progress."

It was recorded earlier, and there have been two rounds of voting.

Li Yining stood by Huo Shen's side. From the moment she spoke, Huo Shen stood over.

"Huo Shen."

"Huh?" Huo Shen said in a deep voice, looking down at her, "What's wrong?"

Li Yining rubbed his eyes, "I'm a little sleepy, I feel like I can't grasp anything."

Huo Shen lowered his eyes and smiled, "Then why don't you go to rest first?"


Li Yining was shocked by his remarks.

"I'm going to rest and the director will kill me."


Huo Shen said calmly, "They won't dare to broadcast this scene."

Li Yining "..."

Chief Director "???"

Mr. Huo, please don't imitate Li Yining! !


Li Yining shook his head quickly, "No, no, no... What if I miss the murderer when I fall asleep."

Huo Shen chuckled, "Any ideas?"

Li Yining blinked at him, "A little bit."

Huo Shen raised his eyebrows, but did not continue to ask.

After the voting ended, a dispassionate voice sounded in the room, "The murderer who was voted for, stand up on your own initiative. You have been guessed."

Everyone "???"

No, director, you are playing with us.

Who will take the initiative to stand up.

The six people looked at each other, Fang Wenlin stood straight not far away, "Stand up, I know who you are."

Everyone continued to be silent.

Suddenly, Li Yining whispered "Qiaoqiao."


Meng Leqiao looked at her, "What's wrong?"

She looked innocent.

Li Yining chuckled softly, "Aren't you going to stand up?"

Meng Leqiao "..."

She was stunned, and the rest of the people all looked at her in unison, and their eyes were very consistent.

See through.

In the next second, a voice sounded in the room.

"It's so smart—" Meng Leqiao looked at them with crooked eyebrows, "How did you guess it was mine?"

Gu Yanze chuckled lightly, "How did you guess that?"

Meng Leqiao nodded.

She thought she hadn't exposed anything since she got the identity script.

Li Yining smiled, "Probably when you asked Zhuang Lan to touch me, I'm sure."

Huo Shen "... When you first ran from the playground, there was a piece of grass on your shoulder, which was the same as the one on the dead girl."

Yi Zimo, "Teacher Huo guessed it so early?"

Huo Shen nodded.

Meng Leqiao was also very surprised, "Mr. Huo, why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

Huo Shen, "Mr. Li wants to play, so just play longer."

Everyone "???"

Dare you not come out to testify against the murderer at first, because Teacher Li wanted to play? !

The director team was even more speechless.

So you're acting from start to finish? !

Fang Wenlin applauded and looked at Li Yining, "Are you just relying on Zhuang Lan to touch you?"


Li Yining smiled, "I have doubts for a long time. Qiaoqiao likes to chat with me. Although it seems to be chatting normally, in fact, it has always been a routine. Behind every sentence, it asks me, who do you think, although everyone They all pay attention to the murderer, but in comparison, only the murderer pays most attention to herself, and she is afraid that she will be exposed."

She looked at Meng Leqiao, "Teacher Meng's idol drama is very good, but it may be the first time to record a variety show, so I always have a guilty conscience."

As for how the school girl died, it was because the theme of the script designed by the director team was "jealousy".

The identity Meng Leqiao obtained was a classmate of the dead girl. The two had a good relationship on weekdays, but because of certain things, there was a estrangement.

The dead girl’s family was poor, but she lived a very active and hard-working life, plus she was pretty, and there were countless boys in school who liked her, including Meng Leqiao, a boy who was liked by a girl who was also secretly in love with her.

And later... Jealousy became a demon.

She accidentally killed someone by accident.

When Li Yining knew the whole plot, he sighed for a while.

But Meng Le happened to lean beside her and said, "Let me tell you, sometimes jealousy really hurts people." She muttered, "Many people do a lot of impulsive and wrong things because of jealousy."

Li Yining nodded, expressing his understanding.

"I know."

In fact, the theme of this issue of the director is due to the recent news.

If Li Yining remembers correctly, there was news in a certain college not long ago, because of jealousy... A certain college student poisoned all his roommates in his dormitory to death.

Later, when he was sentenced and pleaded guilty, he said that everything originated from jealousy.

He is jealous of his college roommates, jealous of how they can live so freely, so happy, and even have everything they have now without working so hard, but he can't.

When the news broke, many people sighed.

Why do people have to be so tired, everyone has their own luck, not yet, but there will be in the future.

Heaven must be fair, you can envy it, but don't be jealous, let alone get carried away by jealousy and ruin your life.

Li Yining found out later that when the program was officially broadcast, there was an afterword for this episode.

It's about several interviews, the real events that the program team specially visited and interviewed, and some people related to the real events.

The intentions of the program group in this regard can be described as well-intentioned.

The first recording was a complete success.

Although it is still a bit scattered, it is already satisfactory to the director and everyone.

After the show ended, a group of people checked into the hotel to rest that day, and those who were anxious rushed to the airport that day, returned to the studio and other places to continue working.

Li Yining and Huo Shen were not too busy, they looked at each other secretly, and understood what was in each other's eyes.

Guangming went back to the hotel not far away, and then sneaked out of the hotel, Li Yining looked at the man with his fingers intertwined, "Where do you take me?"

"Do you still want to pick the moon?"

Huo Shen lowered his eyes and smiled, "No, this time I will show you the stars."