Transmigrated as the Stepmother of the Male Protagonist in a Campus Story

Chapter 20


One night, a man and a woman shared a bed, nothing happened.

Jiang Jinjin's sleep quality has always been very good. As soon as he touched the pillow, he took a long breath and fell into a deep sleep.

Zhou Mingfeng woke up from the cold. When he woke up from his sleep, what he saw was the half of the quilt that belonged to him, and the people next to him unconsciously snatched it away.

After staring at the ceiling for a long time, he finally got up. His biological clock has always been regular. No matter how late he fell asleep the night before and how tired he was, he would wake up on time at 6:30 the next morning. He turned his head slightly to look at Jiang Jinjin. She slept peacefully as she occupied the quilt by herself. sweet.

Before last night, Zhou Mingfeng also made several guesses about her sudden temperament change.

Up to now, there is only one most absurd possibility left in my mind.

He has known Jiang Jinjin for three months, and during these three months, Jiang Jinjin has hardly left any impression in his mind.

With his character, the reason why he agreed to that ridiculous marriage contract was because Jiang Jinjin was very honest and reticent, even if she became his wife in name, even if she lived in, she was The presence of this home is also very thin.

What she told him in the past three months was less than a day yesterday.

The so-called wedding night was even worse. She hung her head and said nothing, like a frightened bird. After he only comforted her a few words, he let her go back to the master bedroom, and he went back to the second bedroom next to the study. Early the next morning, he left Yanjing on the grounds of a business trip.

When Zhou Mingfeng got up, he tried to be as light as possible.

Even though he felt that with the good sleep of the person on the bed, even if he made any noise, it would be difficult to disturb her dream...

After a brief wash, Zhou Mingfeng came to the cloakroom, changed into formal clothes and went downstairs.

Jiang Jinjin had to sleep until the sun rose three poles every day, and Zhou Yan couldn't wait to sleep until the sky was dark and the earth was dark before he was on summer vacation.

Steward Yang knew Zhou Mingfeng's schedule, so he had the kitchen prepare a Chinese breakfast early.

Seeing Zhou Mingfeng coming down, he hurried up to greet him: "Sir, breakfast and newspapers are ready."

Zhou Mingfeng nodded, remembering what happened last night, he paused, deliberately lowered his voice, "There are several cards in the safe in the study, you can give her any one later."

Butler Yang: "...for the young master?"

He didn't know if it was a man or a woman.

There is a young master and a wife in the family, he guessed, it should be the young master.

Zhou Mingfeng shook his head.

To be honest, he didn't know what to call Jiang Jinjin. Calling her by his first name seems a bit blunt, but calling her words like her is not his style.

Butler Yang understood, "To the wife?"

"Yeah." Zhou Mingfeng said again, "The password is A Yan's birthday, you just tell her directly, and if she asks, you just say it's a gift money from the guests at the wedding banquet."

Butler Yang was stunned for a second, "...Okay. But, can you just take one?"

Zhou Mingfeng nodded slightly.

What happened last night, regardless of whether it was a test for Zhou Mingfeng or not, with his style of acting, since he has said something, he must keep his word.

What's more, it was he who misunderstood her meaning yesterday, which caused the loss of her shop. No matter what, he should give some compensation.

Before eight o'clock, Zhou Mingfeng had already left for the company.

Jiang Jinjin didn't wake up until nine o'clock. In the past, she would wash up slowly. Today, she shortened the washing time by half in order to confirm the card with Butler Yang as soon as possible. Downstairs, she looked around, looking for Steward Yang's voice, maybe her gaze was too eager, Mrs. Wang, who was cleaning the kitchen, came over and said in a low voice: "Madam, Steward Yang is tidying up Mr.'s study, you have something urgent If so, you can find him on the second floor."

Jiang Jinjin smiled dryly, "There's nothing urgent, nothing urgent."

Saying this on the lips, but the body went upstairs very honestly.

Sure enough, he ran into Butler Yang at the door of the study.

Jiang Jinjin was also embarrassed to ask for the card directly, and asked tactfully: "Has Ming Feng gone to work? I don't even know."

Butler Yang is a charitable person, "Sir, you always get up early, and you don't have to follow his schedule, Ma'am."

"Yeah." Jiang Jinjin is usually very good at chatting, but now he gets stuck when talking about serious things.

Butler Yang remembered Zhou Mingfeng's advice, and hurriedly handed her a card, "Madam, this is the gift money for the wedding, you take it. The password is..."

He reported a series of numbers, Jiang Jinjin listened very carefully, and realized: This should be Zhou Yan's birthday.

In the days to come, she will firmly remember and never forget.

Jiang Jinjin took it, feeling that the card was burning hot, her heart was beating like a drum, "Well, I remembered it."

After getting the card, she didn't bother to eat breakfast. After taking the sandwiches made by the pastry chef in the kitchen, she was ready to go out. This time, she wasn't going to call the driver. There were other cars parked in Zhou's garage. After she regained the feeling of driving last night, she thought about driving by herself.

Jiang Jinjin picked out a Bentley.

After getting in the car, I finally found a sense of reality of being a wealthy wife.

After navigating to the nearest bank branch, he rushed over without stopping.

She was really a little excited, she always felt that she was going to see the world soon, how much money do rich people get for a wedding? She had heard from a married colleague before that the customs and ceremonies are different in different places. The colleague got married a few years ago, and the relatives of both parties are not too many, and they are not from a wealthy family. Even so, the young couple They all made a small fortune by collecting family money through marriage...

Who is Zhou Mingfeng? In the book, he is set up as a big boss in a shopping mall, and he makes friends with celebrities in the industry.

It's all right to make a move... Jiang Jinjin suddenly discovered that poverty limited her imagination, because she couldn't even imagine what the price of a rich person's share is.

Jiang Jinjin came to the ATM machine excitedly, took off his sunglasses, inserted the card in with a solemn expression and sacred movements, and began to hold his breath and wait after entering the password.

[Check balances]

according to.

Balance 3600000.00...

Jiang Jinjin counted and counted, and after making sure he was right, he didn't know whether he was excited or disappointed.

She was really fluttering, she was obviously not very rich before wearing the book, but why faced with this seven-figure gift money, not only did she not make a sound, but she was still thinking - that's it? That's it?

But she quickly adjusted her mentality, this is 3.6 million!

Didn't you know before that the wedding between the original owner and Zhou Mingfeng was very simple, which means that there were not many guests, and even the wedding was extremely simple, and they were able to receive more than 3 million gift money. It is conceivable that Zhou Mingfeng Her friends are still very generous, and she has heard before that some people are not used to giving money, and will give valuable gifts.

Jiang Jinjin's excitement was also slow.

At this moment, her eyes lit up, and the 3.6 million was hers!

Including the parents' money earned before, she is now a little rich woman with savings of four million.

Jiang Jinjin walked out of the bank branch in a daze. In order to wake herself up, she went to a nearby convenience store and bought a glass of iced Americano. The bitter and iced taste brought her back to reality.

Although she has so much money, but thinking about it carefully, Zhou Mingfeng can take back this money at any time.

Could this be the sourness of being a wealthy wife, who seems to be sitting on a mountain of gold and silver, and can squander it as much as she wants, but she may return to her original shape in the next second, as if her future depends on Zhou Mingfeng's mood, When he is in a good mood, he gives her a card and asks her to buy, buy, buy, and swipe. What if he is in a bad mood

She'd better open a store and make money in a down-to-earth manner, that's the serious business.

She had heard a colleague complain before, saying that there was a cousin who married a rich man, and she could live a more chic life than a god by playing cards every day, but this cousin had to toss about, opening a store and investing. Do things by yourself, toss yourself enough. Thinking about it now, she can still understand this cousin's psychology very well. It's like living by a fish pond. There are many fish in the fish pond, and you don't have to worry about food every day. Some people fish for themselves, but don't you panic? I don't even have the skills to fish, one day this person stops fishing for himself, won't he starve to death

Therefore, life is endless and tossing.

She also wanted to follow the example of this cousin, one day Zhou Mingfeng stopped fishing for her, and she would be able to flick the fishing rod and catch fish with great joy.

Jiang Jinjin happily returned to the store and chatted with the imitation porcelain worker. She suddenly thought of a very important thing, that is, the store can be opened in this period of time without any accidents. Should she publish it online? Got a job offer

Turn on the phone, there is a push about the horoscope.

She casually opened it and saw that she and the original owner even had the same birthday.

[Gemini, today's lucky value: one star.

You may encounter good opportunities in terms of wealth, but the results do not seem to be ideal. It is easy to get help from your lover or spouse today, don't forget to give each other a hug!]

Jiang Jinjin automatically ignored the following words.

Isn't the result ideal

Obviously wrong. Sure enough, the constellation is still not very reliable.

She felt that she was very, very lucky today. Regardless of what was going on in the wealthy marriage for the time being, she was still in a good mood with more than three million yuan in her hand.

Butler Yang is a lottery player. He has bought every lottery ticket for more than ten years, but he hasn't won the lottery very often.

Today is another day for the lottery. He was right and right with the lottery ticket. Without a doubt, he still didn't win.

There are several cards in the safe in Zhou Mingfeng's study, which can be regarded as his spare cards.

Among these cards, the one with the lowest balance happened to be selected by Butler Yang and given to Jiang Jinjin...