Transmigrated as the Villain’s Cat

Chapter 42: Fu Xiao's kindness


When Fu Xiao left Rong Hang, he did not go home directly, but went to the company

The little sugar cake raised his head, and his round eyes looked at Fu Xiao suspiciously.

"There is one more thing to solve." Fu Xiao patted his head, as if remembering something cold in his eyes: "After all, you are not something that a cat or a dog can bully."

The results of the investigation into the fire have come out.

It's time to do the reckoning.

Fu Xiao closed the screen of his mobile phone, thinking of the news he had just received, it was just time for him to rush back to the company.

As soon as you arrive at the door of the company.

The little sugar cake jumped down first and stretched.

A familiar voice came to my ears.

this sound

The little sugar cake looked solemn, and jumped in the direction from which the voice came.

The voice came over there-

"Hey, Xiao Fang, it's fine if you don't see me, it's not right for you to not let Xiaoyou see me, Xiaoyou is my daughter." Father Zhang's shameless voice sounded.

Little Sugar Cake didn't run a few steps when he saw Zhang's father standing behind Secretary Zhang and his sister.

His sister was carrying a heat preservation box apparently to give food to Secretary Zhang.

She was being protected by Secretary Zhang at this time.

The people around have gathered around and pointed at the two brothers and sisters of Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang looked at Father Zhang very annoyed, just like looking at a mass of garbage stuck to his body.

The little sugar cake rushed over from the side and blocked in front of Secretary Zhang.

This kind of scum, leave it alone, let him come!

Father Zhang was stunned for a moment and then saw the small sugar cake. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then forced himself to take a step forward and said, "Xiao Fang, I didn't want to embarrass you."

The last time I was beaten by that cat, I still had a dull pain.

God knows what this cat grew up eating, it hurts to fight.

Secretary Zhang was taken aback when he saw the small sugar cake.

He immediately thought of something and turned to look in the direction where the small sugar cake appeared. Sure enough, Fu Xiao appeared in his sight, and Secretary Zhang's heart shuddered. He didn't want to disturb President Fu because of these little things.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Fu found out.

Fu Xiao looked at Secretary Zhang with mirror-like eyes.

Secretary Zhang did not dare to see Fu Xiao for a while.

There were more and more people around, probably because Father Zhang looked old, with gray hair and worn-out clothes, and Secretary Zhang’s watch only cost several million.

So everyone pointed at Secretary Zhang.

Obviously, in their eyes, they were probably convinced that Secretary Zhang was the son of the old father who didn't care about the evil.

There are some people who work in Xingchen. Although they dare not say anything, they despise Secretary Zhang in their hearts.

After all, Secretary Zhang's reputation in the company has not been very good, and even some vicious people who have had a holiday with Secretary Zhang regard Secretary Zhang as a dog under Fu Xiao's hands.

It's all because of how happy he is to please Fu Xiao that he has today's status.

It is not surprising for such a person to abandon his father.

But Little Sugar Cake knew that wasn't the case.

He knew too well how virtuous Father Zhang was.

He saw that Secretary Zhang's face turned pale, and Xiaoyou became more embarrassed and almost cried.

Candy cane sighed.

He is the most unattractive girl sad.

His mother told him that all girls' tears are very precious, and boys should protect girls from tears.

Little Sugar Cake stretched out his paws towards Father Zhang, growled lowly, and approached him step by step.

Such a shameless person is talking nonsense with him, just beat him and run away.

Anyway, he is Fu Xiao's cat.

Have the ability to trouble him.

As for the cute and soft image he has worked so hard to create—


Secretary Zhang owes him a hundred small dried fish!

The white cat has a fluffy tail and fluffy snow-white long hair, which makes the cat look extraordinarily large. Under the thick collar hair, the pace is vigorous, and it even carries a few traces of beast-like majesty.

Father Zhang felt the threat of the little sugar cake, and took a few steps back in fear.

And the little sugar cake didn't have time to do anything else.

Fu Xiao appeared and hugged him.

Little Sugar Cake was struggling to jump out of Fu Xiao's arms.

Fu Xiao lowered his head and said in a low voice, "Don't you want Mao on the other side too?"

The little sugar cake squatted obediently in Fu Xiao's arms in an instant.

Seeing this, Father Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but his face was not obvious. With his gray hair, he said angrily to the crowd: "Is this still fair? Xiaofang, you don't want me as a father, it doesn't matter, but you Why don't you let Xiaoyou come back, Xiaoyou is my daughter, she has let go of me since she was a child, it's fine if you keep talking ill of me to her, why did you stop her from getting close to me?"

Secretary Zhang was almost laughed at, what the man did, how dare he say it now

But Secretary Zhang is the best.

He couldn't let him tell the unbearable memories of those years in front of so many people.

Father Zhang also nailed this point, so he was unscrupulous.

Secretary Zhang plans to force the security to drive him away as before, and then find someone to teach him a lesson.

Who knew that Fu Wei appeared at this time.

Fu Wei didn't want to worry about this.

But the grey and pitiful look of the old man really stung his heart.

Father used to be a very important word in his heart, affecting him throughout his teenage years.

What's more, he is also a member of the company now. Now that the Internet is so developed, Secretary Zhang's behavior has a very bad social impact. If the public finds out, it will not be good for their company's image.

And his elder brother Fu Xiao seemed to be on the side of Secretary Zhang and didn't want to take care of it.

Fu Wei felt that there was no way he could ignore it.

He stood up and thought about it and said, "Secretary Zhang, no matter what happened in the past, should I give Uncle a chance now, sit down and have a good talk and give each other a chance to communicate."

Fu Wei is not stupid, he doesn't want to take his brother's face, and he thinks what he said makes sense. He didn't ask Secretary Zhang to make any concessions, but just sat down and talked.

No matter what, it looks better than standing here in a stalemate.

Father Zhang's eyes slipped: "Yes, Xiao Fang, we should have a good talk. There are too many misunderstandings between us."

But Fu Wei obviously didn't think that he belonged to the unimportant part in Secretary Zhang's eyes. Secretary Zhang was unhappy at first, and said directly: "What are we talking about? We don't need the second young master to take care of our family affairs, the second young master might as well. Take care of your own projects first, you can use more snacks, don't ask for leave every three days, our secretary department can also work less overtime."

Embarrassment flashed in Fu Wei's eyes. These days, in order to see Jiaming, he did ask for more time off.

He couldn't help but look at Fu Xiao.

He also knew a little about the relationship between the eldest brother and Jiaming. But Jiaming doesn't like eldest brother at all, not to mention that eldest brother doesn't seem to like Jiaming much. Although he is a little sorry for eldest brother, he will make up for eldest brother in the future.

Thinking of this, Fu Wei felt relieved, and he continued to persuade Secretary Zhang: "No matter what, he is your father. Your sister is still so young, isn't it good to give her a complete home?"

Secretary Zhang sneered: "If I could choose, I wouldn't want to be his son."

Father Zhang wiped his eyes with his hand, as if wiping

Going to tears: "I know you don't like me and think I'm incompetent, but Xiaoyou is not an adult yet. Logically, I should be her guardian. I hope you return her to me."

With the money-losing goods in hand, I was afraid that the little cub would not give in.

He said it pitifully, and everyone couldn't help but look at Secretary Zhang and whispered in his mouth.

"I didn't expect Secretary Zhang to be such a person. I don't think my mother is ugly. Why is he like this?"

"What's so strange about this? He has always looked down on others in the company. It's strange if he doesn't."

"Wow, it's really too much, it's shameless."

"My son is like this in the future, I would rather kill him."

Fu Wei couldn't help but say, "Secretary Zhang, how can you do this? Do you know that you are breaking the law? If you are obsessed, then we will ask the police to deal with this matter."

Fu Xiao, who had been silent, looked at Father Zhang and shook his head. "I've always been curious about how shameless a person can be."

Human nature can always surprise him, and the lower limit is sometimes terrifyingly low.

Father Zhang was stunned for a moment and then said angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Fu Xiao held the small sugar cake and said coldly, "I'm saying you are shameless."

Fu Wei moved his lips and couldn't help but said, "Brother, how can you say that." Even if he was protecting Secretary Zhang, he couldn't be like this, right

Father Zhang rolled his eyes and opened his hand, revealing the scar on his hand that was scratched by the cat, as if he had inadvertently shown it in front of everyone. Why did you offend Mr. Fu, just let your cat bite me, why are you insulting me like this?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Fu Xiao, but because of Fu Xiao's majesty, they didn't dare to say anything.

Fu Wei knew that Little Sugar Cake was fierce, but he couldn't believe that his brother would do such a thing. He bit his head and explained, "There must be a misunderstanding, right brother."

This scum who reverses black and white, the little sugar cake is itching with anger.

Fu Xiao comfortably touched the small candy cake, and said indifferently, "Well, it was the small candy cane, but the small candy cane should be taken more seriously."

Everyone looked at Fu Xiao in shock.

Even Secretary Zhang couldn't help but look over.

Fu Xiao paused for a moment and said with a bit of irony in his voice: "If you catch you a little harder, you won't be able to set fire on the set, right?"

This sentence is shocking.

Father Zhang said in a conditioned reflex: "No, you are framing me."

After he finished speaking, he seemed to think that was the case, he straightened his waist as if he was strong on the outside, and said, "I don't have it. You fabricated evidence to frame me."

Fu Xiao looked suspiciously and looked back and forth.

Father Zhang was still there arguing and defending.

At this time, Xiaoyou finally couldn't bear it anymore. She pulled her brother away and held his hand, walked out from behind Secretary Zhang, and scolded Father Zhang, "Shut up, why are you so embarrassed to come to us."

The thin girl stood strong in front of her brother. The girl lifted the bottom of her long skirt a little bit. The girl's fair calf was densely covered with uneven prototype scars. Everyone felt pain for the girl.

The girl said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "Why do you have the face to say that you want to rebuild the father-daughter relationship with me? Have you forgotten all these scars? You burned them with cigarette butts one by one."

Zhang's father suddenly felt guilty. It was ten years ago, and he couldn't remember it a little. It seemed that when he lost a lot at that time, he really got angry with the losers a few times, but that was also because the losers were not obedient and knew how to cry. , crying makes him upset.

The girl clenched her brother's hand tightly. The painful memories of her childhood were too obvious and deeply imprinted in her memory. She pouted at Zhang's father: "If it weren't for my brother, our family would have died in the rotten ditch long ago. The two words I’m most afraid of are dad. Besides drinking, gambling and beating, what else would you do? From childhood to adulthood, we were all your punching bags. You can beat up whenever you want, and scold you whenever you want. It’s not easy at home. You take all the money to bet. Mom doesn’t live up to her expectations. She only dares to cry when you beat her. Only my brother protects us. So he was beaten the most by you. He was about the same age as I am now, and he had to go out to work every day. If I hadn't met President Fu, I'd be ruined for the rest of my life!"

For her father, she only hated her, but she was really sad and angry with her mother.

"Xiaoyou!" Secretary Zhang didn't expect his sister to remember those things.

When his sister was seven years old, that scum went to prison. He thought that her sister would gradually forget, so she never mentioned it when she was growing up. Let the bad memories of my sister come back again.

The girl's eyes glowed with painful memories. She clenched her brother's hand and said, "Why didn't you die in prison, why are you still alive like a scumbag? Didn't you come to us for money? Me and you Say, don't even think about taking a penny from us for the rest of your life! Don't force your brother, it's a big deal for me and you to die!"

"Xiaoyou!" Secretary Zhang's voice was a little stern, how could my sister say such a thing

Everyone looked at Father Zhang and couldn't believe that the person in front of him was such a scumbag, but the scars on the girl's body were like mountains. Those scars didn't look like an accident at all, they were clearly intentional injuries.

Fu Wei was speechless and didn't know what to say.

At this time, several policemen came and said to everyone, "Who is Zhang Youde?"

Father Zhang raised his head.

The police walked over and said, "You need to go back with us to investigate because you are suspected of arson. Come with us."

Now what's going on is revealed.

The secretary—

Fu Wei blushed and said to Secretary Zhang, "I—"

Secretary Zhang waved his hand coldly to interrupt: "You don't need to apologize."

Fu Weiwei was stunned.

Secretary Zhang looked at him and said a word: "Second Young Master, you are not bad, I know. But your kindness is pale but weak, like a piece of paper." It stands to reason that Fu Wei, who left home when he was young Losing the umbrella prematurely is not all smooth sailing, but Fu Wei always brings a well-protected innocence.

Many people are indeed very kind. They have been treated gently by the world since they were born. They have never experienced darkness, and are naturally pure and white like white paper.

But some, but came from the darkness, but still did not change that kindness.

This is what Secretary Zhang admires most about President Fu.

He always remembered that many years ago, he was just a doorman in a hotel. When he was forced to take risks by the scumbag's gambling debts and stole the watch of the unsmiling eldest young master who often came, the quiet boy looked at him. His eyes were cold and warm.

Over the years, even if others say that he is a dog by Mr. Fu's side, he has never cared.

Fu Xiao's office.

Fu Xiao handed a document to Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang opened it and was stunned for a moment. It was all evidence of Father Zhang's crime.

He looked at Fu Xiao in amazement.

Fu Xiao shook his head and said, "I have already prepared these things for you. I was waiting for you to come to me, but I didn't expect—" He counted the days, and Father Zhang was about to be released from prison. He originally thought that Secretary Zhang would come to find it. He didn't expect Secretary Zhang to carry it all the time.

Secretary Zhang's eyes moved and said, "Fu—"

Fu Xiao waved his hand and interrupted: "You, you, you need to change your temper, don't carry everything by yourself."

Secretary Zhang smiled, rarely taking off the mask for many years, and said like an old friend for many years: "You are not too, don't do everything for others, but don't say anything. Sooner or later, you will suffer. "

Fu Xiao smiled, he did those things and never thought of what he wanted.

He looked at the candy cane.

Understand him, naturally understand.

I don't understand, what's the point of what he said