Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 29: Mice feed juice? Whatever his juice! ……


A gust of cold wind blew past, and the snow on the holly trees fell.

The winter sun is not warm, but it is so bright that people can't open their eyes.

Song Qiaoxi squinted and stared at Chu Jin's face, watching him turn red and white for a while, thinking that she had said something wrong.

Busy thinking about making it back, she grabbed the boy's arm and shook it slightly to please her. It wasn't that she didn't want to shake it a lot, but the padded jacket on her body was too thick...

The little milky voice was sweet and glutinous, and greeted Chu Jin with a smile, "It's alright if you don't want to tell me, that's... it's your secret, it's a secret, it's only what you can't say. The secret ha..."

In short, anything can make her round.

"Are you short of money?"

The boy's face returned to calm, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and he asked a clear and light question.

Suddenly being asked by Chu Jin, Song Qiaoxi was stunned for a moment.

Well... ...

Well, is it really hard to say if you are short of money

Even children have desires. If they have no desires and no desires, they are really immortals, right? Immortals have desires, right

She has seen the comic strip of Journey to the West, in which Marshal Tianpeng is an immortal, and he likes Chang'e, and is Gao Laozhuang robbing his relatives

The little girl really thought about it, her parents gave her 5 yuan of pocket money every week, almost all of which was used to buy small snacks.

But it's not that you eat alone, everyone in the "Little Gang of Five" has a share.

It's just that there is not much money, and it is nothing more than eating shredded figs, "Tang Monk meat", Huahua Dan, jelly bars in the shape of small animals and so on.

I can't be like Wang Junyang. I always carry a lot of Zhang Dalian in my pocket. I can invite everyone to a big meal like fried skewers. If it wasn't because KFC is far away, Wang Junyang's pocket money would not be a problem to invite everyone to KFC. .

How can a child of this age not be greedy

But Song Qiaoxi had overheard her mother's salary. Her mother was a teacher in a higher vocational school, and her monthly salary was 700 yuan. Her father's salary might be higher, as well as bonuses and royalties.

Whether these wages are too much or too little in the compound, she has no idea, but she always feels that it will cost a lot of money for parents to raise two cubs, and it is better to save money no matter how much.

Therefore, she takes as much pocket money as her parents give, and she never takes the initiative to ask for more.

Although, small money, of course, the more the better.

As for the lack

After summing up, Song Qiaoxi still feels that, considering her current situation, it is not short of money to restrain her desire to be a "little greedy cat", right

"No, I'm not short of money... I am, just ask casually." Clumsily pulling Chu Jin's arm, Nuo Tuanzi waved his other hand, and turned around with a haha, wanting to enter the family building.

This topic is still over.

If I ask again, I'm afraid it's my own embarrassment...

As soon as she turned her head, the sole of her foot slipped and she almost split a fork on the spot, but fortunately the boy held her back.

Chu Jin put his hands on his arms from behind, and picked up the glutinous dumplings from the ice in a somewhat comical gesture.

That move, a bit like a figure skater's failed lift, almost knocking his partner to the ground...

Helping her stand still, the boy gently patted Song Qiaoxi on the back twice, as if he was afraid that she would be frightened, so he took her back.

It was indeed a cold sweat, frightened.

You know, it hurts to fall on the ice!

Panting in shock, Chu Jin was good at tidying up the two pigtails flying around on the woolen hat, the corners of his mouth curved, "There is no shortage now, it does not mean that there will be no shortage in the future, the money is in the drawer of my desk, you need to use it Get it yourself."

Song Qiaoxi raised her head in surprise and looked at Chu Jin with admiration.


Good guy, really good guy!

So proud!

In her mind, the title of "Little God of Wealth" in the courtyard was instantly changed from Wang Junyang to Chu Jin.

The joy passed quickly, and after thinking about it, I still felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Nuo Tuan moved his fingers in the wide gloves and said hesitantly, "But, is that your money? I can't move it..."

"You can, and I have no secrets from you."

After that, the boy took her arm and walked slowly into the unit building.

Nuo Tuan was stunned and followed him home. After entering the house, Chu Jin helped her take off her scarf, took off her woolen hat, gloves, and took off her big padded jacket. Then she tidied up her clothes and hung them on the hanger in the entrance.

She pondered what Chu Jin said, but she didn't get it out for a long time, but she really felt a little esoteric. He didn't talk much, and often ignored her own questions, and sometimes answered them very seriously.

And these serious answers to her questions, Song Qiaoxi often listened to the clouds.

Just like just now, although she understood every word, but when she connected it, she couldn't understand Chu Jin's words.

Fortunately, any troubles can't trouble Xiao Nuo Tuan for too long.

In just a short lunch, she had already forgotten about the "red envelopes", "secrets" and so on. The sweet and sour fish steak, fried water rice and Laba porridge for lunch were enough for Song Qiaoxi to forget KFC. Gotta be clean.

She is such an easy-to-satisfy child, and because there is no shortage of love now, she lives extraordinarily happy.

Song Qiaoxi will forget many things.

All the good things are remembered.

The little girl's attention is easily drawn away by other things.

But the beautiful boy named Chu Jin beside her silently remembered every word she said and every question she asked.

Chu Jin kept Nuo Tuanzi in his heart from the very beginning, his kindness to him, his tolerance for him, and his undisguised love for him.

I don't know since when, guarding Song Qiaoxi, guarding the Song family, and even replacing the position of "revenge" in his mind a little bit.

Song Qiaoxi didn't know, even if she told her now, her young mind wouldn't understand.

Chu Jin will replace the small beam of light she shot into his new house with the endless doting and love for the rest of his life, and return it to her exponentially.


That night, Song Qiaoxi went to ask Chu Jin to have dinner.

Pushing the door into the boiler room, he was immediately shocked by the large pile of high-end stationery piled on the side of the desk. There was also a bamboo basket full of fruits on the ground, and on the empty chair was a new schoolbag with a hard shell of Mickey Mouse. It is very similar to my pink Minnie schoolbag.

Haha, kind of like that... What's it called

Yes, for couples!

Mickey and Minnie are just a couple. Thinking of this, I feel a little shy, so I quickly shook my head and thought of something else.

This is what the newspaper's leader, Uncle, and Mother Chu's colleagues gave him when they came to see him in the afternoon

Little girls of this age especially like these colorful hard-shell notebooks, scented erasers, fragrant beads, colorful pens...

She thought it was troublesome and didn't take off her jacket.

Like a little penguin, he clumsily walked to the desk, grabbed the edge of the desk and leaned forward, looked and looked at a distance, but didn't move, and finally his eyes fell on a green-covered Snoopy hard-shell book. superior.

Snoopy is wearing a Santa hat, holding a Christmas bell and grinning.

There is also a big Christmas tree next to it, with a star on the top of the tree, and the star has sequins, which is very beautiful.


Chu Jin put down the enamel water glass in his hand, picked up his coat and asked her.

The scarf was too tightly covered, covering his ears, and Chu Jin's voice seemed to come from a very far away place.

Song Qiaoxi turned around with difficulty, her vision was blocked, and it took a long time to find where the boy was.

She nodded in the direction of Chu Jin, and said, "The snarling pen, it's really crooked... Did you yell? Hurry up, let's go, the amount of vegetable demons... . . . .. "

To like is to like, but there are too many beautiful things in this world. In the world of glutinous dumplings, liking does not necessarily mean owning. It is also good to see and appreciate.

What's more, other people's things, no matter how good they are, are other people's, not their own.

Chu Jin didn't say anything, just looked at her with interest.

Seeing him a little hairy, Song Qiaoxi was wearing cotton trousers and had two short legs that were inconvenient to move.

Suddenly, a force behind her pulled the big hat of the padded jacket behind her neck, the hat sank, and it seemed that something was stuffed into the hat

I hurriedly wanted to reach out and touch it, but my short arms couldn't reach it.

"Well... ... "

She groaned anxiously.

Chu Jin had already put on his coat, put on the fruit basket with one hand, and let go of her with the other.

He gently patted the little head in the woolen hat, his eyes curved with a smile, "I'll know when I get home, let's go."

Tonight, Song Qiaoxi has a green hard-shell notebook on her desk in Xiaoxiwu.

After dinner, she fondly fiddled with this little book. The inside pages of the book, in the lower right corner of each page, were printed with a cute Snoopy. The shape was still different, and the pages were still exuding fragrant fruits. taste.

With a tilt of his head, his big eyes turned "guru", and an important matter was decided.

In the future, use this book to keep a diary!

Moreover, I swear not to spoil such a beautiful book with the "dog crawling" font...

At 11:30 in the middle of the night, Song Qiaoxi wore fluffy curly hair, bright yellow pajamas with coral velvet, and dragged pink rabbit cotton slippers, rubbed her eyes, and walked out of the room in a daze.

My mother's yam and pork ribs soup stewed in the evening was so delicious that I drank three small bowls and a glass of Golego milk before going to bed. At this moment, my stomach was so bloated.

After peeing, when I came out of the bathroom, I could see that Uncle Wang, Uncle Ding, and Dad were sitting around the dining table in the living room.

The three people, who were called "Three Stooges" by several mothers, put a small wine cup in front of each person, a plate of fried peanuts was placed on the table, and a silver lunch box was filled with red oil cold pork head. There is also a plate of thinly sliced beef in sauce, a plate of five-spice sausages and a small plate of cucumbers.

Hahaha, a few adults secretly eat delicious food at night!

Hearing the conversations of several fathers, Song Qiaoxi suppressed the urge to rush forward to ask for a sausage, and returned to the small room to hide the door.

The location of her room is particularly good. From the crack of the door, the living room is unobstructed, and she pricks up her ears to listen to the movement outside.

"Brother Wang, Brother Ding, time flies so fast, it's Ding Chou year, oh..." Dad took a sip of wine, smashed his mouth, and lowered his voice deliberately, "Hong Kong is also We are going to return, our motherland is tough, and after more than 100 years of his mother, we have finally returned home!"

"No, my brother got together for the last time a few years ago. This year, I'm so busy that I don't have much time to see each other. The next time we get together will be the Year of the Ox." He laughed softly like a self-deprecating sentence, and shook his head, "Hey, I just hope that next year, that stinky boy in my family won't take the last place in the exam again. You said that Ding Yi and Ding Miao were both born by the same father and mother, why are they so different? what!

Ding stayed at home to read comics to me every day, and every time he read his homework, his whole body hurt everywhere, and he even pretended to be sick..."

Dad Song patted Uncle Ding on the shoulder, "Big brother, don't be too anxious, isn't this just the first grade, what are you anxious about? Give the child some time, it is estimated that he hasn't adapted from kindergarten yet, let Miaomiao teach him more. , Ding Yi, that kid is smart."

"Hey, Brother Ding, we both share the same illness. Well, you are still much better than me. You have two in your family. Miaomiao has been worry-free since she was a child. Who wouldn't be envious..." Uncle Wang frowned and suffocated a cup of wine. His face turned a little red, "Don't mention that Wang Junyang from my family, he has been a bear since he was a child, and the bigger he is, the more bearable he is!

The second-to-last in the test, there is no better way to go than Ding Yi, this kid even spelled his name wrong on the paper, and my daughter-in-law beat him that day and it hurts!

Brother Song is the luckiest. As soon as your family's Xixi's intelligence goes to school, she uses it in her studies. You don't introduce your experience. How did you and your younger siblings educate Xixi in the past six months? obedient? Xiao Chujin's child is also very good. He passed the test first. He really deserves to be a child prodigy! "

"Hey, this..." Dad Song blushed, he didn't know whether he was happy or drinking, he was a little drunk, and blinked ignorantly, "Qiao Qin and I really didn't care about Xixi in our studies. , Don't you know, Qiao Qin started to turn around when school started, and I didn't care much about it... Maybe, maybe it's up to the child to be conscious?"

Uncle Ding and Uncle Wang looked at each other. The two uncles smiled and glanced at their father, teasing him, "Look at Brother Song's inner appearance, he is proud, he is hiding his secrets, and I don't want to say anything..."

"Oh, let's not talk about this, the new house in the compound has begun to lay the foundation, and the new house in the courtyard will be lined up to choose the apartment type. Have you read the drawings?" Father Song seemed to deliberately change the topic, and he touched a peanut on the plate and threw it into his mouth. , "I think Unit 1 of Building 1 and Unit 1 of Building 5 are good. Building 5 is a single-family house, and the door is not right. Qiao Qin has taken a fancy to the fifth floor of Building 5."

"Building 5 is great, but my daughter-in-law likes unit 1 in building 1. She is very superstitious. She said that if the master has calculated it for her, she still needs to bring one. Unit 1 in building 5 is also a three-bedroom, right?" Uncle Wang said, Clink glasses with Uncle Ding.

"Yes, a three-bedroom apartment, you can choose a three-bedroom apartment according to the job title. Isn't the housing monetization started this year? I have saved some money for writing manuscripts in the past two years, and I still want to choose a larger one. Come to live at home, just..." Dad paused, looked up at the two uncles, "I don't know what the child thinks, the child is too stubborn."

"Take your time, Brother Song..." Uncle Wang said.

"That's right, it can't be forced. After all, the child is so stimulated, and it's good to live there now. The new house is right next to our bungalow, isn't it closer?" Uncle Ding got up and moved gently. Open the chair, "I'll go get some water..."

Lying at the door of the room, Song Qiaoxi, who observed the "Three Stooges" from the crack of the door, quickly jumped back to the bed and pulled the quilt to cover her head.

I was relieved when I heard that Uncle Ding entered the bathroom and closed the door.

She silently remembered the new house that her mother liked, and repeated it several times in her mind, "The fifth floor of Unit 1, Building No. 5, is a single-family three-bedroom apartment with no opposite door."

Uncle Ding came out and went back to the living room.

The glutinous dumplings were still a little worried when they were in the quilt.

She simply climbed out, turned on the small yellow desk lamp, and thought for a moment, took out the Snoopy hardcover book that Chu Jin gave her today, and opened a new page.

Holding a pencil in his hand, with the dim light, he wrote stroke by stroke on it.

Mom's Wish, Unit 1, Building 5, 5th Floor.

This time, Song Qiaoxi's handwriting was very attentive, and it wasn't as flamboyant as when writing the paper. Although it wasn't very good-looking, at least it looked neat and tidy.

After writing, close the notebook, unscrew the lamp, get back into the bed, and close your eyes tightly.

This time, we must help parents to fulfill their wishes!

In the next semester, I will continue to be a good baby with "five lectures, four beauties and three loves", and strive for the "three good students" to come back and make parents happy!


"Ahahahahaha, it's so funny! Oops, my stomach hurts from laughing..."

"Poor Tom! Jerry is so smart!"

"Look, what juice did Jerry feed Tom with that big red spoon?"

"Oh, it's the mouse feeding the juice, what do you care about the juice..."

Four small beans sat in a row, each carrying a small horse, sitting in the living room of Wang Junyang's house.

Another little beanie was sitting on the sofa with a book in his hand, raising his eyes from time to time to look at the four little furry heads in front of him, pursing his lips and shaking his head with a smile.

On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, on Sunday night, several mothers will clean Chu Jin's room, paste Spring Festival couplets, and ask for blessings.

After dinner, I rushed the "Little Gang of Five" to Wang Junyang's house to watch the VCD.

Wang Junyang’s uncle who opened a factory in Shenzhen came to see him in Qizhou City, and gave him Aido VCD endorsed by Jackie Chan, as well as a full set of Disney classic cartoon CDs, cats and teachers, Doraemon Doraemon, Saint Seiya, Hua Xianzi, etc. Wait for the VCD disc to Wang Junyang.

This is a bag full of cartoons, you can choose, Bao Jun is satisfied.

Dad Wang just dressed Wang Junyang today and connected it to his color TV, which attracted the attention of several children at once.

The VCD player is a big black box. Put the wafers and thin discs into it, and it will make a "click, click, click" sound, and in a short while, cartoons can be played on the color TV.

Simply amazing!

This means that when you want to watch cartoons, you can watch them when you want

You don't have to wait for the children's TV station in the afternoon to fix the time of the cartoon, and you can watch which episode you want to watch, it's cool!

At this moment, except for Chu Jin, the four little Maotou stared attentively at the cat and mouse on the screen, discussing heatedly, hugging their stomachs and laughing at every turn.

"Quack", "Giggle", "Haha", "Haha", there are all kinds of laughter.

It was like a demonic voice, and just by listening to the laughter, you could tell how happy these children were.

After watching a few episodes, two little boys want to watch "Saint Seiya", and two little girls want to see Disney's "Sleeping Beauty".

It was just two to two, and there was no winner in the fight.

At this moment, the four pairs of small eyes turned their heads together and looked at Chu Jin, who was wearing a gray cable-knit sweater and black velvet trousers.

This sweater was knitted by Ding's mother for him, and it fits very well. The warm gray color chosen makes the face even whiter, and the temperament is warm and moist.

Chu Jin raised his head from the book, calmed himself, and looked at the four little friends who were sitting on the Mazar in front of him.

Wang Junyang was wearing a blue Mickey Mouse sweater and sweatpants of the same color. He held up two CDs and yelled at him, "Chu Jin, what are you looking at?"

Ding Yi's sweater is of the same style as his, but in a different color. He doesn't like turtleneck sweaters, and it always makes his neck itchy. Now he is scratching his neck and winking at Chu Jin, and he doesn't forget to use his mouth to say, "Seiya ... Seiya..."

"I want to see Cinderella. Miaomiao and I both want to see Cinderella. Bambi can do it, so can Hua Xianzi. Can you guys watch Saint Seiya next time when you guys are at home by yourself?"

Song Qiaoxi's voice was sweet and glutinous, with a hint of coquettishness.

Today, the glutinous dumpling is like a plump little orange. The jacket and trousers are orange corduroy. The collar of the jacket is turned over with two white piping doll collars. aside.

I want people to pinch her fleshy cheeks.

She pulled Ding Miao, who was wearing a red cable sweater, and winked twice for help.

Ding Miao shook his head, and the short hair of the doll's head also swayed, and then the little girl pushed her glasses, shrugged, and spread her hands helplessly.

The attitude is very clear, that is, she can actually see anything, it doesn't matter.

But if you have to choose...

Ding Miao nodded slightly to Chu Jin, the meaning could not be more obvious, listen to Nuo Tuanzi.

This time it's good, all four pairs of eyes are staring at Chu Jin.

He thought for a while, pursed his lips and smiled, clearing his throat, "Cough, why don't you watch it in turn? Everyone likes to watch, take turns, one episode at a time, girls are given priority, and they like to watch first, right? Gentlemen like Wang Junyang and Ding Yi will definitely let the girls choose first?"

This "gentleman" can lift the two little boys a lot at once.

Chu Jin said that, Wang Junyang and Ding Yi were embarrassed to rob them with the two little girls. Although they were a little unwilling, they still played "Flower Fairy" for them.

After watching the movie, Song Qiaoxi went to the coffee table, grabbed a transparent plastic bag and brought it over. The plastic bag contained two sesame candied melons.

Before she came, Dad Song had already hit it with a hammer for her, and now the two candied melons were lying in the bag torn apart.

Distributed it to a few friends. The big guys all had their mouths and hands sticky, and there were a few white sesame seeds on the corners of their mouths.

The air was filled with the fragrant smell of maltose and sesame.

Ding Yigang ate two oranges. Following his mother's example, he put the orange peel on the radiator of Wang Junyang's house. There was a hint of bitter and sweet fragrance of orange peel in the house.

After more than ten years, the first group of the post-90s will grow up, and they will always complain to their relatives and friends that the New Year is becoming less and less interesting.

Even when they are also parents, no matter how they manage, it is difficult to find the strong taste of the year when they were children.

But you have to really ask them, what is the taste of the year

Most of them were at a loss for words and could not answer for a while.

At this time, in the small living room of Wang Junyang's house, several children gathered around in a lively manner, chatting, laughing, and fighting.

The air is filled with the sweetness of maltose, the smell of sesame, the sour smell of orange peel, mixed with the fire smell of outdoor firecrackers and fireworks.

These may be the children of the 1990s, the taste of the new year in memory, right

"Flower Fairy" is indeed a bit boring for the two little boys.

Wang Junyang simply went back to the sofa with Ding Yi, Ding Yi was holding the book of "Dragon Ball" in his hand, Wang Junyang took another piece of candy melon, and the two sat next to Chu Jin, "beautiful name" to accompany him.

"When are you going back to the Shanghai market?"

Ding Yi flipped through the comics, pushed the probe of his glasses, and asked Wang Junyang across Chu Jin.

Wang Junyang "quack" bit off a corner of the candy melon, shook his head and said, "I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. My mother said that my uncle bought us a plane ticket. When are you going back to your hometown? When are you coming back?"

"Mom said, we went back to Taicheng in the 28th year. It's 20 today?"

"twenty five... .."

"Well, tomorrow is twenty-sixth, the day after tomorrow is twenty-seventh... That's the day after tomorrow! We will be back on the seventh day of the first lunar month. Dad's printing factory is going to start work. When will you come back?"

"I don't know yet, it's really annoying, I hate going back to the Shanghai market the most..." Wang Junyang made a "cut" and continued to eat the candied melon, "The dishes are all sweet and greasy, and I can't understand what they say. Last time my little cousin spoke Mandarin to me, and was scolded by my aunt for asking her to speak Wu language to me, how could I understand it! I still like our place, by the way! There is no heating in the south! My grandmother's house wants it The air conditioner is on, but when the air conditioner is on, my throat hurts..."

"Oh, that can't be helped."

Ding Yi imitated Ding Miao and shrugged and spread his hands.

The three little boys sat side by side on the sofa, Chu Jin and Ding Yi continued to read.

Wang Junyang was a little tired of eating candied melons, clapped his hands, got off the sofa, walked to the coffee table, looked at the bananas, apples, and oranges in the fruit basket, shook his head, and said to himself, "Why don't you have persimmons?"

Suddenly, he wanted to eat crunchy persimmons.

Song Qiaoxi, who was immersed in the cartoon "Flower Fairy", heard Wang Junyang say this, and stood up from the pony with a slap on the forehead, "Yangyang, I have persimmons at home, wait for me, go downstairs and get them for you."

"Who of you still want to eat? It's crunchy persimmons, which my grandma's family brought here, but they're delicious!" When he walked to the door, he didn't forget to ask other friends.

Seeing that everyone except Wang Junyang shook their heads, Song Qiaoxi nodded, "I'll be right back."

The security door closed with a "click".

After a while, Wang Junyang saw that Song Qiaoxi hadn't come up yet, so he simply went to the bathroom to wash the sticky maltose in his hand, and then came back and waited for her slowly.

Washing his sticky fingers in the bathroom, I listened to Ding Yi's cheerful voice in the living room outside, "I almost forgot, Chu Jin, my mother asked me to ask you, will you come back to your hometown in Taicheng with us during the Chinese New Year? My hometown can It’s fun! I can take you to climb Mount Tai, go to temple fairs, go to big fairs, play kicks, there are so many delicious and fun things, you must like it!”

Immediately afterwards, the anti-theft door opened with a "click".

"Where's Yangyang? Oh, 11, Miaomiao, your mother told you two to go home to sleep, Xiaochu should go back too, it's 9 o'clock soon. Auntie has cleaned up the house for you, now it's bright, There are also Spring Festival couplets and blessing characters, let's go, auntie will take you back."

It was Wang Junyang's mother's voice, and there was a rustling sound of putting on clothes and changing shoes in the living room.

Wang Junyang immediately flicked the water in his hands and stuck his head out, and the three little friends had already dressed up.

"Mom, I'm washing my hands."

He stuck out his tongue and smiled at his mother.

"Put on your pajamas, brush your teeth, and wash your face," Wang's mother instructed Wang Junyang, pushing Chu Jin and the three of them out the door, turning her head to add, "When I come back, I'll give you water to wash your feet, and take the basin first. come out."

"it is good."

He readily agreed and waved goodbye to his three friends. He turned around and went back to his room to change into pajamas. In a blink of an eye, he forgot about Song Qiaoxi taking the persimmon.

Wang Junyang sat in the living room with a toothbrush in his mouth, brushed his little white teeth slowly, and stared blankly at "Saint Seiya" on the VCD.

That's right, as soon as the little girls left, they couldn't wait to change the disc.

Suddenly, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Open the door, thinking about how quickly mom came back


He said inarticulately.

Nuo Tuanzi was panting, holding two persimmons the size of an apple in his arms, staring at Wang Junyang suspiciously.

Why did he brush his teeth and put on his pajamas

Song Qiaoxi probed into the room, "Human?"

"Well... ... "

It seemed that Wang Junyang was so shocked that he almost ate a mouthful of toothpaste.

He rushed to the bathroom in a panic, and Nuo Tuan heard the sound of foam and water, and he was probably rinsing his mouth.

"They were called home to sleep by the adults, why have you been gone for so long?" After coming out of the bathroom, Wang Junyang wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his pajamas, and took the two persimmons she handed over, "Thank you Xixi, I can't eat it today. I'm sorry..."

"It's alright, then you can eat it tomorrow," Nuo Danzi scratched his head and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Oh, my father and I spent a long time looking for it before we found it. The things in my house are very strange. Only my mother knows where they are. Dad can't find anything..."

Glancing at the empty living room, Song Qiaoxi waved, "Then I'll go home first, see you tomorrow."

She remembered that Yang Yang had said that the Wang family would return to the Shanghai market the day after tomorrow, so they could play together for a day tomorrow, and then turned to leave.

"Xixi, did you know that Chu Jin is going back to Taicheng with Ding Yi and Ding Miao to celebrate the New Year, did he tell you?"

Song Qiaoxi had already touched the handle of the security door, but was stunned by Wang Junyang's words behind her.

Letting go of the door handle, she frowned, turned her head and looked into Wang Junyang's eyes.

"What did you say?"

His tone was full of question marks and a hint of anxiety.