Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 37: Bo Bo is a sacred thing for fried chicken. …


There is only one month left until the end of the second semester of the second year.

The primary school chickens in the fifth class of the second grade are once again facing a severe final exam.

Song Qiaoxi was not nervous at all. The second grade exam was still very simple for her. She knew that Chu Jin would definitely get good grades, and Miaomiao didn't need to worry.

The remaining two of the "Little Gang of Five", Wang Junyang and Ding Yi, their grades were really a headache, no, they were bald...

The "bleak" summer vacation of the two little boys has been completely predicted.

In the past few months, my mother has been busy with the decoration of the new house and school. She often comes home very late.

And recently, the newspaper where my father works seems to have some personnel changes.

I heard Dad and Uncle Wang say when they were playing, that the president's grandfather will retire at his age in less than half a year, and the president candidates who have been strong enough to "succeed" in a few years have also begun to compete openly and secretly.

Father Song was very popular with the old president. Recently, he was often sent out on business trips to participate in various seminars. The old president made it clear that he wanted him to take over the position of editor-in-chief, so Song Jianguo has been very busy recently.

Both of them were so busy that their feet took off. As a dual-earner family, they couldn't take care of the two children.

Qiao Qin and Song Jianguo thought about it. There are a few old buddies in the compound, and the Ding family already has two dolls. They both work in the factory and occasionally let the children go for a day or two. Dinner is alright, but after a long time, people can't eat it.

Brother Wang and the daughter-in-law of the Wang family don't even care about Wang Junyang. Every day they see Wang Junyang pitifully carrying a takeaway box to go home to eat. On the weekends, when the Song family cooks food, they will let Yangyang come to the house to eat, and the Wang family counts on it even more. not up.

In the end, I had to ask the old Xia couple on the fourth floor, that is, Xia Qiumeng's parents, to help with the dinner for the two children during the working day.

When the couple gave birth to Qiu Meng, they were almost forty, so they were old people.

Lao Xia is a newspaper editor, and his daughter-in-law works as a librarian in the university library. The two have a lot of free time, and the relationship between the two has always been good.

It just so happened that the daughter was in the third grade, and the elementary school attached to the normal school was about to start an English class. She was afraid that she would not directly pay the living expenses of the Xia family. Song Mama thought of a way to ask Qiu Meng to teach Song Qiaoxi some English lessons in advance, and take this opportunity to let her daughter secretly spend 300 The bucks were stuffed into Xia's mother's purse and used as living expenses for the two children to eat dinner at Xia's house for a month.

Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin suddenly became two "left-behind children", lunch was served at the "Red Flag Small Dining Table", and dinner climbed four floors to sister Qiu Meng's house for dinner.

After eating, I did my homework with Chu Jin in the living room. After that, my sister taught her English, and Chu Jin read the original book or did the math Olympiad next to her.

It didn't take a week, Qiu Meng took the dumplings to learn the International Phonetic Alphabet.

On this day, Xia Qiumeng held a repeater, played a set of English listening books of "Look, Listen & Learn", held a textbook, and taught Song Qiaoxi to read aloud word by word.

Song Qiaoxi went to the fourth grade of elementary school when she was in the orphanage. Although the school also offered English classes, how could there be any formal English teachers in the remote towns in the north

English class can't wait to let the physical education teacher come and take part. All they learn is dumb English, and the exams are all fooled.

To sum up, even if the school does not pay attention to it, the students are not interested.

When Sister Qiu Meng taught her the International Phonetic Alphabet and learned new English textbooks, she realized how interesting it was to learn a foreign language

“Meet Sandy and Sue! This is Sues class... ”

Xiao Nuo Tuan's sweet milky voice has a strong ability to imitate, and it reads like a decent British voice in the tape.

This set of textbooks is a children's English textbook published by Longman. The author of the new concept is the same person. Chu Jin has learned the new concept at a very young age and is quite familiar with the textbook.

After listening for a while, he unconsciously raised his head, glanced at Song Qiaoxi, nodded slightly at her, her eyes filled with encouragement, and felt that her pronunciation was relatively standard for beginners.

After listening to her reading, Sister Qiu Meng temporarily turned off the repeater, squeezed her small cheeks and exclaimed, "Xixi, your English pronunciation is very authentic, you really haven't learned it before?"

"No... ... "

Song Qiaoxi shook her head, it was true that she had never learned.

"That's really talented. My sister has a lot of fairy tale tapes in English. I will give them to you when I leave. There are also some English picture books waiting for me to find them. You can take them home and read them," Sister Qiu Meng gently opened the new One page of the textbook, smiled at Chu Jin who was sitting opposite, "Xiao Chujin, what do you think of Xixi's pronunciation? Your English is much better than mine, so let's make a comment?"

"Sister's English is very good, so you don't need to be humble," he put down the book and replied politely looking into Xia Qiumeng's eyes, "Song Qiaoxi... As a beginner, it's ok, it needs more practice."

Chu Jin felt that the little girl had a good pronunciation, and she should be quite talented in learning foreign languages, but these few colloquial phrases of "according to a gourd and painting a scoop" are indeed not very good.

So according to the standard in his mind, he gave a "pertinent" and "straight man" evaluation.

Song Qiaoxi thought that Chu Jing would give her a good compliment, and looked at him with a smile, ready to be praised and get a great thumbs up.

As a result, after listening to it, the small face that was originally smiling slowly collapsed.

My heart is full of murmurs, what does it mean to be a beginner...

It's alright, or hesitant to say it...

Hmph, compliments are not sincere at all!

The inexplicable desire to win and lose among children and the idea of challenging authority suddenly came up.

In the courtyard, both adults and children speak Chu Jin's English well. Of course, Sister Qiu Meng's English is also very good, but Chu Jin is younger and naturally gets more compliments.

Although he usually reads most of the original books, Song Qiaoxi has never heard Chu Jin speak English once.

Danzi's self-esteem is particularly strong. If it's something she doesn't care about, it's fine for anyone else to be better than herself.

But she is talented in foreign languages. Sister Qiu Meng praised her personally. In the little guy's heart, Sister Qiu Meng's words are similar to the "decree".

What's more, I really like learning foreign languages.

To put it bluntly, the fundamental reason was that Chu Jin didn't praise her well, which made her lose face.

I still feel a little wronged. I have worked so hard, and Sister Qiu Meng has praised her. Chu Jin is so good to her, why can't I praise her well

Without further ado, I turned to the back page of the red "Look, Listen & Learn" and found a text that looked very long and complicated.

Holding the textbook in both hands, he spread it out in front of Chu Jin.

Chu Jin just lowered his head, and when he heard the movement, he suddenly raised his head and found that there was an English textbook with a red cover in front of him.

Facing Xiao Nuo Tuan's unhappy face, he muttered with a pouted mouth, "Then you can show me a pattern, okay?"


He frowned slightly, wondering how he could make her angry

"You let me be a 'beginner' who is 'alright' to learn to learn?"

However, he keenly captured that Song Qiaoxi's words emphasized the words "okay" and "beginner".

From this, it can be inferred that she is unhappy because of her own evaluation

Just as she was about to open her mouth to coax her, she saw Xia Qiumeng's expression of wanting to laugh but not laughing out loud, which made Chu Jin a little bit unable to get off the stage.

Only then did I start to reflect, did Song Qiaoxi misunderstand those words just now

Unexpectedly, she cared so much about her opinion.

Usually, the glutinous dumplings, which seem to be carefree, actually have a sensitive side.

I glanced at the text on the textbook, and it was a simple dialogue between children, without difficulty.

After stabilizing his emotions, he lowered his posture, "I don't necessarily speak English very well, it's just a little longer than you have studied. I think you have great potential, and you may be able to learn it in another year or so. Much better than me."

He closed the textbook, racked his brains to mobilize all the brain cells to praise Song Qiaoxi, stood up and put it gently between Sister Qiu Meng and her, staring at Xiao Nuo Tuan.

Song Qiaoxi looked at the textbook in front of her and looked up at him.

This passage sounded more pleasing to the ear, and she asked tentatively, "Really? Do you think I can learn English well in the future?"

Chu Jin nodded solemnly, his eyes full of positive encouragement, "Sure, are so smart and talented in language, you can learn more languages besides English in the future, so that you can travel around the world. ' When there is no need for translation, you can communicate freely with people all over the world."

"Yes, I can also learn French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian... This way, when we go around the world together, we won't be afraid that foreigners won't understand what we say."

Clenching her small fist, Song Qiaoxi was full of faith.

But after Chu Jin and Qiu Meng heard what she said, they both laughed softly together.

Sister Qiu Meng arranged the broken hair on her forehead and said softly, "Xixi, you have to figure out a concept. After you go abroad, you are a foreigner?"

"Oh, that seems to be the case? Ahahahahaha..."

He laughed embarrassedly.

It is 7:40 in the evening, it is the warm early summer in Qizhou, and the living room window of Xia Qiumeng's house is open, and a cool breeze blows in.

An older child brought two cubs, and all three laughed.

That little awkwardness just now, no one knows where it went.

Sister Qiu Meng suddenly clapped her hands and said to the two cubs a little excitedly: "I just thought of a very interesting proposal, the two of you will start the third grade after the summer vacation, and you will be in the junior high school in three years, so you can go back. Discuss with Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao to prepare for the foreign language school."

"foreign language School?"

Junior high school is still far away for Song Qiaoxi, full of doubts.

"Yes, I knew it was too late, and it was too far from home, my parents couldn't worry about my body," Sister Qiu Meng shook her head regretfully, and quickly picked up her spirit and said to them, "The foreign language school is our very own Qizhou. There are well-known junior high schools and high schools.

The school attaches great importance to foreign language teaching. Although it is a private school, the teaching style is relatively free. There are many foreign teachers. The qualifications of teachers and students are very good. Only by examination can they enter. In high school, almost 30% of the outstanding students will be able to Recommended for prestigious universities.

If you are in the top ten in the entrance examination, the school will not only waive all tuition and miscellaneous fees, but will also give you a large amount of scholarship.

However, the most attractive thing is that the school uniforms in foreign languages are particularly beautiful. Unlike the school uniforms in our attached middle school, which are as big as sacks, the school uniforms in foreign languages are suits! Men's suits, girls' woolen skirts and suit jackets, I heard that there are five or six sets of school uniforms to replace in spring, summer, autumn and winter... "

Listening to Sister Qiu Meng gushing about what she had seen and heard at the foreign language school, Xiao Nuo Tuan was stunned.

She didn't even know that there was such an interesting school

Be prepared to ask mom and dad for their opinion when they're less busy.

But after thinking about it, it's still a bit early to say, after all, I'm only in the third grade when the school starts in September, so I might as well wait until the senior year to talk to my parents.

But what Sister Qiu Meng said, she really listened to it.

Since then, I have been more motivated to learn English.

At eight o'clock in the evening, there was a knock on the door of Qiu Meng's house, "Sister-in-law, I'm Xiao Qiao, I'm here to pick up the children."


Song Qiaoxi jumped off the stool, opened the door for her mother before Mama Xia opened it, and plunged into her mother's arms like a chick.

"Oh, look at Xixijiao, do you miss your mother after not seeing you in such a short time?" Mama Xia smiled and gave Qiao Qin a wink, "When you don't come, Xiao Qiao, Xixi doesn't say that she misses you, just spend time with us. Well, otherwise, Xixi will stay as my second daughter, right?"

So anxious that Song Qiaoxi shook her head in her mother's arms, "No, no, auntie, I can't be your child."

"Auntie is joking with you, hurry up, pack up your schoolbag and tell Chu Jin to go home together." Mom kissed her cheek, comforted her, raised her head and said to Mom Xia, "Thank you for your hard work, sister-in-law, I bought two watermelons. , and let Jianguo carry it for you in a while."

"Oh, what's the matter? We've been neighbors for many years. Who's family is not busy? These two children are very well behaved. I like them, but I don't like them. My Qiumeng is no longer fun when she grows up. It's still fun for a little cub." After speaking, Mama Xia added in a low voice, "Next time, I won't let Xixi put money into my bag, and let Lao Xia steal it as private money to buy cigarettes."

"Hey, I didn't ask Xixi to stuff the money. I'll leave my sister-in-law first, so I won't bother you any more."

The mother smiled and shook her head, greeting the two children who had packed their schoolbags.

"Goodbye Sister Qiu Meng, goodbye auntie, goodbye Uncle Xia."

The two children politely waved their thanks to the Xia family at the door, and followed Mama Song downstairs.

Going to the first floor, she handed her schoolbag to her mother. Song Qiaoxi followed Chu Jin out of the corridor and turned around and shouted, "Mom, I've eaten enough, so I'll take Chu Jin back for a walk."

"Okay, come back at night and look at the road."

Mother Song seemed to have long been used to it, she smiled and ordered and entered the room.

Under the dim light, the two children stepped on the shadows and walked towards the boiler room.

Song Qiaoxi followed, not for a walk.

Not to mention eating too much, she was too embarrassed to open her stomach to eat at sister Qiu Meng's house. She was a little hungry at the moment, and she planned to ask her mother to cook her another pack of Master Kong's braised beef noodles when she returned home.

She had a careful thought. Just now, she hadn't heard Chu Jin speak English.

At this moment, my heart is itching, I just want to hear a few words from him.

Followed all the way, almost to the door of the boiler room, Nuo Tuanzi couldn't help pulling the hem of Chu Jin's shirt, "Hey, can you tell me a few words in English?"

He turned his head in surprise and frowned at her.

"I really want to hear it. Look, you've heard me speak English. For the sake of fairness, you can also tell me a few words, okay?"

Holding the corner of his hand, he twisted the corner of the shirt into a twist, and then saw the boy shake his head gently.

Chu Jin took out a book from her schoolbag, sat on the doorstep, turned to the first page by the dim street light, and the low and magnetic boy's voice reached her ears.

Although Song Qiaoxi can only understand a few words occasionally, she really thinks it sounds great!

even... ...

She even felt that Chu Jin's English was better than Sister Qiu Meng's English.

After reading about three or five pages, Chu Jin stopped and asked her softly, "Is it alright?"

"Oh..." Only then did he wake up, Xiao Nuotuan smiled flatteringly, and said in a tone as if he had obtained some great treasure, "It's alright today, I really want to take you Record the voice of reading in English, so that you can listen to it whenever you want. In the future, can you read more in English for me? I really like it!”

Song Qiaoxi has always been so direct, and she will not hesitate to praise them for the things she loves.

On the contrary, it was Chu Jin. After hearing Xiao Nuo Tuan's heartfelt praise, his heartbeat was so fast that he almost buried his head in the book.

He doesn't know what's wrong with him

It just feels so weird.

From childhood to adulthood, many people praised him, and he never took any praise in his eyes.

But every time, Song Qiaoxi's casual compliment, even an encouraging look, would make Chu Jin feel shy.

What's more, is it such a "confession" from the heart

It made him so ashamed that he wanted to dig a hole in place and get in!


At the end of the second semester of the second grade, the trend of "Huanzhugege" intensified and gradually swept across the TV screens and campuses of universities, middle and primary schools in Qizhou, no, and even the whole country.

The commissary at the school gate also began to sell all kinds of Huanzhu stickers, Huanzhu character cards, and Huanzhu pictures.

The little girls in Song Qiaoxi's class almost always put two pictures of Little Swallow or Ziwei in the pencil case, and they have to admire them for a long time as soon as they open the pencil case.

And last night's episode "Huanzhugege" directly detonated the after-school public opinion of the chickens in the fifth grade of the second grade attached to the normal school.

During the break of the first class in the afternoon, after Teacher Li's math class, Song Qiaoxi was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open, and she collapsed on the table in a fit of rage.

Chu Jin frowned and glanced at her, shook his head, took out a piece of plum candy from the table hole and gave it to her, "Refresh."

"Thank you..." took the candy, unscrewed the candy wrapper and stuffed the candy into his mouth, the glutinous dumpling yawned again, and said vaguely with the candy in his mouth: "Mr. Li's lecture is too hypnotic. Now, so sleepy, how did you keep it from being sleepy..."

"Song Qiaoxi, have you watched yesterday's episode of "Han Zhu Gege"?"

The short-haired girl in the front row, Li Xiaoran, turned around, grabbed a mechanical pencil in her hand, pressed "da da" twice, her face flushed, and she lowered her voice and asked her excitedly.


Speaking of this, Song Qiaoxi's drowsiness was instantly dispelled.

"Look at it!"

The sugar cubes rolled in his mouth, and the sweet and sour taste filled his tongue.

The two little girls exchanged glances very gossip. The twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks were like "passwords", and they matched with a "beep".

The two of them met head-to-head, and both covered their faces with their little hands.

Song Qiaoxi felt that discussing this kind of key plot with her friends was too red.

Miaomiao didn't watch yesterday's episode of "My Fair Princess". Ding Yi was hired by his parents for secretly drawing comics in class. Fortunately, he hid the latest set of "Detective Conan" in the boiler room in advance, otherwise he would end up Like his pile of comic books, they would all be locked in the box by Dad Ding.

Ding's father was very angry this time, and warned Ding Yi that he would not be allowed to read comics before he was admitted to university.

Yesterday, Ding's father lost his temper so terrible. He was lying on Chu Jin's bed in the boiler room. Song Qiaoxi, who was fascinated by Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito AKA Kaitou Kid, heard the roars of Ding Yi's parents. It is estimated that it was another "mixed doubles" meal, and it also caused Miaomiao not to be seen as TV.

And Wang Junyang obviously watched that episode, but on the way to school today, people just refused to discuss the plot with her.

His phoenix eyes were dodging, the honey-colored skin on his cheeks was flushed, and he muttered, "Fortaire is so useless! I won't watch it again, give up the show!"

Wang Junyang waved his hand and ran to find Ding Yi...

Chu Jin has never watched this type of TV series. After dinner, he returned to the boiler room early to read, write, and do questions.

Li Xiaoran made a proposal to discuss the plot, obviously in the right mind, but she was so excited that no one discussed it after watching such a wonderful plot

Holding Song Qiaoxi for a day almost ruined the child.

"Xiao Ran, do you know that Fifth Brother has the 'hedgehog' disease?"

Nuo Tuanzi and Li Xiaoran whispered.

"I know, I think the 'hedgehog' disease is jealous. Look, Xiao Yanzi and the fifth brother are jealous. They rode to the prairie on horseback..." Li Xiaoran made a pair of small hands into "You are awesome" in a posture, put two thumbs together, and smiled shyly, "After two people 'bobo', they are finally together. My mother said that this is called a lover's marriage."

"Yes, yes, Wang Junyang also told me that he thinks Xiaoyanzi should be with Ertai, so I don't believe it. Look, Xiaoyanzi and Fifth Brother are the official match, right?"

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly agreed, and then secretly glanced around, as if someone was eavesdropping.

However, it was obvious that she was afraid that Chu Jin would hear it.

Li Xiaoran's tablemate was not there, nor were the two tall boys next to him, only Chu Jin was sitting on the seat reading a book.

There is a natural "exclusivity" for the opposite sex when the little sisters discuss something, even if she herself doesn't know why she hides it from Chu Jin.

Danzi lowered his voice, "Xiao Ran, my mother said, 'Bobo' is a super sacred thing, only people who really like it can 'bobo'."

Li Xiaoran blinked, nodded thoughtfully, and asked in a low voice, "Then do you have someone you like now?"

Chu Jin, who was sitting on the side, made a "rustling" sound, and seemingly calmly took out the kettle from the hole in the table, unscrewed it, and sipped water gently. The small ear near Song Qiaoxi's right side shook slightly.

"Of course I have wow, do you have it?"

Obviously, this was Song Qiaoxi's little secret, and she raised her voice a little with excitement.