Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 43: Ergeng's Little Sticky Human Essence made of maltose


Song Qiaoxi hugged the box of Jinsha chocolates, stood up from the stool with a "huchi", raised her legs without hesitation and ran to Ding Miao, pushing the chocolates in front of her, "Miaomiao, you are at the same table. Zhao Xin's chocolate has fallen to me, you want to return it to him."

After speaking, he folded his arms and returned to his seat angrily.

Ding Miao was confused, looked at the Jinsha chocolate in her hand, and then looked at the seat in the back row.

I only saw Song Qiaoxi lying on the table diagonally, wishing to turn her back to Chu Jin.

And Chu Jin is actually... laughing? !

Not only laughing, but also laughing... uh, Ding Miao searched for adjectives for a long time, and finally chose a suitable word to describe Chu Jin's smile.

That is, smiling like a monster.

The "fairy" Chu Jin also took the pen cap and poked Xiao Nuo Tuan's back lightly. I don't know what he said again, Xixi looked... even more angry

Hey, these two are happy friends.

Miaomiao smiled and turned her eyes back to the textbook, and stuffed the box of Jinsha chocolates into the hole in Zhao Xin's desk.

In the afternoon break, Song Qiaoxi and Ding Miao went to the bathroom hand in hand. As soon as they got out of the classroom, they met the head teacher, Mr. Feng, and a familiar middle-aged aunt talking at the door of the classroom.

"Hey, Xixi, Miaomiao is here, how did you do in the final exam?"

The middle-aged aunt saw them and greeted them warmly.

Song Qiaoxi remembered that this fat aunt was Aunt Gao, the director of the neighborhood committee.

Chu Jin's boiler room is very close to the neighborhood committee, and the children don't usually have the opportunity to contact the work of the neighborhood committee.

Greeting Aunt Gao politely, Xiao Nuotuan smiled sweetly, "Hello Aunt Gao, I took the fourth place in the exam, and Miaomiao took the second place in the exam. Miaomiao is better than me!"

"Hello Director Gao."

Ding Miao nodded in greeting.

"Okay, the children in our newspaper's courtyard are promising, and Teacher Feng taught them well."

Aunt Gao spoke in the manner of the neighborhood committee, with a smile on her face.

"Director Gao, I think it's better to ask the child what he thinks. If the child doesn't want to, we can't force him to go there, right?"

Teacher Feng made a gesture to Song Qiaoxi's Ding Miao, meaning what to do and what to do, adults and children should not get involved.

"Miaomiao, why did Aunt Gao come to school?"

Song Qiaoxi took Ding Miao's hand, and the two little girls stood not far from Teacher Feng and Aunt Gao, biting their ears.

Ding Miao whispered in her ear, "I don't know, but in our class, the only one who has something to do with the neighborhood committee is Chu Jin..."

"It's weird, but you will notify my parents first about everything in Chu Jin?"

Song Qiaoxi frowned, feeling that this was a bit strange.

"I also find it strange that even though your parents are not Chu Jin's guardians, the school teachers always go directly to Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao when they have anything to do... Well, Xixi, they are looking for Chu Jin, you see, He's out."

Ding Miao pointed, Song Qiaoxi hurriedly looked at the door of the classroom.

Because of the distance, I could only see Teacher Feng bending down and saying a few words to Chu Jin, and then led him and Aunt Gao of the neighborhood committee towards the teacher's office.

"I, Miaomiao, I want to hear..."

Hesitating to tell Ding Miao what she thinks, Song Qiaoxi knows that Miaomiao is a good boy. She should have never done such a thing as "listening to the wall", right

If a good friend hadn't done such a "bad thing", she would definitely not be able to "go into the water" with Latin Miao.


Ding Miao agreed to her neatly, took Song Qiaoxi's hand and walked towards the office.


Xiao Nuo Tuan applauded inwardly, Sister Miao is so sassy!

It's a pity that the door of the third grade teacher's office was tightly closed, and the two little girls lingered at the door for a long time without hearing anything.

There was a 20-minute break between classes, and the two little girlfriends were a little frustrated. Just about to go back to work, the office door was pushed open with a "click".

"It's a good thing, Xiao Chujin, don't lose the list of thanks," Aunt Gao patted Chujin on the shoulder and thanked Teacher Feng, "Trouble you, Teacher Feng, our newspaper office just changed hands. I also specifically learned about the child's situation, and tonight's party made a special trip to hold an award ceremony to motivate Xiao Chu Jin, we Xiao Chu Jin are really good at it."

"No trouble, Director Gao, I'd better call Song Qiaoxi's parents again to let them know about it. Usually, the two of them hold parent meetings."

Teacher Feng's tone was a little hesitant.

Ding Miao pulled Song Qiaoxi to the corner, "Shh, don't make a sound."

Nuo Tuanzi saw that when Aunt Gao patted Chu Jin's shoulder, he obviously took a step back, as if he didn't want Aunt Gao to touch him.

Chu Jin and the others were no longer visible in the corner, only Aunt Gao's voice was heard, "It's okay to fight or not, I know Xiao Song and his wife well, and I won't object. What a good thing, the child's grades are so good, We will give him a commendation at the party where all the employees of the newspaper office participated, and let the leaders see how excellent the children sponsored by the newspaper office are, Xiaochu should continue to study hard, and take the Tsinghua University Peking University entrance exam to repay the attention of the leaders of the newspaper office."

This makes Xiao Nuo Tuan sound weird and uncomfortable...

But what exactly is uncomfortable, and can't find the reason

Just thinking about it, a shadow fell in front of her and Ding Miao, "What are you two doing here?"

Almost startled, Song Qiaoxi grabbed Ding Miao's hand and raised her head, "Mr. Li..."

Ding Miao also clenched her hand.

"Mr. Li, are you free now?" Chu Jin walked towards them with a kraft paper envelope in his hand, "Mathematics Olympiad class next semester, I want to ask you something."

"Hey, Chu Jin, if you have time or time," Teacher Li turned his head with a smile, it was rare to see him so happy, and when he looked back at the two of them, his eyes were much gentler, "It's not good for such a long time between classes. Use it to do homework and run blindly, Song Qiaoxi, your math performance this semester may have declined, and I usually study with you at the same desk, do you understand?"

"understood... ... "

Quickly agreeing to Teacher Li, Xiao Nuotuan scratched his head.

I muttered in my heart, but fortunately, Chu Jin relieved the two of them.

Holding hands, the two little girls walked through the long corridor of the school attached to the normal school, all in a cold sweat, whispering along the way.

"Tonight is a party at the newspaper office? No wonder my father told Chu Jin and I not to go home after school, but to go to his office to find him."

Song Qiaoxi lay beside Ding Miao's ear.

"Aunt Gao means that Chu Jin will be on the stage at the party, and she also said that there will be an award ceremony for him?"

Ding Miao pushed up her glasses and lowered her voice.

Nuo Tuanzi pondered for a while, since Aunt Gao said it was a good thing, and listening to her meaning, it was in the form of a commendation meeting to accept the award.

A similar award ceremony was held in the Primary School Affiliated to Normal University. If any class group or any classmate is named and praised, it will be awe-inspiring when they come to the stage to receive the award!

Song Qiaoxi was pure-hearted, and naively thought that this was a good thing to praise Chu Jin for his good learning.

She tilted her head and hooked Dingmiao's fingers, "I don't understand either, why don't we go together after school? If it's a commendation meeting, then we'll be a cheerleader for Chu Jin! And there's a lot of delicious food at the party. Snacks and candies, let's go together, calling Wang Junyang and Ding Yi?"

"All right."

Ding Miao nodded in agreement.

Ding Miao, who has always been alone, has been fully integrated into the "Little Five Gang" in the past two years, and she can't be missing to cheer up her friends.

Song Qiaoxi returned to the class and sat in her seat for a while.

Chu Jin came back after stepping on the class bell, and the teacher followed him into the class. He turned his head and forgot to ask him what Aunt Gao said just now.

When school was over in the afternoon, several children hit it off and they all clamored to be a cheerleader for Chu Jin.

"Chu Jin is the 'big brother' of our little five-person gang. He is the highest and the best student. How could we not have our own people to applaud at the commendation meeting!" Wang Junyang put one hand on Chu Jin's shoulder and pulled Ding Yi with the other. , raised his chin to Song Qiaoxi and Ding Miao, "Brothers must go, let's sit in the first row and applaud desperately when Chu Jin goes up."

"Yes, let's go quickly, go to the editorial department to find my father, and go there early to get a good seat."

Song Qiaoxi waved her small hand and took Ding Miao's arm.

The "Little Gang of Five" group walked out of the big iron gate of the primary school attached to the normal school.

In 1999, in these provincial administrative organs or newspaper offices in Qizhou, it was normal for children to come to their work units to find their parents.

Song Qiaoxi and the others got off the bus one stop earlier. The newspaper office building was just one bus stop away from the family's compound. A few children were familiar with the road and greeted the uncle of the security guard at the door, and climbed to the editor-in-chief's office on the fourth floor.

Song Jianguo was holding an enamel jar, and as soon as he sat in front of the computer and took a sip of water, he heard a knock on the door like a small woodpecker.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my daughter with four small radish heads standing at the door, smiling and shaking to greet them, "Yoah, the 'Little Five Gang' is here, come in, there are some on the table. Fruit snacks, if you want to drink water, take a paper cup to the water dispenser to pick it up, and be careful with the hot water so that you don’t get scalded.”

"Hello Uncle Song."

"Thank you Uncle Song!"

"Uncle Song, I want to eat sugar orange!"


Song Qiaoxi pounced on her and hugged her father's waist coquettishly.

By June of this year, Nuo Tuanzi will be nine years old. Finally, he has grown a little bit taller, his face is still chubby, and his arms and legs are so thin.

Although... he is still the shortest of the five friends, half a head shorter than Ding Miao, and rounder than Miao Miao.

When others saw her, they thought she was only seven or eight years old.

The uncles and aunts in the courtyard kept laughing at her not being tall. She was about the same height as Ding Miao when she was in kindergarten, but now she was thrown out half a head.

Picking up the girl and taking off the heavy schoolbag for her, Dad Song faced Chu Jin's outstretched hand.

"Uncle, give me the schoolbag."

Chu Jin said expressionlessly and nodded at him.

Handing the schoolbag to Chu Jin, Song Jianguo reacted, as if he often saw his daughter ask Chu Jin to carry the schoolbag.

Although Lao Song is a "daughter slave" who does not worry about anything, he must not let his daughter bully other people's little Chu Jin? !

Is this okay if it becomes a habit in the future

How can other people's children be wronged at home

"Wait for your uncle, the children. Let's go to the venue after uncle packs up." Song Jianguo put the heavy girl on his office chair first, packed the documents on the table and put them in the briefcase, and whispered in the girl's ear. , "Do your own business in the future, don't just 'bully' Chu Jin."


Nuo Tuanzi was sitting on the chair with his two calves dangling, and was about to look through his father's drawer to find snacks. He was a little stunned, and pouted and muttered, "I didn't..."

When did you bully Chu Jin

Hmph, stinky dad framed others!

"I'll take my schoolbag and I'm ready to go." Father Song rubbed her forehead and urged the children to go out. He walked to Chu Jin and lowered his head, and said softly, "Did Xixi ask you to help her carry her schoolbag? She carried it by herself, don't do everything for her."

"Uncle Song, Song Qiaoxi didn't ask me to help her carry her schoolbag, I wanted to help her carry her schoolbag..."

Chu Jin raised his eyes, a pair of beautiful peach eyes flashing with sincerity.

Seeing that, Song Jianguo thought on the spot that his daughter didn't make a fool of Chu

Why is this child being bullied and still defending his daughter? !

Immediately afterwards, Chu made the next sentence and directly blinded Dad Song.

The little boy shook his head with a stern face and said solemnly, "Uncle, don't look at how short she is, the schoolbag is so heavy, it must not be too long to carry it on her shoulders every day. When she grows taller, I will Don't help her with her schoolbag."

After speaking, Chu Jin calmly picked up the pink schoolbag on the sofa, and walked out of the editor-in-chief's office calmly.

Song Jianguo watched as his daughter jumped out of the chair, ran up to Chu Jin with short legs, and turned back to himself "Liu Lulu", sticking out his tongue and making a face, as if saying, "Look, I didn't lie to you, I just I didn't bully Chu Jin!"

Xiao Nuo Tuan hugged the boy's free arm, and his shoulder slanted slightly to the left.

Before he knew it, Chu Jin had grown a head taller than the glutinous dumplings. This kid didn't care how to eat, but he didn't get fat. In the past two years, he has grown so fast, his two long legs are too long, but they don't seem to grow. Meat.

But from the back, the shoulders are wider.

The lanky little boy carried a heavy heavy schoolbag on his shoulders, his daughter's pink schoolbag in his right hand, and a "human-shaped pendant" Song Qiaoxi on his left arm.

It looks like it really has a heavy "burden" on his shoulders...

In other words, the look of being pinched by Xixi

Song Jianguo's performance of his daughter is really a bit dumbfounding, and Xixi has earned the title of "little sticky person".

Sticking to Qiaoqin at home, sticking to him at the office, and sticking to Chu Jin and Ding Miao at ordinary times, is his daughter made of maltose

But looking at Xiao Chujin's back, he was quite relieved, and the smile crept up the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

In the past two years, Xiao Chu has let go of his temperament a lot, although he is not too "cheerful and lively" like Wang Junyang? But he and Qiao Qin are no longer regarded as outsiders, and they can express their needs very directly.

When he thought of Chu Jin's "ridiculous" girl's short stature just now, Song Jianguo himself thought the scene was funny.

Hey, that's great, at least now Chu Jin will be joking

Remembering what he said with a small face, Song Jianguo couldn't help laughing.


Don't say it, Jin is still a "cold-faced joker"? !