Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 46: Was named the cutest cub


"Wang Junyang, I think your kid is talking nonsense again, and you say that he is a little maid, but you look like a little eunuch."

Uncle Wang slapped his son hard on the back.

Wang Junyang grinned and hurriedly begged for mercy, "Ah, it's wrong, I know it's wrong, Dad..."

Father Wang pressed Wang Junyang's neck, "Chu Jin doesn't care about you, just your small body, Chu Jin throws you over your shoulder and you'll fall to the ground."

"Uncle Wang, it's okay."

Chu Jin handed the tissue to Song Qiaoxi and shook his head at Uncle Wang.

He knew that Wang Junyang's mouth was broken, but he had no malicious intent.

Only then did Uncle Wang let go of Wang Junyang, who was screaming and screaming, and the "naughty bag" Yangyang child stuck out his tongue and ran after Ding Yi.

Song Qiaoxi took the tissue, wiped her mouth indiscriminately, looked up at his eyes and said, "I also think that certificate is not good, so just throw it away, we don't care about that broken certificate."

After saying this, Xiao Nuotuan found that Chu Jin's eyes suddenly became a little unpredictable.

I couldn't see the full emotions, I saw his eyebrows raised, and he made a "hmm" sound like a smile.

"Come on, go home."

On a winter night, the boy raised his chin slightly at her, exhaling a little heat from his lips.

Xiao Nuo Tuan nodded, holding a warm sweet potato in his hand, along with Chu Jin, catching up with his friends.

The group entered the courtyard of the newspaper office. Wang Junyang's new home lived in Building 1. The children were the first to say goodbye to him and Uncle Wang.

Father Song went to take Ding Miao and Ding Yi home, and instructed Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin to go upstairs first.

The lights on the fifth floor of Unit 1 of Building No. 5 were on. From the downstairs, I looked at the lights of Huang Yingying in front of the window. It was estimated that my mother had already cooked.

Song Qiaoxi thought of one thing. When Chu Jin stepped into the corridor, he turned around to catch up with Ding Yi and Ding Miao, and whispered a few words in the ears of the two friends.

Ding Yi gave an "OK" gesture, "It's not easy, wrap it on me, you can get up early tomorrow and get it from me."

Ding Miao also nodded in agreement.

The Song family's dinner today is very simple, they eat braised noodles.

Qiao Qin didn't have time to roll the noodles by himself. After get off work, he went to the market to buy fresh noodles with eggs pressed by a machine. The taste is also very strong, and the noodles are fragrant and eggy.

In the winter, drink a bowl of hot noodles and feel good in the stomach.

"Mom! It smells so good!"

Song Qiaoxi pushed open the door and sniffed the air while changing shoes.

"Children, go wash your hands, it's time for dinner."

Mama Song's voice drifted from the kitchen to the entrance.

"Come on!"

Nuo Tuan repeatedly agreed, changed into slippers, and went to the bathroom with Chu Jin to wash their hands.

Looking at the mirror in the bathroom, I found that there were sticky sweet potatoes stuck to the corners of my mouth and cheeks, as well as my hands.

The newly renovated bathroom has two washbasins. When Song Qiaoxi came in late, Chu Jin occupied the sink near the door.

Go inside, rinse your hands with warm water, carefully rub off the sweet potato flesh on your fingers, and then apply soap.

Chu Jin on the right should have washed his hands, but there is still water from the tap.

Has he left yet

Just thinking about it, the sound of the water stopped, and only the sound of twisting the towel was heard.

"look up."

Chu Jin's voice was low.

Xiao Nuotuan raised her head obediently, and saw that Chu Jin was holding the pink bunny towel that she usually wiped her face with, and bent slightly to approach.

The faucet in the bathroom was running hot water, and soon it was foggy, and a layer of fog appeared on the mirror surface.

In a trance, she seemed to be unable to see the boy in front of her, and only noticed that a hand was gently dragging her chin, and a warm towel was gently rubbing her face.

"All right."

Chu Jin looked at Song Qiaoxi's face carefully, washed a clean towel, hung it on the towel rack, and turned to go out.

Song Qiaoxi washed the foam off her hands, wiped off a small piece of mist on the mirror with her hands, looked at her clean round face in the mirror, and poked the place where Chu Jin's fingertips had just touched with her wet index finger.

I don't know if the indoor temperature is too high, and the small white face quickly turns pink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

very strange...

Mom and Dad would also wipe her face like this, and they would even be closer together. They were already used to being taken care of like this.

But why, when the person who wiped his face changed Chu Jin, his face would turn red

Could it be because of what Wang Junyang and Ding Yi said, but shouldn't the little friends take care of each other

Why is it the same as "serving the young lady" and "serving the little ancestor"...

The brain circuits of the two little boys are really strange.


The little belly screamed at the moment.

Like a signal, as soon as this movement appeared, the glutinous dumplings couldn't think normally, and the brain was like a broken piece.

Just thinking about one thing.

That is... ...

Have a meal.

Boiled noodles wow!

Today, my mother made braised noodles!

Hooked by the greedy worm in her belly, Song Qiaoxi shook the water in her hands and dragged the little rabbit cotton slippers to the restaurant.

In front of the "big event" of eating, "blush and heartbeat" has long been thrown out of the sky.

There are two sea bowls on the dining table, one with tomatoes and eggs, and the other with shredded pork, shrimp, day lily, fungus, and mushrooms.

Why is the braised noodles made by my mother so delicious? The most important thing is this braised noodles.

Don't underestimate a simple bowl of tomatoes and eggs. Song's tomato and eggs are marinated. The eggs should be fried in a hot pan with peanut oil.

Blanch the tomatoes with hot water with a cross knife, cut them into cubes, sauté the onions, ginger, garlic and peppers until fragrant, pick them out, leave only the base oil and fry them into a puree of tomatoes.

At this time, pour in the eggs again, add salt, sugar and a few drops of extremely fresh seasoning. Mom will add two extra tablespoons of tomato sauce to enhance the flavor and flavor. Finally, pour in the diluted water and starch, turn off the heat and stir evenly, you can hang the paste. That's it.

Song Qiaoxi had eaten Uncle Ding's scrambled eggs with tomatoes at Ding Yi and Ding Miao's house. It was salty, and the eggs were not lumpy, but fluffy.

Although it is also delicious, I still love the sweet tomato and egg marinade made by my mother.

Whether it is with rice or noodles, it is delicious, and it is even delicious when you eat it with a spoon.

Another bowl of braised noodles is a classic reserved dish from my grandma's house in Taicheng. Every year on the second day of the new year, I will eat shredded pork, shrimp, and daylily. Huge prawns.

"Xixi, come and see how much you want to eat?"

Mom called her in the kitchen.

Chu Jin had already come out with his own bowl of noodles, and his father had also gone upstairs, squatting beside the trash can in the corner of the kitchen, peeling garlic.

Father Song must eat noodles with garlic.

You can eat two sweet and sour sweet garlic glutinous balls. Raw garlic is too spicy. She doesn't like it. Dad sees that he can't train himself, so he turns his head and trains Chu Jin to eat raw garlic.

It's just that in terms of eating, Chu Jin always refuses things that he doesn't like to eat, but every time his father will forcefully "Amway" a wave.

For example, today, my father peeled several cloves of white and fat garlic, blew the skin, stood up with his thighs, and said aloud: "Wow, we are the big men in the north. If we eat meat and don't eat garlic, our nutrition will be reduced by half. If you eat noodles without garlic, you won’t be greedy at all! Just like your uncle, you can grow taller by eating raw garlic!”

Song Qiaoxi held a bowl of noodles that her mother had just picked up from the pot, glanced at her father, and stuck her tongue out at him.

"Okay, Song Jianguo, you're the only one in our family who eats garlic. Others don't like it. You shouldn't force your children to eat it every day." Mom rolled her eyes at Dad, and brought a large bowl of noodles to the restaurant, "We Even if Xiao Chu doesn't eat garlic, he can still grow taller."

"Oh, how do you know if you don't try it? Neither of your mothers eat it. Every time I eat it alone, and no one accompanies me... "

Dad put the garlic on the table and shook his head.

As if no one understood and was alone, Dad Song picked up a piece of garlic and held it in front of Chu Jin with both hands like offering a treasure. Wow?"

"Ahahahaha, Dad is so funny."

Song Qiaoxi just put a pair of chopsticks in front of everyone, sat next to Chu Jin, and leaned her head on Chu Jin's shoulder with a smile.

"No plastic surgery every day..."

Mom laughed and scolded him.

Chu Jin didn't hold back, pursed his lips and smiled.

"Oh, I'm joking with the child, I've achieved my goal by laughing as much as possible," Dad Song put down the garlic, put his elbow on Chu Jin's shoulder lightly, and whispered in his ear, "After dinner, uncle will give it to him. You go back, let's talk to my grandfather."

Seeing Chu Jin laughing so unburdened, Song Jianguo didn't let go of his heart, thinking about guiding the children at night.

The bullshit "recognition meeting" of the sycophants at the party, and he had to find out who had the idea when he turned around, it was disgusting.

This incident has made Song Jianguo completely disappointed with some people in the "system". Even a child can be used by them as a tool to win the favor of leaders. Is he still a human being

"Well, uncle, I'm fine."

Chu Jin nodded politely and looked at Song Jianguo calmly with big eyes.

Alas, this child is too sensible.

Song Jianguo smiled distressedly, turned around and entered the kitchen pretending to be relaxed, and shouted in disguise, "Who wants noodle soup?"

Song Qiaoxi raised her hand, "We all want three bowls, Dad!"

"Okay, it's my honor to serve our queen, little princess and little prince."

Dad's voice is hearty.

On a cold winter day, the Song family's dining table is undoubtedly warm.

Song Qiaoxi has her own way of eating. She likes to mix tomatoes and eggs with shredded pork, day lily and fungus.

This salty marinade is mixed with sweet and sour tomato sauce, and it is best to stir together.

Under the warm yellow light, Chu Jin quietly ate the noodles in the bowl, unlike Song Qiaoxi who was on the side, eating completely disregarding his image, his chin and cheeks were full of sauce.

Watching her eat is really healing, as if all the troubles in the world are gone.

Take a sip of the noodle soup served in the enamel bowl.

The warm and hot soup was poured into the stomach, as if ironing the internal organs.

Aunt Qiao used a clean spoon to pick out several large shrimps from the ocean bowl and scooped them into his bowl. "Eat as much shrimp as possible. I don't like meat, but shrimp can also supplement protein."

Not to mention the mother-daughter heart-to-heart, Song Qiaoxi's bowl also had four or five shrimps piled up.

She was very hungry at the moment, so hungry that her hands were shaking. She took two bites of noodles before she recovered. When she was not so hungry, she panicked and began to dig for shrimps and shrimps from the three fresh marinade in her bowl.

"Little Greedy Cat" didn't pick out the shrimp for his own greed, but for Chu Jin.

A small detail that Chu Jin, who was sitting on the side, could see in his eyes and keep it in his heart.

A warmer and stronger heat than the noodle soup brought from the abdomen to the chest, the heat felt like boiling water, layer after layer to the ears.

Chu knew that the family brought him more than just a simple soup and a meal to take care of his daily life...

But really, send a warm home to him, surround him with love a little bit, and warm him a little bit.

On the stage today, when Secretary Sun talked about his experience two or three years ago.

Chu Jin's mood was very calm at the moment, and he even gave birth to a strange feeling from the perspective of a bystander, as if the things Uncle Sun said were not his own experience.

All along, the little boy has always put "revenge" in the first place in his heart, and regards becoming stronger and destroying those who have hurt him as the motivation to live.

But today, recalling what happened a few years ago, many pains that he thought would never be forgotten in this life have become blurred.

Before, I always felt that there was a big hole in my heart that was missing, as if something warm was slowly filling it up bit by bit.

Although it is not fully repaired, and the construction is slow, it has never stopped work three hundred and sixty-five days a year...


A soft sound interrupted his thoughts.

Between himself and Song Qiaoxi's noodle bowls, a shrimp fell, and the bowl in front of him was close to her side, and there were four extra shrimp lying crookedly.

The pair of chopsticks that Xiao Nuo Tuan Rou held in his hands were stunned in the air.

"Ugh... ... "

Before Aunt Qiao could speak to stop her, she quickly stretched out her left hand and picked up the shrimp from the table and stuffed it into her mouth, "One, two! Mom, it's less than three seconds, you can eat... ... "

"Tsk, who taught her?"

Dad Song took a bite of garlic and took a big mouthful of braised noodles.

Mother Song shook her head helplessly and drank the noodle soup, "I thought you taught me..."

"Ding Yi taught me..."

Song Qiaoxi swallowed the shrimp, "threw the pot" to the poor Yiyi, and continued to pull the noodles.

Chu Jin picked up a shrimp, put it in his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

The corners of his lips curved into an arc that he didn't even notice.

Well, it's sweet.


After dinner, Song Jianguo sent Chu Jin back to the boiler room and washed his feet with water.

Even if there was a little boy in front of him, it was a conversation between a man and a man, and Song Jianguo didn't say much comforting words.

Just to reassure Chu Jin that this kind of thing happened in the auditorium, he will never allow it to happen a second time in the future.

The rest, needless to say, he felt that a smart child like Chu Jin would definitely understand.

When Song Jianguo went upstairs, he found that the light in the girl's room was still on.

Song Qiaoxi's door was made of wood, with a piece of frosted glass inlaid on the door.

Looking at the wall clock in the living room, it was already 9:30 in the evening, the final exam was over, and the school should have no homework.

He knocked on the glass of Song Qiaoxi's hut, "Xixi, are you still sleeping?"

There was a sound of "trooping and chasing" in the room, and then I heard the girl say hurriedly: "I, I will sleep Dad soon, I am writing a diary..."

"Hey, okay, go to bed early after writing."

Song Jianguo didn't open the door to go in, but paced away.

There was a burst of sadness in my heart.

Ugh... ...

The girl has grown up and started to have little secrets

The whole night that followed, Song Jianguo was not in a good mood, so he almost burst into tears while hugging Qiao Qin on the bed.

Even though he was kicked to the end of the bed by his daughter-in-law, he still crawled over to please, and shamelessly asked for comfort.

"You said, Xixi hasn't had her ninth birthday yet, so why did she start writing a diary without telling us?" He watched Qiao Qin flip through the lesson plan for the next day's class, and put his head up, "The girl won't be worried. Right? Daughter-in-law, do you know which book Xixi keeps her diary in? I think she has been watching Jane Eyre some time ago. In the 1960s and 1970s, it was 'Feng Zixiu' and 'Poison Weed'. , Isn't it inappropriate for your daughter to read the love story so early... Emma, it hurts... "

The lesson plan "slapped" on Song Jianguo's forehead.

"It's a pity that you are still a 'reader' who is engaged in writing work, a 'cultural person' who graduated from a serious university! Song Jianguo, why didn't I find you so old-fashioned before?"

Qiao Qin lowered her voice and gave him a stern look.

Song Jianguo covered his head and ducked to the side, "Oh, I'm just this girl, I'm afraid that I'll melt when I hold it in my mouth every day, and I'm afraid that I'll fall when I hold it in the palm of my hand, you understand me, aren't you worried about our girl... ... "

"What's wrong with something on your mind? Isn't it normal for a nine-year-old child to have someone he likes? It's more important for us to establish a healthy view for our children. Don't be nervous about everything. The more nervous you are, the more you ask Dongwen every day. West, the girl is not willing to pay attention to you."

"I was wrong, my daughter-in-law, I admit my mistake, don't be angry," Song Jianguo closed the lesson plan for her, threw it on the bedside table, and took the initiative to step up to massage the daughter-in-law's shoulders, "You said, if our family had a son, I wouldn't be so worried. , who made it a daughter?"

"Okay, turn off the lights to sleep, don't worry about it, I can warn you, don't go to Xixi's drawer secretly."

"Okay, turn off the lights, turn off the lights..."

Song Qiaoxi just came out of the bathroom and saw that the lights in her parents' room were off. She patted her little chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Then she returned to the bedroom with confidence and turned on the lamp.

She took out the hard cardboard that she had hurriedly hid from the drawer, found watermelon Taro's 72-year-old watercolor pen, and continued the "masterpiece" she had not finished just now.

In terms of painting, although Nuo Tuanzi is not good at drawing characters, she is praised by the teachers in the class every time she makes handwritten newspapers, and is often taken by the head teacher, Mr. Feng, to the whole class to show on tour.

In the past two years, I have studied photography with sister Qiu Meng, and I have grown a lot. The composition, color matching, and aesthetic level are all online.

The handwritten newspaper made by Xiao Nuo Tuan has a clear layout, bright color matching, and beautiful patterns and lines. It does not look like the work of third-grade children.

Before going upstairs, Song Qiaoxi and Ding Yi discussed one thing.

Because he didn't like the certificate issued to Chu Jin at the newspaper party, and threw it into the trash can.

So Song Qiaoxi wanted to make a new certificate for Chu Jin, a certificate awarded to Chu Jin by their "Little Gang of Five", hoping that Ding Yi could help her draw a small cartoon portrait of "Little Gang of Five".

After she made the certificate template, she pasted the cartoon characters drawn by Ding Yi, and you were done.

Song Qiaoxi took out the highest level of her writing, clenched the watercolor pen in her hand very seriously, stabilized her wrist, and wrote stroke by stroke.

"Student Chu Jin, for his outstanding performance in the first semester of 1998-199□□, was named 'the cutest cub'. This award is hereby issued to encourage you!"

"Awarded by the Gang of Five in the Big Yard, January 18, 1999..."


Early the next morning, Song Qiaoxi got up before 5:30, her hair was disheveled, and she went out lightly.

Just like the connection of the underground work, at the door of the bungalow, he took a roll of drawing paper handed by Ding Yi yawning, "I did a good painting this time, and Chu Jin will definitely like it."

"Cool Ding Yi! You are such a genius, how can you draw so well?!"

Unfolding the painting in the cold wind of the morning, Song Qiaoxi exclaimed.

Five cartoon characters were drawn on half-size A4 paper, standing hand in hand, and at a glance they could tell that they were members of their "Little Gang of Five".

Each person's character characteristics and demeanor are vividly displayed.

"One by one, you will definitely become a super cartoonist in the future, so that children in the future will grow up watching your cartoons, unlike us, who grew up watching foreign cartoons."

Thumbs up for Ding Yi, Xiao Nuo Tuan felt that Ding Yi was really amazing, he could draw so well by self-taught.

Exasperated, Ding Yi pushed up his glasses and said a little embarrassedly: "Xixi, do you really think... Is my painting good?"

"Of course, you can draw so well without systematically studying comics. It proves that you are talented, and you work so hard. I heard Uncle Ding say that you stay up late at night to draw comics?"

Song Qiaoxi asked with wide eyes.

"Hi... I've been beaten by my dad several times, but I really like it, they don't understand me, they think drawing cartoons is not a proper job... My parents, if there are your parents Half-enlightened is fine, they just feel that only by learning well like Ding Miao can there be a way out."

Ding Yibu kicked the pebbles on the ground and held his head.

Song Qiaoxi kicked the pebbles back and forth with him, patiently persuading him, "Then you can improve your academic performance, so they won't have to talk about it? And Miaomiao told me that you like drawing cartoons so much, and you want to go to art in the future. In the academy, you still have to take an exam, and you have such a good teacher by your side, you can ask for advice at any time."

"Um..." Ding Yi stopped and scratched his head, "It seems like it makes some sense?"

"Listen to your sister's words and follow in the footsteps of Sister Miao, that's right!" Xiao Nuo Tuan patted Ding Yi's shoulder and turned to look at his window, "I'm going back first, Mom and Dad are going to get up, Chu Jin comes to my house for breakfast at half past six, I'm almost too late."

"My parents have been busy decorating the store recently, and they're getting up soon. I'll go buy them breakfast."

Ding Yi touched his trousers pocket and confirmed that he had taken the money. He waved with Song Qiaoxi and ran towards the gate of the compound.

Song Qiaoxi said goodbye to Ding Yi, remembering that Ding's small restaurant is already being renovated, Uncle Ding and the others are really efficient!

Carefully, he rolled the picture in his hand into a small paper tube, swayed his long seaweed-like hair, and hummed a little song for a stroll to Building 5.

On the way home from the Ding family, we must pass through Chujin's boiler room.

When she was about to get there, she hung her waist like a thief, holding her breath and preparing to rush into the corridor of Unit 1 of Building No. 5.

As soon as I started running, I heard a squeak on the door.

"Song Qiaoxi, why did you go early in the morning?"

It seemed that he had just woken up, and Chu Jin's voice had a humming nasal sound, which was inexplicably itchy.

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly hid the scroll in her hand behind her, bit her head and straightened her waist, showing an embarrassed but polite smile.


How can this be done

Say goodbye to surprise him!