Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 57: Always put children first


Is Dad going to work in Beijing

Song Qiaoxi raised the spoon and frowned.

Listening to Uncle Zhao's meaning, this is to spend 800,000 yuan and a house to dig the foundation of the newspaper office!

Quickly searching for the plot in her old memory, she didn't remember the mention in the book that Dad got a job offer to go to Beijing

In the original plot, Dad would completely offend President Jiang when he broke the leg of President Jiang's son Jiang Qisheng when he was in the sixth grade of Song Qiaoxi's primary school.

Since then, she has been depressed in the workplace, from editor-in-chief, demoted all the way to deputy editor-in-chief, and finally became an ordinary reporter, and she was framed by her colleagues and imprisoned in her third year of junior high school.

Reminds me of my own idea... .

In this world, whenever the changed new plot conflicts with the original plot, there seems to be an invisible hand that will try its best to reverse the plot.

In the past few times, it was because their family was still in Qizhou, and because people were local, it was easy to trigger similar events.

What if their family was not in Qizhou at that time, but in other places

Is it possible, therefore, to escape the catastrophe

Listening to Uncle Zhao's words, her father was going to take her and her mother to Beijing, which meant that she was leaving the compound.

If you leave the compound by yourself, what will Chu Jin do? Will you go to Beijing with them

The little friends in the courtyard, Ding Miao, Wang Junyang, and Ding Yi from the "Little Five Gang", she was reluctant to leave them.

There are also sister Qiu Meng, brother Li Dong, uncle Zhang who is the gatekeeper, grandpa grandson who can tell stories...

Xixi can't bear all of them.

"Zhao Dong, thank you for your love, this matter..." Song Jianguo deliberately lowered his voice and explained to Zhao Chenguang, then turned his head to look at Song Qiaoxi, laughed "Puchi", and touched his daughter The fluffy little head, "Xixi, what are you doing? Your ice cream has turned into soup..."


Only then did Song Qiaoxi realize that the pink semi-solidified liquid in the metal spoon in front of her had completely turned into a flowing viscous liquid, dripping "tick-tock" into the small red paper box of Haagen-Dazs. A few drops on the hands.

Chu Jin took the spoon in his hand and put it on a small white plate next to the ice cream box.

He got up to look for the waiter brother, asked for a hot towel, and wiped his hands clean.

"Eat, no, drink..."

Chu Jin pushed the ice cream box in front of her with a stern smile on his face.

Only then did Xixi turn her attention back to Haagen-Dazs, pouting and muttering unhappily, "Wuwuwu, it's all melted, you're still laughing..."

"If you eat cold in winter, you will have intestinal cramps. Uncle Song used to take you to the hospital in the middle of the night, but you forgot? Who will take care of you in the summer, it's not that you can eat whatever you want. You are eating now. , If you have intestinal cramps tonight, how can Uncle Song explain to Aunt Qiao?"

Chu Jin tested the temperature of the water cup with his hands, handed the warm water to her, and explained patiently.

"I see... ... "

Song Qiaoxi lowered her head.

It's not that she is ignorant, she knows how anxious her father and mother are every time she gets sick, not only her father and mother, but also Chu Jin.

When she was in second grade, Wang Junyang once bought several small snowmen ice cream in winter. She ignored Chu Jin's warning and greedily ate one under Wang Junyang's cover.

As a result, within half an hour, he cried directly on Chu Jin's bed with a stomachache.

The pain caused her to roll on the bed. Wang Junyang and the others were all stupid at that time. Before her father and mother came back from get off work, Chu Jin ran to the community hospital without saying a word.

Back then, I was much fatter than I am now...

Just a meatball!

Song Qiaoxi still remembered that in the winter of the twelfth lunar month, crystal clear beads of sweat ooze out from Chu Jin's forehead.

"I won't eat ice in the winter, and I won't cause you trouble."

She raised her head to look at Chu Jin and said seriously.

After that, Song Qiaoxi picked up the small spoon again and licked it in her mouth. The tip of her tongue tasted the sweet and sour strawberry fruit mixed with the fragrance of heavy cream.

Wow, as expected of Haagen-Dazs, even the melted sweet soup is delicious!

Happy to eat the melted ice cream balls.

After dinner, Uncle Sun didn't take Dad's Santana home.

Reporter Xiao Sun is young and not yet qualified to divide the house. He does not live in the newspaper compound, but lives with his parents. In addition, he is really hungry and wants to walk back to digest it.

Uncle Zhao was still muttering something to his father. Song Qiaoxi was at the entrance of the Sophia Hotel, pulling Chu Jin to jump the steps boredly, still thinking about what Uncle Zhao and his father said.

A child's heart can never hold back a secret.

Song Qiaoxi danced, thinking over and over how to tell Chu Jin about this, and wanted to hear his thoughts.

"Don't jump, just eat, be careful of sagging stomach."

Chu Jin frowned and pulled her.


Stopping, Song Qiaoxi sighed and frowned at him.

Ugh... ...

I don't know since when, how did Chu Jin become so nagging

It doesn't match his "beautiful" persona, so he should keep his cool all the time...

Song Qiaoxi missed Chu Jin, who was not very talkative a few years ago.

But she couldn't hold back the secret in her stomach. The only person who could tell it was Chu Jin, so she had to be obedient and stop rambling.

Chu Jin didn't stand on the steps, Xixi stood up a step, so that the height gap with Chu Jin was not that big, and whispered in his ear, "I have a secret."


Chu Jin glanced at her, pursed her lips, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, something to say...

"That Uncle Zhao just now seemed to want to poach Dad to work in Beijing. What kind of Internet new media, or a self-media thing? He said that he would pay him an annual salary of 800,000 yuan, and he also gave Dad a house in Beijing. I heard it when I was eating ice cream just now..."


After Chu Jin listened calmly, he nodded.

Song Qiaoxi stared at him with wide eyes. Is such a cool response to such explosive news? !

She beckoned and asked Chu Jin to put her ears together again, "Is 800,000 a lot of money, you say, will Dad agree? If Dad agrees, will we be the second generation of rich in the future?"

After hearing this, Chu Jin still looked calm and scratched her nose, "It's a lot of money, but it's up to the adults to agree or not, it's useless for you to worry, Uncle Song respects you and Aunt Qiao so much, if there are changes in work and life , I will definitely communicate with you in advance. Moreover, even if it is the rich second generation, it is you, not me, and Uncle Song is not my father."

Song Qiaoxi was a little anxious, forgot to whisper to Chu Jin, grabbed his arm and said anxiously, "But if Dad agrees, we won't go to school in Beijing? What about Miaomiao, Wang Junyang and Ding Yi? Do? Sister Qiu Meng can't teach me photography and English anymore, I can't see my grandpa, and I can't eat the skewers from Uncle Ding's house... "

"If you really can go to Beijing, you can go with your uncle and aunt. Beijing's educational resources will definitely be better. After all, it is the capital. Don't you want to travel around the world in the future? I heard Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao say last time, if you want They also support studying abroad, there will be good international schools in Beijing, and it will be more convenient to study abroad.”

Chu Jin's voice was gentle and consoling.

But Song Qiaoxi's words, "You go with your uncles and aunts," and "You want to study abroad" are particularly harsh.

Why did Chu Jin only think about planning her future, but he promised himself that he would travel the world together!

The little girl couldn't accept that there was no figure of Chu Jin in her future.

"You let me go with my parents, what about you?"

Xixi asked the boy subconsciously, and her tone could clearly tell her unhappiness.

"I... ... "

Chu couldn't answer.

It is difficult for him to explain to Song Qiaoxi that he and her are not the "family" that others call him. It is estimated that she will not understand.

If Uncle Song has better job opportunities, he can let the Song family live a better life, and going to the capital Beijing is naturally a better choice.

As for himself, he will be eleven years old after the new year. Chu Jin feels that he is already a big child and does not need anyone to take care of him, not to mention that he now has a place to live in a boiler room.

Going to Beijing is not as simple and easy as imagined. How can Song Qiaoxi understand such complicated things as "hukou issue" and "student status issue"

If Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao took them with them, it would really be their burden.

Song Qiaoxi was still in a fit of anger. She clasped her hands in front of her chest and stomped her feet in anger. Her cheeks were bulging, and she whispered, "I won't go to Beijing. If Dad wants to go, let him go by himself! If you don't go to Beijing, Miaomiao, if they don't go, I am determined not to go, if I don't go, my mother won't go either, and my mother can't leave me."

"Don't think too much, it's all out of the question. Have you finished your math homework? Tomorrow, Mr. Li will be checking in with the class... "

Chu Jin deliberately changed the topic and brought out the teacher Li, who she was most afraid of.

Xixi shrank her shoulders at this moment, really a little cowardly.

Mathematics is really her natural enemy!

Before entering the fourth grade, she still had old memories and foundations to support. When she entered the fourth grade, she found that it was indeed a bit difficult in mathematics.

Although the usual test scores are passable, but compared to before, they were close to full marks every time. Now Song Qiaoxi's math scores have indeed declined.

It was really guessed right by Chu Jin. Song Qiaoxi's math homework was indeed not finished, not only was it not finished, it was not even a single word.

"Aren't you finished? I'll just copy yours..."

She was slumped now, and she wanted to drop her head to her chest, but she said it with confidence.

"No." Chu Jin shook his head and poked her shoulder, "I'll write with you when I go back, you won't ask me."


Xixi's white eyes almost turned out, obviously Wang Junyang and Ding Yi asked Chu Jin to borrow the homework to copy, he was very happy, why didn't he lend it to himself? !

Is this against yourself

"Xixi, do your best, come and say goodbye to Uncle Zhao." Father Song greeted them.

The little girl held back her complaints and felt that she should not hurt "Bingshan Beauty", so she pulled Chu Jin and ran over.

Uncle Zhao is taller than his father, wearing a decent slim woolen coat, he looks a little older than his father, but he is also quite handsome, and this face looks really familiar.

She hugged Dad's waist and hid behind Dad to look at Uncle Zhao.

Zhao Chenguang saw Song Jianguo's baby girl peeking at him, bent down, and extended his hand to her with a smile, "This child is so good-looking, Song Qiaoxi, right? Just now my uncle was busy talking to your father and forgot to introduce himself to you. , my name is Zhao Chenguang, I'm your father's friend."

"Hello, Uncle Zhao."

Song Qiaoxi replied politely, reaching out and shaking him lightly.

"This is you... brother? Is it Chu Jin?"

Zhao Chenguang looked at the tall, delicate-looking boy behind the little girl and asked Song Qiaoxi.

Xixi replied seriously: "No, Chu Jin is my best friend."

"Zhao Dong, Chu Jin is the child of my friend Qiao Qin and I live in my house. He is our child like Xixi now."

Song Jianguo explained it, turned around and embraced Chu Jin by his side, rubbing his head.

Zhao Chenguang nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin with a smile, and asked kindly, "Are you also primary school students in the elementary school attached to the normal school? Also in the fourth grade? It's a coincidence that my uncle's son is also in the fourth grade of the elementary school attached to the normal school. Grade, in the fourth grade and fifth class, his name is Zhao Xin, do you know him?"

"Zhao Xin! Uncle, are you Zhao Xin's father?"

Song Qiaoxi jumped out from behind her father and stared up at Uncle Zhao's face.

Finally I know why Uncle Zhao is familiar. It turns out that he is Ding Miao's tablemate and Zhao Xin's father.

"We all know each other. Zhao Xin and Ding Miao sit at the same table and are good friends with us. I said, why does my uncle look so familiar? It turns out to be Zhao Xin's father."

Song Qiaoxi blinked, looked at Chu Jin, and then at her father.

"Editor Song, that's really a coincidence, Zhao Xin, when I was preparing for junior high school, let him go back to Beijing's Shangrenda Fu," Uncle Zhao straightened up and said to Song's father, "You said that these two children in your family would follow us. It would be great for Zhao Xin to go to Beijing's Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, and the three children will have a companion together."

"Director Zhao, I have to go back and discuss this matter with Qiao Qin. Thank you for your suggestion. I will consider it carefully and call back."

Father Song smiled and pulled Xixi to his side.

Song Qiaoxi stood on his father's right, and Chu Jin stood on his left.

"Cheng, Editor-in-Chief Song, thank you for your guest today, let's call." Uncle Zhao and Dad shook hands, bent down and patted Song Qiaoxi's head lightly, smiling at her, "Let's go back and ask Zhao Xin to call you home. Play, I'm not at home usually, Zhao Xin's mother is also busy, and the babysitter is at home, just toss with your children."

After speaking, Uncle Zhao and Chu Jin waved and walked quickly to the black Audi A8L parked on the side of the road. The driver had been waiting beside him for a long time and opened the door for him.

When he got home in the evening, Chu Jin didn't go back to the boiler room directly. He really did what he said and accompany Song Qiaoxi to do math homework in her small room.

When Song Qiaoxi was doing her homework, she kept making a fuss. One moment she felt thirsty and wanted to drink water, and then she felt hungry and not full. She wanted to eat a bowl of her mother's own dinner at home, fried steamed buns with eggs.

Chu Jin couldn't resist her, so he warmed her up a small bowl of fried steamed buns with eggs.

As a result, Song Qiaoxi finished eating egg fried buns and wanted to eat two slices of ice molasses pomelo...

More than an hour passed, and I only wrote two and a half pages of my five-page math homework on the weekend.

Chu Jin, who has always been serious, is now unstable.

He pointed to the half-closed door of the room, and said to Song Qiaoxi solemnly, "There are two and a half pages left to write, so you can't go out of the room again."

"Then what if I want to go to the toilet?"

Song Qiaoxi nibbled at the green 2B pencil tip with her mouth, blinked playfully, and asked with her head tilted.

Chu Jin was a little bit collapsed by her, and pulled the pencil end out of her mouth, "Don't chew on the pencil end, you will become stupid..."

Seeing that Chu Jin was a little angry, Song Qiaoxi was not afraid at all, she made a face at Chu Jin and continued to chew on the end of the pencil.

I have already figured out his temper, Chu Jin is a "paper tiger" and won't really be angry with himself.

but... ...

The words I said casually just now came true, and my stomach cramped.

"I, I want to go to the toilet..."

Song Qiaoxi put down the pencil, covered her stomach with a wrinkled face, and looked at Chu Jin pitifully.

"You, have intestinal cramps?" The expression on Chu Jin's face suddenly became tense, showing concern, "hula" and stood up from the chair, "I'll call my uncle and auntie and take you to the hospital."

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Oh, no, no, it's not intestinal cramps, maybe I ate too much just now, I'm going to test..."

"Then go quickly."

Chu Jin opened the door for her, and the rules she just set were broken for her by herself.

Xixi covered her stomach, and when she walked to the door, she took the opportunity to pick up a copy of "Contemporary Music", which featured Lin Zhiying and Su Youpeng playing "Peerless Double Pride".

Hearing Chu Jin's rapid breathing behind her, she trotted into the bathroom and locked the door with a click.

The bathroom is very close to the parents' room. When the home was renovated, the door panel was made of lightweight waterproof PVC, and the sound insulation was not very good.

Song Qiaoxi sat on the toilet lid, dangling her calves, she didn't feel it anymore.

But I didn't want to go back to my room to do my math homework, so I made a decision to "feel fish" in the toilet.

I flipped through "Contemporary Music" in my hand and watched the exclusive interview of Lin Zhiying and Su Youpeng.

She has played the RPG game "Peerless Shuangjiao", and she likes Jiang Xiaoyu, because everyone calls him "Xiaoyuer", and this name is the nickname given to him by Chu Jin's mother.

In Grandpa Sun's story, she seemed to really see Mother Chu touching her round belly with one hand and greedily eating the sweet and sour fish fillets made by Grandma Sun with chopsticks in the other, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if she is a son or a daughter. , the nickname is 'Little Fish'."

Thinking of this, Xixi smiled so much that her eyes curled up.

She hadn't watched the TV series "Peerless Two Pride" yet, so she flipped through the black and white pages of the magazine with interest. Just after reading one page, she heard voices from her parents' bedroom, as if they were discussing something. .

Carefully opened the toilet door a crack, stood at the door of the toilet, the voices of my parents became clear.

Song's father was talking to his mother, and his tone was always soft, "Xiao Qiao, this is probably the situation. Zhao Chenguang and I have known each other for a while, and they have a good reputation in the news circle. I want to hear your opinion."

"How should I put it, if you go to Beijing, it will definitely do more good than bad for your career and for Xixi and Chu Jin's future studies. Beijing is the capital, and the conditions are different from our provincial capital cities like Qizhou. The salary offered is really hard for people to refuse, he still has a way to send Xixi and all to the Affiliated to the National People's Congress, it is the best middle school in the country, but..."

Mom speaks today, very slowly, and every word is spoken clearly.

"Well, I know you have concerns, and I do too," Dad said.

"One is our daughter. You know how naughty I was when I was a child. That was what my parents were used to. Later, I took it to my side, and it took many years to slowly educate me.

I am engaged in education. For children, it is more important to have a stable growth environment. My daughter will soon be ten years old. She already has her own social circle.

The curriculum in Qizhou is different from that in Beijing. I'm worried that if Xixi can't keep up with her grades and is in a completely unfamiliar environment, she will go straight to the junior high school. Will it hit her too hard? "

Mom paused and continued.

"And there is Xiao Chujin, I'm not worried about his grades, but the problem is that Chujin's household registration still belongs to his uncle, and his uncle has disappeared again.

In Qizhou, we have people, whether it is newspapers or schools, we can find people, at least not to delay children's schooling. If this is going to Beijing, it is not easy to go to school, right

In terms of life, in Qizhou, relatives and neighbors can usually help each other. When you arrive in Beijing, you will definitely not be able to count on your busy work. If I still work in the education center, I will definitely be busy. ... "

Mom's voice stopped and she sighed softly.

Dad pondered for a moment, then echoed: "The conditions are really immature now, and the children are still too young."

"Otherwise, you can go to Beijing by yourself, and I will stay to take care of the two children."

Mom said hesitantly, it seems that this decision is very difficult.

"That's not good, we can't be in different places, let me say it first, I can't stand not seeing my daughter-in-law and my baby for three days or two, it's impossible to be in another place.

You don't even think about it, there is no man in the family, I don't worry about you orphans and widows, if something happens, wait for me to come back from Beijing, and it will be three autumns sooner or later. "

Dad Song firmly rejected Mom's proposal.

"Let's talk about it later, when the children are older. But I do think that the print media is going downhill. Now that the Internet is developing rapidly, the future will be the era of new Internet media, even self-media.

When the time comes, let's see how Chu Jin's hukou problem can be solved. I will call Zhao Dong tomorrow. There will always be opportunities for work, but the child's growth is only once.

It is important for the two children to be admitted to a good university in the future, and it is important to have a good future, but it is far more important to grow up happily than the two of them in a stable environment..."

Song Qiaoxi quietly closed the door, sat back on the toilet lid, and put down "Contemporary Music" in her hand.

A big stone in his heart seemed to have fallen to the ground, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Dad, this is, promise mother not to go to Beijing

If I don’t go to Beijing, it means I won’t leave the familiar courtyard, I won’t be separated from Chu Jin, I can hang out with the “Little Five People Gang” every day, ask Sister Qiu Meng to gather wind and listen to Grandpa Sun tell stories. , go to Ding's restaurant and eat dumplings...

It stands to reason that she should be happy, right

But listening to the conversation between my father and my mother, my heart was slightly sour and bloated, and I couldn't tell what emotions were at work.

Song Qiaoxi's ears sounded the words of her father again, "A child grows up only once...the two of them grow up happily in a stable environment, it is more important..."

turn out to be... ...

Moms and dads, always put their children first in their hearts.