Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 59: Don't let Chu Jin find out


Chu Jin rarely sees Song Qiaoxi cry.

Except when she was very young, when she was six years old, Song Qiaoxi was still a soft and glutinous dumpling, because he was going to live in the boiler room and cried to tears.

Chu Jin still remembered that Song Qiaoxi's big eyes were red from crying at that time, and her white and soft face turned pink.

The glutinous dumpling's full forehead was pasted with a few strands of small curls wet with sweat, and a small soft ball was lying on the green wall skirt of the old house. The pear blossom looked particularly pitiful.

As soon as you get close, you can smell the sweet and greasy milky fragrance of her body, and Chu Jin still remembers it clearly until now when the dumplings were crying and watching him.

The other time was when Song Qiaoxi was nine years old, because Aunt Qiao made a joke, thinking that he was going to "marry a daughter-in-law" and dropped a few drops of golden beans.

But Song Qiaoxi's two tears were quickly coaxed.

He rarely sees Song Qiaoxi unable to control her emotions. Even if she falls and hurts, she is occasionally scolded by her parents, and she is told a few words by the teacher, she will never cry like other little girls in the courtyard. stop.

Song Qiaoxi is like a little sun, she loves to laugh, always smiling and radiating light.

The crying squeamish bag is not a label on her body.

The boy tried his best to keep his expression steady, thinking quickly what to do in his mind.

The last time I comforted her was when Xixi was six years old. When she knew that she was not leaving, she quickly stopped crying.

But sister Qiu Meng's condition was not that simple. Chu Jin also heard the discussion of several aunts from the neighborhood committee in the boiler room, and he felt the same mixed feelings.

"Chu Jin, is there anything you can do? Aunt Gao and the others said that Sister Qiu Meng will not live to be twenty years old, she is already sixteen years old this year..." Song Qiaoxi lowered her head angrily. Suppressing his emotions, he didn't allow himself to cry loudly, "They said that Sister Qiumeng was a heart attack brought out of her mother's womb, and it couldn't be cured. They said that Uncle Xia and the others wanted white-haired people to send black-haired people..."

As if she couldn't hold it anymore, Song Qiaoxi became more and more sad as she spoke, and she couldn't say the next words anymore.

Chu Jin's eyes watched Dou-sized tears fall from her big almond eyes, quickly sliding from the eyes to her chin, and the crystal tears hung on her chin.

"Chu, Chu Jin... I, I don't know what to do, how can I save Sister Qiu Meng, I, I don't want Sister Qiu Meng to die, woo woo... "

Song Qiaoxi cried out of breath, grabbed Chu Jin's sleeve and shook it.

He grabbed Song Qiaoxi's hand, the little girl's hand was very hot and soft, and the palm of her hand was sweating slightly.

Chu Jin was also uncomfortable, and Qiu Meng's sister was also very kind to him, but he understood the special significance of Xia Qiumeng to Song Qiaoxi.

Xixi's dream of "travelling around the world" was given to her by sister Qiu Meng. When Xixi grew up, she wanted to learn photography. It was sister Qiu Meng who inspired her. Xixi's English, sister Qiu Meng was her number one. Enlightenment teacher.

In this little girl's heart, her vision for the future is all this gentle and patient big sister, who is guided by her tolerance and support.

"Don't be afraid, don't think nonsense, Aunt Gao and the others may not be right." After considering the words, she cleared her dry throat and pinched her palms, "I'll get a towel first to help you wipe it. Is it okay to wipe your face?"

Song Qiaoxi shook her head, she didn't want to be alone, even if she was in the same room with Chu Jin, she didn't want her to let go of her hand.

She was so sad, so sad that she couldn't suppress the slightest emotion in her heart.

At this moment, for the first time in her two lifetimes, she felt fear.

This fear is completely different from the fear of "doomsday".

"The end of the world" is the disappearance of people all over the world. In Song Qiaoxi's heart, she would think that everyone went to another world together.

But if only the familiar people around her disappeared, she couldn't accept it, there was nothing she could do.

Holding Chu Jin's hand tightly with one hand, preventing him from leaving half a step, and rubbing her eyes with the other hand, Song Qiaoxi choked and said, "You, don't go, can you help me think of a way?"

Chu Jin sighed, twisted his body and sat on the side of the bed.

He held Song Qiaoxi's hand with his backhand and tried to speak in a softer tone, "I'm not leaving, but you keep crying, you didn't listen to what I said just now, how can you think of a way?"

Blinking, Song Qiaoxi held his hand tightly, lowered her head, the tears on her chin no longer fell down the placket, and the tears fell on Chu Jin's sheets one by one.

Chu Jin could see that she was trying to regulate her emotions, so she sat quietly with Song Qiaoxi.

Until Song Qiaoxi's breathing gradually stabilized, although she was still crying and her lips were shaking slightly, the strength of her grip on his hand finally loosened up.

Suddenly, Chu Jin's slightly sore palm was released by Song Qiaoxi.

She carelessly touched the tears on her face with both hands, choked twice, touched her quivering lower lip with one hand, moved a few times, and finally bit her lower lip with her little white glutinous rice-like teeth.

"I, I don't cry anymore, I listen to you."

Song Qiaoxi said pitifully.

Song Qiaoxi's eyes were huge, her eyelids were swollen from crying, and the tip of her nose was red from crying.

Not only did she cry with swollen eyes, but on the twelfth lunar day, she cried out a thin sweat, and her furry, curly forehead was wet.

It was as if she was back when she was six years old, her forehead curled up against her full forehead and face with a little baby fat.

"Sister Qiu Meng's illness is a congenital heart disease. My sister told us before, and Uncle Xia and Auntie told us, right?"

Chu Jin pondered for a moment, and said softly to Song Qiaoxi.

"Um... ... "

Nodding heavily, Song Qiaoxi slid two more tears from her big eyes.

Reaching out his hand to erase it for her, Chu Jin continued, "I heard what Aunt Gao and the others said just now. Many things they said were wrong. Sometimes, Uncle Xia and the others would come to the neighborhood committee. I have heard their conversations. Uncle Xia said that sister Qiu Meng's heart can be operated on, but the operation is difficult and risky. The doctor suggested that if conservative treatment is effective, the operation plan should be postponed. If the operation is successful, sister Qiu Meng can be like a normal person. live."

"Then, can sister Qiu Meng be cured? She can grow up, get married, and have a baby? The aunt just said that my sister can't get married. If she can't get married, what will Big Brother Lidong do?"

Hu brushed a handful of wet hair on his forehead, Song Qiaoxi asked anxiously.

"It can definitely be cured. She can grow up safely, wear a wedding dress and become a very beautiful bride, and she will also have a baby of her own. Don't listen to those aunts, are they doctors? They are not doctors, there are many things It's all hearsay, and we talk about it behind our backs."

After Chu Jin finished speaking, he moved a little, seeing that Song Qiaoxi's mood had stabilized a lot, and wanted to scald a towel with hot water and wipe her face.

"I just met brother Lidong downstairs at sister Qiumeng's house." Song Qiaoxi stopped crying and said softly, as if she was a little sad again, "I saw brother Lidong smoking downstairs, but he didn't let me tell my sister. , I promised him, Lidong brother seems to be in a bad mood... "

"Don't worry, since you promised Cheng Lidong, don't tell Sister Qiu Meng about this. Heart disease patients can't be too emotional. Cheng Lidong is a big man and will adjust it himself. This is his responsibility."

Chu Jin stood up, walked to the towel rack, picked up a clean enamel basin from the ground, and poured hot water into the basin.

I tested the water temperature with my hands, took out a clean towel, soaked it, and wringed it out after swinging it back and forth twice.

Song Qiaoxi heard the sound of "crashing", twisted her body, and sat on the edge of the bed with both hands propped up, tilting her head to look at Chu Jin's back in a white sweater, busy.

Children are simple-minded, and they will unconditionally believe what they say.

Chu Jin is the person she trusts the most in this world besides her parents.

He is so powerful, he can do everything, and he knows a lot. Chu Jin's words always make Song Qiaoxi feel at ease.

Hanging her head down again, Song Qiaoxi dangled her legs and thought about what Sister Qiu Meng said to her.

My sister said, let her help take pictures of Lidong's brother, and also said that she should study mathematics well, not to be partial to subjects.

Be sure to listen to Sister Qiu Meng's words and improve her math scores during the time when her sister went to see a doctor in Beijing.

Waiting for Sister Qiu Meng to come back like this, if you know that your math scores have improved, you will be very happy, right

"look up."

Chu Jin appeared in front of her with a hot towel in his hand.

She raised her head obediently, and the hot steam rushed towards her face, making Song Qiaoxi's eyes uncomfortable from crying, and suddenly became very comfortable.

After wiping her face, Chu Jin held a bottle of green little mushroom baby face cream in his hand, twisted it open and tapped a few times on her forehead, eyebrows, cheeks and chin, her face felt icy cold.

"Scrub yourself." Chu Jin wiped her hands with a towel again, and said gently.

The two little hands clapped randomly on the face, Xixi shook her head while clapping and said, "Well, I'm not sad anymore, I want to cheer Sister Qiu Meng, cheer her up, and give her the confidence to overcome the pesky heart disease. "

"That's right, we are not doctors, all we can do is to support Qiu Meng's sister mentally, and leave other things to professional medical staff to do," Chu Jin pointed at Song Qiaoxi's forehead, "In the future, Aunt Gao and the others Don't believe it casually, do you believe them or the doctor?"

"Got it..."

At this moment, Song Qiaoxi also knew that he was wrong, and was no longer stubborn.


In the second week, Song Qiaoxi spent three nights weaving a red and blue lucky bracelet.

Let Dad find out in advance, Xia Qiumeng is going to Beijing on Saturday.

The day before Sister Qiu Meng went to Beijing, Song Qiaoxi took the lucky bracelet and walked around the boiler room, letting everyone in the "Little Five Gang" give the bracelet a "fairy air".

"I want sincere blessings, good luck is fine, and peace and health are fine."

Song Qiaoxi held up her bracelet in front of her companions and asked them to make a wish in turn.

Ding Miao put her hands together, closed her eyes, and blew a breath on her bracelet, "I hope sister Qiu Meng can get better soon, I will give her good luck, and when my sister comes back, I can take a group photo with us. ."

"I hope sister Qiu Meng is as strong as me, and when she comes back from Beijing, she can go up to the fifth floor with ease! Huhu!"

Wang Junyang blinked his eyes, put away his usual naughty expression, and said a funny advertisement in a serious manner, and then blew at the bracelet.

"I wish Sister Qiumeng a long life like a turtle fairy and can live to three hundred years old!"

Ding Yi made the action of Turtle School Qigong and "cast spells" on the bracelet.

"Sister Qiu Meng, don't be like a turtle fairy!"

Ding Miao tapped Ding Yi on the head, and Ding Yi cried out to avoid her sister's "chasing and killing".

Song Qiaoxi stuck her tongue out "slightly" at Ding Yi, "Let you say that, Sister Qiu Meng, and see how Sister Miao will deal with you."

After she finished speaking, she held the chain in front of Chu Jin and raised her arms while watching his bottomless eyes.

Chu Jin blew lightly on the bracelet, bowed his head slightly, his thick eyelashes cast a small shadow under his eyes, his voice was soft but firm, "I hope Sister Qiu Meng goes to Beijing this time, everything goes well and she returns safely."


Song Qiaoxi clapped her hands and took out a red flannel bag with a drawstring from her clothes pocket.

She begged her mother to sew the small bag, put the chain carefully into the bag, fastened the drawstring, and tied a bow.

Song Qiaoxi will give this bracelet full of blessings and good luck to Sister Qiu Meng, hoping that she can always have good luck and return safely.

On a Saturday in the twelfth lunar month of the millennium, Xia Qiumeng and her parents once again set foot on the train heading north.

In the sleeper carriage bound for Beijing, the beautiful girl sitting by the window had a smile on her face, and from time to time she whispered a few words to her parents who were sitting beside her.

The expressions of her parents were worried, but anyone could see that the girl with an obvious sick face had a comforting look when she talked to them.

The girl wears a red and blue rope bracelet on her slender white wrist.

The train is moving slowly, bang bang bang dong, through the tunnel, through the farmland, through the city...

Beijing, for this family, means new hope.

The girl named Xia Qiumeng raised her wrist, facing the sunlight that spilled into the carriage, carefully observing the bracelet on her wrist, her pale face showed a bright smile.

"Thank you, Xixi, my sister will definitely work hard."


Since the daughter of the old Xia family went to Beijing to see a doctor, Song Jianguo and Qiao Qin were surprised to find that their daughter's enthusiasm for mathematics was particularly high.

Song Jianguo came home early that day, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard the call of his daughter.

He pushed open the door of Song Qiaoxi's room and saw his daughter sitting at the desk earnestly doing math homework, without raising her head, handed him a book list.

Take a look, ho!

Man, it's all lists of math tutorials and workbooks.

After reading the list on the small piece of paper, he put down the piece of paper, bent down and pinched Song Qiaoxi's face with interest, "Why do you love math so much recently? I'll just say, my daughter is so smart, why can't she learn math well! Mathematics, physics and chemistry are all paper tigers, your father was very good at mathematics back then!"

"Then why did you major in Chinese?"

Song Qiaoxi raised her head from the math paper, stuck her tongue out at her father, and asked playfully.

"Oh, because your father loves literary creation, I chose liberal arts, but it doesn't mean that my father is not good in science. I am an all-round talent, and I can take all arts and sciences! Being a reporter was my father's dream when he was a child, and I won the reportage I wrote. A lot of awards," Song's father talked about his love for writing, and he could talk about it for a long time. When he was asked by his daughter, he opened the chat box, "Come, come, Dad, tell you!"

He sat at the end of Song Qiaoxi's bed, resting his body on his arms relaxedly, with a smug smile on his face.

"Dad, stop it..." Song Qiaoxi raised the mechanical pencil in her hand and waved it at her father twice, "I still have a lot of math problems to do, so I won't listen to your story today. ."

The smile on Song Jianguo's face froze, his mouth was half-open, and his heart was inexplicably sour.

He watched Xixi put her head down, and earnestly wrote the calculation formula step by step on the calculation paper, murmuring the problem-solving steps in his mouth.

Looking at Song Qiaoxi's profile, Song Jianguo suddenly realized that the girl seemed to have grown up a lot overnight.

Xixi's round face was like a small apple before, but now she can see a clear jaw, and her neck is elongated.

The curled and thick eyelashes flickered like a small fan, and the small and pretty nose became tall and straight when viewed from the side.

The fingers of the girl holding the pen are no longer short and thick, and the dimples on the back of her hands have disappeared.

I have to admit that the little girl in front of her has started to make sticks, and is no longer as soft and glutinous as she was when she was a child.

Song Qiaoxi is no longer that white and tender little glutinous ball.

Although she hasn't started to jump, she still looks like a little girl, but her facial features have begun to develop in the direction of a little girl.

Thinking back again, the tone of the girl's words to him just now.

Although he wasn't impatient, he still had the feeling of "If You Are the One", and made it clear to him that he was busy now, so don't disturb her.

Recalling it again, recently at the dinner table, Xixi and him mentioned school things a lot less, no longer like a child, "chattering" at the dinner table from beginning to end, like a little sparrow with endless words.

Song Jianguo was shocked.

No way

Could it be that the legendary puberty is coming!

He wasn't ready for it...

If this is "adolescence", does it mean that in the fifth grade, the boys in the girls' class are also gender-conscious.

My daughter looks so good-looking again, oh my god, those stinky boys in the school who are not good enough to come to find "trouble" for their daughter

No, Song Jianguo decided that if he wanted to talk to his daughter-in-law about this matter well that night, he had to "take a class" to Xixi in advance to teach her how to avoid the "harassment" of the teenage boy.

If there is a stinky boy who doesn't have long eyes to find his daughter, let him go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of fire!

Song Qiaoxi just finished the two big questions, stretched out and stretched, and when she looked up, she found that her father was still sitting on the bed and didn't leave.

Turning her head in confusion, she saw that her father was stunned there, his face was not very good-looking, she stretched out her hand and poked her father's arm, "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"Ah," Song Jianguo then reacted, shaking his head like an old father, and waving the book list in his hand to Song Qiaoxi, "It's okay, girl, you study hard, don't worry, these book fathers will go up and down the fire. Buy it back for you!"

After speaking, Song Jianguo walked out of her room with heavy steps.


Song Qiaoxi watched her father leave, confused.

No, Dad's reaction today is so strange

She shook her head, thinking of her father's various behaviors of bewildering "playing spirits" in the world since she was a child. She didn't know what kind of jealousy her own father was eating, or what "imaginary enemy" she fantasized about.

Flip the paper over to the reverse side and continue with the question.

Song Qiaoxi was originally smart and talented. After following Chu Jin's study plan in the past few weeks to straighten out the math system, she found that math was not as difficult as she thought.

The formula that was difficult to understand before, after Chu Jin helped her dismantle it, became extraordinarily clear in her mind.

In the final exam last semester of the fourth grade of elementary school, Song Qiaoxi's math score took the third place in the class, the first place was no suspense, it was Chu Jin, and the second place was Ding Miao.

For Song Qiaoxi, who had already fallen to the twenty-something class in the mid-term exam math, this time finally lived up to her hard work.

In the millennium, we go to school in the last week before the winter vacation. According to the usual practice, the primary school attached to the normal school takes the final exam papers on the penultimate day of school. The teacher teaches the papers and assigns winter vacation homework. The last day is the semester summary and vacation safety education.

Today is grade day.

Song Qiaoxi sat on the bench, happily holding the math paper, looking left and right at the red 97.5 points scored by Teacher Li, and couldn't put it down.

"Chu Jin, I have half of yours on my medal of merit. This time I took the third place in my class in the math test. Are you happy?"

She spread the paper out in front of Chu Jin, and said excitedly with her head pointed.

Chu Jin looked calm, took the paper and glanced at it, took out a pencil from the pencil case, and pointed to the wrong question, "This place is too careless, and at first glance, it seems that the question has not been carefully reviewed."

Song Qiaoxi: "..."

"And here, I forgot to write 'Solution'. Are you wronged if you deduct 0.5 points?"

Chu Jin turned the paper over and tapped a big question with the tip of his pen.


Song Qiaoxi sighed, silently pulled the paper back, folded it casually, and threw it into the hole in the table, lying on the desk.

"Song Qiaoxi, you can completely avoid those careless mistakes, as long as you are a little more serious, you won't be deducted points. It's not that you don't know these questions. If we haven't reviewed the knowledge points, I won't say anything, but these knowledge We've all reviewed it, and so can you."

Chu Jin's voice sounded in her left ear, Song Qiaoxi deliberately moved a large seat to the right, still lying on the table and ignoring him.

Hmph, after working so hard for so long, and my grades have improved, why are you still talking about her

Song Qiaoxi pouted aggrievedly, Chu Jin couldn't see which questions he got right, so he had to catch the wrong questions and say.

"Be careful next time, okay?"

Chu Jin's voice softened a lot, and Song Qiaoxi noticed that someone lightly poked her arm.

She slowly turned her head and looked up.

Chu Jin looked at himself with a smile, "But I can't deny your progress. I can see your hard work recently and reward you with fried skewers, okay? Your favorite rose rice cake, ham sausage, and Fried fresh milk? You can eat KFC if you want, but you have to say hello to Uncle Song and Aunt Qiao in advance, and we will go by bus."


Song Qiaoxi raised her head from the desk, unable to hide her joy.

"When did I lie to you?" Chu Jin pursed his lips and smiled.

"That's great, pull the hook, don't go back." Song Qiaoxi stretched out her hand, hooked Chu Jin's fair and slender little thumb, shook it twice, put the thumbs of the two people together and stamped a seal, sang a song in her mouth, " pull the hook. Hanging for a hundred years is not allowed to change, whoever changes is a puppy!"

Chu Jin followed her around. Although she didn't recite the nursery rhyme "Hanging on the Hook" with Song Qiaoxi, the swing of her hand silently matched her.

When the thumbs of the two were pressed together, Chu Jin was surprised to find that the dimples on Song Qiaoxi's hands had suddenly disappeared

The chubby fingers on weekdays are also much slender.

After pulling the hook, Song Qiaoxi released his hand and jumped to the front row to find Ding Miao. The two little girls walked out of the classroom hand in hand.

Chu Jin looked at Song Qiaoxi's back and found that the height difference between her and Ding Miao was not as big as before.

Song Qiaoxi took Ding Miao's hand and leaned into Miaomiao's ear, "We will discuss the details of tomorrow's plan."

"I made an agreement with Ding Yi last night and asked him to cooperate with Wang Junyang. Tomorrow afternoon, it happens that Chu Jin and their group will be on duty."

Ding Miao pushed on her glasses and looked around vigilantly.

"Okay, we must let Ding Yi and Wang Junyang hold Chu Jin, otherwise we will not have time, and we will never be discovered by Chu Jin."

Song Qiaoxi and Ding Miao walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror by the sink.

"Xixi, you want to wear a single ponytail tomorrow, so it's easy to hide the braids."

Ding Miao washed her hands and looked up at Song Qiaoxi in the mirror.

Song Qiaoxi is wearing a double ponytail like rabbit ears today. Her hair is getting longer and longer, with two large waves of brown curly hair hanging down on her chest, "Well, I think so too."

"Tomorrow's plan must be successful!" Ding Miao clenched her small fist and said to Song Qiaoxi, "Last year we were still young, and they were caught off guard by them."

Song Qiaoxi threw her two ponytails behind her and said casually, "That is, they must not be allowed to bully Chu Jin again this year, this is not to take our 'Little Five Gang' in the eye, right? ?"

"Isn't that right, let them see how great we are this year!"

Ding Miao shook her head sassily, her short hair brushing her ear.


January 20, Millennium Year, is the last day of the first semester of the primary school attached to the Normal School. It is also a coincidence that the newspaper's annual party is also on this day.

Song Jianguo couldn't attend this year's party. He went out to catch a train early in the morning. He was sent by the president to Beijing on a business trip to attend a seminar.

He was still thinking about the fact that Chu Jin was called to the stage last year. This year, he made a special trip to the president's office and told President Jiang about Chu Jin's situation.

Let President Jiang and his subordinates say hello, don't hold any "recognition meeting" at this year's party, and give Chu Jin's scholarship privately.

Children also have self-esteem, and it would be difficult to change to an adult, let alone an eleven-year-old child

President Jiang agreed, saying that he would talk to Secretary Sun later, and this process would be cancelled this year, so Song Jianguo could travel with confidence.

He thought, since he is not here anyway, it is estimated that the girls and the others will not join in the fun anymore.

However, after President Jiang finished saying this, because of an emergency call, he turned his head and forgot about it.

Secretary Sun still went to Aunt Gao of the neighborhood committee, and asked Aunt Gao to think about going to the elementary school attached to the normal school in the morning of the party, and handing over the "thank you letter" he had written to Chu Jin.

This means that at the Millennium New Year's Day party, Chu Jin will once again be called to the stage to "receive the award".

The night before Song Qiaoxi, after learning that her father was going on a business trip to Beijing, she spent a long time writing and drawing in her hut.

She wrote a letter to sister Qiu Meng with a picture, and asked her father to transfer it to sister Qiu Meng.

When my father went to Beijing this time, he had to go to the hospital to see Qiu Meng and Uncle Xia. My mother also prepared some Qizhou-specific snacks for Qiu Meng’s sister, fearing that she would be homesick in Beijing.

In the letter, Song Qiaoxi wrote about her good grades in mathematics in this final exam, and told Sister Qiu Meng that she helped her to stare at brother Lidong, and that the photo of brother Lidong that she took has not been developed, and she will send it when it is finished. to Beijing.

Finally, she wrote in the letter: Sister Qiu Meng, come on, we are all waiting for you to come back!

When Song Qiaoxi got up, she found that her father was no longer at home.

Mom is going to invigilate the exam today. She made breakfast in advance, told her and Chu Jin a few words, and hurried to work.

For breakfast, my mother made red dates and black sesame soy milk with a soy milk machine. Without sugar, the red dates themselves tasted sweet. I also baked two pieces of zucchini, fried a small plate of salted ham, and washed a small bowl of kumquats.

Song's mother's slack is a must in Song Qiaoxi's mind.

However, in her mind, what her mother does is the best and absolutely delicious.

But the zucchini is so mushy, it's really good for breakfast.

The Song family's mess is not peeled. Chu Jin has learned to do it with his mother. Last Sunday's "lazy day" for parents, Song Qiaoxi watched Chu Jin's mess.

After washing the zucchini, rub it into shreds, add some salt to kill the shredded zucchini out of the water, add flour, beat an egg and mix it into a paste, sprinkle some white pepper and five-spice powder to enhance the taste.

There is a heavy-bottomed iron pan at home. After the pan is heated, grease the bottom of the pan with oil, scoop a spoonful of batter into the pan, and turn it around to spread the batter.

Song Qiaoxi liked watching this process the most. It was very healing. One side turned golden yellow, and then flipped the other side and smelted the other side.

When the batter on both sides has turned into a state with a slight caramel color, it is ready to serve.

Zucchini always gives people the taste of summer, and the baked mussels have the unique fragrance of zucchini, slightly sweet, and strong egg fragrance, and the aftertaste can taste the fragrance of five-spice powder and wheat flour.

Song Qiaoxi will also invent and create new ways of eating. Put a little bit of Axiangpo's light-sweet beef sauce, which is popular in TV commercials, on top of it. Pieces of pan-seared brine ham rolled in a pancake-like roll.

One bite, the fragrance of zucchini, the richness of beef sauce, and the oily fragrance of fried ham are mixed together, it is really super satisfying.

She hadn't combed her hair yet, shaking her head, made herself a ham burrito with beef sauce, accompanied by the sweet and delicious soy milk, and ate it into her stomach one bite at a time.

"Go wash your hands after you eat, and I'll braid you."

Chu Jin ate faster than her, and put all the used dishes into the sink.

Song Qiaoxi drank the soy milk in her hand and wiped her mouth with a tissue, "Okay, it's over."

After going to the bathroom to rinse her mouth, wash her hands and come back, she sat down on the small bench with a comb and a rubber band in her hand.

Chu Jin stood behind her and asked, "Two ponytails?"

"No, tie a single ponytail today? Tie it tightly, I'm afraid it will come loose." Song Qiaoxi shook her head and handed Chu Jin the comb and rubber band in her hand.

"Won't it hurt?"

Chu Jin took the comb and put the rubber band on his wrist.

Song Qiaoxi lowered her head in a guilty conscience and whispered, "Well, it's a little bit, but it doesn't matter, I will be entering the fifth grade in September this year, and I have been braiding two braids all the time. It looks like a child..."

She randomly found a reason, praying that she could get away with it.

But for today's plan, I have to hold back my scalp pain.


Chu Jin didn't say anything, and quickly tied a neat ponytail for her.

Song Qiaoxi looked in the mirror and shook her hair. A high ponytail was tied behind her head. She had no bangs, but had curly hair on her temples and forehead.

Does your self in the mirror look very energetic

In my heart, I secretly encouraged myself that today's plan of the "Little Gang of Five" must be a success!


The day before the holiday, it is customary for the Primary School Affiliated to Normal School to give students more than an hour of holiday safety education, followed by a speech by the principal.

Song Qiaoxi looked around absentmindedly listening to the dean and the voice like chanting sutras.

Not only was Song Qiaoxi absent-minded, but Ding Miao, who was sitting in the front row, also looked nervous and kept looking at the door of the classroom.

The two little girls kept exchanging glances and making gestures.

As soon as the class came to rest, the two of them rushed to the door of the classroom as soon as possible, and there were two door gods there, poking their heads, one looking into the corridor and the other looking into the classroom.

"Xixi, do you think Aunt Gao is here in the morning or in the afternoon?"

Ding Miao looked at the classmates who were fighting in the corridor and asked Song Qiaoxi who was standing opposite.

Song Qiaoxi probed into the classroom, confirmed that Chu Jin had been sitting in the seat and lowered her head to read, and turned her head to answer Ding Miao: "It should be in the morning, I asked Uncle Zhang and Grandpa Sun, this year's party starts early, at 4:30 in the afternoon. It's started, we leave school early today, and we leave school at 3:30. If Aunt Gao comes in the afternoon, it may be too late. "

"Then it's almost time, the last class is over, if Aunt Gao doesn't come..." Ding Miao suddenly grabbed Song Qiaoxi's hand and said nervously, "Come here, Aunt Gao is here! Xixi, first-level combat readiness, please inform Wang Junyang and Ding Yi!"

Song Qiaoxi followed Ding Miao's line of sight and found that at the end of the corridor near the stairs, Aunt Gao from the neighborhood committee was wearing a large cotton padded jacket, and her chubby figure was walking towards the classroom of Grade 4, Class 5.

She hurriedly gave Ding Yi a wink and said angrily, "Ding Yi, Wang Junyang, hurry up, it's your turn to play!"

Ding Yi gave Song Qiao an "OK" gesture, whispered to Wang Junyang, and the two trotted all the way to Chu Jin's desk.

The two boys and Chu Jin said something. Ding Yi grabbed Chu Jin's arm and pulled him up from his seat. After Wang Junyang broke, the three boys walked out of the back door of the classroom.

The back door of the classroom of Grade 4 and Class 5 is next to the stairs on the east side of the teaching building. Song Qiaoxi watched the three people go down the stairs, and then he was relieved.

Ding Miao took her hand, Song Qiaoxi also squeezed Ding Miao's palm, the two little girls took a deep breath and walked towards Aunt Gao with smiling faces.

"Oh, it's Xixi and Miaomiao! Hey, it's the first time I see Xixi with a ponytail. She's so energetic, she looks like a big girl."

Aunt Gao's high-pitched voice echoed in the corridor, attracting the curious eyes of many classmates.

"Hello Aunt Gao." Song Qiaoxi smiled obediently.

"Hello Director Gao." Ding Miao asked politely.

The two little girls, Song Qiaoxi, were carved with pink and jade, and their big eyes were as bright as a handful of crystals.

Even Aunt Gao, who always likes to be picky, can't find fault with these two children, and her eyes are full of love.

"Okay, hello, sigh, where is Chu Jin in your class? Is he in his seat? I have something to ask him."

Aunt Gao patted the two of them on the shoulders, and peered in at the door of the fourth-grade, fifth-class classroom.

Song Qiaoxi gave Ding Miao a color, and she also took a pretentious look inside, "Aunt Gao, Chu Jin is not here, I guess she went to the math teacher's office, tell me if you have anything, I am his deskmate. , I'll tell him when I come back."

Aunt Gao confirmed that Chu Jin was indeed not in the classroom, and took out a kraft paper envelope from her pocket, "Oh, this was explained by the leader, I'd better tell Xiao Chu Jin myself."

"Director Gao, just talk to us. Chu Jin went to Teacher Li's place because of the Mathematical Olympiad competition. It is estimated that he will not be back in the next class. Did you pass this letter to him?"

Ding Miao blinked, her tone neither humble nor arrogant.

"Ah, yes, hey, it's still the same as last year. You were there at last year's party. This year, Secretary Sun also arranged for Chu Jin to speak. Last year, Chu Jin performed very well. A big red envelope and a certificate of merit, what a good thing, right?"

As Aunt Gao spoke, she probed around, as if to confirm that Chu Jin was indeed not coming back.

"Then leave this letter to us. We promise to complete the task. What time is the afternoon party? When Chu Jin returns, we will tell him."

Song Qiaoxi grabbed Aunt Gao's sleeve and shook it.

"Well, we will tell Chu Jin, Director Gao can rest assured."

Ding Miao pushed up her glasses with a serious and serious expression on her face.

Aunt Gao looked at Ding Miao, and then at Song Qiaoxi, a little hesitant.

After a pause, she held up the envelope in her hand and said, "Ah, that's fine, give it to Ding Miao, right? Ding Miao is the most reliable little girl in our courtyard. Auntie believes that you will definitely be able to complete the task. Today's party is It starts at 4:30 in the afternoon, remember to ask Chu Jin to be at the scene at 4:45 at the latest, his show starts at 5:00, let Chu Jin familiarize himself with the content of the letter in advance, and don’t get stuck when reading it.”

When Ding Miao found the kraft paper envelope handed over by Aunt Gao, she nodded heavily, "Song Qiaoxi and I waited for Chu Jin to come back, and then told him to make sure that he had mastered the speech. I will accompany Chu Jin in the afternoon."

"Okay, if you go with Chu Jin, Auntie will feel more at ease."

Aunt Gao laughed hard.

"Our class bell is about to ring. Aunt Gao, go back. Ding Miao and I go to the toilet and tell Chu Jin when we come back."

Song Qiaoxi hugged Ding Miao's arm and said to Aunt Gao.

Aunt Gao waved her hand to the two girls, tucked the bun on the back of her head with her hand, took two steps out and turned her head back and said, "Okay, then I'm leaving, you two mustn't forget it."

"Don't worry, Aunt Gao, I won't forget it!"

Song Qiaoxi smiled and showed her little white teeth, and waved to Aunt Gao.

Until it was confirmed that Aunt Gao had walked down the stairs, she and Ding Miao looked at each other and smiled.

Hehe, let Chu Jin go to the party in the afternoon to read the "thank you letter"

That is impossible!