Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 62: It will look very ugly with breasts on


Hearing that Chu Jin said that he wanted to "save money to support you", Song Qiaoxi's small mouth murmured unhappily.

What, Chu Jin dislikes her for eating too much

She also believes that she is the type to support herself well, and she needs to save money to support herself...

"I'll just eat less in the future. The big deal is that I won't let you treat guests to KFC, just eat fried skewers, or you can eat less fried skewers. Don't you want to participate in the provincial math Olympiad next semester? Here How can I still have time to study with the rest of the day?"

Song Qiaoxi muttered.

The bus braked again. Although she hugged Chu Jin's arm tightly, the fluffy little person was still uncontrollable and slammed into his arms.

"The competition is not difficult. When I make up lessons for Yu Tian during the day, you can come with me. I promised Uncle Song to urge you to write your winter vacation homework."

Chu tried his best to support Song Qiaoxi's chest, and said in a very ordinary tone.


no difficulty? !

It seems that, Song Qiaoxi heard the math teacher Li said that Chu Jin has already started to do the math Olympiad in junior high school, so the math Olympiad competition in the elementary school group should not be difficult for him.

This semester, Mr. Li, together with several teachers, once again approached his father and mother, and put forward a suggestion to let Chu Jin skip grades.

However, Chu Jin's attitude was very firm, expressing the hope that he would finish primary school step by step, and his parents would respect his own decision.

But, do you want to make up lessons for Xiaodouding for more than ten days? Why does she have to follow!

Song Qiaoxi frowned, rubbed her chin on Chu Jin's coat, raised her head slowly, and dragged her long tail, "Why do I have to follow you to make up lessons for the children..."

"Because you are also a child, younger than me, and have been a child all your life."

Chu Jin smiled, as if he had made up his mind on this decision long ago, and did not give Song Qiaoxi any chance to refute.


Xixi somehow felt that something was wrong

It seems that since Chu Jin asked her at KFC whether to go to Heihuquan to take pictures or go back with him, Chu Jin was very sure that he would not go to Heihuquan again.

This is, is it a trick


Song's father came back from a business trip in Beijing and brought a lot of Beijing specialties. He also learned from his mother that Chu Jin had made up lessons for Yu Tian, and said he took the time to talk to him.

Chu Jin and his father didn't know what to say in the study, so they didn't let Song Qiaoxi over to watch.

She carried a small bench and sat in the living room, holding a large bag of tuckahoe cakes in her arms. She opened the outer packaging, and inside was a small bag of small bags.

It is said that the empress dowager Cixi's favorite tuckahoe cake, Song Qiaoxi carefully looked at the flavor introduction on the package.

"Pineapples, peaches, oranges, lychees..."

She muttered to herself, picked out a small packet of pineapple flavored ones, tore open the package and took a bite.

This... ...

How should this be described

Xixi, who has always been not a picky eater, and who eats well-flavored food, frowned tightly, and looked at the half of the tuckahoe cake left in her hand...

This thing is too unpalatable, isn't it

It tastes like chewing wax, the outer skin tastes like a piece of paper, and the inner part is sweet.

"Leave it to Dad, anyway, Dad is not a picky eater..."

Song Qiaoxi put the half of the Poria Cake back in the small packaging bag intact.

At home, she and her mother didn't like to eat, and her father always refused to come, and happily "cleaned up the battlefield" for their mother and daughter.

She heard the study door open.

"Okay, uncle respects your choice, but if uncle finds that you are too tired and your body can't bear it, he will ask your uncle Yu to refuse this job. Our family doesn't need children to make money."

Dad patted Chu Jin on the shoulder, and the two walked out of the study together.

"Well, I see."

Chu Jin nodded and did not refute.

Dad Song walked towards her, "How about it, girl, is the Poria cake delicious?"

Song Qiaoxi held up the half-bitten tuckahoe cake in her hand and shoved it into her father's mouth, "Hmm... Dad, can you taste it yourself?"

"Oh hello..." Song Jianguo ate the tuckahoe cake in his mouth, feeling so happy, pinching his daughter's cheek, "It's really delicious, we Xixi really love my father, Xixi feeds my father. Everything is delicious!"

"Since Dad likes it so much, I'll leave this whole bag to Dad."

Song Qiaoxi nodded reassuringly.

Song Jianguo once again was moved to shed tears from his old father. It's so good to have a daughter, and she deserves to be a "little padded jacket"!

During the whole winter vacation, Song Qiaoxi felt as if she was not on vacation. She followed the neighbor's snot-snoting Xiaodouding for more than a few days, and did her winter vacation homework in the boiler room five days a week.

It was the first time in my life that I completed all winter vacation homework halfway through the winter vacation.

After the homework was completed, Chu Jin didn't assign her any heavy study tasks, but only asked Song Qiaoxi to read enough English every day, to prepare the math workbook for the next semester, and to fulfill her promise on weekends by taking her to various places in Qizhou. Take pictures of large scenic spots.

At the end of the winter vacation, Chu Jin received the supplementary tuition fee from Uncle Yu, which was 100 yuan more than the 500 yuan negotiated before, and the total was 600 yuan.

Uncle Yu was very satisfied, and he joined several neighbors, and wanted Chu to do a cram school when he was on vacation.

He didn't throw the money to Song Qiaoxi as usual, but secretly put the money in Aunt Qiao's purse.

Chu Jin thought that he had done everything perfectly, but he did not expect that in the new semester, the day before the school started, Aunt Qiao would be called out of the boiler room alone.

"Everything, what's the matter now?"

Aunt Qiao dressed as she was going out and asked Chu Jin at the door of the boiler room.

Chu Jin shook his head, "It's okay, Aunt Qiao."

"Go, put on your coat, go out with Aunt Qiao, and be back soon."

Qiao Qin waved to him and stood at the door waiting for him.

After returning to the room and putting on his coat, Chu Jin followed Qiao Qin towards the gate of the courtyard.

Although it is the first month, Qizhou in the millennium has ushered in a warm winter.

The warm sun in the winter was warm, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, only to hear Aunt Qiao's small heels clack in his ears.

When the mother and wife left the compound, Aunt Qiao took him across the road and stopped at the gate of a bank.

Chu Jin looked up at the bank's name in confusion and asked softly, "Aunt Qiao?"

Qiao Qin put her hand on Chu Jin's shoulder and bowed slightly, "Jin Jin, Auntie knows what you want to do for this family. Aunt Qiao and your Uncle Song were really moved when they saw the six hundred dollars a few days ago. Yesterday Your uncle Song also said, "Oh, I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, we little Chu would be so sensible..."

In the sunlight, Chu Jin saw Aunt Qiao smiling softly. She wore a white scarf and a peacock blue woolen coat, which reminded Chu Jin inexplicably of his mother.

"Your Uncle Song almost cried, do you think he's funny?"

Qiao Qin naturally scratched the bridge of Chu Jin's nose.


Chu Jin pursed his lips and smiled.

On the surface, Uncle Song is a tough guy, but he is actually very soft inside. Whether he is treating Song Qiaoxi or himself, sometimes he is even more careful than Aunt Qiao.

"But aunt and uncle, we can't take your money. First, this is the first pot of gold we have made, and it is especially memorable. Second, your aunt and uncle are not short of money, and aunt will be promoted this year to Head of the teaching group, after the beginning of the new year, your Uncle Song has to take care of the work in the editorial department and the distribution department. Both our salaries and bonuses will increase. Our family is having a good time. Besides, you are here. After that, it got better and better.”

Qiao Qin looked at the worried young man with a gentle tone.

Before she knew it, Chu Jin had been coming to the house for almost five years. From a thin and frail little boy to a handsome young man who was almost as tall as her, he almost forgot the little radish head that was covered in injuries.

She knew that Chu Jin was different from her daughter, and that her daughter had a big heart and could be fooled by a few words.

Chu is dedicated, and it is easy to think about things. If they don't solve it, the child will always have a pimple in his heart.

"I brought you to the bank today. Auntie wants to open an account for you in your own name. In the future, we will try our best to save all the money we earn. When you grow up, we will be your wife, okay?"

Qiaoqin joked.

She saw Chu Jin raised his head, thinking he wanted to say something.

The boy frowned and seemed to be thinking, his throat rolling up and down, but he didn't speak.

Qiaoqin paused for a moment, smiled, and then said, "No matter what it is, it will be in your own account. When you become an adult, you can do whatever you want. If your uncles and aunts are really in trouble, I promise to come with you. Borrow money, okay?"

After speaking, Qiao Qin patted Chu Jin's shoulder and led him into the trading floor of the bank.

After more than an hour, the two came out of the bank.

Chu Jin held a small red notebook in his hand. This was the first time in his life that he had a passbook of his own.

With Aunt Qiao's words "If there is any difficulty, I will borrow money from him", Chu Jin is relieved.

For the Song family, there is no borrowing or borrowing of his money.

Since the uncle and aunt are not short of money for the time being, they should save it in the passbook first and take it out for them whenever they need it.

As for Aunt Qiao's statement that he should keep the money as a "wife book"

Chu shook his head vigorously.

Shouldn't be available now, it's too early! However, do we need to prepare in advance, so that we can be safe

Forget it, just thinking about this, the little boy's ears get hot...


Song Qiaoxi is not particularly sensitive to the family's economic situation. She always thinks that her family is not poor or rich, just an ordinary dual-earner family.

Of course, she hopes that the family will have a better life, and that both parents will have a good development in their careers.

But she felt that it seemed more important than getting promoted and making a fortune, ensuring the safety of the family, and not repeating the same unfortunate past according to the plot development of the original book in old memory.

Fortunately, there is still a year left until the sixth grade of elementary school. When Song Qiaoxi is bored, she will look through her green Snoopy diary and memorize the time points of several important events.

In the next semester of the sixth grade of elementary school, Jiang Qisheng, the son of President Jiang, will be pushed down the stairs by himself and break his leg. His father offended President Jiang because of this.

In the third year of junior high school, my father would be falsely accused of being in prison by a colleague, and my mother would go around asking for help after being falsely accused of being in prison because of my father, but was repeatedly frustrated, and finally fell into a trance and was severely depressed.

At the age of nineteen, my father died in a car accident not long after he was released from prison, and my mother suffered a nervous breakdown and completely lost the ability to take care of herself. She died of depression in a mental hospital.

At the age of 20, because her family was broken, she would choose to end her life by the sea, and was finally rescued by Chu Jin.

The only thing Song Qiaoxi believed would never happen was the incident at the age of 20, and the other three things, no matter what, she had to find a way to help her parents avoid them.

As for whether the family will be rich or not, Song Qiaoxi really doesn't care, the most important thing is that the family can live happily together.

Of course, she also knows that the key point that triggers the old plot is herself.

As long as she doesn't cause trouble at school and doesn't distract her parents, just like a new term Chu Jin recently taught her called "butterfly effect".

Change a little thing, it will affect the overall development, maybe in this way, those very bad things will really not happen to their house again.

During the whole year of the millennium, the Song family had an exceptionally smooth life.

Qiao Qin was promoted and became the leader of the teaching group, and his salary increased a lot.

Song Jianguo is very much used by leaders. In addition to taking care of the work of editor-in-chief, he took up the new position of deputy general manager of the newspaper group, focusing on the distribution work.

With double salary and generous bonus for publishing work, Song Jianguo bought two Sony's latest Walkman for his two children during Chinese New Year in 2001, and let them listen to English.

One thousand yuan per person, plus the red envelopes given by the neighbors and relatives of the compound, one person has two or three thousand yuan more in his hand. For eleven or two-year-old children, this amount of money is indeed a bit hot. .

Song Jianguo and Qiao Qin were afraid that their daughter would go to buy those unclean snacks on the street again, so they simply deposited Chu Jin's share directly into his account.

The red envelope for my daughter is paid in monthly installments, and Chu Jin supervises it by the way.

Xixi has been a little melancholy this year, as if she has lost her "financial power".

This whole year, the couple has been so busy all at once. Fortunately, the two children are older and can take good care of themselves.

When the couple couldn't take care of them for dinner, they let their daughter and Chu Jin go to Ding's restaurant to solve it.

Song Qiaoxi, Chu Jin, and the friends of the "Little Five People's Gang" were successfully promoted to the sixth grade of primary school.

September 3, 2001, the opening day of the primary school attached to the normal school.

"Xixi, why are you still in bed on the first day of school? Get up, Chu Jin, Auntie has cooked breakfast for you. The buns are in the pot. I'll go to work first."

Song Qiaoxi didn't know how many times she pushed the little bunny alarm clock on the bedside, supporting her body and struggling to get up from the bed.

Several knocks on the door.

Chu Jin's low voice sounded at the door, "Are you up yet?"

Song Qiaoxi could imagine that Chu Jin's expression behind the door must be a frown and a stern face.

If it was normal, I would fight with him, but today...

"Woke up... ... "

She answered feebly, covering her stomach with her hands unconsciously.

Since last night, she has not been feeling very well, but that feeling doesn't seem to be sick, just that she has no energy.

But I can't say exactly where it hurts, or where it feels uncomfortable.

In short, it is a very strange feeling.

Could it be that for dinner last night, my mother steamed Pipi shrimps, swimming crabs and oysters, and she ate too much seafood

Before, every time I ate too much seafood, my stomach would feel a little uncomfortable.

I thought it would be good to sleep, but when I woke up, the feeling of fatigue was even more serious.

Looking up, there was a neat bag on the desk.

The schoolbag was brought back by my father from a business trip in Hong Kong. The color of the cherry blossom powder is very beautiful. It is the brand of Jansport. Chu Jin also has one, which is black.

Dad said that he believed that many students in Hong Kong would carry this kind of schoolbag. The style is simple, elegant, and light. It is much better than the colorful cartoon hard-shell schoolbags.

On the chair next to the desk was the school uniform ironed by my mother, and on top was a clean milky white halterneck vest.

She picked up the vest, sighed, and unbuttoned her pajamas to put it on. She had been wearing a close-fitting vest for two months, and she was not used to it, she always felt like something was tied.

Song Qiaoxi is eleven years old this year. In the class, many girls are starting to "draw", like Ding Miao, who jumped to a height of 1.6 meters in a few months.

She also began to grow taller, but it was still very slow, and her legs had grown a lot. She put on a knee-length school uniform skirt, revealing two straight ivory white legs.

During the summer vacation, Song Qiaoxi found that her chest had a slight curvature, like two very small buns. If you accidentally touched it, it would be so painful that tears would flow out.

Not knowing at first, Xixi thought she was sick.

After talking to her mother, Mother Song took her to the lingerie store to pick up some light-colored cotton underwear that day, and taught her how to wear them.

Her mother also reminded her that she must not be hunched over, because it would be particularly ugly with her breasts on her chest. Growth is a normal thing for girls, so don't feel shy.

"Song Qiaoxi, hurry up a little, I'm going to be late."

Chu Jin's tone was flat, not rushed, but it still gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

"Come on, this time is really good."

Song Qiaoxi hurriedly answered him, buttoned the school uniform shirt, and fastened the grass green school uniform skirt belt.

The school uniform skirts of the senior students of the primary school attached to the normal school have been improved. Instead of childish suspender skirts, they are replaced by grass-green pleated knee-length skirts.

The little girl's waist is slender, and she holds it tightly. She wears a white shirt and a green short skirt, which makes her look energetic and youthful.

Pushing open the door, he saw Chu Jin in a neat and neat school uniform, with a newspaper in one hand and a cup of soy milk in the other, standing at the door of the restaurant.

Chu Jin is twelve years old this year, and his height is so fast that he is almost 1.7 meters tall.

His voice became lower, the bulge on his throat became more pronounced, and the lines on his face were no longer soft like a girl, and began to look like a tough boy.

"Go wash up, I'll finish eating right away, and I'll tie your hair while you eat." Chu Jin glanced at her and whispered, but he stopped walking towards the restaurant, turned his head and frowned slightly, "What's wrong with your face? so white?"

"Ah..." Song Qiaoxi touched her face and shook her head, "Maybe I ate too much seafood yesterday, and my stomach was not very comfortable."

Chu Jin's brows wrinkled deeper, "I made you greedy, and you didn't listen every time I said it. I brought you stomach medicine today. If you still feel uncomfortable at noon, take the medicine at the small dining table."

"No need, I guess it will be fine in a while."

Song Qiaoxi waved her hand and dragged her slippers to the bathroom.

If I had known not to tell him, I knew that Chu Jin would let him take medicine, and he would teach himself a lesson by the way...

After entering the bathroom, Song Qiaoxi sighed with a toothbrush in her mouth, Chu Jin really is not cute the bigger she is, it's better when she was a child.

From the moment he started jumping around, Chu Jinren became very serious, obviously he loved to laugh for a while when he was a child.

After washing up, she sat at the dining table and nibbled at the bunny-shaped custard buns.

Chu Jin washed her hands, stood behind her and tied her braids, and didn't ask what hairstyle she wanted, because now Song Qiaoxi only has a single ponytail.

He couldn't understand the minds of girls. Since the fifth grade, the girls in the class changed their hairstyles almost overnight.

Before, almost all of them had double ponytails and braids, but later they all became single ponytails.

Song Qiaoxi was the same, her dark brown curly hair was waist-length, her hair was soft and heavy, and a ponytail often made her scalp hurt.

Even if the scalp hurts, I am determined not to comb double ponytails or double ball heads.

Chu Jin still remembered the beginning of the fifth grade, and Song Qiaoxi, who didn't look like a senior girl at all, still like a child, dragged her soft little milk voice and said, "I am a young lady now, and I can't have two more braids. Only one ponytail will be tied in the future."

He shook his head and smiled softly.

There are two rubber bands around her slender, pale wrists, and a large amount of long hair as soft as seaweed in her hands. Over the past year, Chu Jin has also developed experience.

When tying the hair, first divide Song Qiaoxi's long hair into two layers with a comb, leave about one-third of the hair on the upper layer, and tie a braid near the top of the head.

Then tie the lower layer of hair together with the upper layer, so that the upper layer of the scalp is less stressed, and naturally it will not pull the scalp and feel pain.

"why are you laughing?"

After Song Qiaoxi finished eating the custard bun, she heard the man behind him laugh angrily, holding the soy milk cup and asking.

"It's nothing, thinking of a child's childhood." Chu Jin's voice came from behind, and she felt the hand that tied the rubber band skillfully wrap the last circle, "Okay, go rinse your mouth, go to school."

After gulping down the soy milk in the cup, Song Qiaoxi licked her lips and said, "That little kid, it can't be me..."

"Guess what, kid?"

Chu Jin chuckled and flicked her forehead with his hand.

Turning her head and sticking out her tongue at him "slightly", Song Qiaoxi didn't want to admit that she was a child, she was already a big sister in sixth grade, "It's not me, it's not me!"

After eating the custard bun and drinking the warm soy milk, Song Qiaoxi felt a little more comfortable in her stomach, and after a few words with Chu Jin, her body was not so uncomfortable.

Yiliyaner trotted to the bathroom to rinse his mouth, ready to go to school with a new schoolbag on his back.


In Qizhou, it is still very hot in September.

September 3rd was a cloudless, sunny day.

The flag-raising ceremony ended on the first day of the school attached to the Normal School. After a lengthy "bombing" by the principal, the dean of education, and the director of each grade level, the primary school students in the sixth grade and the fifth class were like eggplants beaten by frost, and they all drooped. face back to the classroom.

After spending more than an hour in the sun under the sun, Song Qiaoxi returned to the shady classroom and sat down at the desk, and found that the uncomfortable feeling all over her body returned.

The uncomfortable feeling not only came back, but also became more and more uncomfortable. The lower back was very sore, and the lower abdomen had a falling pain, which was a bit like the feeling of eating a bad stomach, but it was not exactly the same.

She was lying on the table, wanting to ask if Chu Jin had taken stomach medicine.

Looking up to the left, I remembered that Chu Jin was the flag-raiser today and would return to the classroom later.

Suddenly, Song Qiaoxi felt a hot and humid feeling between her legs.

She has a very bad guess, she won't be, come on in...

Remember, my mother talked about menstruation when she bought underwear with her during the summer vacation, and taught herself to use sanitary napkins.

After that, she also sewed a small cloth for her and packed two bathrooms, and put them in her schoolbag for emergency.

He quickly stretched out his hand into the hole in the table and pulled out the pink schoolbag inside. Song Qiaoxi's brain hummed and was stunned for a while.

This is a new schoolbag. Last night, I was thinking of changing to a new schoolbag temporarily. The small cloth bag for sanitary napkins is still in the old schoolbag...

Song Qiaoxi pursed her lips, her heart a little broken.

Even if she knew in her heart that this was a normal physiological phenomenon when a girl grew up, but at this moment, the sense of shame in her heart made an eleven-year-old girl unable to think normally.

Today is the first day of school, the whole day has just started, and there is no sanitary napkin, what can I do...

A hand secretly touched the skirt behind him, Song Qiaoxi reached out and glanced at his fingers, which were faintly bloodstained.

Before she could collapse again, a figure suddenly fell from the bench beside her.

Chu Jin sweated slightly on his forehead, turned to look at her with concern, and said in a low voice, "You..."