Transmigrated in the ’90s as a Little Dumpling

Chapter 74: Oh, it's the smell of Chu Jin's body


Several friends of the "Little Gang of Five" sat around Chu Jin's boiler room and shared the delicious food that everyone brought from different cities.

Wang Junyang brought Zongzi candy from Caizhizhai, sliced sweet-scented osmanthus cake, buttered peanut candy, buttery plum, water tangerine peel, spiced beans, and Meizhenxiang dried meat from the Shanghai market.

Ding Yi and Ding Miao brought the old man's dried sweet potato from Taicheng, as well as various flavors of puff pastry pancakes, black sesame and chestnut flavors.

The days before the start of school every year, the days when we get together in the boiler room are the happiest times for the little friends.

"Wang Junyang, what kind of crap are you making of your name? Look at your Martian text, can you change it?"

Ding Yi bit the pork jerky in his mouth and cast a disgusting glance at Wang Junyang.

Wang Junyang reached out and knocked on Ding Yi's head, and said impatiently, "Eat what I brought and don't say a good word to me, Ding Yi, you are really good!"

"Pfft haha, but Yangyang, your screen name is really not mainstream..."

Song Qiaoxi took a creamy plum, stuffed it in her mouth, and agreed with what Ding Yi said.

After speaking, she raised her eyes and glanced at Wang Junyang, her almond eyes curved, and she couldn't help but laughed again.

She felt that the boy in front of her with a healthy complexion and a single eyelid with a fresh and slender eyelid did not look like a "fat pig flow" lover.

Seeing Wang Junyang lowered his head in a panic, he deliberately avoided her gaze.

Wang Junyang reached out and scratched the skin on the back of his neck, muttering softly, "Clam? Even Xixi thinks so, oh, then I'll go back and change it..."

"Damn it! Wang Junyang, you are truly an internationally renowned double standard! I just told you to change and you won't change... woo woo woo..."

Ding Yi pushed his glasses and pointed at Wang Junyang to complain to Ding Miao and Song Qiaoxi with his oily fingers. In the next second, Wang Junyang shoved a handful of spiced beans into his mouth, making him speechless.

Ding Yi spent a long time trying to swallow the spiced beans in his mouth. He grabbed another piece of pork jerky, turned his head and handed it to Chu Jin. Have you been assigned a class?"

"I don't want to eat it, thank you." Chu Jin waved his hand, raised his head from the book, and glanced at Song Qiaoxi, "I will experiment with the first class, and Song Qiaoxi will experiment with the second class."

Song Qiaoxi nodded, turned her head and asked Wang Junyang, "Miaomiao is also in the same class, how many classes does Wang Junyang have?"

"I'm in class thirteen."

Wang Junyang didn't even look at her, just grabbed something and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Come on, then we are brothers and sisters in trouble, and no one is there to accompany us. Sister Miao and Chu can all be companions."

Supporting her cheeks with her hands, Song Qiaoxi sighed.

"Xixi, there are acquaintances in your class, and Zhao Xin is also in the second experimental class." Ding Miao glanced at her and whispered.

"Oh, how do you know?" Song Qiaoxi asked in surprise.

"Oh, he gave me a haircut this morning..." Ding Miao's eyes were a little erratic, then he handed Song Qiaoxi a peanut candy as if changing the subject, and glanced at Chu Jin, "Don't worry, Xi Xi, I will definitely help you look after Chu Jin in the first experimental class."

Song Qiaoxi was perplexed, she blinked her eyes and looked at Ding Miao, and asked ignorantly, "Why are you looking at him? Where is Chu Jinneng going, he won't grow wings and fly... "

At this time, Ding Yi put his head over mysteriously, and said to Song Qiaoxi as if he was "answering questions": "Xixi, you don't know this, right? I heard that the beautiful and handsome guy from your foreign language school is out. There are many famous people, especially in the experimental class. They all say that the girls in the experimental class are beautiful and good at learning. Think about it, Chu Jin has been the class curator of our normal school for so many years, isn't it very dangerous to go to foreign languages? "

"There are many good-looking girls and handsome boys? What's the matter, isn't it a good thing, why is it dangerous?"

Song Qiaoxi was still bewildered, and asked Ding Yi seriously.

"Okay, Ding Yi, we Xixi are so innocent, we can't be ruined by you." Ding Miao rolled her eyes at Ding Yi, "The comic books you read recently can be hidden, and when Dad finds out, he beats him carefully. Break your leg."

Ding Yi shrank his neck guiltily.

Song Qiaoxi found a comic book next to Ding Yi's chair, with "Humanoid Computer Angel Heart" written on the cover. Just as she was about to take a look, she was hugged by Ding Miao's big sister's shoulders.

Ding Miao pulled Xixi to her side, she touched Song Qiaoxi's long soft hair, and said with a smile, "Don't listen to my stinky brother, don't follow him to read those cartoons, I was just kidding, Don't take it seriously, don't worry, Sister Miao will also protect you."

"It's not..." Song Qiaoxi couldn't say it, she always felt something strange.

The topics of several children after that, from the first step of the Harry Potter series "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", which will be released in November 2002, to the stack of Taiwan idol drama VCDs that Song Qiaoxi brought back from Beijing.

Song Qiaoxi is like a treasure, holding a stack of CDs brought back from Beijing, learning to buy CDs for his friends, "These films are really good, they are different from the TV dramas we usually watch, even my dad and I. Mom likes to watch it, but our family doesn't like to watch it."

When Song Qiaoxi said "our family", she didn't notice the subtle expressions on the faces of several friends...


September 2, 2002 was the first day of the junior middle school of Qizhou Foreign Language School.

On the first day of school, Wang Junyang's mother took the initiative to ask Ying to drive her luxury imported Passat to send their four children who were admitted to foreign languages to school.

Wang's mother also dropped by. It happened that the foreign language school was very close to her beauty salon head office.

Qizhou Foreign Language School is farther from the newspaper compound than the Second Affiliated High School of Normal University. Fortunately, there is a direct bus, and the Foreign Language School provides lunch at noon.

The school will arrange for students to take a lunch break in the classroom at noon, or use the lunch break to participate in club activities.

In this way, several children only use two trips a day to go to and from school, and it is also safe to take a company together.

Ding Yi was the only member of the Little Five People's Gang who did not pass the foreign language test.

Early in the morning, Ding Yi rode the new variable-speed mountain bike that Ding's father bought for him, and went to school proudly.

This kid has no regrets that he didn't learn a foreign language. According to his words, "I am a Chinese, so I don't have the extra time to learn bird language!"

Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin were still carrying the Jansport schoolbag that Song's father bought from Hong Kong. After thanking Wang's mother, several children got out of the car and entered the campus of the foreign language school with the large army, officially starting their junior high school life.

In the eyes of adolescent boys and girls, the most important reason for the reputation of foreign languages is not the excellent English teaching, nor the free and loose school spirit, colorful club activities, nor the high application rate of key universities.

It's a foreign language school with the best-looking uniforms in Qizhou.

In 2002, the school uniforms of primary and secondary schools in Qizhou were generally loose sportswear with rough materials and rustic colors, which were too ugly to look at.

No matter how good-looking adolescent boys and girls, wearing sports clothes like sacks, there is no "youth" at all.

The uniforms of foreign language schools are customized according to height and weight.

It is divided into three types: the opening ceremony, the weekly flag-raising ceremony, formal dresses that need to be worn on major occasions, daily casual suits, and sportswear, each of which is divided into two styles: summer and winter.

This year in September in Qizhou, it was a bit cold in the morning and evening, and the school required you to wear a formal dress on the first day of school.

The tops of boys and girls are similar, except for the tailoring. They are all navy blue Japanese-style slim suits with white patterns on the collar and cuffs of the suits.

The girls' inner wear is a round-neck white shirt with a dark red and navy blue striped collar, while the boys' inner wear is a pointed-neck white shirt with a dark red and navy blue striped tie.

The girls on the lower body are gray thin woolen pleated skirts, the boys are trousers of the same color as the uniform top, the shoes of the formal dress are also uniform black leather shoes, and the girls have an extra pair of navy blue stockings.

I have to say that people rely on clothes and horses and saddles. Several twelve or three-year-old children are already delicate and cute, and wearing this uniform looks even more elegant.

In particular, Song Qiaoxi and Chu Jin have gained the attention of many students of the same school along the way.

The first experimental class of the first year of junior high school is in the classroom on the east side of the first floor. The second and first experimental classes are next to each other, and the two classrooms are separated by a wall. The rest of the ordinary classes, classes 2 to 18, are taught on the west side. building.

Wang Junyang separated from them first and went to the west teaching building.

Ding Miao whispered to Song Qiaoxi before entering the classroom, "Xixi, several people just said that you look like a girl from an anime."

"Clam?" Song Qiaoxi was obviously not used to being the "focus" in the crowd. She stroked her hair a little embarrassedly, "Miaomiao, is that good or bad?"

"Of course it's good. I read the school post in advance. It is estimated that when the club recruits new students in the afternoon, the senior sister of the hot dance club and the senior sister of the basketball baby are going to steal your head for you."

Ding Miao smiled and poked her cheek, looking at her like a little sister who didn't know the world.

When talking about the club, Song Qiaoxi came to the spirit, "The club recruits new members in the afternoon? Then I'm going to the photography club. Miaomiao, which club do you want to sign up for?"

"I want to sign up for the debate club." Ding Miao said, pushing her glasses.

Across Ding Miao, Song Qiaoxi asked Chu Jin, who was standing at the door of the classroom and attracted the attention of many girls, "Chu Jin, what club do you want to sign up for?"

"I'm not interested, I won't report anything." Chu Jin said lightly, shaking his head.

"Yes, I guess you will soon be caught by the math teacher for a competition..." Song Qiaoxi stuck out her tongue and waved at Chu Jin and Ding Miao, "Then we'll see you after school!"

Clenching the strap of her schoolbag with both hands, Song Qiaoxi stepped into the classroom of the second class of the experiment.

On the first day of school, the children who have just entered junior high school are generally a little shy. Except for a few classmates who already know each other talking in a low voice, the class is not as noisy as the elementary school recess.

She found an empty seat and sat down, putting her schoolbag in the hole of the table, feeling a little uneasy.

Suddenly, aware that someone behind her was poking her in the back, Song Qiaoxi turned her head and saw that she was a cute little girl with red cheeks and chubby flesh, with a hairstyle like noodles in clear soup.

The little girl was lying on the desk and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Qiu Mengmeng, can I be your friend?"

"Hello, my name is Song Qiaoxi, of course I can."

Song Qiaoxi smiled at Qiu Mengmeng. The little girl at the back table reminded her of herself when she was a child. Maybe apart from her hairstyle, she has always been such a cute and cute image in the eyes of others, right

"Song Qiaoxi, you look so good-looking, do you have curly hair? Someone said, do you look like a foreigner!"

Qiu Mengmeng was about to be dazed by Song Qiaoxi's laughter, she stretched out her hand, touched Song Qiaoxi's hair, and said enviously.

Between adolescent girls, just a few words can build trust and goodwill.

Song Qiaoxi smiled and said, "Thank you Mengmeng, you are also very beautiful. My hair is curly, and I envy your straight hair. I'll tell you secretly, I kind of want to do an ion perm to straighten my hair. ... "

After a while, Zhao Xin also walked into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, Song Qiaoxi saw this old acquaintance at a glance, and hurriedly waved him to sit over.

From today, Zhao Xin has become Song Qiaoxi's new roommate.

Soon, Song Qiaoxi mingled with the classmates who were sitting nearby.

When the head teacher Qi came to the classroom and asked the students to introduce themselves, the students in the class were even more surprised that Song Qiaoxi, who was as beautiful as a fairy in the second experimental class, was actually the first place in their class entrance exam!

After a whole day, Song Qiaoxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The experimental class has a strong learning atmosphere and healthy competition. The classmates in the class are very friendly, and the teachers' teaching styles are very diverse.

She really likes the foreign language school, the free and relaxed teaching atmosphere. In the foreign language class, she doesn't even need to raise her hand and wait for the teacher to call her name when answering questions. She can ask questions directly.

Everything in junior high school was a new experience for Song Qiaoxi.

But the freshness has passed. When she is between classes, she will always unconsciously think of Chu Jin and Ding Miao from the experimental class next door, and Wang Junyang from class 13, who is a little far away from them. She doesn't know her partner. On the first day of our first day of school, is everything going well

When it came to the club recruitment time in the afternoon, Song Qiaoxi neatly packed her schoolbag and prepared to go to the experimental class to find Chu Jin and Ding Miao.

A few friends made an appointment in Wang's mother's car. After class, they would go to the club recruiting meeting in the basketball hall together, and then take the bus home together.

"Song Qiaoxi..." fellow tablemate Zhao Xin stopped her in a low voice and asked a little embarrassedly, "Do you know what club Ding Miao wants to sign up for?"

Song Qiaoxi had already stood up, stopped and turned around and said to Zhao Xin, "Ah, Miaomiao told me that you want to sign up for the debate club, do you have any clubs you want to join? Come and see with us, all clubs are recruiting new members today. The events are all in the school's indoor basketball hall, and you can sign up today and tomorrow."

"No, no, let's go, the debate club, right?"

Zhao Xin shook his head, smiled shyly, and confirmed it again.

"Well, I'm sure." Song Qiaoxi nodded, remembering Uncle Zhao's entrustment in Beijing, and then said, "By the way, Zhao Xin, your father asked me to tell you that if you need him, you can contact him more. I didn't go to Beijing during the summer vacation, Uncle Zhao has always been thinking about you, how about a phone call with him if you have time? I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

Zhao Xin lowered his head, "Oh, thank you, I see, see you tomorrow."

When Song Qiaoxi walked out of the front door of the second experimental class, she saw Chu Jin with a schoolbag on one shoulder, leaning on the railing and waiting for her.

Seeing her come out, she raised her chin to Song Qiaoxi and called her softly, but she didn't hear the sound, only from the shape of her mouth, she could tell that Chu Jin was calling "Xixi".

Every time she called her nickname, she seemed to be smiling, and the corners of his beautiful peach blossom eyes and mouth were all curved.

I don't know why, but it's okay not to see Chu Jin, but Song Qiaoxi's chest swelled a little for no reason when she saw him.

It seems that since school started...

She and Chu Jin had indeed not been separated for such a long time.

But in just a second, Song Qiaoxi returned to the way she used to play foolishly when she was a child. She remembered her promise to herself, "Learn to grow up".

Song Qiaoxi jumped like a little rabbit to Chu Jin's side, bumped his shoulder against his arm, and asked with a relaxed smile, "How was the first day of school? Classmate Chu, who is the first in the experimental class?"

The smile at the corner of Chu Jin's eyes deepened, as if seeing her, his mood became extraordinarily bright.

But Chu Jin didn't answer her, but instead asked directly, "Song, who is the first in the second experimental class, how was your first day?"

"I think..." Song Qiaoxi looked up at him and said with a smile, "It's good, the classmates are very nice and friendly, and Zhao Xin and I are at the same table, and we are acquaintances of the primary school attached to the normal school. Like you said, I'm so good, I have to believe in myself, I can shine just as well in the second class of the experiment, right?"

"That's good." A meaningful smile flashed across Chu Jin's eyes.

Suddenly, I felt that something was not right. It was obviously the question she asked first, so how could it be that she reported the situation to Chu Jin

Song Qiaoxi didn't want to suffer a loss, and hurriedly asked, "What about you, sigh, where did Miaomiao go, why haven't you come yet?"

"Ding Miao is the monitor now. I'm going to the teacher's office. I'll come over in a while." After Chu Jin finished speaking, he pursed his pale lips, lowered his head slightly, and said in a voice so soft that only two people could hear, "Actually, today, I have a little Not used to..."

After speaking, Chu Jin tugged at the black schoolbag strap with one hand and tilted his head to glance at the schoolbag.

"What's not used to? You are so strong. When you were in elementary school, you did the math Olympiad in junior high and high school. How could you not be used to it... "

Song Qiaoxi's mouth was flat, not believing that Chu Jin said that he was not used to the junior high school curriculum.

Following him to preview the science knowledge points for a summer vacation, Song Qiaoxi felt that she could completely follow the teacher's ideas after one day of class.

"..." Chu Jin was amused by her, and shook his head while laughing, as if he heard something funny.

His thick eyelashes drooped down, casting a shadow under his eyes, making it difficult for Song Qiaoxi to see his eyes.

I don't get it, what's so funny

What you say is the truth!

With the sound of hurried footsteps, a tall girl with short hair and glasses ran from the direction of the teacher's office, waving at Song Qiaoxi and shouting, "Xixi, wait for me, I'll go back to the classroom to get my schoolbag!"

"Okay, don't worry, Miaomiao." I haven't seen Sister Miao for a day, and Song Qiaoxi also misses her very much, watching Ding Miao's back rushing into the classroom of the first experimental class and beckoning.

After the three of them met, they went to the gate of Class Thirteen to call Wang Junyang, and went to the club recruiting club on the indoor basketball court.

Wang Junyang got along like a duck in water in the new class. According to him, he also got the name of "class grass", although he was immediately ridiculed by the two little girls mercilessly.

The club recruiting club in the basketball court is very lively. There are small "vendors" made of desks. All clubs do their best to recruit freshmen in the first grade.

Song Qiaoxi had a clear goal and directly signed up for the photography club. Ding Miao went to line up the registration team for the debate club. Not to mention, the debate club was really hot and there were a lot of people in line.

Wang Junyang had no interest in the club. He was about to sign up for the school basketball team, so he and Chu Jin followed the two girls and wandered around boredly.

After the two girls signed up, the "Little Five People" who was missing one person was about to leave the basketball hall when they were suddenly surrounded by two groups of girls.

A group of girls are dressed in a typical Korean style. The upper body is full of black tight-fitting cuties, and the lower body is wearing the most popular big fat pants in the millennium. The pants are all hung with metal-colored trousers chains, and some are hanging down. Silver stars, some with gold sequins.

Another group of girls dressed like cheerleading uniforms from American TV shows. The tops were blue and white with a foreign language logo, and the lower body was a short white skirt.

Standing stunned, Song Qiaoxi nervously grabbed the sleeve of Chu Jin's school uniform with one hand and Ding Miao's hand with the other.

"Junior girl, come and join our dance club. I think your conditions are very good. Our dance club will be arranging "Barabara Cherry Blossoms" this semester, and it will be the finale show at Christmas!"

The senior sister dressed in the Korean style grabbed Song Qiaoxi's arm, separated her from her friends, and said affectionately.

Not to be outdone, the senior student in the cheerleading uniform grabbed Song Qiaoxi's other arm and said, "What are you going to do in a dance club, they're just going to perform for Christmas, come and join our basketball baby, school girl! Foreign Language School, Experimental High School, Normal School II In every game of these foreign schools, there is a performance by our basketball baby, and our foreign-language basketball baby is the most famous!"

"Of course the junior goes to our dance club. We fell in love with this junior as soon as she entered the school in the morning. She is the class flower of the second experimental class!"

"The class is good. Every class has to dance basketball baby. Such a cute school girl must join our basketball baby!"

Soon, the two teams were arguing over Song Qiaoxi, and in the entire basketball court, the eyes of the students were unconsciously focused on the few of them.

"Senior sisters!" Song Qiaoxi couldn't help raising her voice and pulled out her arms from their hands.

The arguing Hot Dance Club Senior Sister and Basketball Baby Senior Sister finally quieted down.

Song Qiaoxi showed an embarrassed but polite smile. She summed up the language and wanted to tell them that she really didn't know how to dance.

When I was in elementary school, I applied for a dance class on a whim, but dancing was too hard, and it took her life just to do the splits.

Since then, Song Qiaoxi has no other dance experience except for the children's dances like "Growing the Sun" and "There is a Girl" in school on Children's Day every year because of his position as a literary and art committee member.

Before he could open his mouth, he heard a familiar voice, "Isn't this Song Qiaoxi from our class? The teacher has a suggestion for you, choose one of the two clubs. These two clubs are among the top clubs in the school. After class, many classmates and I recommended them. You are a literary committee member. Give us a sample for the second experimental class, but you can't lose the people from the experimental class. "

The person who came is Teacher Qi, the head teacher of the second experimental class. She is responsible for maintaining the order of students in the club recruiting club today.

"Mr. Qi, do you have to choose one? But, I really don't know how to dance..."

Song Qiaoxi said in embarrassment.

With her "three-legged cat" level of dancing, it would be a shame to let her dance difficult basketball babies or hip-hop.

But being held there by the head teacher, it suddenly became that if she didn't choose one of these two clubs today, it would be very difficult to end it.

At this time, Wang Junyang stood up from the crowd and said sincerely: "Xixi, go play basketball baby, I'm going to sign up for the school basketball team..."

The senior sister of the Hot Dance Club took the opportunity to say: "Xixi Xixi, "Bara Balla Cherry Blossom" is not difficult at all, it is very easy to learn, their basketball baby is very difficult, and they have to do backflips and carefully break their necks.. . . . "

Song Qiaoxi felt a chill down her spine when she was told by the senior sister of the Hot Dance Club, and hurriedly reached out to touch the back of her neck.

In these two societies, if you really choose one, Song Qiaoxi already has the answer in her heart.

She looked for Ding Miao's figure in the crowd, Song Qiaoxi saw Chu Jin lowered her head and said a few words to Ding Miao, Ding Miao nodded, as if to agree.

Then, Sister Miao came over and said in her ear, "Just choose Hot Dance Club, you can use it as an exercise to enhance your physique."

Hearing that her little best friend had the same choice as her own, Song Qiaoxi strengthened her choice, turned around and said to the head teacher Qi, "Mr. Qi, let me go to the Hot Dance Club..."

In the cheers of the seniors from the Hot Dance Club, she folded her hands together and apologized to the seniors of the basketball baby, "Sister, the basketball baby is really difficult, I'm sorry, sorry..."

It was so inexplicable that on the first day of Song Qiaoxi's foreign language school, in addition to joining the photography club, he also joined the dance club.

The bus home came, and four little friends filed in.

"Di, student card."

At this time in the afternoon, the car was not very crowded, and there were two vacancies in the back of the car.

Chu Jin motioned for Song Qiaoxi and Ding Miao to sit down, and he and Wang Junyang were on one side, protecting the two girls.

The first day of junior high school life was novel and exciting for Song Qiaoxi, and it took a lot of energy.

The bus to go home takes about 40 minutes, and the body is shaking. She soon felt sleepy and her head became numb little by little.

Ding Miao was always in good spirits. Song Qiaoxi saw that she took out English extracurricular readings from her schoolbag and looked at them, so she gave up the idea of sleeping on Miaomiao's shoulder, for fear of disturbing her sister Miao's reading.

He yawned, closed his eyes, and leaned his head toward the hard window glass on the left.

What's strange is that Song Qiaoxi didn't feel the window frame of his head. The touch of his head was soft, and the tip of his nose could smell a very familiar smell.

Isn't it sleepy enough to have hallucinations

But this taste, she will not admit wrong.

During the entire six years of elementary school, whenever Song Qiaoxi was sleepy and tired, her deskmate would take out a cotton sweater from the hole in the table, fold it into a small pillow and hand it to her.

The smell of that pure cotton sweater is the smell of Chu Jin...