Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 29


When Lin Mu woke up the next morning, what caught his eyes was an unusually handsome face. And the owner of the face is still smiling gently at himself. So Lin Mu covered the other's face with his hand after being obsessed for a while, don't think that using the beauty trick early in the morning can make me see what happened to you yesterday.

Lin Mu sat up and took up the blanket, exposing Patrik's strong chest to the air.

Lin Mu has always been envious of Patrik's figure, and now he has added some obsession, so in order not to indulge in it, he moved his eyes unnaturally and focused on the other person's face, "I think you You should have something to tell me."

Patrik nodded.

Lin Mu looked at him.

Patric looked into Lin Mu's eyes and said seriously: "Mu Mu, you missed breakfast again."

"Who told you to say this?" Lin Mu wanted to hear Patrik apologize to him, and then he would forgive him generously, and made his own request by the way, not to mess with himself again in the future. Lin Mu heard from Phil that the orcs are the most important promises.

Patrik pretended to think for a while, and then said: "The fur beast I gave you is safe, and will not be secretly eaten by Sasha."

"It's not this either. Think about why you beat me with furry beasts." Lin Mu guided.

"Because the meat of the furry beast is delicious."

"No, think about the other name of the furry beast." Lin Mu gritted his teeth, Patrik was too uncooperative.

Patrik stopped talking, just looked at Lin Mu and smiled.

"What are you laughing at? Do you know that you want to ask my forgiveness, huh? You have to say sorry to me, and then I have to make conditions with you, understand? You are so stupid."

Patrik nodded seriously, "Mumu is the smartest."

Seeing Patrik's smiling face, Lin Mu couldn't help pinching his neck, "You must have done it on purpose, on purpose."

Patric laughed and laughed with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was so tired that he lay on Patrik's body directly. Patric pulled Lin Mu to his chest, then held the other's face, and lightly licked his lips.

Lin Mu immediately covered his mouth, and looked at Patrik, who was smiling like a stealing cat, with wide eyes, "You are so perverted!"

Lin Mu hurriedly got out of bed, preparing to stay away from Patrik, who knows what advantage he will take from him if he stays any longer.

Lin Mu felt much better when he got out of bed. It seemed that those medicines were quite useful, and it was not in vain for him to make such a big determination to drink it.

When Lin Mu went out, he saw that there were not many orcs in the hall. Just as he was going to look for someone in Lai Si's room, he saw two wet little guys coming in.

He hurriedly went to the towel to wipe their bodies. He first wrapped the ball with animal skin, and then freed up one hand to help Ka Suo wipe his body.

"Why are you two drenched? Where did you go to play?" He said and put the towel on the shelf, when he saw the small bag dragging behind Ka Suo. When Lin Mu opened it, it was full of salt. "I didn't expect Patrik to hand over the task of fetching salt to Ka Suo and the others." Lin Mu thought to himself while rubbing the small heads of Qiuqiu and Ka Suo. Thinking about it now, although Patric found the salt, he didn't tell the people in the clan the exact location of the salt, and now he just asked Ka Suo and his two little ones to get the salt, and he didn't know what his plan was.

Lin Mu picked up the bag of salt, and picked up Qiuqiu casually, "Qiaoqiu, why are you getting fat again? You should learn from Ka Suo. You can see that he hasn't changed his figure after eating so much."

Ka Suo was not happy with Lin Mu's compliment, but looked at Qiuqiu worriedly. He could imagine how Qiuqiu would vent his anger on himself.

Lin Mu didn't know Ka Suo's psychology, he put the ball on the stove, "Stay there obediently, I'll find you something to eat."

Lin Mu rummaged around, and found some leftover barbecue and some dried meat. There are also three hard-boiled eggs. This egg was comparable to an ostrich egg, he peeled one and divided it into two for Qiuqiu and Ka Suo.

"You guys eat first." He said, sliced the barbecue meat, chopped a green onion and ginger, added some "vinegar" and salt, mixed well, tasted it, the sour taste was moderate, and added the green onion and ginger, it tasted very good . Speaking of vinegar, Lin Mu was worried that there would be no more vinegar to eat after hearing from Phil that the sweet fruit would become very sweet in autumn. When Lin Mu first discovered the properties of sweet fruit, he saved three bamboo tubes of sweet fruit juice. Because of the haste, the "vinegar" in a bamboo tube was blocked by other food, and I didn't notice it for a while. When Lin Mu realized that the number of bamboo tubes was three instead of two, it was half a month later. But to Lin Mu's surprise, not only did the "vinegar" taste not deteriorate, but it became stronger. The fact that the sweet juice can be stored for a long time really made Lin Mu happy. He didn't use up the "vinegar" in the bamboo tube. He wanted to test how long the shelf life of the juice was.

Lin Mu fed Qiuqiu a piece of meat, then hugged Qiuqiu in his arms, and said to Ka Suo at his feet, "Go to your room."

Lin Mu sat on the edge of the bed and watched Qiuqiu eating so ferociously.

He didn't dare to argue with him, but luckily Qiuqiu still had a little conscience, he knew how to wave his little paw to invite Ka Suo to eat together, but he pushed Ka Suo away just by eating.

Lin Mu stroked Ka Suo's fur, and looked at Ka Suo's room. The room was divided into two, with a bed on one side, and a lot of animal skins on the corners of each inner wall.

Lin Mu looked at the beautiful wooden bed that was different from others, it was obviously Misha's. There were neatly folded sheets on the bed. The bed of Ka Suo and his son is much more casual.

When Lin Mu looked back at Ka Suo and the others, the wooden bowl was already empty, and Qiu Qiu lay comfortably on the bed, licking his little paws and humming, while Ka Suo lay next to it.

Lin Mu stroked Qiuqiu's round belly in a funny way, "What a glutton."

Lin Mu rubbed Ka Suo's head again, "You little bastard, you have kidnapped our family's Qiuqiu, and you have been in love with playing with you all day, even forgetting me as the master." Lin Mu's tone was sour Yes, when he first moved into the house, he thought that Qiuqiu would live with him. He even deliberately made a comfortable nest for it, but he was directly abandoned as his master and went to sleep in the big bed with Ka Suo. Lin Mu didn't think that Qiuqiu didn't want to be with him because he didn't have a bed. In his heart, it was the result of Ka Suo hooking up with his family Qiuqiu.

Lin Mu looked at the two cubs wanting to sleep, helped them pull up the sheets, and walked out of the room gently. He didn't see that Damon and Matt should go hunting after all. As for Misha, she should still be learning how to make clothes with Lais and the others. That kid has such a cheerful personality, but learning how to make clothes has a lot of stamina.

When Lin Mu came to the hall, he saw Patrik sitting on a bench talking to other orcs. Seeing him coming, he walked over with a smile, "Are you hungry, I'll make you something to eat."

It is a great honor for the patriarch to cook for himself, but he is not hungry now, shaking his head, "You talk, I will go to Phil and the others."

"I'll make barbecue for you at noon."

Lin Mu felt that although he felt much better, could he really eat barbecue now? Patric, you're not trying to frame me, are you? Suspect. Although he complained so badly in his heart, he also knew that Patrik really loved him. If he wanted barbecue, he would definitely be able to eat it.

Hearing the light laughter of those orcs, Lin Mu suddenly thought of the forgiveness beast, and Lin Mu smiled stiffly. Now it is obvious that they all know. It's not good to live together, and all desires are gone.

Although he knew that their smiles were not malicious in the slightest, it didn't mean that Lin Mu could stand it. He hurried to Lace's room after talking to Patric.

Lin Mu felt relieved to see them busy leisurely. He sat directly beside the bed, snatched the wooden bowl from Sasha's hand, picked up the grape inside and ate one, knowing that Sasha would enjoy it the most.

"Lin Mu, why do you grab my food every time?" Sasha reached into the bowl.

Lin Mu spat out the grape skins, "Because only you have delicious food here. You are the most leisurely."

Lin Mu's words made Sasha feel so innocent. I just hate making clothes in the rainy season.

Phil reminded, "Lin Mu, that was specially sent by Locke for Sasha." Phil felt that he used the word "specially" very well. Sure enough, Lin Mu almost choked after hearing his words.

Lin Mu is embarrassing, thinking about the tall and burly Locke washing grapes, it is similar to Zhang Fei picking bean sprouts.

"Sasha, I was wrong. I shouldn't eat these grapes. How can I eat the kindness that Locke gave you. I was wrong, I was really wrong. I'll go and ask Locke to wash you some more. "

"No need, just give me back what's in your hand." Sasha snorted.

Lin Muzang, "How can this work? I'll ask Locke to wash it for you again." He said loudly, "Locke, Sasha is looking for you."

In the next second, Locke appeared in the room, with a rough expression on his face but gentle dripping, "Sasha, what do you want from me?"

Sasha stammered and said, "No..."

Lin Mu interrupted Sasha, "Actually, it's nothing. Just now Sasha talked to us about becoming a partner. He didn't know when you were going to hold a ceremony with him, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so I asked you to come in and ask." .”

Locke was excited, "Sasha, what Lin Mu said is true? You are willing to be my partner."

Sasha wanted to say no, this was just a joke made by Lin Mu. But looking at the hope in Locke's eyes, Sasha remained silent. At this time, silence is acquiescence, and acquiescence is agreement. Locke immediately went forward to hug Sasha, and then said with a hey smile to the others that they had to go back and discuss the matter of becoming a partner, and then took him away regardless of Sasha's resistance.

Lin Mu waved to Sasha, and then made a sign of the cross on his chest, "May God bless you, Amen."

Phil and Rice watched in amazement.

Phil, "How did you lie to Locke?"

Lin Mu picked up Phil's fruit, "Lloyd didn't prepare this one for you, did it?"

Phil shook his head, "I washed it myself."

Lin Mu took a bite, and continued, "I lied in good faith. Look, how effective it was, and it made a couple so quickly."

Lais smiled and shook her head helplessly, "It seems that Sasha will also lie in bed for a day."

"It's okay, he's free anyway, and I can prepare some good medicine for him." It seems that even if you don't give clothes to the beastman, it's easy to turn into a beast. Lin Mu was happy that he was no longer the only one being persecuted.

Misha didn't know what they were talking about. It seemed that Sasha and Locke were going to form a partner. It was great to find an orc who loved her, so she continued to bury herself in making clothes.