Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 3: Orcs? cross!


Lin Mu was immersed in the smell of fish and did not notice that the animals not far away were becoming restless. Lin Mu, who put all his heart and soul on the fish, happily watched the fish on the branch become edible little by little. He happily put the grilled fish on the leaves and cut it up, but when he was about to eat, he was stunned because he raised his head indifferently.

Wolf, a very big wolf, a giant silver wolf as tall as an elephant! Lin Mu was very angry, angry that he could finally have a good meal, but suddenly found that he was someone else's food! Looking at the giant wolf looking at him with green eyes in front of him, Lin Mu knew that he was doomed today. Lin Mu knew that no matter whether he was fighting the giant wolf or racing against it, he had no chance of defeating it. So Lin Mu stared fiercely at the giant wolf in front of him and bit the fish in his hand with infinite resentment. Not to mention that he was going to be a hungry ghost, he couldn't leave the fish that he had roasted so hard. For enemies who want to eat themselves.

While paying attention to the giant wolf and eating fish quickly, Lin Mu found that the silver wolf was just sitting not far from him and watching him, not showing a fierce face and preparing to attack him. It wasn't until Lin Mu finished eating a fish that Silver Wolf stood up. Seeing this scene, Lin Mu couldn't help but vomit in his heart. Could it be that he still pays attention to human rights and is going to make himself a full-fledged ghost? Lin Mu admired himself for being able to think wildly under such circumstances.

Just when Lin Mu was about to die generously, he saw the giant silver wolf roaring towards the sky.

Is he calling his companions, and has he the virtue of giving food to his companions? Thinking that he was about to be divided and eaten, Lin Mu couldn't help shaking. If the wolf could understand human words, Lin Mu would definitely discuss it with it and let the other party solve him. He was really afraid. pain.

After a while, Lin Mu felt that the sky suddenly darkened, and he couldn't help but look up at the sky. If possible, Lin Mu really wanted to let many people see what he saw now.

There are more than a dozen huge bodies flying in the sky, the head of which is a giant snake more than 30 meters long, with two pairs of huge black wings connected with the black snake body, very similar to the Mayan snake god described in the novel. Then there was a huge centipede more than 50 meters long. The centipede had no wings, which made Lin Mu wonder how he could fly in the air. A snow-white tiger flapped its huge wings. Lin Mu was worried about whether his wings could bear his body because his body was a circle bigger than an elephant. He was really afraid that it would fall and hit him. Lin Mu looked at the flying lions, leopards, wolves... each one was so huge that he was shocked. So when a dozen huge animals surrounded him, Lin Mu was puzzled. Obviously, such a small one is not enough for them to squeeze between their teeth. Fortunately, Lin Mu was thinking wildly, otherwise he would have been stunned to death by such huge creatures.

When the animals turned into two-meter-tall people in front of him, Lin Mu realized that there is no most shocking thing, only more shocking ones.

"You are... goblins?!" Lin Mu shouted loudly to express his...excitement. Yes, excited, he thought he would be dismembered, although he may still not be able to escape the fate of dismembering, but no matter how he also saw the legendary 'fairy', his life was not in vain. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see goblins.

Patric looked at the excited little female in front of him, and couldn't help frowning on his expressionless face.

Lal, with flamboyant red hair, laughed and said to Patry, "Yo Yo, boss, look what I see. A beautiful little female."

Lin Mu is indeed very handsome. With a slender figure, fair skin, and exquisite facial features, he resembled his mother, and his slightly long hair made him look even more handsome. However, the height of 170 seems extremely petite in front of these tall figures who are often more than two meters high.

"Hey, little female, guess who we are?" Lal looked at Lin Mu's little face flushed with excitement, and couldn't help but want to tease him.

Lin Mu watched the red-haired man talking to himself, he was very handsome, and the sunny image was the type that many girls liked. "I know, you are all fairies."

"Fairy? We are not fairies, we are beasts." After speaking, he pretended to be very scary. The people around him all had expressionless faces because of his words.

"What are wandering beasts? Why can you become humans if you are not fairies?" Lin Mu was puzzled by Lal's words.

Lal saw that Lin Mu's doubts didn't seem to be feigned. After all, if they heard them say that they were wandering beasts, most females would be very scared and look like they wanted to eat them.

"An orc can transform, don't you know?" Lal wondered where the other party came from.

"Beastmen?! You mean you are people who can turn into beasts." Lin Mu prayed in his heart that it was not what he thought, "What era is this?"

"Hehe, little female, where did you come from? You don't even know the age of the orcs. We are orcs and can transform. And you, a female, can give birth to us cubs." Said With a malicious laugh, several orcs also laughed.

Seeing Lin Mu's distraught appearance, Patrik told them to shut up with a cold face. "We are resting here today. Lal, you take people to hunt now."

Lin Mu didn't care what they were doing, but just sat by his fire in a daze. Is this considered crossing? should never come back

went. Think about the forest that has never been out, isn't it so strange

Lin Mu didn't know how to describe his current mood, both fear and relief. It is impossible to leave the familiar world and come to this completely strange world without fear. But he felt relieved to have escaped from the world with people who wanted to kill him all the time. He didn't know how to face Lin Yu, and he didn't want to face his father. Now that I think about it, I have escaped from there.

When Lin Mu pulled out of his thoughts, those orcs were busy with their own affairs. Gather firewood, light a fire, and deal with game. Lin Mu was not interested in those bloody things, so he didn't watch what animals they hunted. It just feels bulky.

After looking at the remaining fish, Lin Mu decided to grill it. While distracted and turning the fish in his hand, Lin Mu suddenly saw a little guy next to him. A chubby little wolf with blue-gray fur and a white ring around its neck. Watching it staring at its own fish motionless, very cute little guy. Lin Mu smiled.

"Want to eat fish?" As he spoke, he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch it, but saw the little guy baring his teeth at him. Lin Mu was not afraid, he knew very well that the wolf in front of him was no ordinary wolf. So I touched it boldly. The fur was so soft that Lin Mu couldn't help but hugged the little wolf in his arms, ravaging it with one hand. "Hehe, you are also what they call an orc, right? Transform yourself and let me see."

The little wolf ignored him, but just looked at the fish on the branch.

"Show me the change, and I'll give you fish to eat. How about it?"

The little wolf turned his head to look at Lin Mu, and couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart, this female is really dumb.

Lin Mu felt that he was despised by the little wolf, and was very depressed.

"Caso is only one year old, and he can't transform yet." Patrik's cold voice sounded behind Lin Mu.

Patric felt that this female was very special, and his eyes couldn't help following him. He knew what this emotion represented, but the wandering beast didn't have the power of a female.

Lin Mu raised his head and looked at the man in front of him. He had long jet-black hair that was loosely scattered on his back. The pair of dark eyes on the stern face seemed to have a magical power that made people unable to help but sink into them.

Lin Mu withdrew his gaze, "Then... Ka Suo, when can he transform?"

"Little orcs can only transform when they are three years old. Don't you really know that?"

Lin Mu shook his head, how could he know.

Doubt flashed in Patric's eyes, "Where did you come from?"

"I know where my home is, I just don't know why

it's here. Lin Mu cut up the fish in his hand for the little wolf to eat by himself, and said, "When I woke up, I was in this forest. Just haven't gone out yet, but I don't think I'll ever go back. "He forced a smile, and when he was about to eat a piece of meat, he saw Ka Suo licking his mouth with unsatisfactory expression.

" eat so fast." He couldn't help but rubbed Ka Suo's little head.

"Go and eat with us." Patrik felt that no matter what Lin Mu said was true or not, he decided to believe him first.

Lin Mu was dragged by the little Ka Suo to sit down at the place where Patric and the others had barbecue, and saw the little Ka Suo running to a rough-faced orc.

"That's Caso's father, Damon." Patric sat down beside Lin Mu and explained to him.

Lin Mu smiled and nodded to Damon. Although Damon was expressionless, he still nodded to Lin Mu as a greeting.

After handling the prey, Lal saw the little female sitting next to his boss, so he squeezed over and sat down next to him.

"Hey, little female, where are you going next? Back to your tribe? And which tribe are you from?"

"Don't call me a little female, I'm not a female, and I don't have any tribe." Lin Mu really can't stand being called a female, and he is obviously a man. As for where to go next, he didn't know. I have been trying to get out of the forest before, but now I know that the world has changed, even if I get out of the forest, I don't know where to go.

Seeing that Lin Mu's expression became a little lonely, Patric wanted to stop Lal from asking any more questions.

It's a pity that Lal is definitely not winking, "You are a female, tell me your name."

Lin Mu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Why did I tell you?"

"I told you my name, so you should tell me your name too. My name is Carl, and he is my elder brother Patric." He pointed to Patrik who was sitting on Lin Mu's right.

Lin Mu really admired Karl's thick skin. In fact, Lin Mu didn't know that every orc has a thick skin, because thick skin is a great weapon for orcs to pursue females.

"My name is Lin Mu." He took a bite of the meat that Patrik handed over, "Why didn't you add salt?"

Several orcs who were eating stopped to look at Lin Mu. "Is there something wrong?" Lin Mu looked at everyone and couldn't help asking, "Don't you have any salt?"

"Only recognized tribes are allowed to go to the salt lake to get salt. How can we be beasts have salt to eat?" Lal said angrily.

"Why can't wandering beasts work?"

The other orcs ate quietly, and only Lal said mockingly: "Because the beastmen are ominous orcs, they rob tribes, rape and prostitute females, and kill young males. Because we are beastmen, we do all kinds of evil, so heinous. Of course we will not be allowed to have salt."

Lin Mu looked at the orcs in front of him, and saw a child. It must be the female they said, leaning weakly in the arms of an orc to eat. That orc, he remembered, was the silver one. giant wolf.

"Did you do that? No, right?" Lin Mu felt that these people were not bad people.

"We have a robbery." Lal couldn't help curling his lips. After speaking, he ate in silence and stopped talking.

Lin Mu looked at Patry on the right, "I have some seasonings for barbecue, do you want to use them? I will eat them too." Lin Mu felt that they must be very wary of him, after all, many people want to Let them die.

Patric looked at Lin Mu who looked at him expectantly, "If anyone wants to eat."

Lin Mu smiled and took out the seasoning from his backpack, then cut some meat with a knife, cut it into slices and skewered it, and sprinkled some seasoning on it for roasting.

"I'll help you." Patrik took the meat skewers from Lin Mu.

Lal sniffed the seasoning that Lin Mu took out, "It smells weird, I'll try it." He wasn't afraid of being poisoned by this little female.

Lin Mu enjoyed dinner very much. Patrik is really good at barbecue, maybe it's because they only know how to cook barbecue.

Lal was the only one who used the seasoning. Lin Mu didn't blame them for not trusting him. After all, they were right to be careful. But Ka Suo the little wolf also ate it, and Damon didn't object, after all, Ka Suo had already eaten Lin Mu's grilled fish before he came and stopped him.

At night, they rested around the fire, guarded by orcs on duty, and Lin Mu felt that he could have a good night's sleep.

Just as Lin Mu was about to take out his clothes and lay them on the floor to sleep, an animal skin blanket appeared in front of him, looking at the tall orc in front of him.

"This is for you." Patric put down the animal skin and walked away.

Lin Mu spread out the blanket with a smile, and lay down on it comfortably. He closed his eyes and fell asleep in no time.