Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 31


Lin Mu was rolling on the bed bored. There was no entertainment in this world, no Internet, no games, and no novels. Now it's the rainy season and I can't go out. Phil and the others are okay, and they can still make some clothes and so on, but he is really incapable of clothes, so he can only give up in the end. Living a life of eating, sleeping and eating every day, Lin Mu felt that he was too decadent. He was a little envious of Lal, at least he would take Cohen out hunting when he was bored. Although he often robbed other people's jobs, he never got tired of it.

Look at Sasha who can entertain himself by himself. He is so envious. As long as he puts food beside him and has someone to accompany him, he can feel comfortable like a fairy. Thinking about it again, even Ka Suo and Qiuqiu, the two little ones, mysteriously disappear all day long. Lin Mu lay on the bed and sighed boredly. He seemed to be the only one in the whole tribe panicking.

Lin Mu sat up suddenly, startling Sasha. Phil and Lace were much calmer. For the situation that Lin Mu smoked so much every day, only Sasha was still in the mood to show a startled expression to cooperate.

Lin Mu took a grape and threw it into his mouth, "I need to find something for myself to do."

As soon as Lin Mu finished speaking, the other people couldn't help the black line. Lin Mu had said this sentence more than once.

For example, the day before yesterday:

He suddenly thought that he should make some gloves, they must use them when they go out to find food in autumn, to protect their hands. It turned out that his needlework was really bad, but he still had to challenge the difficult task of making all ten fingers, but the only finished product in the end was barely stuffed in. Phil and the others couldn't believe that none of the ten fingers were suitable, which is why Lin Mu has this ability. But they really think that gloves are very good, so they add gloves to their work. Although the orcs may not need them, since they do it, they must make their own orcs. Mu that share is also their task. So in the end Lin Mu found himself unemployed.

Another example is the day before yesterday:

Lin Mu found that his work was done by others, so he should find something else to do. So he thought of his own from the bare feet of the orcs. Although he still has a pair of sneakers, he believes that its lifespan is not long-term. Since I am free now, let me make a pair of shoes for myself. After some consideration, I finally decided to make boots, which are simple, convenient and warm. Make the boots shorter and it becomes a shoe suitable for autumn. How convenient, I applaud myself in my heart. Thinking of doing it naturally, as for the soles, although Lin Mu also wanted to learn how the rural girls in the 1970s and 1980s saw on TV, but after looking at his hands, Lin Mu decided not to torment himself so much. Just find some wooden boards and wrap them with strong animal hides. You can add insoles if you feel uncomfortable after you are done. With this in mind, Lin Mu spent the whole morning making a pair of wooden soles. As for the uppers, he was struggling.

Because of Lin Mu, everyone put on the ancient version of flip-flops, and now they are also very interested in seeing Lin Mu making shoes. After all, the day after the rainy season will gradually get colder, and flip-flops are not suitable. But they waited and waited, but they didn't see Lin Mu giving the needle.

Seeing Lin Mu holding the needle and being helpless, Phil couldn't help it, "Lin Mu, why don't you do it?"

Lin Mu looked at him embarrassedly, "I suddenly remembered that I don't know how to cut shoe uppers."

Several people looked at him speechless.

Lace took over with a smile, "Tell me carefully, and I will help you." So Lin Mu's job is gone again. Although in the end he got the first pair of boots in the orc era, he had no sense of accomplishment.

Let's talk about yesterday:

The job of making shoes was snatched by Phil and the others. Lin Mu felt that he could not work with them, otherwise he would be taken over by others. So Lin Mu came to the hall with high spirits and decided to clean up. As a result, the hall was clean, the stove and everything were cleaned up, and these tasks were also done by the resting orcs. In the end, he came to the storage room depressed and prepared to organize the stored things.

Watching Lin Mu find something for him to do, Patrik smiled and shook his head. I thought that the rainy season should pass sooner, otherwise Lin Mu didn't know what it would be like to be suffocated.

Lin Mu squatted in the storage room, looking at the neatly placed things, depressed, "Why don't you work so hard!"

Lin Mu didn't understand, he wouldn't be so impatient before, could it be that after he came to another world, he became a toiler and felt uncomfortable if he didn't do anything for a day

Think about the previous world, what would you do if you encountered such continuous rainy days? Sleeping, surfing the Internet, reading novels, learning how to cook food,,,,, thinking about it, I feel that he has endless things to do. And what can he do in this world? sleep? He didn't get up until the middle of the day every day, and he was not sleepy so he couldn't wake up all the time. He also wants to cook delicious food, but the materials are really limited, and he doesn't even have chili for hot pot. Thinking of hot peppers, every time the orcs went hunting, he would tell them to pick the red and pointed ones. There were quite a few red and pointy ones, but none of them were peppers. He wondered if the peppers had also become mutants, or why no one had found them.

Lin Mu glanced at the things in the room in a depressed mood, and his eyes lit up when he touched the tall pile of thatch. "Hehehe..." Lin Mu smiled obscenely and meanly. Watching from the side, Patrik shook his head.

Lin Mu came to the thatched pile and rubbed his hands, "I originally planned to touch you after the rainy season, but who made me feel uncomfortable now. Anyway, I will be very busy after the rainy season, so it's good to do it in advance now."

The reason why so much thatch was not used as firewood was that Lin Mu planned to use the thatch to make mattresses. He wanted to have a warm winter, so he naturally had to consider the issue of keeping warm. Lin Mu felt that the effect of those animal skins was too limited, and he couldn't fulfill his great wish of having a nest at all.

Wo Dong, thinking about it feels warm, it is obvious that the current conditions cannot meet the requirements, and Lin Mu will naturally try to create conditions without conditions. And his first thought was to make his bed thicker. With thatch, he naturally wouldn't think about wasting animal skins.

Lin Mu rolled up his sleeves and started. Patric, who had been following him, said he wanted to help, but he also drove him away.

Lin Mu looked at the pile of thatch and hugged his chest, and said with a smile, "Are you kidding me? I just found something to do. How can I let you snatch it away?"

Lin Mu is not in a hurry, he does it slowly, anyway, there are still some days in the rainy season, so he is not in a hurry.

Lal passed by, and he was also very free, but today he didn't want to go hunting. It didn't feel good to be drenched in the rain, and he had to be taken advantage of by that guy.

In fact, if he hated being taken advantage of by Cohen, he didn't have to go out with Cohen at all. Although Cohen marked people very well, it was still possible for Lal to run if he wanted to, but he directly excluded the possibility of being alone, so Did he like being taken advantage of by Cohen? Do you still like it? Still... like it.

Their activity area is not large, so Lal saw Lin Mu when he turned around boredly.

Lal wondered why Lin Mu messed up Fang's good grass, "Lin Mu, what are you doing?"

Lin Mu didn't even give him a look, "Make a mattress."

Lal, "What is it for?"

"I said that the mattress is of course used to cushion the bed."

Lal nodded, "This name is very strange, in fact, according to what you said, it should be called a mattress, right?"

Lin Mu gave him a "you are an idiot" look, and then checked whether the black rattan was enough.

Lal didn't care about Lin Mu's expression at all. He smiled and approached Lin Mu and asked, "What can I do?"

Lin Mu raised his head and smiled softly at him, "Of course you have something to do. You turn your head now, then go straight, go out the door, turn right, then go straight for dozens of steps, and then you are on your right hand There’s a room, and there’s a bed in the room. You lie down, and then you close your eyes, and then… there’s no more fun.”

After listening so much, Lal finally realized, "You are telling me to go to sleep."

Pushing him out, Lin Mu said, "Yes, yes, sleeping is such a great thing, you should do it quickly."

"I'm not going to sleep, I want to help." Lal stood still and Ren Lin Mu refused to push away.

As soon as Patrik came out of the room, he saw Lin Mu arguing with Lalla, (Patrik, your understanding is a little bit wrong...) He felt that he had just left for a while, and Lal saw a needle. . Patric felt that he needed to have a good talk with Cohen.

The beast's intuition made Lal shiver, thinking, "Who is plotting against me?" He looked around, but there was no sign of Cohen.

"Are you going or not? Why do you always ask for help? I don't need it."

Lal put his hands on the door frame, "I need it." Then he turned around and looked at Lin Mu pitifully, "I'm idle."

Lin Mu said angrily, "You can go hunting."

"Not today." It happened that Cohen was on duty for hunting today, so he could be at ease for a while. But I feel bored by myself.

Lin Mu sighed, when Patric came over.

"Mu Mu, since he wants to do it, let him do it."

Lal is happy, he should still be his boss, how much he thinks of himself. But why did he feel that the boss's eyes were cold when he spoke just now? An illusion, it must be an illusion.

Lal was happy, but Lin Mu was not. His job was robbed again, and he changed from hands-on to guidance. Although the standard was high, Lin Mu didn't think it was good. But Patrik spoke up, and it was not easy for him to refute his face. He is now the patriarch.

Lin Mu glared at Lal in dissatisfaction, but it was useless to Lal.

"Beastmen have the thickest skin." Lin Mu thought to himself, his face wrinkled into a bun unwillingly, "Come here, I tell you to do it."

Lal's comprehension ability is still very good, but he was a little flustered at the beginning, but he did it quickly after a while. At this time, Lin Mu, the director, also lost his job. After Lin Mu harvested his first mattress, the work of making mattresses was taken over by the idle orcs, which also indicated that the errand he had finally thought of was gone.

Now back to the moment of the black line.

Phil persuaded, "Lin Mu, I haven't finished my shoes yet?" The implication is: don't look for work, there is no way to help you now. Lin Mu choked on Phil's words.

Phil, "Lin Mu, you can actually learn from Sasha."

Sasha smiled and nodded, "Lin Mu, you should learn from me."

Lin Mu looked at them suspiciously, "I just want to make some food. Are you sure you want me to learn from Sasha."

After hearing this, the three said in unison: "Go!"

Lin Mu walked out of the room triumphantly, but he was actually greedy.

Looking at the existing ingredients, there is still a lot of meat and two fish left. The fish weighed more than twenty catties. Since there are fish, Lin Mu is ready to use them for surgery. Coincidentally seeing Matt in the hall, Lin Mu asked him to help. As for the other orcs, what are they doing in the storage room? Who knows what he's doing, anyway, Lin Mu doesn't know, and doesn't care, those orcs who robbed him of his job gritted their teeth.

"Matt, help me fillet the fish." His knife skills are not good, and the orcs are better at it.

Matt didn't say anything, took the knife to help. Lin Mu prepared sweet and sour sauce, and made some ginger juice by the way. He was going to make some other sweet and sour fish fillets.

Matt's task was completed very beautifully, so Lin Mu then asked him to help light the fire. Lin Mu can cook, but he hates making fire by himself.

He put the fish in a small wooden basin, poured ginger juice and salt, kneaded it for a while and let it taste. When Lin Mu stopped, he saw that the pot was already hot, so he added oil to it.

The aroma of the fish fillets came out shortly after being put into the pot.

Sasha smelled the fragrance, "I'm going to help Lin Mu." Then he got out of bed and ran away in a hurry.

They have become accustomed to Sasha's food habits.

Sasha saw that Lin Mu was busy, and the smell of fish kept coming out of the pot. He hurried up to help.

"Lin Mu, what delicious food do you cook?"

Lin Mu gave him a piece of fish, "Sweet and sour fish fillet. But I haven't added any soup."

Sasha ate deliciously, "What can I do for you?"

Lin Mu handed the chopsticks to Sasha, "Turn over the fish fillets."

Sasha is happy to help with this.

Lin Mu went on to deal with the remaining fish. Naturally, this fish would not be used for making sweet and sour fish fillets. He planned to use it for making sweet and sour fish at noon. After all, they had to let other orcs taste it after all.

Pour the fried fish fillets with soup and mix well with chopsticks, and then distributed some to Matt. Lin Mu and the two each brought a bowl to Laisi.

As soon as they entered the door, Phil could smell the sweet and sour smell. Sasha kindly took a slice and fed it to him. Then he smiled and watched the other party's reaction.

Lin Mu was also responsible for clipping a slice for Laisi.

Both of them ate and their eyes lit up.

"Lin Mu, you haven't made it before. What is this, it's delicious!", Phil ate from the Sasha bowl.

"Sweet and sour, the taste is very special." Laisi ate from Lin Mu's bowl.

Sasha chewed the fish in his mouth and helped answer, "This is sweet and sour fish fillet. Lin Mu said that he will make sweet and sour fish for everyone to eat at noon. Is it delicious?"

Phil nodded.

"Lin Mu, if you are in a hurry in the future, you can cook delicious food." Sasha suggested sincerely.

Mishales nodded in agreement.

Lin Mu gave the three of them a bright smile, and then the smile disappeared instantly, "It's a beautiful idea."

Several people laughed.

The night came as expected.

Lin Mu lay comfortably in Patry's arms, "I don't know when the rainy season will pass."

"Soon." Patrik knew that Lin Mu would be bored if he was always in the room, but he didn't dare to take him out.

Lin Mu thought that it would be great if he could be more specific about the twenty days, and he could count them. It seems that they only lived for eleven days.

"In fact, it's better if the rainy season is longer. We recharge our energy and store up energy, and the animals also fatten up at this time, so that our winter food will be relatively rich."

Lin Mu nodded, "The vegetables I'm looking for must grow well. Then wait for me to pick them obediently. Then they won't feel sad about their uselessness."

"Plants don't get sad."

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly and threatened, "I will be sad."

Patrik nodded, "Well, they are waiting for you sadly."

Lin Mu nodded in satisfaction.