Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 65


Of the two fighting parties, one was helped back, the other was carried back, and the others went about their business. Although I was very worried about Matt, their patriarch, Patrik, had already stepped out, and I thought this matter would be resolved very well. When their team was first established, there were few such fights, but they were all suppressed by Patric with powerful abilities, and made them understand that they can only continue if they get along well. Therefore, even if there is some friction among the newcomers, there will be no more serious fights, especially after they get along, they are each other's partners, and the fights will naturally stop happening. So today's incident shocked everyone, but they all believed that as long as the patriarch took action, it would be fine.

"How did Rila appear in our tribe?" This is the question in many people's minds, but they didn't ask it out, they believed their patriarch.

Seeing everyone, Lin Mu left, "Patric, I want to go see Huang Yuan."

Patry thought that Ryan's condition was not good, especially his legs, and it seemed that Ryan would not be able to go hunting for some time, "Go, I'm going to see Matt too, this matter needs to be clarified as soon as possible. "It's his turn to stay in the tribe at Jiantian, and he just has time to solve it. As for Ryan's food, Hoss should help his brother prepare it.

When Lin Mu came to Ryan's house, Huang Yuan was busy treating Ryan's injuries.

There were many wounds on his body, but the most serious one was on his legs. Lin Mu couldn't help but turn his head away when he saw the hideously turned flesh.

Huang Yuan helped Ryan clean the wound neatly, and it was much more convenient for him to have Phil helping him. The wound on Lane's leg had to be stitched up, but he didn't have the tools in hand. In this era before iron, it was difficult for him to find a needle suitable for suturing wounds. In the previous tribe, he used the bone needles he made hard to heal people's wounds. Naturally, bone needles did not meet his requirements, and he could only make better needles as best he could, but let him find his needles at this time.

Seeing that Huang Yuan was in a hurry, Lin Mu knew that the other party wanted to sew up the wound, but Phil didn't know why Huang Yuan was in a hurry. After all, in his opinion, such a big wound should be sewed up next, shouldn't it

The frequency of Phil and Huang Yuan did not match, Lin Mu naturally opened his mouth, "Phil, take your bone needle to Huang Yuan."

Huang Yuan was pleasantly surprised: "You have needles for suturing wounds." After all, although females have needles, they are all the big ones used for sewing animal skins, so naturally they are not suitable for sewing wounds.

Lin Mu smiled, "Some orcs in our tribe will be injured, and I'm your fellow villager."

Huang Yuan smiled when he heard Lin Mu's words. Yes, Lin Mu also came from that world. He naturally knew that the wound needed to be stitched up, and he would naturally find a way to make a suitable needle. He was in vain worrying.

Phil quickly gave the needle to Huang Yuan, and then watched in amazement as the other party sewed up the wound skillfully, a skill that he couldn't match.

Lin Mu saw that Huang Yuan had almost dealt with it, so he quickly asked Phil to bring his newly made cloth to bandage Ryan's wound. Huang Yuan, who was holding a piece of pink cloth, was completely shocked, "You guys have cloth!"

"Don't rush to be surprised, help Ryan bandage the wound, I will tell you later."

With the cloth, Huang Yuan can handle it more smoothly. Before, he was struggling with the inappropriate use of animal skin to wrap the wound, but now he doesn't have to worry about it.

However, seeing that the cloth that Phil worked so hard to weave was used up, Lloyd was still very upset. Although he would not stop helping Ryan, he was not the kind of stingy person, but for the cloth quilt woven by his female Others are still reluctant to use this thing.

Lin Mu could see Lloyd's extremely regretful eyes, and naturally knew the psychology of orcs, thinking that he should give Phil the little cloth he wove, although he didn't weave much.

Seeing that Huang Yuan's wound healing skills are so good, and he is obviously familiar with herbal medicine, Phil very much hopes to learn from Huang Yuan. But he was embarrassed to open his mouth. After all, medical skills are generally not passed on to others. In Phil's mind, Huang Yuan must have been trained as a pharmacist.

How can people not see Phil's expression of extreme longing and indescribability? After all, Huang Yuan is not a pharmacist in this world, so he is also willing to accept an apprentice for himself, and doing so will also benefit him in this tribe. to survive, so he said to Phil, "If you want to learn, I can help you."

Phil was very happy, "Really? You really want to teach me?"

In fact, Phil wanted to be a pharmacist in the past. He was not liked by the orcs. If he became a pharmacist, his future life would be guaranteed and he would be respected by his tribe, so he gradually fell in love with curing diseases and saving lives. The pharmacist of the tribe was not willing to teach him, and said that he should find an orc who loved him to live instead of being alone with the herbs. At that time, Phil didn't really believe that he could find an orc who loved him, so he kept asking the other party to teach him. Although the other party was unwilling to accept him as his heir, he also taught him some herbal medicine and how to treat wounds.

Huang Yuan smiled and nodded seeing that the other party was so enthusiastic about medicine.

Phil was really happy, and Lloyd on the side saw his partner so happy and gave Huang Yuan a grateful look, and didn't mind that the other party used up Phil's cloth.

Now that Ryan's injury has been healed, Phil and the others will naturally leave.

Huang Yuan looked at Ryan who was pale on the bed, "You're bleeding a lot, close your eyes and sleep for a while. I'll cook some blood-enriching food for you to drink."

Ryan didn't want to make the other party tired, but he couldn't help because of his own situation. The most important thing was that when he said he was going to get up, Huang Yuan's lingli gaze made him dare not listen.

"You rest first, don't get up." After the instruction, he left the room with Lin Mu.

They went to the storage room and the kitchen to have a look together, and Ryan didn't have any ingredients suitable for them to make soup.

"Go to my house, I have sugar and some red dates."

Huang Yuan nodded, "That's okay, I'm not good at cooking, so I can cook it well. You cook it, he will eat more comfortably, and I will torture his stomach if he is injured." He continued, "He Your leg is hurt, drink more bone broth."

"Would you like to make some medicine for him?"

"Let him drink after eating."

"I suddenly found a problem." Lin Mu said seriously.

"What?" Huang Yuan asked.

"It seems that it's still early for lunch, are you sure we're going to cook now."

"It's always time-consuming to have a conversation, and I have something to ask you."

Lin Mu nodded, it seemed that the other party wanted to know more about Rila and Matt's enmity.

Besides, Patrik, after he came to Matt's house, Matt had already woken up. Because of Misha's guarding, he was much calmer, but he was still very angry because of Rilla's appearance.

Matt's home has a yard, and because of Misha, when Lin Mu said that it would be safer to have a yard, Matt decided to build a yard wall himself.

Matt's home is much smaller than Patric's, out of the main house and Misha's room, a kitchen, a pantry, and a room where Matt does his carpentry. Now Matt is considered the best carpenter in the clan. Whoever wants him to make something, just give him some meat as a reward. Of course, anything else Matt is willing to accept is fine.

Patric went into the room and told Matt about the matter.

"His name is Huang Yuan, and he is from the same tribe as Mu Mu. Although he looks like Rila, he is not. If you see him again, you will believe it."

Matt didn't want to believe Patrik's words, and Rila's appearance reminded him of the pain of losing Kay. But he believed in Patry rationally, because the other party would not lie to him for Rila. Being in the same tribe as Lin Mu, it is impossible for him to be that desperate Rila, but he looks too much alike. This made Matt unwilling to believe it again.

Patry naturally knew that Matt trusted him, but Huang Yuan looked so much like Rila, even when he saw him, he thought it was true, "Although they look alike, they are two different people after all. soul."

As he left, Patry said, "Ryan hurt his leg and he can't go hunting until it heals." He said that and left.

And Huang Yuan, who has learned about the dispute between Rila and Matt here in detail, can only lament his bad luck again.

Seeing Huang Yuan's distressed look, Lin Mu comforted and said, "They all trust Patrik. He told Matt that you are not Rila, and Matt will definitely believe it."

"Even if they believe it, they will feel awkward seeing me."

Lin Mu thought so too, after all, Huang Yuan's body is indeed Rila's, "It's okay, after all, you can't make everyone like you, right?"

"Actually, I don't care too much about how others treat me. Anyway, the host I'm living with is pretty good, as long as I don't get kicked out."

"Why is he willing to chase you away?" Lin Mu stuck out his tongue in his heart.

Huang Yuan looked at Lin Mu, "Lin Mu, people in this tribe like you very much, I believe this tribe can have a lot of credit for today."

"They are very kind to me, but it is their own efforts that this tribe can have what it is today. I am just giving an opinion, and I dare not take credit for it."

Huang Yuan looked at Lin Mu's house: "To be honest, you are really good. You can even build houses. I lived in a cave for two years, and it's all because I don't know how to build houses."

Lin Mu smiled, "I saw it online when I was bored. By the way, what did you do before you came here?"

"I'm a pharmacy major at University H. I'm in my third year, and I'm going to go out to make money in a year, but I didn't expect to come here."

"I didn't expect you to be a top student. I can't do it. I went to a third-rate school and I still study Chinese."

"Are you studying Chinese to be a teacher?" He definitely wouldn't choose this major, because he has no money.

"I'm quite a teacher, but it's a pity that I can't. I just write essays on the Internet."

"Writer, you look quite literary." Lin Mu looks like a pretty person.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "How can it be called 'home'? It's just a little pink."

Huang Yuan doesn't know much about these things, and he doesn't read novels very much, which seems to him a waste of time.

When Patrik came back, he saw the two chatting happily. He added some snacks for the two of them and sat quietly beside Lin Mu to listen to their chat.