Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 69


Once you have an idea, you must realize it as soon as possible.

Patrik gathered everyone together the next day and talked about his plan to raise animals together. Because of the precedent of fish ponds, he no longer felt that raising animals was as strange as before. After all, it seemed to them in the past Hunting if you want to eat is the most direct idea. It is naturally a bit incomprehensible for someone to raise their prey suddenly. But this does not prevent them from admiring the patriarch's heart and trusting Lin Mu's ideas, so the precedent of the fish pond made them naturally accept the idea of raising some docile animals together. Then they discussed what to raise together in twos and threes.

In fact, Lin Mu really wanted to raise cattle and sheep. Not to mention that there was a lot of beef, Lin Mu was very happy when he thought that he could eat mutton and drink hot mutton soup in winter. But he has never seen such things as cattle and sheep, so he doesn't know if there are any in this world.

Lin Mu told Patric about the characteristics of cattle and sheep. Of course, he knew that the things he knew in his previous life often had other names in this world. So he told Patric in detail what the horns of the cow look like, what the nose looks like, and what his bark is like, and then Patrik told him that there is such a volume The huge horned beast fits Lin Mu's description very well. As for the other animal, Patrik thinks he should have seen it too, but no one likes to catch Lin Mu unless there is really nothing to eat. Mu said "sheep" as an animal.

Patrik told Lin Mu about the situation, "Mu Mu, the meat of that 'sheep' is unpalatable and smells bad." He couldn't help but frowned as he said that, it is conceivable that Patrik was eating passed.

Lin Mu smiled, "The mutton is really good. Although it has a bit of a smell, it can be removed if it is handled well. Don't worry, if I have a chance, I will cook it for you. You will definitely like it."

Patrik wanted to say that even if Lin Mu's cooking was very unpalatable, he would like it very much, although Lin Mu had never made unpalatable food.

"Then let's catch a horned beast today, and then catch a sheep to see if it's what you said."

Lin Mu nodded, "Then I'll prepare the ingredients for the mutton."

Seeing that Lin Mu cared so much about making mutton, Patrik let go of his plans to eat mutton by force. Lin Mu likes the taste so much, so naturally it will not be bad, and he is still very confident in this point.

Patric took people to catch animals, while Lin Mu was going home to prepare. At this time, the two little guys also followed. Qiuqiu jumped directly into Lin Mu's arms.

Lin Mu raised Qiuqiu in his hands, and said with a smile, "Qiuqiu, you're getting fat again."

Qiuqiu has been able to calmly accept that her master makes fun of her weight every time, instead of shouting to lose weight like the first time.

Qiuqiu rubbed his head against Lin Mu's hand, "Squeak..."

"Okay, let's go to my house together." Lin Mu sighed secretly. This little thing only thinks of its owner when it wants to eat delicious food. It's really a little heartless. Although I think so in my heart, I still like Qiuqiu's cute and coquettish behavior in my arms.

As for Qiuqiu not looking for Lin Mu, Lin Mu really misunderstood Qiuqiu. It's not that he doesn't want to pester Lin Mu, but that Patric doesn't allow it. Although Qiuqiu looks like a cute little beast, Patric doesn't like anything that can attract Lin Mu's attention.

After Lin Mu put the ball down, Huang Yuan followed him in.

Seeing Lin Mu, Huang Yuan immediately raised his hand and said, "Patrik asked me to come. Ryan went with him to catch animals. He said that we would come to your house for dinner at noon today." As for Patrik's invitation to come to their Huang Yuan still feels that the matter of coming to eat at home is still a bit unreal. He really doesn't understand why Patrik is willing to let him go to his house for dinner again. Think about his surprise at that time, but now Huang Yuan doesn't care Why would Patrik invite him to dinner, as long as he has something to eat.

Lin Mu was very happy to hear that Patrik invited him here. After all, Patrik's dislike for Huang Yuanlai's meal was so obvious that he felt embarrassed. Now it is a good thing that Patrik is willing to let him come to dinner.

In fact, Patric didn't dislike Huang Yuan too much, it's just that he didn't like others disturbing him and Lin Mu.

Because they haven't come back from hunting yet, naturally they don't have much to deal with. After making the condiments, washing and cutting the vegetables they need, the two of them have nothing to do to sit down and chat.

The two of them talked about some things after they came here, and some things about their previous world. Huang Yuan didn't have the same laughing look as before. He looked at Lin Mu and asked, "Do you want to go back to the previous world?"

Lin Mu shook his head without any hesitation, "I don't want to."

"Because of Patric." From Huang Yuan's point of view, the reason why he has no attachment to that world is probably because Lin Mu has a lover here.

"There are reasons for it, but most of it is because that world is nothing to miss for me." Lin Mu looked at Huang Yuan, "What about you?" After all, not everyone has this kind of experience, but for that The world has no attachment.

Huang Yuan sighed, "There is nothing worthy of my nostalgia in that world. I have no family. If I disappear suddenly, a few friends will worry about it. But after a long time, they will stop thinking about me. No matter how long it takes It is doubtful whether I can remember some things. But even so, I still want to go back, after all, that is the world I am familiar with. I have worked hard for so long and I am about to succeed, so I will naturally feel very uncomfortable. Willing. But I also know that it is impossible to go back, after all, I am not the kind of person who has the luck to be able to travel around."

Lin Mu patted Huang Yuan on the shoulder, "I can understand your thoughts, but you think about it, it's actually pretty good in this world. Especially with your current status, although the living conditions are not very good, except for those in this world It's really not ordinary, is it?"

Huang Yuan nodded, it is undeniable that this world makes him very comfortable.

"No one in this world will despise you, no one will think of plotting against you, no one will force you to do this or that, and no one will wholeheartedly want you to die, will they?"

Huang Yuan looked at Lin Mu who was smiling at him, but the smile was obviously sad.


Looking at Huang Yuan's worried eyes, "It's okay, it's just that I suddenly thought of the past, but those things are far away from me."

Huang Yuan said with a smile: "Well, it's very far away, and there is a world apart."

At this time Sasha ran over and said excitedly: "They are back, go and have a look, they have caught a lot of animals."

Sasha came here specially to inform them.

Lin Mu was also affected by Sasha's emotions and said with a smile, "Let's go and see." Then he pulled Sasha who was still panting and walked slowly together.

When a few people came to the square, they saw many animals that were tightly tied up with canes, big and small, and Lin Mu naturally went for the cattle and sheep, and immediately searched for these two creatures as soon as he arrived. figure.

He was not disappointed to see the cattle and sheep. The size of the cow is almost twice the size of what he saw in his previous life, while the size of the sheep is very average.

Lin Mu walked over when he saw Patrik, and Huang Yuan also went to find Ryan.

Seeing Lin Mu coming, Patric smiled and pointed to the sheep that was tied up, "Is this the sheep you mentioned?"

Lin Mu looked at the black sheep and nodded, "You just caught it?" If Patrik caught it, then he would have mutton to eat today.

Patrik nodded as expected.

"Then you deal with it, we have mutton for lunch."

Patrik shook his head, "This one is not edible."

Lin Mu wondered, "Why can't you eat it? Are all the animals caught this time raised?"

Patrik shook his head: "This sheep has a cub in its belly."

Lin Mu looked at the sheep with a not-so-distinct belly, "I can't see it, how do you know?"

Patry simply said, "We know this instinctively."

Lin Mu nodded. Since the sheep is pregnant, he can't eat it. He still wants to raise lambs. But now that he couldn't eat mutton, he was still a little disappointed.

Seeing Lin Mu's disappointed expression, Patrik immediately said: "Lian also caught one, we can still eat lamb at noon." Seeing Lin Mu's expectation for mutton, Patrik naturally couldn't let him fail to eat it.

Lin Mu was happy that the materials he had prepared could be used again. Then Patrik looked at the various animals they had caught, and after deciding which ones to raise in the future, which animals were divided among everyone. And the black sheep escaped the catastrophe of becoming food because of its pregnancy, and Lin Mu was going to raise it. But he didn't intend to keep this black sheep at home, after all, the smell was really unpleasant.

Lin Mu asked Patrik to build a stake behind their house and tie the sheep there, and there grew a lot of grass, which was very suitable for tying the sheep there.

Ryan and Huang Yuan came with cleaned mutton in their hands. Because of Huang Yuan's request, those lambs were not thrown away, but were washed clean by Ryan and brought together. Huang Yuan wanted to eat, but Ryan couldn't stop it.

Huang Yuan really couldn't help with the cooking, so he could barely do the dishes. Although Ryan wanted to help him learn by the way, Patrik didn't give him a chance.

Lin Mu asked Patrik to treat the mutton properly. He looked at the processed mutton and thought about how to make the mutton.

Mutton soup is indispensable, spicy lamb chops, roast lamb, braised lamb chops, scallion fried lamb.

Burn some lamb ribs to eat, but that one will take longer to cook, so you can eat it in the afternoon. And the sheep's head has tripe, intestines, liver, lungs, etc., which can be made at night, so that others can try it.

After Lin Mu thought about meat dishes, he naturally wanted to cook some vegetarian dishes.

Huang Yuan ate the roast lamb wrapped in lettuce very happily, while Ryan and Patry were surprised that the lamb was unexpectedly delicious.

After eating the dishes, drink a bowl of mutton soup at the end. If you are not full, you will be very satisfied.

After Lin Mu finished eating, he made some leftover mutton and asked Patric and Ryan to send some to Lais and the others while it was hot, and let them try something new. The mutton was still delicious while it was hot.

Because Lin Mu asked Patrik to deliver the food, there were more people who liked to eat mutton, and they all agreed that it was right to raise more sheep.

After they finished their lunch, the orcs took a brief rest and started to build the farm.

After all, a farm is not a place where people live, so it can naturally be much simpler. Lin Mu and Huang Yuan contributed some of the cowsheds, sheep pens, chicken coops, and rabbit cages that they knew in the past. The next day, these things were all built, and they just waited for them to catch animals and move them in.

As for feeding animals, most of the work is naturally handed over to the orcs, and if Lin Mu and the others like to help with feeding, they will not stop them. From their point of view, Lin Mu and the others will feed them when they feel fresh, and it will take a long time. Naturally, I won't pay attention to it, and it won't tire them.

After they got the animal raising business on the right track, Lin Mu mainly worked hard to start weaving. The weather is getting colder and colder, so he needs to weave more cloth as soon as possible, and grabs Huang Yuan to let him learn too, and threatens him that if he doesn't weave, he will definitely not support him, and he has to prepare for Patrik. What about the underwear

Of course Huang Yuan also compromised, he also wanted to wear clothes made of cloth.