Transmigrated into a Beast Tribe

Chapter 97: crisis


More than ten days later, all the orcs who left with their children and companions returned. According to them, several runaway females met together, and they gathered together to play around, and did not plan to come back for a while.

Time is still going on, life is still so ordinary day by day, but the female of Scoble is relatively more peaceful. Lin Mu and the others don't know if they are thinking too much, or if life at this time is just the tranquility before the storm.

On this day, Patrik was not at home, and he was depressed along the path he used to relax. Unknowingly, he walked a long way. Looking around, this is a place he seldom comes to.

"Huh, that's it?" Lin Mu saw a strange plant, so he went to the grass to have a look. Lin Mu, who was about to get up, immediately hid in the grass when he saw two orcs approaching from a distance. up.

There happened to be a little stinky grass growing in this grass, which could cover up his smell, but at the same time, it also suffocated him enough.

Lin Mu covered his nose and tried his best to listen to the conversation of two orcs not far away.

Bennett and an orc he didn't know should be an orc from the other tribe.

"You go to contact the Leopard Clan and tell Achill that if you want to take back Ria, today is the best time, let him bring someone here quickly."

Bennett actually told many tribal leaders he knew well about capturing the Beast Tribe, but those chiefs who have led their own tribe for many years naturally have wisdom beyond ordinary people, and naturally they will not be affected by what he said. The house bestowed by the Beast God has been occupied by wandering beasts. For the glory of the Beast God, they should take the house back and not allow these wandering beasts to tarnish the miracle.

In their view, everything in this world has a cause and effect, and the person who arranges all this is naturally their supreme beast god. The so-called house, even if it is really a miracle of the beast god, will make you The beast tribe has occupied it for so long, and the priests have never received any oracle about the house, which only means that the house is owned by the beast tribe, which is the will of the beast god. Moreover, those wandering beasts had already formed a tribe, no matter how much the people sent by Bennett emphasized that the wandering beasts should not be allowed to tarnish the miracle, and a group of wandering beasts that had already formed a tribe could not attack them casually. Otherwise, what difference does it make if they follow and snatch the beasts of other tribes.

Most importantly, this wandering beast tribe was not established within their tribe's territory, and they didn't even have the so-called right to expel them.

Regarding this result, Bennett was not discouraged. Originally, they had more orcs than the Beast Tribe. The reason why they invited foreign aid was to minimize the damage and increase the possibility of winning the Beast Tribe. You don't need the support of many foreign orcs, but it is best to find a tribe to cooperate.

In the end, he managed to contact the tribe closest to this valley—the Leopard Clan, and this so-called proximity is only relatively speaking, the Leopard Clan is also on the other side of the continuous mountain.

The Leopards came back because of Ria. Ria used to be the pharmacist of the Leopard tribe, and the current patriarch of the Leopard tribe is the orc that Ria loved before—Achille.

Achill felt very sorry for Ria at first, but he still liked Ria, but when he was asked to choose between the tribe and Ria, he felt that he was going to be the patriarch, so he was burdened with the whole The responsibility of the tribe, so in his heart, these two choices are between the owner of the tribe and Ria. He comforted himself in his heart that he should not give up the whole tribe just for his own love, so he In the end, I chose to give up Ria. Of course, how ridiculous his reasons for consoling himself were!

Achill has always missed Leah. When Bennett said that Leah was in the beast tribe and left her own child, and was forced to become the companion of a beast, he agreed to be with Bennett. He cooperates.

Bennett asked the orc to go to the Leopard Clan to find Achill. The orc hesitated, "But... patriarch, Lia is not in the tribe anymore, this..."

"He doesn't know, does he?"

"Patriarch..." The orc hesitated, "Is it wrong for us to do this?"

Bennett looked at the orc with a cold look in front of him, "Are you the patriarch or am I the patriarch! Go!"

Lin Mu was very anxious after hearing what they said. Patrik and Jason went hunting today. These people actually planned to use this gap to deal with the people in the tribe. He really wanted to inform everyone as soon as possible.

Lin Mu carefully watched Bennett's behavior, and he waited for Bennett to leave before telling everyone to get ready. And just as the other party was about to leave, he was suddenly startled by the insects that appeared beside him. He only moved a bit, and found Bennett's gaze. Lin Mu knew that he must have been spotted, so he ran away immediately.

Bennett looked at Lin Mu running away, smiled strangely, and then caught up, he was not in a hurry, the game of cat and mouse is very interesting, isn't it

How could Lin Mu's speed be comparable to that of an orc, and he also found that Bennett was teasing him, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, watching this man getting closer, but he was really I lost my strength. He had to stop.

Leaning his back against the tree, panting heavily and looking at the person in front of him resentfully, "You've already found out I'm there!"

Bennet smiled, "You underestimated the orc's hearing power, I heard you when you were planning to hide in the grass."

"You are really a bastard. We kindly took you in. It's fine if you don't appreciate it, but you still want to harm us!" Guessing is one thing, but hearing it with your own ears is another, which made Lin Mu very angry .

"I am the patriarch of a tribe, so naturally I have to think about my tribe, and I have nothing wrong with making my tribe better!"

"Sounding high-sounding! If you are incompetent, don't find other excuses!" Lin Mu felt that this person was really disgusting.

Bennett looked at the person in front of him. Ever since he heard about him, a thought had been imprinted in his heart, get him! Only this person deserves to be your partner.

"You always speak so badly to me, but I still like you very much."

After hearing what he said, Lin Mu's face was very ugly, as if he had swallowed a dead fly, "Damn! It's disgusting to be liked by someone like you!"

Bennett's face turned cold instantly, "You will definitely be my partner!"

"I will never die with someone like you!"

"It's up to you." He said with a distorted expression, "What's so good about Patrik? He's just a beast. He can achieve what he is today thanks to you. I'm better than him, why didn't you choose me?" !"

Hehe, Lin Mu sneered, "Choose you? Are you making yourself sick? Let me tell you, in my heart, you are not even as good as a little fingernail of Patricia!" Lin Mu stimulated Bennett while rubbing his surroundings. , calculating the possibility of his own escape, "You don't like me at all, you just saw that Patrik can build his own tribe so well, but his tribe has to depend on others, you are jealous, you are jealous of Patricia. Terry, because you know you are not as good as him!"

Bennett might have been so irritated that he laughed instead, but what he said was extremely vicious, "Since you like him so much, I will let you watch him die in front of your own eyes. You say, If I catch you and threaten him to commit suicide, will he die for you? Hahaha... "

Lin Mu understood what he wanted to do, and his face turned pale. He believed that he couldn't let him catch Patrik and threaten him.

Seeing someone walking towards him, he made a gesture to grab him, and seeing him getting closer and closer, he suddenly raised his arm, "Da Jin, bite him!"

Bennett saw a golden light shooting towards him, and instinctively blocked it with his arm.

Lin Mu took advantage of this opportunity and ran away.

"Damn it!" Looking at the tooth marks on his arm that were obviously poisonous snakes, the snake that had disappeared, and Lin Mu running away frantically, he immediately chased after him regardless of other things.

Lin Mu ran wildly regardless of the direction, with only one thought in his mind, he must not be caught, he was in a panic and saw that he didn't know where he ran, and suddenly his feet were empty, "Ah~" He fell into a hole.

Bennett, who heard the sound and chased him, saw that it was a hole in the flat ground. The hole was very narrow, and he couldn't get in due to his stature. He found a small stone and threw it in, but did not hear any echo. It seemed that this strange hole was very deep.

"Since you don't want to follow me, then you go to die!" He said and moved a big rock to press on the entrance of the cave, and then left.

Let's talk about the battlefield that has already started here.

When Patric and the others brought them back, they saw the orcs fighting in the sky above the valley and in the valley. Because of the inferior number of them, their orcs were much more brutal. They immediately joined the battle.

"I've wanted to beat these bastards for a long time, and today I finally have the chance." Damon said through gritted teeth.

These orcs are all holding their breath!

Coincidentally, Damon met Achill, and after knowing who the other party was, both of them turned red with anger. This is really jealousy when enemies meet.

"I'm going to beat you to death for Ria and Snow today, you bastard!" Damon thought in his heart that he had taught Achill a lesson for a long time. If it wasn't for Ria's refusal, if it wasn't for their tribe's inability to cause trouble, he would have rushed to I went to the Leopard Clan to find someone to fight.

"You beast, give me back Ria!"

The two naturally fought without talking nonsense, either you die or I forget.

Fighting is not an instant duel, blood is spilled on the ground, no one will retreat, and the orcs who protect their own tribe will not retreat!

After Patrik dealt with his opponent and beat him to the point where he couldn't fight back, he immediately went to look for Lin Mu. He was always worried about Lin Mu's safety and wondered if he was still at home.

When Patrik got home, he called Lin Mu many times, but no one answered. He even went to the cellar to see but he didn't see anyone. He was very flustered, where did Lin Mu go, where is Lin Mu, what happened to his Lin Mu

Patrik frantically ran out of their house to look for Lin Mu.