Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon Fodder

Chapter 20


"So he rejected you?"

The person on the other end of the phone burst out laughing, "Hahaha, your kid has today too!"

"I'm hanging up."

Lin Ji took the phone away with an expressionless face,

"Hey, don't, don't! I'll analyze it with you, you should listen to my analysis before hanging up!"

This kid only called him, the brother, once in 1800 years. Is it easy for him

Lin Yue hurriedly stopped the person, so he couldn't let this aggrieved person feel good about it, really.

"Analysis, you are not allowed to say anything else, or I will call Mom when the time comes."

Halberd threat.

"Chengchengcheng, I promise not to laugh."

Anyway, even if he hung up the phone and laughed, this kid couldn't hear him.

"What do you say."

Lin Ji was very depressed, and he really had no friends, so he would chat with his brother.

"Okay, let me think about what to say."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Yue pressed his throat and whispered to the man who came to ask for a kiss, "My brother." The man with warm eyebrows nodded clearly, but wrapped his hand around his waist with an undeniable domineering, motioning him to lean on him. chat on the body.

Lin Yue also took advantage of the situation to lie down in his arms, and then continued.

"Actually, you said that he doesn't like you, I think you are still very self-aware."

Lin Ji lowered his eyebrows, and there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

"However," Lin Yue was really afraid that his younger brother, who had never been in love since he was a child, would be hit too hard, so he continued to speak quickly, "He probably likes your style, but he just said that he doesn't like you for the time being. To the feelings of liking and love, but at least you are his food, so you have a chance, do you understand?"

Otherwise, who would smash 30 million casually? No matter how rich you are, it is not such a mess.

"But he doesn't like me."

Lin Ji muffled sullenly.

The most ridiculous thing is that at the beginning, he actually knew that Rongqing didn't like him.

As a result, after only a few times, he completely forgot his initial prejudice against Rongqing, delusional that Rongqing likes him.

"Hey, he doesn't like you, so do you like him?"

Lin Yue couldn't hear his lackluster voice, and immediately asked back.

"Of course I..."

A look of pride flashed through Lin Ji's eyes quickly.

The nasty voice he made when he was teasing him, the smirk he didn't care about taking a wet photo of him, and the way he sat behind him and laughed happily, he touched his heart, and there was a bitterness in it. Stuffy feeling.

"I don't know, brother. But I think he likes me."

Lin Yue tilted his head and smashed into the neck of the man behind him.

This is definitely his younger brother, who is precocious and domineering in his small bones.

Intuition comes faster than reason. Before you know whether you like others or not, you want others to like you first. This is the only one in the world.

"Your brother is like me."

The man behind him chuckled softly, his voice extremely low, Lin Yue couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

Isn't it about the same as him? But fortunately, I don't care.

"In that case, why don't you try your best to make him like you? Well, you should be good at it."

After all, he is considered a star, doesn't he still have more than 10 million fans

Lingji is not so sure.

"Is it that simple?"

Lin Yue rolled his eyes, "It's as simple as that, what else do you want? Isn't your purpose just to hope that he likes you? Then you can try to make him like you, right?"

He hasn't enlightened yet, and he will teach others when he is enlightened. Anyway, this person behind him is a ready-made living secret.

The conversation between the two brothers ended here. After all, Linji had to go to film early the next day.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yue suddenly sighed.

"Our mother must have a headache now. I'll let it go. She's still waiting for her little brother to hold her grandson."

But she was also worried that her younger brother was asexual.

"It doesn't matter, isn't there a big sister?"

The man comforted him.

"Let's see. Although we are more open-minded, there are differences between grandsons and grandsons. I will look back and test her tone."

Lin Yue said helplessly. Who made that stinky boy his younger brother

After so many years, that kid has only one thing that bothers him as a big brother.

It's about solving the troubles in my heart. When I was filming the next day, the state of the halberd came back.

On the contrary, I don't know why, Xiao Ziqi, whose filming status has been getting worse and worse recently, he ate a scene ten times in a row today, which made Director Niu yell at him, accusing him that if he didn't act seriously, he would be kicked out of the crew. go out.

"Okay, you go and take a 10-minute break, we'll shoot the rest first. Come here, and we'll go through your scene."

Director Niu endured his anger, waved his hand to tell Xiao Ziqi to get out of the way, and shouted at Linji to get all units to prepare to start filming again.

Xiao Ziqi, who was just about to apologize, stood in the middle of the venue so embarrassedly. Several staff members next to him felt sorry for him, and quickly pulled him and asked him to leave the sight of Director Niu.

Xiao Ziqi was pulled to the side numbly, and stayed in the corner, looking at the spirited halberd in the center of the arena, her fingers gradually pinched into the palm of her hand, leaving a deep mark inside.

It's him again.

This is the halberd again.

Why did Director Niu only like this halberd

Linji Linji Linji, every time he asks himself to find a state, he shoots the scene of Linji first. What does this mean? Are you saying that his acting is not as good as Linji

Or, because of the 30 million.

His expression gradually became cold, Xiao Ziqi stared at the halberd in the center, and suddenly brought up a strange smile.

Not far away, Zhu Xun inadvertently noticed the expression on Xiao Ziqi's face, and with a thump in his heart, he remembered what happened last time, and couldn't help but follow Xiao Ziqi's gaze.

The direction Xiao Ziqi looked at was Linji alone.

as predicted.

But what kind of hatred does this Xiao Ziqi have with Linji

"Okay, this one is over."

Director Niu looked at Linji with ecstasy, came over and patted him on the shoulder affectionately.

"Your boy has been in good shape these two days, and you will continue to maintain it in the future."

With Linji, no matter how much effort Xiao Ziqi wastes on him, he can save a lot of money on Linji.

So it's strange that Director Niu doesn't like Linji.

In contrast, Xiao Ziqing, who always continued, wasted so many times, so naturally he didn't have a good impression in his heart.

As always, Lin Ji couldn't see much emotion on his face, he just nodded slightly to signal that he was ready to go to the side to rest.

Just as Lin Ji sat down, Zhu Xun came over and handed him a bottle of mineral water.

Lin Ji took it over, but there was a hint of inquiry in his eyes. Zhu Xun rarely approached him in the crew. The two of them kept a certain distance on the surface and seemed to have no friendship. it's the best.

Zhu Xun unscrewed the water bottle in his hand and took a sip of water, his eyes seemed to inadvertently swept to 0 Xiao Ziqi.

"Don't say that brother didn't remind you, he just stared at you for a long time, and his expression was a little wrong."

Zhu Xun walked away after drinking the water, as if he just came over to give a bottle of water.

Lin Ji listened to his words, took a sip of boiling water in his eyes, raised his eyebrows and turned his eyes lightly in the direction of Xiao Ziqi.

Xiao Ziqi seemed to be on the phone with someone, his brows and eyes were slightly blooming from the part of his face, and his smile was finally full of laughter, with a hint of shyness.

If he had this kind of acting skills just now, he would not have been asked by the director again.

Linji thought silently in his heart.

Then, not knowing what happened, Xiao Ziqi asked the director to say a word, and the director pushed his role back for a day.

I have been following Xiao Ziqi's Lin Ji and Zhu Xun, and I have some memories in my heart, but no one asked the director why he was secretly vigilant in his heart and continued to film.

The two of them have more roles than Xiao Ziqi, especially Linji, who has his role almost every day. Instead of worrying all the time, it is better to do your part first. As for what Xiao Ziqi wants to do, as long as you keep an eye on him, there should be nothing Too big of a problem.

But nothing happened all afternoon.

Instead, Xiao Ziqi disappeared at some point, and everyone didn't seem to remember his existence, so they continued to film, and the crew seemed to be extremely harmonious for a while.

It wasn't until the filming of Linji's part in the afternoon that he was about to go home to rest when he heard someone in the crew whispering about Xiao Ziqi.

He pretended to glance at it casually, and found that the two female field managers were looking at the mobile phone Weibo.

Xiao Ziqi, what the hell has happened again? Lin Ji thoughtlessly clicked on the phone.

After a hot search on Weibo, I saw news about Xiao Ziqi.

Xiao Ziqi, are you going to make a commercial endorsement

Linji was stunned for a moment, and immediately reflected.

Xiao Ziqi is still an ex-idol after all. It's nothing to make an endorsement for an advertisement. His fans are much more than his own.

He casually clicked in and flipped it twice, frowning gradually.

Some people have a rhythm in Weibo.

At a glance, he found several familiar ids, all of which he had observed himself, the trumpets of several naval teams in the circle.

These sailors are notorious for doing things when they receive money, whether it is shit or urine, and they have a very dirty reputation, but some people love to use them.

And at this moment, they are jumping around under Xiao Ziqi's Weibo.

For a while, I pretended to be an iron fan to wish Xiao Ziqi to win the endorsement, and for a while I cried and asked Xiao Ziqi when the new play would show her face.

Then gradually, the fire of war was brought to Linji.

Overtly and secretly, it all means the same thing.

Their brother Xiao Ziqi has more than 30 million fans, why was he overwhelmed by Linji, who has 10 million fans

The rhythm began to appear in the words, implying that the director wanted traffic but was unwilling to bid the price, so he stepped on the director and Linji together.

Linji kept scrolling down, and suddenly turned to a comment.

Does the author have something to comment on? Please read me out loud!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 20191230 19:11:48~20191231 14:10:17~

Thanks to 1 bottle of little angel tea for irrigating nutrient solution;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!