Transmigrated into A Big Shot’s Cannon Fodder Little Pampered Wife

Chapter 49


Shen Ran didn't react to this prompt. This was the first day of his live broadcast, so why did he finish the task all at once

This is ten million, not one million!

So he hurriedly clicked on the sales statistics in the background, and a large amount of statistics came into view.

The man ordered 12,000 sets of makeup at one time, and there was a note behind the order: female staff benefits.

The ordering party is a private account, which is probably a welfare product distributed to female employees by a large group company.

Looking at the address again, Shen Ran's heart skipped a beat.

The delivery address is the logistics warehouse of Chuanhang Group in the suburbs, which is the industry of Minhang Chuan.

Shen Ran blinked, Min Xingchuan paid him the bill

Yes, only Min Xingchuan knew that he had opened such a website.

He chose to keep it secret in order not to let his family and friends contribute money to help him, so as not to fail the mission.

Min Xingchuan learned that it was a complete accident. He blamed Yu Ge's friend who was hanging the horse for being too high-level. He even broke through the firewall of Min Xingchuan's computer and escaped the anti-virus software. The website was sent to him.

What happened to Minhangchuan

Did he deliberately brush sales for himself

At the headquarters of Chuanhang Group, Minhang Chuan could not remember how many times he worked overtime until the early morning.

It may be that Shen Ran's recent incident has troubled him, and he has been unable to sleep well.

In fact, it doesn't make any difference whether to go back or not. Even if he returns to Min's house, he will face his own empty room.

The off-duty time of the secretary to the president is the same as that of the president, so he often stays up late to work overtime with Min Xingchuan.

Fortunately, the secretary also has a small lounge in the office outside, where he can take a nap occasionally.

However, the secretary also has a lot of work to do tonight, just to go to the anniversary of the establishment of Sichuan Bank.

Because the anniversary happened to be Min Hangchuan's mother's birthday, he would celebrate his mother's birthday by giving benefits to female employees on this day.

Although he was not close to his mother, he would call her every year on her birthday.

Today, Min Hangchuan's mother has long since recovered from the trauma of divorce, and occasionally does charity work. There is a women's and children's foundation, and she will also do something for women's rights and children's rights.

Min Hangchuan couldn't do anything else, so he could only give some small benefits to the female employees.

It happened that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and the long-lost Trojan jumped out again.

Min Xingchuan thought it was a little funny, Shen Ran was catching his computer and hacking it up

So this time, he clicked on that website, and he didn't know if he clicked it. After clicking it, he found out that Shenran's website was already so lively

He also saw Min Yixi on the homepage of this website, and saw Min Yixi looking at the bottle of perfume in front of him with a headache, as if to see it as a flower.

Min Hangchuan was speechless, sent the address of the live broadcast room to the secretary, and said, "Just order this year's anniversary gift package from here!"

There are more than 12,000 female employees in the Chuanxing Group. Even if the secretary has 10,000 doubts in his heart, why does Min always watch this live broadcast website, and why he suddenly worries about the company's welfare, he still doesn't ask anything , worked diligently.

After the purchase, Minhangchuan said with a little thought: "The logistics network we acquired last time probably needs to cooperate with such a website. You can ask the person in charge to contact them tomorrow to see if they have any intentions."

The secretary responded and knew in his heart that it was a cooperation project for the new company.

Mr. Min is really far-sighted, and a small action can attract the cooperation project of the new company.

So the secretary sent a work email to the person in charge of Chuanxing Express, and Minhangchuan finally opened his mouth to get off work.

Shen Ran didn't sleep that night, he felt like he was going crazy.

That night, his server was down three times for about half an hour each time.

Directly asking Chi Haoyu to upgrade the server to the highest level is still not enough.

So he waved his hand and asked Chi Haoyu to buy a server.

Then the question comes again. With the server, where is the computer room

As Xinran's scale became larger and larger, Shenran had to consider changing the office area.

He then took out the yin-yang eye function of the Feng Shui treasure that he had been putting aside from the warehouse, and looked for a suitable office building with a pair of red rabbit eyes.

Xiao Xu asked worriedly: "Mr. Shen, aren't you sleepy? Go to sleep after a while! We're not in a hurry."

Since Xiao Xu saw Shen Ran's ability to make money, he changed his title from Young Master to President Shen.

Shen Ran waved his hand and said, "I can't sleep! What should I do if I'm too excited?"

Although the completion of the task was achieved by a large order from Min Xingchuan, Shen Ran's sales have exceeded 100 million since last night's live broadcast. Complete this task in two days.

Sure enough, it is a successful route that has been verified many times by predecessors. He originally thought that it was a bit exaggerated that a single anchor can achieve billions of sales in one night.

Looking at it now, it's not an exaggeration at all.

The scale of his current website is not large. Four anchors live broadcast and bring goods at the same time, and the number of people has an advantage. Tens of millions in one night really made Shen Ran almost scared.

And the first place was Min Yiyan, because Min Xingchuan ordered 12,000 sets of orders from the address where Min Yiyan threw them.

All of a sudden, Min Yi angered the other anchors by a large margin, and he couldn't catch up anyway.

However, there is a 10% commission in the profit, and the little friends are also working hard, and they have not slept yet.

Even Min Yiyan has been live-streaming, and made several Gundams out of make-up boxes and wrapping paper, expressing that they would like to give away by lottery among the friends who bought the products.

This time his sales are even higher, and he is in the limelight for a while.

The second place is naturally the sales champion Hong Chen. In fact, he should be the first. If there is no group purchase of more than 10,000 sets, Hong Chen will be the first.

The female makeup boss also won a nickname called the Little Prince of Makeup, and the live broadcast received tens of thousands of attention in one night. It can be seen that Shen Ran has a good eye for people.

Tia ranked third. She felt that she had done her best. Who made her fans mostly male

Shen Ran said that next time, she can be an agent of razors or men's daily care products, or use her vision to help men wear clothes, which is also a very good route.

Sasha was at the end of the line. She was too sleepy. She said she had expected it to be at the bottom, but it also created nearly 20 million in sales.

In this way, there is almost a profit of more than one million yuan. Shen Ran promised to give the anchors a 10% profit commission, which is more than one hundred thousand yuan.

Earning hundreds of thousands in one night, even Sasha herself was shaking with excitement.

She didn't expect that she could make so much money in one day, in one night.

She hadn't made this money in her pheasant performance company for three years, but now she can make this kind of money in one night, which is very rare for her who was born with grass roots, so she is content.

But contentment doesn't mean not working hard, even if she is trapped into a dog, Sasha will continue to work hard.

Shen Ran sent a message to everyone in the group, and everyone had to take a break after the broadcast, because Fenli's agency rights are long-term, and this live broadcast stage will last for a week.

After this period is over, Shen Ran will continue to look for other agents.

Qi Xiaoyang couldn't hold it anymore, he slept in the lounge of the venue in the early morning.

Who would have thought that when you wake up in the morning, the friends are still working hard, and the sales have already exploded.

After he saw the message sent by Shen Ran, he immediately asked everyone to rest.

Although sales are important, everyone's body is more important.

At the same time, Shen Ran finally found a suitable office building.

In fact, it is a new building that has just been built. It is not in the CBD business circle in the central area, but a commercial center in Xishan District near the city center.

There is a new commercial center, not yet established.

But Shen Ran took a fancy to it at a glance, not for anything else, just because he used the Yin-Yang Eye skill!

Although there are not many shopping malls in this area, the result of his calculation is: the Shinkansen extending in all directions, the daily Jindoujin koi pond, and the good luck!

Shen Ran read a few meanings from the result of the divination, and asked Xiao Xu: "Is the subway in Xishan District still not connected? Is there any news about where it is?"

Xiao Xu replied: "Not yet, but it should be able to connect. After all, Xishan District has also started to develop now, and transportation facilities will definitely come up. An international airport is being built not far from here. It is said that the airport line has already been planned, but I don't know. Where will the subway station be located.”

As soon as Shen Ran heard it, he knew it immediately. Judging from the hexagrams, there would definitely be a subway station here, at least it wouldn't be too far away.

But now the business district is very cold, there are only a few merchants, and it is said that the lease is still in the free period.

Because the business district has just been delivered, various supporting areas around it are also under construction, and occasionally there are a few customers, but they also see more and buy less.

The property service manager was very enthusiastic. When he heard that Shen Ran wanted to rent an entire commercial building facing the street, he immediately put the benefits in front of Shen Ran. As long as he paid the rent for the next year, he could rent for two years.

The annual rent is not high, and the annual rent is one million.

The construction area of this building is about 1,000 square meters. Because it has not yet become a climate, the rent per square meter is only 3 yuan per day, which is less than 100,000 yuan per month.

The whole rental property is also given a discount, which is one million.

Shen Ran thought for a moment and asked, "If you buy it... how much is it?"

The property manager was stunned and suddenly felt that he had met a big client. He immediately became more enthusiastic and said, "The price of our shop here is 25,000 yuan per square meter. If you buy the whole building, we can call 20% off!"

Shen Ran earned 10 million last night, but it is very difficult to buy this office building with 10 million yuan. Even if it is 20,000 yuan per square meter, the office building of 1,000 square meters will cost 20 million yuan.

He was a little confused, but this was another rare opportunity...

Shen Ran thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea, why not let Dad buy it and rent it out for himself

This can't be regarded as illegal operation. After all, I will pay the rent according to the regular price. As long as it does not directly brush sales, it should not be regarded as a violation.

Just when Shen Ran was thinking about its operability, a call came in.

It was a call from an unfamiliar number. Shen Ran thought for a moment before picking it up. He frowned slightly and listened to the other party: "Hello, we are Sichuan Express here. I wonder if your company has any intention of cooperation?"